Gun Owners for Harris Highlight Lie of ‘Second Amendment Democrats’

Gun Owners for Harris Highlight Lie of ‘Second Amendment Democrats’
It’s never hard to find “Fudds” who are enthusiastic about voting for citizen disarmament-pushing politicians and throwing fellow gun owners under the bus.

“We can prevent gun violence while also supporting the Second Amendment,” a Giffords-sponsored “sportsmen’s” effort lies. “Gun Owners for Safety unites hunters, sport shooters, and collectors who want commonsense gun laws.”

Giffords, of course, along with all the other major gun prohibitionist groups, has endorsed Kamala Harris, who will sign whatever anti-gun legislation the Democrats succeed in passing and go for what they can’t through executive action. And then she’ll reshape the Supreme Court. That’s some “commonsense support.”

It’s never hard to find “Fudds” who are enthusiastic about voting for citizen disarmament-pushing politicians and throwing fellow gun owners under the bus. A prime example is Harris’ Vice President pick, Tim Walz, once “A”-rated and endorsed by NRA. But while low information voters are being gaslit into thinking the Second Amendment can be “respected” while it’s being eviscerated, a striking inequity is being revealed:

There is no parallel “pro-Second Amendment Democrat” movement happening. That’s because there’s no such thing as one.

Sure, there are superficially “pro-gun Democrats” who act like the Second Amendment is about duck hunting, but at the end of the day they’ll support Party gun-grabbers and a president determined to reshape the Supreme Court until Bruen becomes a forgotten speed bump.

Where are Second Amendment Democrats for Trump?

Experience shows they prioritize other issues above the right to keep and bear arms, meaning they really don’t understand it to be a right at all. This was unequivocally proven years ago, when I conversed with the head of the Second Amendment Democrats.

After all kinds of weasel-wording and Molon Labe-ing, he finally could not deny the one truth that ultimately defines them:

Under no circumstances will Amendment II Democrats support Republican candidates who run against anti-RKBA Democrats. We are, after all, Democrats.

That’s all I needed to know. They support citizen disarmament. After it’s all said and done, they support taking your guns, which has always been the end goal.

I don’t know (or care) whatever happened to them, but do note there is a Facebook group that goes by that name, a group you can join with all of 19 members that doesn’t look like it’s been active for years. They offer further confirmation that there’s no such thing as what they claim to be:

Hello everyone. Who do we all think will be best on the 2nd Amendment of the current field? My guess is Bernie Sanders, though I suppose Amy Klobuchar has represented the most constituents with guns.

I agree that Bernie is the best bet. Not sure if Buttegeig would prioritize gun control like Booker or Warren.

Personally I feel like Buttigieg is the best candidate for president and to run against Trump, but not sure how I feel about any of their stances on gun control. There are so many issues.

It’s not my top priority either…


It’s not for the Giffords Fudds, either:

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

David Codrea

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Do these Second Amendment lip service types support legislation (at state levels) that severely incarcerate perps who commit crime with guns? If so, I’ve never heard about them endorsing such. Instead, it’s always about restricting gun rights for the population who are guiltless.


Second Amendment Democrats for Democrats is like Gays and Transes for Palestinian Muslims.
And yet both exist.
There are all types of humans, some with levels of stupid that just cannot be fixed.


Nope. No fixing stupidity.


So true. Dumb is curable, stupid is permanent.


That’s why there’s that tee shirt, “I’m
With Stupid.”


” Gun owners for Harris” ? I do not think any common sense Gun owners would ever support the communist queen Kamal toes Harris’s agenda to take thier guns away . That’s just not reality , it appears to be more bullshit from the lying Dems .

Old Dog

If I was a “Gun Owner For Harris” i would certainly be smart enough to keep my mouth shut about it. I would be hid so far back in the closet you would never see me again.


Democrats dont believe anyone should own guns. If given power, democrats will expunge the Second Amendment. DONT ever trust a democrat when it comes to gun rights. They will stab gun owners in the back. .


As a reformed Californian and as an independent who hadn’t voted for a republican before Mr O’Rourke clarified demo position on gun rights – do I count as a “pro-gun democrat?” Haven’t voted for any demo candidates since seeing the light. 2A is my primary consideration with hard stop on any who wish to infringe. Everything else is just fluff – useful for candidates who tie on 2A. Not willing to surrender terminology – I strongly support common sense gun law reform. Top of common-sense reform list is rescinding NFA and ’68 GCA. Strongly oppose common-nonsense such as what democrats… Read more »

California Uber Alles

“Common nonsense” gave me a good laugh, but is also painfully true.


