Despite Assassination Attempt, Trump Stands Firm on 2nd Amendment as Harris & Walz Want Confiscation


In a recent press conference, former President Donald Trump made it abundantly clear that his commitment to the Second Amendment remains unwavering, even in the face of a personal assassination attempt that came fractions of an inch from ending his life and left him shot and bleeding from his head.

The weapon used by the now-dead would-be assassin was an AR-15, the most popular and most owned rifle in America, a rifle that has become a symbol in the debate over gun rights in America. Yet, despite the incident, Trump firmly stood his ground on our right to keep and bear arms.

His declaration underscores a critical divide in the upcoming presidential race. On one side, we have Trump, who has stood by the rights of Americans to bear arms, believing that “people need guns for protection.” On the other, we have Kamala Harris, a candidate who has spent much of her career attempting to curtail these rights and who now faces the impossible task of distancing herself from her own record.

Harris’s track record on gun control is extensive and troubling for anyone who values the Second Amendment. As a politician in California, she famously denied that the Second Amendment protects an individual’s right to keep and bear arms unrelated to militia service. Even when the Supreme Court of the United States ruled otherwise, Harris clung to her interpretation, putting her at odds with mainstream American opinion.

In 2020, as a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, Harris openly mocked then-candidate Joe Biden’s reluctance to use executive authority to ban so-called “assault weapons.” Her stance was clear: she was willing to push for policies that even Biden admitted were unconstitutional. Today, however, as she faces the American electorate, Harris is attempting to rewrite history, downplaying her previous positions and hoping voters forget her radical past.

Adding to the ticket is Tim Walz, Harris’s running mate, whose history is equally anti-gun.

Once a pro-gun politician with an “A” rating from the NRA (for what that is worth), Walz made a sharp turn to the left when he ran for governor of Minnesota. His dramatic change of heart—some might say it was more a change of political convenience—has left many gun owners feeling betrayed. Walz went from supporting gun rights to advocating for universal background checks, opposing concealed carry reciprocity, and calling for an “assault weapons” ban.

Walz’s credibility takes another hit with accusations of stolen valor. Despite his claims of carrying “weapons of war” during his military service, records show he never served in a combat zone. Walz has also been criticized for retiring early to avoid a deployment to Iraq, which raises serious questions about his integrity and commitment to the values he professes to uphold.

The contrast between Trump and the Harris-Walz ticket could not be starker.

Trump’s steadfast defense of the Second Amendment, even after being shot by an AR-15, speaks volumes about his commitment to the rights of law-abiding Americans. Meanwhile, Harris and Walz are attempting to mask their pasts, hoping voters won’t notice their inconsistencies and their willingness to sacrifice constitutional rights for political gain.

As we approach Election Day, gun voters must remember where the candidates stand—not just where they say they stand today but where they have stood throughout their careers. Harris and Walz have shown they are willing to change their positions when it suits them and their masters, but Trump’s resolve remains firm.

For those who value the Second Amendment, the choice is clear.

Read Related: Who Is Really To Blame For The ATF Bump Stock Ban Rule?

About Tred Law

Tred Law is your everyday patriot with a deep love for this country and a no-compromise approach to the Second Amendment. He does not write articles for Ammoland every week, but when he does write, it is usually about liberals Fing with his right to keep and bear arms.

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Trump is obviously the best of the lot we’re being offered.

But he’s “got some ‘splainin’ to do” about his missteps on bump stocks and ERPOs

On the surface, his stance on “our beautiful Second Amendment” is on par with what passes for a conservative in New Yawk: i.e. he claims to support it but knows squat about what it says or why it was adopted in the first place.

Here’s a hint, Donnie. It doesn’t have anything to do with ducks.


I think if the NRA hadn’t been giving him a bunch of BS on bump stocks and red flag laws, Trump might…MIGHT have done things differently.


Pillow talk. Our gun rights are on the table with Trump. I feel he would trade them for whatever he thought he could get for them if he needed to. I will be voting for him of course. Because the choices are crappy. He has been controlling his mouth impressively well this campaign. Except for the Joe Rogan rage-fest. I hope he can pull it off. Gun owners need to pin him now, before the election and get hard promises.

