FBI Document Leak: Gun Owners Are Violent Extremists

FBI Document Leak: Gun Owners Are Violent ExtremistsiStock-1422002264
FBI Document Leak: Gun Owners Are Violent Extremists iStock-1422002264

Lawyer Stephan Stamboulieh on X (formerly Twitter) released more documents from the FBI’s symbol guide. This list seems to be an updated list of those previously released to the public. At the same time AmmoLand News received the same print outs.

The new terms added in this edition are “molon labe,” “prepping,” and “Second Amendment(2A).” The FBI says these terms can be signs of violent militia extremism. The document also says militia violent extremists (MVEs) might regard “red flag” laws, aka extreme risk protection orders (ERPOs,) as unconstitutional, but it isn’t just MVEs that think that. Many legal experts and civil libertarians openly oppose ERPOs for the lack of due process. Several lawsuits have been filed challenging such laws, and members of Congress have spoken out against “red flag” laws.

“What’s this,” Stamboulieh tweeted on X. “New FBI’ Symbols Guide.’ Suspicious terms include ‘Molon Labe,’ ‘prepping,’ and the scariest one, ‘Second Amendment.’”

The rest of the document is like the previous documents covered by AmmoLand News, including the term “oath breaker.” Oath breaker references someone who took an oath to defend the Constitution but has ignored their oath to enforce unconstitutional laws. In Marbury v. Madison, the Supreme Court ruled that unconstitutional laws are void. Some people believe it is the duty of someone who swore an oath to protect the rights of the citizens has a duty not to enforce such laws.

Another symbol of “concern” to the FBI is anyone posting the meme of the “Killdozer.” The “Killdozer” meme has gained popularity over the years after a Colorado man named Marvin Heemeyer up-armored a bulldozer. Mr. Heemeyer believed that the city of Graby conspired against him. He would demolish several buildings in the city before taking his own life after the bulldozer got stuck. He would kill himself with a gunshot to the head. Flags and shirts are sold mirroring the Gadsden flag, but instead of having a rattlesnake with the words “Don’t Tread on Me” below, the flag has the “Killdozer” and the words “Tread on Them.” Although most take it as a joke, the FBI takes it seriously.

Patriot Political Prisoners (P3) is another term mentioned in the document. Many consider those arrested for the January 6, 2022, Capitol riots to be political prisoners, believing they have been held too long without the speedy trial promised by our Constitution. The FBI seems to think anyone who has concerns about the holding of the suspects might be a violent militant extremist.

According to the FBI, anyone who practices preparedness and is a “prepper” might be an MVE—using terms such as bug out might put you on the FBI’s radar. Many people have bug out plans for the unexpected, such as a natural disaster. Also, using Sh*t Hits the Fan (SHFT) might lead to scrutiny from the FBI. The term has been around for decades, but now the FBI considers it a possible sign of an MVE.

The FBI is scared that the term “Come and Take It” might be a sign of a willingness to resist gun control violently, even though it has been used throughout the centuries from the ancient Greeks to the Alamo. Many gun rights organizations have also used the phrase to show their willingness to fight back against unconstitutional gun control through the court system.

The updated list shows that the FBI is still targeting right-leaning individuals as targets for surveillance.

About John Crump

Mr. Crump is an NRA instructor and a constitutional activist. John has written about firearms, interviewed people from all walks of life, and on the Constitution. John lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and sons, follow him on X at @crumpyss, or at www.crumpy.com.

John Crump

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As a military veteran, 76 years of age, with COPD and two bad knees, I now find I am a threat to the government I served. Something here just sounds wrong.


Your patriotism, honor and personal sacrifices to serve our Nation are greatly appreciated, sir – thank you, sincerely.

“Something here just sounds wrong”… because something here is wrong. This country has effectively been turned upside down and sadly, I doubt it can be righted – certainly not within my remaining years anyway.


I was honored to serve, but in my defense, I was left unsupervised at 19 years of age. That had something to do with it. I was also 8′ tall, bulletproof and invisible, so that counted, too.


Yeah, weren’t we all!


Actually, the older I get, the more I realize that I -am- more of a threat to the Jack Booted thugs BECAUSE I am getting closer to the end of my existence on this Earth. Kids are all grown, and while I would like to see my grandkids finish growing up, they really don’t NEED me anymore.