Brother kommiefornian here. I was never into AR’s when I was younger but I didn’t like the laws of guns that only kommiefornia approved of and 10 rounds only, I had to wait 10 days for approval and then they came up with the button law, the fore grip law and the pistol grip law and even though I didn’t have one I said enough is enough when they said that anyone in possession of a pound of powder is a suspected terrorist. I moved to Oregon and still didn’t care about AR’s until O’bummer started kissing Castro’s ass and… Read more »


Another former Kalifornian that bailed 24 years ago and moved to a 2nd Amendment friendly Wyoming. I could never return unless i want to be classified a “felon” just for the weapons I have or an armory because I have a minimal amount of ammo


Like you I would be a felon for owning a real AR Colt LE 6920 because of a front fore grip, no special button and a hand grip in the back, you know, a real AR.

Tomorrow everyone in Oregoneistan that has a gun that they made themself will be a felon if they didn’t get a serial number on it.

I hate the snow and I was thinking South Dakota a lot but Cody Wyoming would not be a bad choice.


There’s no such thing as “second amendment Democrats” and there aren’t very many second amendment Republicans.


The best way to separate the men from the boys is to ask two questions. Do you believe any American citizen should be able to own machine guns? Except for violent felons, do you believe convicted American criminals should be able to own guns once they have completed their sentences?

Roland T. Gunner

If you are not currently incarcerated, you should be able to possess any damn gun you want.


RTG – serious question: would that include those out on parole, probation or bail?
I’ll give ya the benefit of the doubt and presume you meant those who have paid their entire ‘debt to society’.


I’d argue there shouldn’t be parole or probation. You’ve either paid your debt to society or you haven’t. There’s no middle ground.
Bail’s a different matter, since you haven’t been convicted, I don’t think you should have your rights stripped, UNTIL you are PROVED GUILTY, and sent to prison.


I agree. If you can’t be trusted with a gun, and to not murder or rob, then there’s a place for those people… PRISON!


That’s exactly why I’ve distanced myself from the Republican party and have become what I’ve always been, a Constitutional Conservative. I told my parents a very long time ago, there are only two ways I’ll die, one, from natural causes, or two, defending our Second Ammendment. I’ll gladly take a bullet to keep our Second Ammendment rights alive.


I’ve long felt no allegiance to any party. They’re all controlled by the globalists, the CIA, the military industrial complex. That’s why Dems are tyrants, and Republicans just bend over and take it. It’s just theater.


that these “people” continue to think this way even after recent scotus decisions is beyond ludicrous, it is borderline pathologic. if they do not think that after coming for semi-auto rifles and handguns they will come for their shotguns just look at england where they did just this and not are even banning pointy kitchen knives because of the stabbings by non-citizen immigrants.
and i hope they don’t think that they will be able to keep their shotguns because they voted for the gun grabbers, that won’t happen. but then…


Looks like a solid group of Fudds in the picture. The local gun club where I live has some Fudds who have resisted every attempt in the past 15 years to do a three gun match at the club range. The Fudd who was president is a retired California Highway Patrol officer. LEOs do not always support the 2A.

Roland T. Gunner

If a “gun club” does not fo FTX type training out in the boobdocks, bring-automatic-weapons-if-you-got-’em, I am not interested. I am not a joiner by nature.


Giffords… the devil didn’t die that day at the grocery store… that is too bad.. Our founding fathers lament that as well.


She’s essentially brain dead, and is being used and abused by Bloomberg and the Dems etc.
Never wish someone dead. Disagree, argue, vote, etc. But don’t wish someone dead, ever.


I used to believe as you do concerning “wishing someone dead”. After long thought and study of history and current events I have changed my stance.. Like- would the world have been better off if Stalin had died in the early ’30’s before the Purges, or (say) Hitler had died before ww2 began, or Tojo, or Himmler? Would someone else stepped into their shoes and the result been the same? The deaths of certain political or social leaders has changed the course of modern history, and not always for the good.. My personal belief is that we are all in… Read more »


When I said, that that poster should never wish someone dead, I was referring to average people, common people. Or in his case, a brain dead woman, who is being used and abused by her husband and handlers to choke out words she can’t even comprehend the meaning to. People like her, or the common people should never be wished dead, nor let alone killed. Now, the point you’re making, is war and tyrants. Now that is an entirely different subject. One which I have totally different beliefs on, than those for the common man. When it’s war, when it’s… Read more »


An easy way to state this is never wish anyone dead except for those who have committed crimes that deserve the punishment of death.


You know that’s just so simple, it never occurred to me!


You have it right. I pray for none of their deaths not even RBG when there were others here that did. I always pray for their removal from office or power or position so they have no influence anymore.


Nah. There are many people that don’t deserve to live.


If you’re talking in war time, tyrants, the cartels for instance, a thug breaking into your home, yes, I agree with you.

But for the common people, no. They are in a “protected” class if you will, in terms of my beliefs.

Roland T. Gunner

What are your “protected” “common people”? I would put none but true innocents in that category, very narrowly defined.


Lets start with civilians, you know, the non criminal type.

Roland T. Gunner

I dont believe we have the luxury of your purity of ideaology any longer. God is a pragmatist.


Oh I see, so you’re going to go all Rambo and start massacring anyone who doesn’t agree completely, with Mr. Roland T. Gunner?
You’re pathetic.