Henry Bowman

His sons, particularly Eric, are extremely pro-2A. Even moreso with JD Vance. Trump filled more judicial openings than any other POTUS in history, and the vast overwhelming number of those judges are solidly pro-2A. When have we ever seen a President with a 100% pro-2A record?!? Certainly not in the last century! But everyone wants to focus exclusively on Trump’s 2 mistakes, mistakes that were because of WAYNE EFFING LAPIERRE TELLING TRUMP THAT THE NRA WOULD NOT BACK HIM IF HE DIDN’T DELIVER ON BUMPSTOCKS & RED FLAGS! The problem was never Trump. It’s always been the NRA selling us… Read more »


Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t George W. Bush, NOT do anything anti gun?
Not a fan of his, just wondering.

Henry Bowman

No, I know he signed some stuff, I just don’t recall what exactly, it was 20 years ago. What I do remember is that it was tucked into a “must-pass” appropriations bill. The GOP controlled both houses of Congress but at the time, this was mostly RINOs and neocons. It was a time of great disillusionment for me and one of the things that pushed me deeper into the libertarian camp. Voted for Ron Paul twice…


Coming of age during the Bush/Obama years, really did make me disillusioned with the parties and the establishment.
At first I thought I was a Republican. Then grew old enough to see what they said, and what they actually did. Then I thought I was a conservative, but then, after Trump came on the scene saying he wanted to build a wall, and end the forever wars and build stuff in America again and the “conservatives” went ape shit, well, now I’m independent.

Henry Bowman

Sounds similar to my evolution. I saw how evil and anti-freedom the Dems were from an early age. By the time I was old enough to vote, I was a hardcore conservative Republican. Now I’m a “small-L” libertarian. Specifically, the AnCap variety (anarchocapitalist). Ideological heroes include Hans Hoppe, Murray Rothbard, and Rose Wilder Lane (one of the “three furies of libertarianism” that included Ayn Rand, author of ‘Atlas Shrugged’).


Interesting. I saved the names, I’ll look them up when I have more time.


your nra sticker is full of errors. do better.

Henry Bowman

No errors. This was compiled by several of us here in the Ammoland comments section. It’s probably not exhaustively complete, but that’s OK because this is just a meme.

If you’re an NRA simp/fudd, you do better.


Ok, if he’s NRA sticker’s wrong, then why don’t you explain for us what the NRA has done that’s PRO GUN?

Henry Bowman

That’s a question I still don’t have an answer to, if one isn’t counting gunowner education as part of that label (and I don’t). To me, 2A activism against all infringements is what’s pro-2A. The NRA has always given their members the mushroom treatment (shovel shit on them and keep ’em in the dark).


I agree, training, competitions, it’s nice, but NOT 2A activism.

Wild Bill

Financial backing for and finding sympathetic plaintiffs for cases against legislative and bureaucratic gun grabbing. If I were to type just the current cases, it would take me all day long.


Once per decade…


And no donations to the NRA until there’s real reform. First, fire Brewer. Second, fire all corrupt officers. Three, bring NRA into compliance with all laws. And four, end all financial abuse.
Then we can talk about supporting the NRA.


Why don’t you just write a list of the NRA’s CURRENT efforts… Shouldn’t take ten seconds.


I once worked for a “large public futility.” Let’s just go with the movie “The President’s Analyst” and call this real life company by it’s movie nickname: TPC. In one particular job assignment I watched one of our clerks “do” every male manager she could (most of them) and even some of the females managers in her quest to become our second level manager’s executive assistant. God in Heaven how we came to hate that b*tch. Kamala Harris started her political career by having an affair with the married mayor of San Fransisco and later State Assembly Speaker Willie Brown.… Read more »


You know, the lesser of two evils seems to be what it has always been for me at age 66. I think at times both sides are working together against We the People but the results is in the pudding as my mom used to say. I can take Ronnies saying of how much better off are you today than 4 years ago and I can honestly say, things were better under Trump but I lost my ass because of 2008 and that was Bush, but I still vote because if you don’t you let the devil win for sure… Read more »


Nah, 2A for Trump gains him very little. He’s simply not a chatterbox when it come to 2A. Trump wins if he can stick messaging on the three biggest dinner table topics of Economy, Energy, Diplomacy. The commies have no working policies on just those three items.


I have news for Kamala and Tim , ain’t nobody confiscating a single firearm without a civil war . This is America and the Britts tried this bullshit already and FAILED !


Don’t forget Australia and New Zeeland especially during covid.


Then they’ll just send in ATF SWAT and blow your brains out. They’ve done that already. Gotta be careful how you say things online. The NSA’s always reading.


