Grey Man Tactical, Gear Organization Made Easy – Video Review

If you are into guns, it just seems like it goes hand in hand with having a bunch of gear. You’ve got your IFAK, plate carrier, get-home gun, medical gear, mag holsters, roadside equipment, and all sorts of other tactical gear. The only issue is, most of the time, it’s disorganized or placed in various spots throughout your vehicle. Until now, this is Grey Man Tactical, and they make a system of rigid MOLLE panels and accessories to work with the panels, to help organize all of your gear. The panels are very adaptable to your individual needs and requirements. 

Grey Man Tactical – Rigid Insert Panel MOLLE 12.5″ x 17″

Grey Man Tactical, Gear Organization Made Easy
Grey Man Tactical, Gear Organization Made Easy

The rigid MOLLE panels work on so many different applications; they can go vertically on the back of your front seats, or horizontally across the back seat if you have an SUV. Beyond that, they can even be adapted to go on a trunk lid, a wall, in a safe, or a backpack;, if you can dream it up, you can probably come up with the panels and parts to make your application work at The heart of the system is a hard polymer constructed panel allowing them to stay rigid, no matter how much gear is hanging off of the panels.

Grey Man Tactical also proudly produces all of its products in the USA.

Ok, ok, I know the big question is how safe is a weapon mounted to one of these panels? Most people considering this product to hold a weapon already have a “get home gun” in a backpack tucked under the seat, and in all reality, how safe is that?

Another way to look at it would be this; at my house, I keep most of my guns in safes and behind locked doors with alarms. Not to stop a thief, because, given enough time, I think someone could get those guns, but really to slow them down. I have all of those precautions to make it difficult enough that I hope that before they get at my weapons, either the police will arrive, I’ll meet them with a weapon, or they will leave in frustration. I will say that Grey Man Tactical has done the same thing; they’ve taken as many precautions as possible to make it so difficult to steal a weapon off of one of their panels that most thieves would just give up and move on. 

Grey Man Tactical
Grey Man Tactical

One of the keys to this system is the locking Raptor Picatinny Rifle mount. The Raptor mounts to the Grey Man Tactical Rigid MOLLE panel, then locks on to your rifle’s Picatinny rail and holds the rifle in place. To lock on, you depress, and it will grab hold; to release, press, and pull, your rifle will release. By pressing the little button on top, you can lock the action holding the rifle in place and make it unable to be released.

Another feature to help keep honest people honest is Grey Man Tactical has a cover for your rigid mounting plate and all the gear attached. This keeps your gear out of sight and out of mind, and many times that is the most excellent defense you can have. Lastly, you can attach rigid mounting plates to your seatbacks with metal locking cables. That is about every precaution you can take to keep your gear safe, and it’s significantly better than a backpack on the floorboard. 

Grey Man Tactical
Grey Man Tactical

Now, would I leave my weapon attached to this overnight, probably not?

However, I guess that depends significantly on where your car will be parked overnight. But I would definitely run a day’s worth of errands with a weapon mounted to one of the rigid MOLLE panels with all of these precautions in place. For that one guy who says, well, if it is that hard to get your rifle off of the panel, it’s not going to be good in a situation where you need it quickly; that’s what your concealed carry gun is for. Use your pistol to get to your rifle, and it’s nice having a rifle that near at hand, instead of needing to get back to the house. In case you need some extra firepower and find yourself in a really unfortunate situation, sadly, it seems like we are in an era full of unfortunate situations. 

This is only one application of the Grey Man Tactical Rigid MOLLE panels, and there are so many more. As I said earlier, they make panels that will adapt to virtually any application you can dream up. They have the hardware to mount the plates, and of course, any accessory with MOLLE will attach to the plates. I especially like the vehicle application, as I know most people want to be prepared for an unexpected situation while driving. 

Grey Man Tactical
Grey Man Tactical

I am always impressed when a product is developed that can provide this type of ingenuity, efficiency, and security in almost unlimited applications. I’m considering getting a few for my gun safe because I feel I could store more gear on one of these panels, than those inefficient door inserts that come on most gun safes.

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For a farm or ranch vehicle away from high density populations, this could work well. Plenty of guns in small rural communities are placed in vehicles, and that vehicle largely stored on controlled property the rest of the month. The cautions about leaving it elsewhere are reasonable, and the next step up would be window safety film with security and some tint to keep firearms from being easily visible. There is, of course, the alternative – just stay armed. The gun in it’s holster going with the owner is more secure than parked out front of Casey’s picking up a… Read more »


Grey Man Tactical: a survival tactic based on the ability to *disappear* into a crowd, blend into any environment, so you can move *unnoticed* when disaster strikes. The idea is that you can *conceal your preparedness* by blending in with your environment before or during an emergency. The ability to disappear and go unnoticed is an extremely useful survival skill.

“Grey Man Tactical”?
Looks like quality, useful gear for an overt presence, but “Grey Man Tactical”, it is not.