Defying Bruen!
In NYS, all gun and ammunition retail sales must now go through an NYS background check.
In most other states, FBI NICS System Checks are instant and done at no charge, but NY’s Democrat governor insists that all background checks in NY instead go through the NY State Police System, and there is a $9.00 charge for each transaction. $2.50 for each ammunition purchase.
In NYS, you must now pay a fee to exercise your Constitutional Rights, which can be arbitrarily doubled or tripled at any time.
In addition, NY’s State Police System (unlike NICS) has a bad habit of regularly crashing and curiously staying offline for extended periods. During this time, you can’t purchase guns or ammunition at all.
“We apologize for any inconvenience!”
Most onerous of all is NY’s “EXC § 24″
“Suspension or limitation of the sale, dispensing, use, or transportation of alcoholic beverages, firearms (presumptively ammunition too), explosives, and flammable materials and liquids”
With no more than a casual wave of her hand, NY’s governor can now stop you from buying guns, ammunition, and fuel for an indefinite period, and we all know what happens when the government suspends our Constitutional rights as citizens “temporarily.”
Kind of like a “temporary tax!”
NM’s Democrat governor has already shown us the way “temporary” works.
NY’s governor now has the power, at any moment, to precipitously prevent you from defending yourself from violent criminals and also prevent you from traveling anywhere indefinitely.
Of course, none of the foregoing restrictions ever apply to politicians or their tax-payer-funded security staff.
Is any of the foregoing “Constitutional?” Of course not, but Marxists (masquerading as “Democrats”) obviously don’t care!
Like all Marxists, they’re interested only in consolidating absolute political power and elaborately protecting themselves. We see Putin currently doing the same thing and for the same reasons.
Conversely, we citizens are (also obviously) altogether expendable, our personal safety (even our lives) utterly unimportant.
To them, “ordinary” citizens represent little more than replaceable livestock and are conspicuously treated as such, as we see.
Welcome to modern Marxism, brought to you by the DNC.
“If you took the most ardent Marxist revolutionary, vested him in absolute power, within a year he would be far worse than the Tsar himself!” ~ Mikhail Bakunin
About John Farnam & Defense Training International, Inc
As a defensive weapons and tactics instructor, John Farnam will urge you, based on your beliefs, to make up your mind about what you would do when faced with an imminent lethal threat. You should, of course, also decide what preparations you should make in advance if any. Defense Training International wants to ensure that its students fully understand the physical, legal, psychological, and societal consequences of their actions or in-actions.
It is our duty to make you aware of certain unpleasant physical realities intrinsic to Planet Earth. Mr. Farnam is happy to be your counselor and advisor. Visit:
There are more judges that are far more interested in maintaining the government power base .
The enforcing the constitution.
You got that right, Duane! Criminals are quite interested in keeping their ill-gotten gains.
Criminal PARASITES. Show me one service or product they provide. We need them like we need hemorrhoids.
America needs a reset, George Washington style.
I have two hemorrhoids, one on each side. Leftover from being thrown off a dirtbike onto a rock, right on my ass, back in the 1990s.
Anyway, after long experience with both, I’ll take the hemorrhoids any day! Government is more like tuberculosis or stage 3 lung cancer. A huge pain in the ass for as long as one manages to survive.
This is like the current trend to “investigate” anything and everything, but never doing anything. What good is an investigation that finds wrongdoing, but won’t do anything about it? No better than a Supreme Court decision that all the lower courts just ignore. It’s all just a big show to keep the sheeple distracted.
“people are content with a show and rarely pause to check afterward whether the promises have been kept.” -Anon
It is the REASON we need the MILITIAS back in force and effect with grand jury INDICTMENT power which is the main reason they were done away with.
Democrats always create a dog and pony show to distract from thier criminal activity. If it were not for smoke and mirrors they would be exposed on every level as the criminal corrupt POS they are .
I kinda agree. Unless SCOTUS comes down with a sledge of a ruling, the anti-gunners will just keep twisting their BS laws and then wait in the courts to decide, all while their BS sticks. The courts are so corrupt I don’t see viable path for 2A victory, in the grand scheme of the problem. I unfortunately suspect a new civil war will come as the Govt attempts to disarm The People.
They have come to realize SCOTUS is a toothless tiger. And every test balloon like this that gets floated further emboldens them.
Keep your powder dry……got a feelin it’s gonna get a lot uglier
You too? A LOT uglier.
SCOTUS isn’t a toothless tiger. SCOTUS has no enforcement arm, and it was designed that way by the framers. To have an enforcement arm is like Hitler’s SS enforcement arm. Free and law abiding citizens, including gov’t officials in a gov’t that is of, for, and by the people, agreed by compact to accept decisions by the SC, as law abiding citizens do, even if they didn’t like the decision.
You need to read my paper above.
totbs, I agree with your “compact” statement, but suggest that you need be clear about what you fear SCOTUS enforcing (the “SS” reference seems a non sequitur). Consider: there should be the means by which SCOTUS can bring charges and enforce a finding of “contempt of court” against any state elected or appointed official who ignores, defies or advocates, facilitates or otherwise brings into law a blatantly unconstitutional power of government over the People of their state or of the United States. Punishments should include reparations from the convict’s personal wealth alone, imprisonment and loss of citizenship. Separately, SCOTUS should… Read more »
Consistently, too little too late.