Yep. But the Patriots should know, just a spark away from a forest fire. 159 days from now if November fraud prevails.

Roland T. Gunner

I don’t know that President Trump waa particularly pro-2A during his first term, or even during his second term that was stolen from him. Hopefully he will explode out of the gates when he begins his third term in January, firmly guided by GOA, FPC, et al. And would somebody please explain to me the animus of the left over concealed carry reciprocity? Do they really think we have a problem with John Q Law Abiding Citizen, who carries a compact polymer pistol day in and day out in Texas, taking a couple of weeks off work, and driving to… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Roland T. Gunner

Hi RTG. They are afraid of all guns unless they are in the hands of the military, LEO’s or the hands of their body guards.

They don’t trust John Q because they don’t trust themselves and the reason why is because they are without God, they are evil and twisted and in their minds everyone is just like them.

The difference between R vs D is D=insanity and letting feelings guide your judgement and R=common sense and logic. Never the twain shall meet.

Trump 2024


The answer’s simple. Tyrants can’t have a free thinking and armed populace. Plain and simple.


2A is not a winning topic in politics. Economy, Energy, and Diplomacy are. Trump is like +30 on all three EED issues.


So now he wants Saudi Arabia to break their Abraham accords and side with Hamas? Somebody gotta do something with him and fast. Maybe twenty fifth him so we can impeach Harry’s ass.


Hamas/Harris! pretty close in my books.

Bill B

Trump is a squishy moderate at best on gun rights. If you call supporting Red Flag gun confiscations and supporting the Bump Stock ban STANDING STRONG then we see things very differently. We haven’t had a real true pro gun president since the 50’s or early 60’s. Since then they all have given ground on our gun rights. Unless we refuse to compromise and refuse to comply with any gun restrictions they make law we will be Australia or Britain in less than a decade.
You do not compromise one inch when it comes to your rights!


You don’t compromise, but you still need to vote efficiently. If you don’t vote, you have no right to bitch about it. This November you have a choice of two……period. You can choose what will no doubt be worse than it is now or you can go back to someone who did the job and better than anyone in the White House since Reagan. I know what I would prefer even if Trump made mistakes on Gun Control. He knows better now and if he doesn’t, it will still be better than what is coming from them dims.

Henry Bowman

Truth! But Reagan screwed up worse than Trump: Trump never signed anti-gun legislation, whereas Reagan went ahead & signed FOPA with the Hughes Amendment attached. And what did we get for FOPA? Nothing! In fact, things got WORSE! Ruby Ridge and the murders of Vicki & Sammy Weaver, the Waco massacre, gun owners getting murdered in their homes (like that airport manager a few months ago) and yet still more ATF gun-owner abuse in clear violation of FOPA, and last but not least, the ATF’s ILLEGAL 1 BILLION+ GUN REGISTRY! We have not had a truly pro-2A POTUS, or Congress… Read more »


“Trump never signed anti-gun legislation…”

That’s not accurate. He signed the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2018 which included the anti-2A legislation known as FixNICS. That legislation expanded the unconstitutional background check system which has a more than 95% false positive rate. Potentially millions more Americans will be denied their right to purchase a firearm because of it and may be targeted by the ATF.

It may not be as egregious of an infringement as the Mulford Act and Hughes Amendment but we must be honest and accurate especially when it comes to holding our politicians accountable.

Henry Bowman

Generally I’m pretty up-to-speed on 2A news and legislative stuff, and I simply do not remember this. OK, correction noted, but still, Trump did far more good than this mistake. BTW, did he even know this was in the bill?? I ask because appropriations bills are almost always 99.9999% of the time ‘omnibus’ bills that are considered “must pass” by Congress. Add to that the fact that Trump, being a NYC native, knows practically nothing about guns & the 2A. It all seems to add up to him making a mistake without realizing it. I hope I’m right but in… Read more »


The anti-2A part of that legislation was authored by none other than our very own traitor, John Cornyn. Trump may have not known what was in it but that’s even more of a reason why he should never have signed it. He, and every other politician, should be criticized for signing massive bills into law that they have never read. You also have to consider the fact that Trump had been calling for increased background checks on numerous occasions. He even said in a Tweet on 3/12/2018, “Very strong improvement and strengthening of background checks will be fully backed by… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Stag
Henry Bowman

That too is probably rooted in ignorance. I doubt most politicians in DC know what is involved in doing a background check (BGC). I’m in Minnesota’s 8th district [Pete Stauber (R)], and my congressman was a cop. We know Trump was never that obviously, so he probably has assumed there’s room for improvement. If that’s the case, then he’s accidentally correct, but not in a good way because what will be presented to him will be the freedom-killing ‘universal BGC’ variety. The true and ONLY way to fix NICS is to replace it with BIDS. That stands for Blind Identification… Read more »


So long as its not the NRA, not a bad idea.

