Bloomberg’s Everytown Pledges $45 Million to Elect Harris, Anti-Gun Dems

Michael Bloomberg's Everytown group will reportedly spend $45 million to help elect anti-gunners, including Kamala Harris, in November. iStock-1309949931
Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown group will reportedly spend $45 million to help elect anti-gunners, including Kamala Harris, in November. iStock-1309949931

The Washington Post is reporting that the “political arm of Everytown for Gun Safety…plans to spend $45 million…to elect favored candidates” in eight battleground states in order to put gun control candidates in “the White House, House, Senate and local offices.”

According to the report, the Everytown effort “will include a new student organizing drive, with plans to hire 30 new organizers for volunteer recruitment drives at 32 college and university campuses in Arizona, California, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, New York, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.”

There does not appear to be any similar effort by wealthy conservative elitists—which the Far Left claims are hiding around every dark corner of the Donald Trump/’MAGA’ movement—and this age group constitutes a significant bloc of potential voters.

It’s a signal that grassroots Second Amendment activists need to get busy, and also raise a lot of money for the specific purpose of reaching and educating voters in this demographic.

The report says  approximately 80 percent of the aforementioned $45 million will finance television and digital advertising, according to an anonymous source described as “a person familiar with the spending who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly.” At the Washington Post 50 years ago, that individual would be nicknamed “Deep Throat.”

While the report was educational, remarks from WaPo readers provide a glimpse of just how far out in Left Field they are.

“MarkM21” commented, “I wanted Bloomberg in 2020 , was sorry he stepped down, but I’m also glad that he is using his wealth to promote just causes that have been perverted by the far right! We would not have a gun problem, if we had gun laws, like every other democratic country!”

Another respondent, using the identity “johndavidtriopical,” declared, “I fear for America. where to start ? Gun control should have been established long age…an utterly dystopian state of affairs…so much death so much stupidity…thousands men women children murdered every year…murder murder murder bombs bombs bombs.. we have to ask What Makes A Great Country?”

Then along comes “Motor City Matt” who tells other readers to “Follow the Money. Republicans love gun violence. It drives gun sales, NRA membership, campaign contributions from gun manufacturers, and ultimately votes for Republicans.”

Presumptive Democrat nominee Kamala Harris has not publicly said a thing, but considering her past positions on gun control and “mandatory buybacks” of semiautomatic rifles—which are now being walked back by the campaign, according to the New York Times—she doesn’t need to solidify her bonafides with the Everytown crowd.

According to a Sept. 17, 2019 Fox News report, then-Sen. Harris “expressed her support for a mandatory buyback program for ‘assault weapons’” during an appearance on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. The Fox story quoted Harris stating, “A buyback program is a good idea. Now we need to do it the right way.”

Critics are quick to note there is no “right way” to force someone to surrender their legally-purchased firearm, even with some sort of monetary reimbursement. It is what grassroots activists have dubbed “compensated confiscation.”

The New York Times report details many of Harris’ past positions, which her campaign is now feverishly trying to water down or deny completely by claiming she has changed her mind. This is how the NYT describes the vice president’s efforts to re-write history or re-invent herself for 2024 voters: “The Harris campaign will rebut most of Republicans’ attacks by arguing that they are exaggerating or lying about her record, said a campaign official briefed on the plans who was not authorized to discuss them publicly. Her campaign plans to lean into her record as a local prosecutor and state attorney general to burnish her image as a candidate with deep ties to law enforcement.” (There’s another one of those unidentified deep cover sources without any “authority” to say anything.)

The WaPo, incidentally, describes Everytown as a “gun regulation group,” which is at least a bit more honest than calling it a “gun safety” group.

At the same time, the NYT report laments about how “video clips of her old statements and interviews are being weaponized as Republicans aim to define her as a left-wing radical who is out of step with swing voters.”

America’s “gun voters” should not lose sight of the “big picture” effort being mounted by Everytown: throwing big money into down ballot races in battleground states. The WaPo article reveals that Everytown is opening new field offices in Arizona, Pennsylvania and Michigan. The report also noted that Everytown subsidiaries—Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action—have endorsed Harris for president, which should surprise nobody.

At its website, Everytown may not be doing Harris any favors with this news release. It essentially makes Harris an owner of the Biden-Harris administration’s extremist gun ban agenda.