Suspend my ability to get fuel for my car? Are you kidding me? Too much power and control. This bitch has got to go. Put her and the other one in New Mexico on an deserted island with biden and hunter but make sure they are all sterilized first.
Nah. Forget the sterilization. Let ’em blow, suck, lick, sniff, grope, fondle, and gobble each other until their testicles whistle “Oh come all ye faithful! Serve ’em right. Just make certain they never escape! 🙂
Good old George. He was not wrong.
If George did that live now, can you imagine the reaction from the left? Riots nationwide from every grievance group known and unknown.
Of curse, he was White, with a wife who owned inherited slaves..
Why’s it show a comment without a comment?
however wrong this executive order may be, it’s only to be used once a disaster has happened and even then, only for 5 days and can be overwritten by the states legislature.
Short memory, much?
my memory is fine, yours tho…..
Really? So now you remember the Safe Community act that you forgot all about a couple days ago?
<sniff snifffffff>
Woooooo. I’m smelling that cattle truck going by again!
correct from what i read and understand. it doesn’t seem like this is state wide, because it says county, city, town, village exec officer can make this proclamation. and it does seem limited g (iv) to specifics. although we know what government agents think of specifics.
So I guess it’s all right to just violate under Title 42 a county of citizens and a city or so. Hmmm…makes lots of sense to me.
Actually if Title 18 was enforced, that would be great.
Sorry, the US Constitution isn’t allowed to be suspended. Martial law is not LAWFUL under the Constitution. It would be a usurpation of power that would bring on a civil war.
most states have constitutional provisions for martial law but they are pretty narrow and you can bet New York would read it as broadly as they felt they needed to until they got slapped down and the federal government can suspend habeas corpus under certain narrow conditions which would have the same effect as martial law
New Orleans comes to mind.
Anti-gun democrats don’t pass laws just to put pen to paper, they do it under the hope of using that power.
i remember Katrina and how that mayor’s order was overturned by the federal 5 th circuit… too long after tho.
Oh of course. Just like two weeks to flatten the curve?
the New York legislature is nothing but a rubber stamp for whatever gun rights denial scheme the governor comes up with they would never override her ability to suspend the sale of guns and ammo
Suspend? No, Govt will just say the price for petro fuels got very high, outside their control, but you have option to buy a $75,000 toxic battery eV that only costs $3,000 annual registration, tires cost about 2x that of a normal vehicle, but you can pay just $6 to “fill up” in 12hrs to go 300 miles. It’s the same set of morons who pushed out CFL bulbs, which are full of toxic mercury. I was at a fair some years back, one sponsor was an electric company who was handing out “energy saving” CFL bulbs? Hmmmm, free stuff,… Read more »
The two governesses are too old to require sterilization.. redundancy
Good point.
It just irks me that these politicians pay no personal penalty for violating constitutional rights. They just get a “hey, don’t do that” from the courts, and then it’s on to drafting the next unconstitutional law.
You might as well give it up logic. I tried to tell them back around Y2K time. Nobody would listen then either.
The masses just aren’t ready to look at the truth. Not yet anyway. When they can’t buy gasoline any more, and the grocery store shelves start to go empty…. then they might be ready.
THEN “the masses” will riot. The PTB will then call out the military and suppress the social unrest and institute dictatorial rules & regulations. Which is their point- complete social control…
“:Of course, none of the foregoing restrictions ever apply to politicians or their tax-payer-funded security staff.” Call them what they are John…Psychopathic Control Freak PARASITES. We need to pull them from our bodies.
Ok, this post is 11 months old but here is my new pet peeve to an old post. If the feds make law and the state can make laws that supersede the feds and they both make laws that go against the constitution like anything that changes “Shall Not Be Infringed”, how the hell is the supreme court supposed to enforce anything without the federal government stepping in and saying to states like Kommiefornia, oregoneistan and washington including New Dork and other BLUE states, hey, you can’t do that!!!!!! There is no enforcement of Bruen. It reminds me of working… Read more »
Unfortunately, MM, the SCOTUS is not an enforcement agency. It’s sole purpose is to rule on the constitutionality of laws and to monitor lower courts decisions. Enforcement is to be done by the executive branch and you know where we are all at with that.
Take back our Republic by any means necessary!!
they need a group that arrests and charges bad apples in government with violations of constitution penalties up to and including stripping citizenship wat to be a commie go elsewhere
I am stumped. We need the government to take over the rouge government and they are all in cahoots together. I think when President Trump becomes President again that he should start a new agency and call it the CEA. Constitutional Enforcement Agency. Their job would be to enforce the constitution first and make sure all agencies comply with their orders siting the constitution as the reason why their overstep needs correction of which they will comply. Firing heads of rouge agencies is a good start but just how deep must you go to get an honest individual. I say,… Read more »
Stay the hell out of Democrat run chithole Cities!
Do Not Comply! A statute that is facially unconstitutional is no law at all.