Henry Bowman

NRA opposed BIDS. GOA supports it.


Other than ofttimes being uncomfortable with Trump’s unhinged rhetoric, I’ll vote for him. His being only 95% with us in 2A doesn’t put me off, as it does some fellow gunnies.


While Trump hasn’t been a “career politician” he is still a politician.

Bill B

And you trust a politician far less than you can pick them up and throw them. I TRUST NO POLITICIAN WHEN IT COMES TO MY FREEDOM. They all have a price that they will sell us out for.


How many politicians has the CIA tried to assassinate? Not many. But they shot Trump.


Okay, I get your play here but don’t agree with the statement. I would say he IS a politicain but not for the same reasons as most. He doesn’t need money nor power because he already has power because he has money.
Why does he do it, then? I think he is doing it because I believe him when he says he is doing it for America and Freedom.


And neither Twiddledadumbass or Twiddledacowardass Commie fits that bill!


OM, 7days ago but I figure the post is still good.

and the only thing standing in there way from making us a socialist country and DEMONrat swamp rule is him.


Hard to shovel shit with out getting some on you .

Henry Bowman

A ‘politician’ that loves America so much that he took a bullet to save us from eternal marxist enslavement!

He is not the same.


The last “politician” the CIA shot was JFK. Both Trump and JFK wanted to destroy the CIA and entire deep state.

Henry Bowman

Don’t forget Reagan! Hinckley’s dad was tight with George H.W. Bush from their time in the CIA. And ol’ Poppy was the CIA point man on the JFK hit.


YES! Candace Owens did a show on the Trump assassination attempt, and brought up Reagan.
She said just 4 days prior to Hinkley shooting Reagan, Hinkley’s folks were having dinner with the Bush’s in Denver…

Henry Bowman

–Over the target…–


A “politician” that the CIA shot…


If Trump has “unhinged rhetoric”, what do you call his opponents rhetoric?


Well Kamala can suck the chrome off a trailer hitch… But she is getting a little long in the the tooth these days…


Today Rebecca Lavrenz is being sentenced for praying in the capital during J-6. I would appreciate your prayers that her sentence is dropped or that she spends no jail time and though she can be fined 125,000.00 that she not be fined at all.

Thank you!!!


You must see the bigger picture. Soon, when people like Soros buys up all the media outlets, they will limit church services on TV to like 30min per week and limited to just one TV channel. Commies don’t like guns or Christianity.


I am not sure that will ever happen here. It might for a while but how are you going to stop signals coming in from other countries on dish and direct. Her sentence is 7 months to house arrest and 103,000 in fines. Her business is a bed and breakfast and she can order groceries delivered so she can run her business and the fine is less than she made on go fund me and off of Trumps page. I have a feeling it was a Christian judge that did what he had to do at a bare minimum because… Read more »


Why are most of you hung up on Trump banning Bump Stock? Trump bad, anti-second amendment, bad, bad. I bet Trump didn’t even know what a bump stock was, just listened to his advisors and NRA clowns to appease voters after the LV massacre. I get it, any thing banned that is firearm related is bad. But how many of you owned a bump stock? I bet very few. Only bump stock I ever saw were at Gun Shows. I’m guessing most bump stock buyers, were immature buck toothed idiots that enjoy wasting expensive ammo. Over all, Trump was wrong… Read more »


Thanks for the laugh. Tampon Tim, I love it.


Does it really matter? Lol. Spread the word.


LMAO. I think it should be a wrap tune so the left will listen.

I have a theme song for them. Check this out.

Trump 2024


That works for me. We need to let people know that the advancement of Obidum effected us terribly and is worse than Obummer and if we get Kamalatoe it will be even worse.


OV Rodger on the nothing as lawless a government. They have made clear that they are above the law too many times and to say we have a tyrannist government to me is an understatement. Since their attempted assai nation on Trump I look at them the same as the Gestpo SS.