“Throughout her career,” says Angela Ferrell-Zabala, executive director of Moms Demand Action, “Vice President Harris has shaped gun safety policy to protect survivors, invest in communities, and get firearms out of the hands of people who shouldn’t have them.”

“Vice President Kamala Harris has helped lead the strongest gun safety administration in American history, with accomplishments that include breaking the 30-year logjam on federal gun safety legislation and taking historic executive actions to combat gun trafficking and ghost guns,” said John Feinblatt, president of Everytown for Gun Safety. “There’s a reason Vice President Harris was tapped to oversee the first-ever White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention: She’s long been a steadfast and effective champion of  common sense laws to create safer communities. The ‘guns everywhere’ agenda promoted by Trump and Vance flies in the face of both common sense and public opinion, and Everytown’s top priority will be helping Vice President Harris counter their violent vision and win in November.”

Aside from the effort to perpetuate the “guns everywhere” myth Everytown has accused the NRA and now Donald Trump and J.D. Vance of pursuing, the news release simply reminds U.S. gun owners about who are their friends, and who is their foe.

About Dave Workman

Dave Workman is a senior editor at and Liberty Park Press, author of multiple books on the Right to Keep & Bear Arms, and formerly an NRA-certified firearms instructor.Dave Workman

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“She’s been an effective champion”? No, she has NOT, as not a single uncommon sense law infringing on our rights has reduced violence nor prevented a criminal from carrying out their crimes.


Amen!!! Drop the mike, end of story.


No way. Even if you gave me every penny I spent for it would I ever turn it in. Our AR15 is one of the best steps to defense regardless of what O’biDUMB or Kamalatoe says.


I’d turn in my PSA-parts gun if compensation included a SCAR, Tavor or some such. Why not turn in junk for quality? If they’re only offering cash – maybe for enough. I can only shoot one at a time anyway… Offer $1000 for a stripped lower and I’d probably go for it while kicking myself for not having collected a pile of them when they’ve been cheap. Not banned yet – maybe I have to stop demonstrating restraint and build an arsenal – or whatever you call a significant gun collection. Any reason I shouldn’t own 100s of AR’s lowers?… Read more »


The left refers to anyone who has more than 5 guns as having an arsenal all the time. Only militaries have arsenals, we have collections. That information was provided to me by the police at my CCW training for legal purposes if you ever go to court. The other is that we do not have weapons, we shoot guns and that you want to find out what your local law enforcement uses for ammo and shoot that to protect yourself and never, never, ever, use your home made ammo because if you do, immediately they will accuse you of making… Read more »


OK. I have a tiny collection – but may change that… You are correct. Mine are dual purpose: remote paper punch or steel ringer — though honestly more often missing into backstop. In traffic stop – if cop asks whether I have any weapons “No weapons but I do have a gun and several knives scattered about (lost in seat or glove box mostly). Oh wait – I do have a two ton projectile loaded with 20 gallons of low grade explosive fluid – does that count?” My local PD uses all frangibles. I understand those to be less effective… Read more »


practice makes perfect


It must be nice to have an extra $45,000,000.00 lying around to throw into political campaigns. Meanwhile, our side doesn’t have enough to fund all the law suits needed to fight the unconstitutional gun laws passed by the beneficiaries of Bloomberg’s cash.

Old Dog

If we got back the misappropriated funds from the NRA it would be a good step in the right direction.


why does bloomturd want your guns? he’s a jew and should know what happens when guns are taken from citizens. or maybe he remember what hitler did when he took germany’s guns and the slaughter of bloomturd’s people and want payback.

Old Dog

None are as blind as those that don’t want to see.


Well stated!

Dindunuffins Shekelstein

Morning There are days when I wonder how some Americans view the truth and they refusal to educate themselves before voting. Why has Harris not taken her husbands name in marriage? Douglas Craig Emhoff – Vice President Kamala Harris Married to Harris since 2014, Emhoff left the Los Angeles office of the law firm of DLA Piper after Harris was elected with President Joe Biden. While Mr. Emhoff’s fund-raising prowess and connections in the legal community in both Washington and Los Angeles were seen as strengths when his wife was challenging Mr. Biden for the presidential nomination, they loomed as a… Read more »


almost like an auction,highest bidder wins the office

Dindunuffins Shekelstein

Tell me again what tribe Bloomberg belongs to? It’s all just one big cohen cidence goy.