When a person has less and less to lose, and more and more to gain for their remaining family, we get closer and closer to what Michael Reagan said about the loss of the deterrent factor of getting dead to accomplish a goal.




Roland T. Gunner

Whoop! There it is!

Sam in New Hampshire

I hope we’re ALL threats to the government, at least the current one. And when you get to our age and condition (I’m an Army vet with four years on you, Sonny, plus leukemia), we damn well better stand up and let them know what they’re up against. Thanks for serving.

Last edited 23 days ago by Sam in New Hampshire

You are not a threat to the government that you served. This is not the government you served. This is the government our Founders warned about, and why they penned the Second Amendment. For decades, vets have been kitting up on the wrong soil. “…against all enemies foreign and domestic.” VETS UP!!!!

Have a Lilicloth.com tee…”Just because I’m old, does not mean you are out of range.”

Thanks for your service, brother, and WELCOME HOME!!!!


That WELCOME HOME still means something to me. Thank you.


Cap – it doesn’t “just sounds wrong’ – it is wrong. But what the heck, making lists (but NOT checking them against reality, much less twice) is ‘safe’ – lots safer than going after known gang bangers. What is amazing is that they occasionally catch human traffickers and drug smugglers, might be a case of blind squirrel syndrome instead of conscious effort though.


It’s something that happened slowly. over a period of decades. American colleges are responsible for a big part of it.


I actually watched it happen in my own family. My dad was a PhD and a philosophy professor while also being a very conservative Republican. I have some post grad work, just shy of my Masters, and I am similarly inclined to the “right” side of history. Sister who is three years younger decided to pursue a teaching career and by the time she got her credentials she was a flaming leftwing loon. University did it to her. I was a few years ahead and missed all that crap.


I hear ya… find myself in a similar ridiculous position. Am astounded (and honored) that the mighty FIB might consider me a “threat”.


Well, I have some EXTREMELY distressing news for “their” shadow government. The ones hell bend on making citizens bow down to them and be subservient. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to be rebellious, under the Constitution. The declaration of independence states this: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That, whenever any form… Read more »


Well said Colt.


Hey Ammoland..
PLEASE GET RID OF THE SHARE WITH ‘STICKY’ that comes up on the left margin of my phone. IT BLOCKS SO MUCH REAL ESTATE that it makes it VERY DIFFICULT to read the site.



That shit is on my phone, too! Also, I have lost the ability to upvote many comments. W T actual F is going on with AmmoLand????

Also, that annoying Ruger ad at the bottom of my screen takes up lots of space.

Again, W T F, AmmoLand?

Last edited 23 days ago by Grigori

Problem fixed! Thank You, AmmoLand!

Thank You also, Straight-Shootr! I was making plans to take my phone to my phone repair guy, this morning. I thought I had inadvertently caused that stuff on the left margin. You saved me a few bucks.


AmmoLand might also want to make the defaul display the most recent comment rather than “Most Voted”. It is difficult to look at the most recent comment because you have to find the order button. There are several plays where the button will reset to “Most Voted” and throw off your reading of a long series of comments. As to the use of the voting tag, on a long series of comments, the most voted person will acquire more votes because they are the first viewed, which tends to skew the result.



Ammolands whole site needs a revamp.

Dubi Loo

The FBI has been spying on and manipulating (and killing) politicians and We The People alike since it’s inception. I see no reason why the “bureau” should still exist.


Absolutely! Setting people up just because they disagree with your illegal activities does not make them suspicious, it makes them AMERICAN PATRIOTS, azzholes!


My family are foodies and Molon Labe (i.e. “Come and get it!” meaning dinner/lunch/breakfast is ready) is on our family crest. Some of us are Formula One racing fans and after qualifying we might mention who is P3 (third in qualifying) for the starting grid. Most everyone on this site has written 2A or ERPO in a comment, the Second Amendment related news is why we come here. “Back Off Boogaloo” is a song by the English rock musician Ringo Starr that was released as a non-album single in March 1972. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Back_Off_Boogaloo I’ve often commented that I don’t have a… Read more »


SloDimJoey said something like…”If you don’t vote for Democraps, you ain’t black.” Well, if you ani’t on a government list, you ain’t shit…er, oopsie…a patriot.