Oh like your muslim buddies want to do to the infidels that will not worship alah and convert or serve them?

Ya, you got another thing coming dude.

I have a suggestion that will make your handle more fitting to who you are. Change out the N for a D. then you will have it right!!!!!!

Last edited 19 days ago by musicman44mag

You’re obsession with Muslims is hilarious.
Cry some more woke right tears.


Another American hostage found dead in a tunnel in Gaza today. I am sure you are dancing in the streets with your buddies over that. You really need to change that first letter in your handle to a D.


Oldvet. Good morning.

I know and now Brittan is jumping in and saying that Israel needs to stop attacking.

I bet if Germany sent bombs over and attacked them again they would fire back and attack just like they did in the past and if another country stepped in like the strongest country in the world which is America and said you need to stop, we would get the middle finger which is what we should give our leftist government that is holding up supplies to Israel.


You’re insane.


said the psycho.


Stop contacting me.


Now who is acting all WOKE. Mommy, mommy, mommy, musicman44mag wont stop messing with my brain, my head hurts from having to try and use logic to understand him.


Trump/Vance 2024 protect Israel


Whoa there little Nellie. You trying to stop anyone from addressing you on this here Forum, that is calling you out? The only way that is gonna happen is if you leave, and if you aren’t smart enough to figure that out, then you will get what you deserve. You talk about commie tendencies? It’s funny that when you look in the mirror you don’t see Stalin. 1st amendment rights? You want them for yourself, but nobody else. Go find yourself another bridge, Troll.


I wouldn’t discuss God with this one. You need to say Allah and know the Koran!!!


quit telling people what they should and shouldn’t do. We all make our own choices, including you and no one is perfect, especially you!


That’s flawed logic. So I can’t talk, and voice an opinion. But you can? Wow, so much for freedom of speech. You’re sounding awfully woke. Go cry some more woke right tears.


Yes D, you are right. Your analysis of who I am shows that you have no real sense of logic.



Roland T. Gunner

I am si k snd tited of the pleas for “commonsense” gun laws. If all the 10,000 gun laws we have are not common sense laws, REPEAL THEM!


Oh, no, we need more, that is the problem, oh wait that really wont fix it, what really needs to be done is take away all the guns. That will take care of all the “gun violence” problems in America just like it did in Brittan, Australia, New Zeeland and other places in the world. No one has died from a gun since they took them away!!!!!!!!

Sarcasm but it is their truth.


Shhhhhhh! Be verwey, verwey quiet!






said the Fudd with the shot gun. Not you!!!!


This may be the final nail in the coffin for gun rights. Gun Owners who think the 2nd Amendment could never be abolished are living in a fool’s paradise. It will be gun owners to blame for the banning of firearms and packing the SCOTUS so the Constitution will finally be just another piece of paper. We were warned.


REMEMBER …We are not only voting for a new President . The two most senior jurist in the SCOTUS are 76 and 74 both conservative . The next President will likely replace those two . Just what the left has been salivating about PACKING the SCOTUS !!!


For Giffords, Kelly and Bloomberg, commonsense gun laws are TOTAL DISARMAMENT ! They seem to think that law abiding gun owners are stupid enough to fall for their radical BS !!


You are so right and it has worked so well in Brittan, New Zeeland and Australia hasn’t it.


Why won’t the NRA, not even the EVP, comment on Mr. Kelner’s A.D., which resulted in personal injury? The “Chairman” in the picture is Mr. Schmeits, current chairman of NRAWC and past NRA president and current NRA BoD.
Why won’t Mr. Hamlin even tell me “No comment”? Why the coverup NRA?


Ole Gabby Giffords, sadly pimped out by hubby as the Village Idiot of Gun Control.

Get Out

IMOA, they need to be reminded what history has taught gun owners; disarmament leads to tyranny. They need to be shown the escalation in those countries that banned certain weapons in the beginning only to ban more and more types of weapons. Should they ever get to banning the guns they own, it’ll be too late to complain.


There are no such things as pro-Second Amendment Democrats or Republicans. There are only Authoritarians who want to restrict civil rights, and those who oppose them.


I am a sportsman who supports “common sense gun laws.” The difference between me, and these stooges, is that I actually HAVE common sense. As such, I know that the only gun laws which will reduce crime are those which will imprison or execute people misusing firearms, not an effort to disarm the U.S. by allowing crime to proliferate, then call for people who aren’t committing crimes to turn in weapons. When the AFT and FIB and their masters actually start prosecuting people who break EXISTING laws, we will see the greatest reduction in crime in our history. But instead,… Read more »


But it does work. It’s called anarcho-tyranny.
Works for the elites. Fails the common man.


Five girlymen in the picture, one has a shotgun, there is another in the rack and where are the ones for the other girlymen? Oh, they vote against “weapons of war” on our streets but they don’t own a gun or shoot.

Girlymen, the smartest thing Arnold Schwarzenegger said. Now run for the choppier!!!!!!