Last edited 1 month ago by musicman44mag

music … They are they proved it !




Lol, well at least they actually got something right!!!!


Oldvet. What? I haven’t heard anything about that, it’s been all kamalatoe this kamalatoe that and lies lies lies.

I will have to look that up. Hope they aren’t
American astronauts.


Wow, the most recent information I could find was from July 9 and they said that they are uncertain when they will come back. Looks like a job for spaceX to come to the rescue on. Please don’t let it be the Russians.


LOL, thanks for that. We all need to smile everyday that we can.


I was told that they are going to try to send it back unmanned. They do not want to risk it failing with the astronauts on board. It is a retro jet malfunction and they are trying to analyze it before they try to separate.


held for approval!….. it wasn’t long or in any way nasty…….nada, nothing


Yeah could be….however, yesterday, I went as far as saying that Get Out and Nick might be the same person. I called them duploid personalities. heh, heh.


He will run her just like he did ObiDUMB and we will have O’kamaltoe 3


Why am I not surprised. I heard he is running her campaign.


Oldvet. Did you hear that there are multiple people that have found there have been contributions in the hundred of thousands of dollars in their name and they knew nothing about it? Seems that they have the system set up, where an ononimus doner can donate under someone else’s name and all they need is the persons information. That has been happening in thousands of peoples names and to the tune of millions of dollars. Republicans are trying to change that and block it off right now. When it comes to dirty pool and being the lowest of the low,… Read more »


Good point. If I found out, I would report it because the IRS is going to want to know where you got the money from.


Oh, I am sure they will do an investigation but since it is the left doing it, they won’t be able to figure out who the people are, like usual.


I think we should make a new set of rules. Since over a billion people watched the interview between Trump and Musk, it is obvious the whole world is concerned what happens here in America because it must effect them.

That being the case, I think we should be able to arrange our elections to make them the free and fair elections like the democrats are doing with the invaders. We need to allow all countries to vote in our elections but they can only vote Republican. Sarcasm

Sounds fair to me!!!!!!


Have to get ready to go out to dinner with the gang. Don’t want to leave you hanging so I will let you go.

Take care it’s been fun. Might fire it back up later tonight, depending, if not, I will be back tomorrow.

Have a good evening.


I think that Obummer changed that. I remember that it was illegal to wear a uniform and medals back in my day but obummer changed the law so liars could lie.


Thanks, I didn’t hear that part. I need to check it out. If it went the way I think it does than maybe kamlatoes VP elect should be coming up on charges?


Yes and often they change the information from what it really is to what the left wants as well as omits the truth. I don’t trust them and I am tired of them always being the number one company that comes up when you want a definition for something. For example. Look up Redneck. Wikipedia Redneck is a derogatory term mainly, but not exclusively, applied to white Americans perceived to be crass and unsophisticated, closely associated with rural whites of the Southern United States.[1][2] Me: It does talk about white farmers having red necks but back in the 50’s the dictionary referred to migrant… Read more »


Fraudulent claims about military service! He lied about going to war. Time to fine his ass!!! Make it public knowledge and then deny his possibility of being a VP because he is no longer a member of society in good standing. Shown Here:Public Law No: 113-12 (06/03/2013)(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced. The summary of that version is repeated here.) Stolen Valor Act of 2013 – Amends the federal criminal code to rewrite provisions relating to fraudulent claims about military service to subject to a fine, imprisonment for not more than one year, or both an… Read more »


Oh, you got that so right but right now talking about what an ass he is constantly and putting the word out might be worth more if it hurts Kamalatoe.


LOL, you know if it is up to him to forfeit he won’t do it and they would have to be taken from him which would never happen in todays WOKE military.


Well, the problem with that OV, is the same problem that we have with them: The commies turn off Trump and Vance when they speak, just as we won’t listen to Kamala’s nonsense. The die has been cast, the truth is out there, but who will listen?Surely not Congress……….75% of the house isn’t even capable of thought on their own. All they care about is staying in office so they can pad their bank accounts. The only hope either party has is that there are enough independent thinkers out there that have a thirst for the Truth and will listen… Read more »

Get Out

During his service he earned a Global War on Terrorism medal although it’s unclear if it was a service or expeditionary award, according to Army Lt. Col. Kristen Augé, a spokesperson for the Minnesota National Guard. The primary difference between the two awards is that the service medal is intended for those who performed support duty within the United States, while the expeditionary medal recognizes those who were deployed to foreign countries. The Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal (GWOT-EM) can be awarded with a Service Star to represent deployments in support of approved GWOT operations12. The initial award of the GWOT-EM is the medal only, without a Service Star. Subsequent qualifications for the GWOT-EM… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Get Out

I don’t know, he might like that depending on what his sick LGBTQ WOKE democrat buddies do with him.