“We hold these truths to be self evident……” — Declaration of Independence Here’s another “self evident” truth. As the Left, and and now the FBI, so rightly point out, the American people are armed to the teeth with more firearms and more ammunition in civilian hands than are owned by all of the military and Police in America combined. But that having been said, if we were also as extremist and prone to violence as they say, there would not be enough survivors left to collect the dead, much less sufficient body bags to bag them up or enough shovels… Read more »


I assume that means all of us who comment on their ridiculous list are automatically suspicious folk?? Yeah, more than likely! How about BLM or other overtly racist organizations like the SPLC and all the 3 letter agencies plus BATFE????


The poor government sponsored thugs fear an armed society because they know they are corrupt POS that have reason to fear armed Americans . These government sponsored terrorists will reap what they have sown .


America is over run from within. They do what they do because we let them. “What country before, ever existed a century and a half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.… Read more »


Strange how the Founders, insurrectionist rebels and “traitors” all, became so reactionary and status quo after coming to power themselves via revolution… one of the most significant revolutions of all time! Well, we’re all human…
Great quotation from Mac, BTW!

Deplorable Bill

Funny thing about history, it tends to repeat itself. Hitler came up with the same propaganda (lies) against Jews, Christians and anyone else who opposed him, That ended with a world war and many millions of innocent people dead, King George also did the same thing to the colonials and it birthed a nation, this one. You might note that the f.b.i. is sworn to defend the people, the nation and the constitution — which includes the first and second amendments. Therefore, the f.b.i. is committing TYREASON. There are laws against treason but they have not been enforced by government… Read more »


King George The Mad did it again in Ireland, with general lord Cornwallis in 1798-1801. That resulted in a further 125 years of brutal, naked oppression of the Irish people. Long live the sacred memory of Robert Emmett, Daniel O’Connell and Michael Collins!

Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH

Awwww…….poor babies, afraid of their own shadows. What the FiBbIes want are sheeple, easily led onto the railroad cars and into the FEMA camps. What the FiBbIes are afraid of is people that will push back against their unConstitutional and unlawful actions and entrapments. They want to live long enough to collect their pensions. If they would leave “us” alone, and stop considering “us” a threat against the Republic, then we would leave them alone as well. Buuuut, since the FiBbIes, like all authoritarian po-po (Stazi, KGB, et al), have developed the “us vs them” mentality, well, they just can’t… Read more »


Defund the FBI and ATF.

Desert Rat

Fire them from the Director to the janitor. Arrest, try, execute all of the leadership, GITMO the rest, raze the buildings and salt the earth they sat on. When they start the war, give them a reckoning they have deserved since their inception. As Tom T. Hall sang, “If you hang them all, you’ll get the guilty.”

Roland T. Gunner

I am not familiar with that line, but it sounds like something Bocefus would say.


If you “Hang them all” you’ll not only get the guilty, but a whole lot of innocents- and breed the next generation of tyrants.


At this point in the game, if you’re not on at least a couple of government watch lists, it’s time to “up” your Patriotism.

Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH

How does one find out if they’re on a Gooberment watch list?
Is there a website one can go to? A form to fill out & pay a fee?
(the above said with tongue firmly planted in both cheeks)
I wanna see if I’m being enough of an irritant….or not.
If “not”, then I need to step up my game.


I know of two ways to find out. Sure there are more… 1) They Brian Malinowski you. Something I’d prefer to avoid. 2) Fly somewhere. If you are denied boarding without explanation – or if your ticket has “SSSS” on corner and you are sent to secondary screening or notice air marshals near you on every flight… Otherwise I believe they keep these lists secret and it is generally impossible to get removed once added. Even death doesn’t get you off the list – any toddler unfortunate enough to have similar name may be subjected to heightened scrutiny (just in… Read more »


Lilicoth.com or warriorXII.com needs a tee….”I bet I’m on more government lists than you.” or “PATRIOT PROUD to be on more government lists than you.”

Last edited 22 days ago by StLPro2A

Ask Tulsi about that “No Fly” list, she became an expert on that recently!


Yup, 70 and an old Jarhead, but with 100 million gun owners (16 million veterans among ’em) I’m in good company. If people like me are a threat, is it possible it is the policies of the government and not the citizens who are the problem? And yeah, it’s a lot of guns to “come and take”, for bureaucrats who claim they can’t find a few million illegals. The battle we face is to further normalize gun ownership, training, hunting, competition, and self defense.