Beyond the delay, going through the state police facilitates the building of a state registry that will be used for confiscation as they “ban” more and more of the second Amendment.
Mass non-compliance to the NY SAFE Act made them realize they were powerless without a confiscation registry database.
This is our fault. We should have eliminated this year’s ago.
Give a politician an inch, and they’ll take your life.
Marxism in America, at ALL levels, MUST be eliminated if America is to survive.
It’s long overdue for politicians and bureaucrats to be held personally responsible for their anti rights policies and legislation. Judges and politicians as well as police chiefs, sheriffs and other bureaucrats need to be removed from office, jailed and fined significantly.
A right delayed is certainly a right denied per MLK Jr.
See Bateman v. Perdue (No. 5:10-CV-265-H (E.D.N.C. filed Mar. 29, 2012).
Senior U.S. District Judge Malcolm Howard found that NC(G.S. 14-288.7) which allowed the government to prohibit transportation and sale of firearms and ammo during a declared state of emergency was unconstitutional.
So all that’s required is a judge who can fairly apply the SCOTUS rulings.
And this was BEFORE Bruen.
11 months ago????
Come on man!!!!!
The DOJ enforces Supreme Court rulings.
And we know that Garland enforces FOR the marxist democrat party, not against the marxist democrat party.
There’s the problem.
What happened to “NRA 2.0” and “righting the ship”, why is NRA covering up that NRAWC executive director Mr. Kelner had an A.D. which resulted in personal injury and that the NRAWC Chairman, Mr. Schmeits KNOWS about it, and he is also a past NRA president and current NRA BoD.
Why can’t EVP Hamlin offer a comment? Or BoD Jeff Knox who frequents this site, even writes on it? Why?
And, have ya’ shot any of your tyrants lately? AH HA, there’s the root cause. America is over run from within. They do what they do because we let them. “What country before, ever existed a century and a half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of… Read more »
Don’t worry, Hamlin and Brewer with their “NRA 2.0” will come to the rescue… That’ll be the day.
Here’s good news to report. In the link, are names of candidates for NRA Board of Directors. But to get on the ballot they need 650 signed petitions. I’ve been assured, these men are true fighters, unlike the milk toast disappointments of the past, so called “reform” movement.
I ask you all to take a look, and if you agree, sign the petition. This is are chance to finally give the cabal hell.
I’m not a Constitutional scholar, but since we can nullify a Fed order, I suppose the can also…?
All those cases remanded back 15 months or so ago to those Left Wing Federal Judges who gave homage to their Democrat Pals in their Opinions and Orders were to consider the effects of Bruen. And nothing 15 months later.
SCROTUS is AWOL. AWOL of sense, AWOL of honor, AWOL of duty. They are COMPLETELY USELESS!
It seems to me that the SCOTUS (8-1) did not enforce their own Bruen ruling in Rahimi. Roberts wrote something to the effect that an English law allowing disarming a person who poses a clear threat to others and a historical US law requiring a “bond” be posted by a person believed to have threatened others with guns confirms what “common sense” suggests: that a person poses a clear threat of violence may be disarmed. I see nothing in those two laws that even indicates that a citizen’s right to firearms was to be deprived for life as does the… Read more »
The Supreme court does not make laws and has no authority to enforce their decisions on anybody. Their sole responsibility is to judge whether or not a law is constitutional. Enforcement belongs to the executive branch, ie Biden and his corrupt cabinet, right now. Sheesh!
Sheesh! Does not the Executive Branch require to execute (enforce) laws as interpreted by the SCOTUS? The Democrat administration apparently does not think so.
constitution is just a bunch of suggestions, or at least how they treat it
Well, hey, to buy a gun from an FFL in Michigan without a CPL you now have to go to your local PD and file for a “License to Purchase” which requires a NICS check as well as State databases. If you pass you must then pay to have it notarized, ($11 at my local,) take the triplicate form to your FFL and undergo ANOTHER NICS check before you can buy your gun. We can still buy ammo without one, though, so I guess our Dummycrats ain’t quite a New York Dummycrat level of batshit crazy – yet.
Spare me the partizanship…..all this communist crap is Brought to us by the rnc just as much as the dnc
There was a coup in the U.S. in Nov 19663 and EVERY “representative” from then to now is in on it to this day. Stop pissing down are backs and telling us it’s raining.
WHO is really running America and why have “Americans” become such dumbed down PU$$IES?
EVERY deep state a$$hole/employee/“representative” should be tried for treason and shot…….and it shouldn’t take five years
Torches, pitchforks and AR 15’s!!!!!
Logician, Why “common law courts” and “jury trials” (which do not work, because the goal is to find “impartial” jurors (which your “friends, neighbors and business associates” cannot be; and generally precludes individuals knowledgeable about the contested matters, and thus purely “passionately emotional” decisions)) ? … [Of course, I recognize there is a likelihood that “passionate, emotional” decisions may be consistent with your approach to the law.] Why not “tribal law” or “theocratic law & courts”; or we could return to the arbitrary tyranny of “territorial”, “imperialistic” or “colonial” laws ? Let’s just break the country up into the smallest… Read more »