Cool, I like and lets add that government that is supposed to support a law that you cannot protest in front of a Supreme court judges home will be removed from office and cannot serve in state or federal government for the remainder of their lives.


Whoever was responsible for the judges protection. Oh, you mean getting stripped and being a bend over Billy? Insert any demonrat’s name because they are all the perverted same.


I know, I was teasing but I bet he would enjoy the latter. LOL

Get Out

Nice, does trump or his lawyers not realize they may have just re-opened the door to trumps classified documents case? When trumps dump was raided the gov. had a warrant to search for classified documents. The gov. would have to present their reasoning and proof of illegally stored classified in court. If I remember correctly trump didn’t want any of that classified documents evidence to be presented in court.


Ever heard of double jeopardy? That’s right, wackopedia didn’t steer you that way, did it?

Get Out

No, that would be the 5th Amendment. The former criminal (felon) in chief hadn’t gone to court and was never prosecuted for his crimes.

Under the Fifth Amendment’s protection against double jeopardy, you cannot be prosecuted for the same offense twice. However, when this protection applies depends on how far a case gets in the criminal justice system.


What you talkin’ about Willis? S*** for brains scum? You are so lost that you answer 5 day old comments. WOW…..

Get Out

Hee-yaw dude, appears you’re wetting yourself again over nothing, but now that you’ve been properly schooled concerning the 5th Amendment you can pass your newfound knowledge on to others who are confused what double jeopardy is.

Get Out

Trump is a known criminal, and criminals are going to be criminals, and the FBI are armed and would probably bring them to a raid on a known criminal’s house. Pictures I’ve seen show long arms out and pistols still holstered. Can you provide picture to the contrary? An unnamed law enforcement official told CBS News, the BBC’s US partner, that the Secret Service was notified shortly before the warrant was served at about 10:00 local time (14:00 GMT) and that agents protecting Mr. Trump helped the FBI investigators. (BTW, Trump wasn’t even at Mar-a -Lago as it was shuttered… Read more »

Get Out

Grinning here every time you post this insane balderdash, you can take pride in one thing you and trump share is vacuous remarks.


The reason people care about bumpstocks is because it set a precedent of banning things via executive action and bureaucratic orders. Look at what happened directly following the bumpstock ban. The ATF then tries to go after braces and forced reset triggers.


Hi Stag, So are you saying that bumpstocks were banned by executive action? I do not think that was the case.They were banned by the ATF changing the rule on them. I do not believe that Trump signed anything to ban them. I could be wrong. He did ask the DOJ to look into them after all the folks from the ATF and the FBI stated that they were all used in the Las Vegas Massacre. That was all a set-up and I am pretty sure almost everyone here would agree with me on that. At the time Trump had… Read more »


Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying because that’s exactly what happened. The POTUS (who is the head of the executive branch of government) directed the DOJ (part of the executive branch) to do something about bumpstocks. The DOJ, via the ATF (also part of the executive branch), then decided to reverse their previous decisions concerning bumpstocks because the boss gets what the boss wants otherwise heads will roll. Here is the statement released by the DOJ concerning the memorandum issued by Trump to them concerning bumpstocks: And here is the memorandum issued by Trump directing them to take action… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Stag
Wild Bill

There is no denying that the alphabet of agencies are all greedy for power. There is just no denying that. The ATF may have been planning the bump stock fiasco even without an off hand comment by the Executive. I could be wrong.

Last edited 1 month ago by Wild Bill

You’re not wrong….Why did Las Vegas happen? Was it not to try and blame bump stocks for the massacre, and kill another patsy? AND take away some more gun rights! It is simple……..not too many folks have black ops helicopters at their disposal.


awaiting approval again. All I can see are bars from ceiling to floor and an almost empty plate of stale bread and beans. Goodnight sweet Prince.


Wow, good way to win over people by calling them “buck toothed idiots”.
In your last paragraph you answer the question posed in your first… Principle. Gun laws, as with any other sector, is a slippery slope. One little thing, leads to something a little bigger, then a littler bigger, and so on.