Roland T. Gunner

To further normalize SBR’s (almost accomplidhed through the proliferation of braced pistols), suppressors (populatity surging) and automatic weapons (U.S. District Court for Kansas is working on it).

Last edited 22 days ago by Roland T. Gunner
Monkey Mouse

FBI better watch its P’s and Q’s – they are comically outnumbered and at this point, serve no function other than enraging people. Useless anti-2A things will be eliminated in the upcoming “thing”.

Roland T. Gunner

And it’s really a “THING!’.


How long before the FBI considers the term ‘American citizen’ to be synoymous with ‘domestic terrorist’?


I thought they already did


Wait until they figure out what FAFO stands for…..


anyone, and i mean *anyone*, who is not a registered voting Democrat with a ‘correct’ sympathizing lawn sign and/or automobile stickers is a violent extremist. proper union memberships excepted.


Yup, that’s the only group recognized by law “enforcement ” !!! Glad I’m NOT a member


A few “proper” symbols, subscriptions and a gray man lifestyle are good camouflage.

Deplorable Bill

Awaiting approval as of1900 8/26/24. When you read what I wrote you will wonder why my post went into limbo.

Arm up and carry on


I found your post, and read it. I found nothing objectionable about it. Unless of course Ammoland, is against the re-telling of history. I find more and more of my comments, and others saying the same thing, that theirs are going into moderation limbo. When I finally read what others write, nothing comes to mind which could be bad. I may disagree with a point they make, but I can’t think of a threat of violence or SPAM, or something along those lines. Why just tonight, someone brought up Buford Pusser the old time sheriff that the ‘Walking Tall’ films… Read more »


Welcome fellow deplorables


A couple of points:

The term “FBI” denotes to some an indication of an anti-Constitutional element that causes Patriots to raise their DEFCON level a notch or two.

The anti-Constitutionalists may be outgunned but they do control our wireless space and we need other forms of organization to fill in when they shut us down.





Mr. Crump,
In a previous article you said George Floyd was “killed” in a interation with police. That’s incorrect. Floyd DIED during that interaction but was NOT “killed”. He had a fentynol overdose.

Roland T. Gunner

Truth. And Officer Chauvin is a political prisoner who must be freed.

Last edited 22 days ago by Roland T. Gunner

Yes! The poor guy already nearly died from being shanked. It was clearly an inside job. The warden, guards all involved.
The stupid GOP ought to be fighting like hell to get him out. And don’t forget all the Jan 6th political prisoners too.
GOP or Dem, same team, different jerseys.


Free the Jan 6 with pardons & restitution.
Having been a born and bred midwestern REPUBLICAN CONSERVATIVE I take serious UMBRAGE with being considered on the same “team” as ANY leftists, whether Independent, Democrat or Republican.
Truly, Nick, having read many of your past postings, I would have thought better of you than that slur!


For clarification, in my comment I was referring to Democrat and Republican politicians, not any voter, of any stripe.

And, if you still take it as a “slur”, after my clarification, then that’s your problem. I stand by my statement.




Jan 6th political prisoners, freed and pardoned yes. Restitution, should besides money, also include an equal amount of time behind bars for all the FBI, prosecutors, judges, abusive prison guards, etc, that had a hand in this disaster. Along with Pelosi and the rest who set up the whole scheme.

And the same for Chouvin, freedom, pardon, restitution and the same punishment for all who set him up, and abused him in prison.

At least we can agree on that.

Last edited 21 days ago by Nick

Well, gee wiz, I’m WAY behind the times. I need to take that FBI guide, and plaster my pick-up and the front of my house with EVERY slogan that the FBI fears. All tyrants fear words and slogans, more than anything else. That’s why the first thing they do after seizing power (i.e. after seizing the means of self-defense), is to criminalize speech, religion, and perhaps after that, which “tribe” you hail from. How are the current US Federal government law enforcement agencies, acting differently? It’d be simpler if they just published all of this warnings as an addendum to… Read more »


Forthright intention is exactly what the feebs do NOT want to signal. Deception is one of the best and most used tools in their “kit”.

Last edited 21 days ago by DunRanull

American gun owners have always been violent extremists. Why, just look at what hey did back in 1776!