Get Out
Get Out

So, which is it? Was video taken of the COVID lockdown or the curfew implemented during the George Floys riots? You do know that the two incidents were separate, right?
BTW, had you bothered to check the link provided, you’ll find that trump approved of the action taken by Gov. Walz.
You need to post the URL or page links, so people don’t have to go into search mode to find sources you fail to reference in your posts.

Last edited 1 month ago by Get Out
Wild Bill

Why would then governor Waltz need President Trump’s approval? Why do you think that you can order commenters around? Typical democrat. I bet you’d keep your orders to yourself if the conversation were in person.


Be careful Bill. He is liable to switch over to Nick, and it is not even night, yet.

Get Out

I take it you didn’t click on the link either.

Audio obtained by CBS News, Trump is heard saying, “I know Governor Walz is on the phone, and we spoke, and I fully agree with the way he handled it the last couple of days.”

Audio shows Trump praised Walz in 2020 for handling of George Floyd riots (

Get Out

Whoop-wee, a couple of you are getting a bit heated and has digressed to name calling when you are called on a fallacy and given proof to the contrary.

Get Out

You should hire a fact checker for yourself because of the bogus lies, information or incidents you try to pass as facts here.

Wild Bill

What are “bogus lies”?


They (bogus lies) are truth. I don’t believe he was taught English or any other language in school, that is; if he actually went to school.

Get Out

The lies list is so long, let’s start with the trump lie’s that the 2020 election was stolen, the coronavirus was under control, trump didn’t know about the payments to Stormy Daniels, windmill noise causes cancer etc.

BTW, trump made 30,573 false or misleading claims between his first day in office, on 20 January 2017, and his final day on Wednesday, when Joe Biden was sworn in as the country’s next president. He’s been racking up the lies daily. Google it, and by all means insert huge guffaws here. 

Get Out

Did you mean confidant, not confident?

Get Out

Stop it, my sides are splitting…horse​laughing.

Get Out

OV, other media outlets rate your federalist news source is questionable.

  • Overall, we rate The Federalist Questionable and far-Right Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that always favor the right and promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, and numerous failed fact checks.
Wild Bill

I don’t think that the mainstream “media outlets” (upon which you base your arguement) are credible, unbiased, fiduciaries of the public’s interest… just more mud silingers with an agenda.

Wild Bill

Fact checking is so corrupt that it is unworty of belief.

Wild Bill

sounds like assault and battery to me. Just another reason to live outside the city limits.

Last edited 1 month ago by Wild Bill

Mental illness has gone unchecked for decades. Over the years there has been various things where people tried to make lots of money from mental illness, like psych wards. Psychiatrists make money from mental illness without never really treating or researching the issue. Gender dysphoria is real, it’s also a mental illness.


If (if) the commies win again by fraud, let’s see what happens when they try to do gun grab. From the chatter I hear, there will be 0 (zero) compliance with any gun grab BS.


Hint: politicians will say any bullshit that gets them elected.

Or does this mean we are also to take the crap that spews out of Harris’s mouth as gospel too?


Only stale cum spews from the Kacklers mouth.


Campaign slogan:
Cum along with Kammy!


I like my women a little less… um… used…


She’s too stupid to know what it means.


I’m going to vote for him, but I give his 2A rating a well deserved C+. Didn’t care for the bumpstock ban or minimum age requirement red flag laws expanded background checks.. in Oregon, appointment to Federal Court of Karin Immergut (anti constitution) How about Trump on silencers? “I’d like to think about it. I mean nobody’s talking about silencers very much. I did talk about the bump stock and we had it banned and we’re looking at that. I’m going to seriously look at it. I don’t love the idea of it,” the president told Piers Morgan on Good… Read more »


I totally agree with your comments about Trump and I realize what it is about him that makes us both unhappy with some of his performance but I praise God that you are going to vote for him anyway because you are smart enough to realize that if you vote for Kamalatoe you will get worse.

Trump/Vance 2024


Trump’s not a gun guy, obviously. And years of milktoast advice from the NRA didn’t help. But… The CIA shot Trump… What’s that tell you? If Trump’s their enemy, then I’m voting for him.


Dancing around the issues without addressing the questions shall henceforth be known as the “Harris Walz”

VeepThroat/ Awolz 2024


I don’t see how the writer of the article can say such glowing things about Trump’s 2A record. Bump stocks? Red flag laws? Remember? I think the problem for Trump then, was he isn’t a gun guy, and the NRA was telling him, they were ok to implement. I’m not excusing Trump, just reminding everyone, the NRA openly say bump stocks bad, and was wishy washy on red flag laws in the beginning. What I think is with Trump, if gun groups, no compromise gun groups, like GOA get in his ear, and he’ll listen. Not to say he’ll go… Read more »


Long time no see, fellas… I’m just here to tell yall… Kamala is going to “win”… You know it’s happening. It’s time to put up, or shut up… Well, almost time… But it’s coming.

I would also like to point out, that I told you it was coming… Some of you old timers remember that? Well… It’s coming. There. I said it again.


It wouldn’t surprise me if the at the DNC they pull a rabbit out of a hat and get rid of her.
But I hope you do vote for Trump, regardless.

Get Out

What is the nature of said stolen valor?


Prove SOMETHING Piss Ant.

Get Out

The Stolen Valor Act of 2005 was a U.S. law that broadened the provisions of previous U.S. law addressing the unauthorized wear, manufacture, or sale of any military decorations and medals. The law made it a federal misdemeanor to falsely represent oneself as having received any U.S. military decoration or medal. If convicted, defendants might have been imprisoned for up to six months, unless the decoration lied about is the Medal of Honor, in which case imprisonment could be up to one year12. The Stolen Valor Act of 2013 amended the federal criminal code to make it a crime for a… Read more »


Do you masturbate to Wikipedia? Pervert!


The ‘fool’ is one that does not realize that his thoughts are not appreciated one iota. The fool is the one that has no resources other than wackopedia.

Get Out

In the years after the Sept. 11, 2001, attack, Walz was a senior enlisted member and a master sergeant, according to military records. He lived in Mankato and served with the southern Minnesota-based First Battalion, 125th Field Artillery. The battalion was deployed to Italy in 2003 to protect against potential threats in Europe while active military forces were deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan, according to Walz. After the units returned to Minnesota in early 2004, Walz was promoted to command sergeant major. Walz’s critics say the governor inflated his credentials because he retired as a master sergeant, not at the… Read more »

Get Out

Appears he didn’t do the 3 years required in service to be eligible to retire an E-9. He was in the CSM billet as the CSM and was highly probable referred to as CSM Walz by commanders and subordinates. BTW a deserter is a service member who leaves the service or unit without authorization in excess of 30 days and a federal warrant is issued for their arrest. Walz wasn’t a deserter. Someone is declared a deserter when1234: They are in an unauthorized absence status from the military for more than 30 days. They commit the offense of desertion. They… Read more »

Get Out

Appears all Walz needs to do is clarify and or correct his mis-spoken comments concerning his honorable military service.


Talk is cheap, Donnie. I saw what you did for 2A your last lap around the cess pool. Donnie did pick numerous pro-constitution “conservative” judges, but he straight out screwed pro-2A citizens on so many issues. I’m from Missouri…quit your jaw jackin’….SHOW ME, DONNIE….ONLY ACTION COUNTS!!!

Sadly, Donnie is the only horse we have, the lesser of two evils again.

Last edited 1 month ago by StLPro2A

what’s wrong with the lesser of two evils? that’s better than the worser. and what do you mean again? It has always been that way, makes me wanna call you an ignoramus, but I won’t


They will tell the folks at Kamabalomba’s rally today that she came up with the idea of not taxing tips for food and service workers. That’s what they will do for us………….NOT!
That Bitch has not a single thinking molecule in her whole head. Lie, Lie Lie. Is there not a single media worker that fact checks anything, anymore?


It pisses me off that when Trump came up with the idea the left was giving all the reasons why he cant do that and that it wouldn’t work. Now that Kamalatoe has come up with the idea it will work. It amazes me how stupid people are that they would swallow that and it is even more amazing that they don’t realize that the only reason she has said that is because that was a tipping point for votes that favored Trump. They don’t realize that if she wins, that will never happen and we will hear from her… Read more »

AZ Lefty

SO what got confisticated by who?
Bump Stocks and Pistol braces


Your brain got confiscated by your parents when they conceived you clown .

Roland T. Gunner

They repeatedly dropped him on his head.


he wasnt born, he was cut!


Tell us, did your parents have any children that lived?