They’ve got it all backasswards. We believe in Molon Laube not because we’re extremists, but because they are extremists believing that believing in Molon Laube is extremist. Yeah, I can say that three times real fast….

Roland T. Gunner

Fuck the FBI; they sure are afraid of a lot of shit.


I’ve met and even worked around some really upright Feds in my time. They aren’t ALL jack-booted thugs out to enslave us. I’ll leave it at that.

Monkey Mouse

FBI has about 35k employees total – most of which are not door kickers/tactical folks. There are over 100M gun owners in the country, ranging from limp wristed liberals who have one gun for protection to dudes who could single handedly wipe out a big city tactical team with a pocket knife. They are trying to pick a fight to justify moving in on gun owners (most are conservative), or is it a scare tactic that has no chance of working? Whatever it is, when this “thing” kicks off, I don’t expect the FBI or any other ABC agency to… Read more »

John Dow

I think they forgot Hawaiian shirt wearers.


Sigh, remember the ‘list’ of potential subversive traits put out by ‘big sis’ back in the day? IIRC there were something like 75 items on that list, I ‘only’ hit 42 or so of them then, might have a few more now 🙁
This latest version of an ‘enemies’ list that have been around since like forever.
IF the feebs spent a ‘bit’ more effort in actually going after real known criminals instead of creating potential lists that ‘might’ be threats they could actually be earning their salaries. And we would be left alone.

Bill M

Here is the truth about the gun laws – like all statutory law, they are written to apply exclusively to fed and not true state citizens. Due to treason in the courts and incompetent attorneys, they are imposed on everyone.

Both state and fed statutes constitutionally only apply to fed citizens.

Law Truth * Gun Rights  https://lawtruthgunrights.quora.com/    This tells the truth in detail about the treason of imposing the gun laws on everyone.

Here is what has been uncovered about the treasonous courts and judges:

Law Truth * Conspiracy Of Treason in Courts https://lawtruthconspiracyoftreasonincourts.quora.com/ This tells the ugly truth about the current courts.


Mr. Crump, Before, in a previous article you said George Floyd was “killed” in a interaction with police. That is false. George Floyd DIED in an interaction with police from a fentanyl overdose. Check your facts. Now this article you refer to, and I quote, “Many consider those arrested for the January 6, 2022, Capitol riots to be political prisoners, believing they have been held too long without the speedy trial promised by our Constitution.” I think the year for the January 6 you’re referencing was 2021. But my biggest issue with that quote is the term “riots”. What “riots”… Read more »


And here I thought ‘Killdozer’ was the title of an old Clint Walker film, where some alien force takes over a bulldozer and goes on a rampage. Silly me.


These are just typical symptoms of jewish subversion. Either expel jews or nothing gets better.


Would be easier, less damaging to the country and far more satisfying to expel all antisemites.



There’s more Christian haters than Jew haters. But, it’s a slippery slope. We expel certain people today, who is it tomorrow? Slippery slope.
We can’t infringe on free speech. Violence on the other hand must not be tolerated, ever.


Izzat what happened to you?
Jogging with traffic and got whacked on the head by a side mirror?


run over by a bus


The people monitoring this board must have gotten whacked by a side mirror, I swear!


He’s a Fed, looking to entrap well meaning numbskulls like they did in the Gretchen Whitmer Fednapping Hoax.

Roland T. Gunner

Stupid brain-dead cuck.


Your anti-semitic comment gets posted, and mine gets dinged? What’s up with these people???

Last edited 21 days ago by DunRanull

Mine got sent to limbo land too.


Hey- Go to Israel and meet some Israelis- it may change your attitude about the Hebraic folk, it did mine.

Last edited 21 days ago by DunRanull

Oh please, there’s bad Jews, bad Christians, bad Muslims, bad Buddhists, etc.
It’s not a race war, it’s a class war.

Frankly your comment is so outrageous, I can’t help but wonder if you’re a Fed looking to entrap some well meaning numbskull, like they did with the Gretchen Whitmer Fednapping Hoax.

P.S. Honestly, who’d wanna kidnap a witch like Whitmer anyway? Yikes!


The above comment of mine was censored for three hours… Oh what did I say wrong now?

Last edited 21 days ago by Nick

Oh my, my reply but sent to limbo land. Wait and see how scary it was!