NRA at the Crossroads: Your Voice is Crucial, NRA Board Needs to Hear From You


Members Contact the NRA Board of Directors
Members Contact the NRA Board of Directors

Reformers on the NRA Board of Directors are now between a rock and a hard place.

The rock is NRA members demanding sweeping changes before they will consider rejoining or contributing to the Association.  The hard place is to keep the Association solvent long enough to get those demanded changes done.

We’ve been through a scandal, a failed bankruptcy attempt, a jury trial on corruption and fiduciary failings, and a bench trial on remediating those fiduciary failings.  We’ve gotten rid of problem vendors, banned Wayne LaPierre for ten years, and parted ways with the other executives who abused their positions for personal gain and the gain of their cronies. We’ve gotten a court order requiring LaPierre and former Treasurer Woody Phillips to repay millions of dollars in excess compensation, a fraction of the billions they have cost our fight.  Most importantly, we’ve made sweeping changes to our financial control systems, contracting practices, and compliance processes, all to ensure that nothing like what was done before can be done in the future.

For years, we’ve all heard, “I won’t give one more dime to the NRA until Wayne LaPierre is gone.”

Well, Wayne is gone.  He didn’t go the way many of us would have preferred – on a rail with a coating of tar and feathers – but he’s still gone.

I’ll also note that he went with NO golden parachute or tidy severance package, as has been widely and erroneously reported.  There is still a question about his legal fees, but that is in the process of being sorted out.

Now we hear, “I won’t give one more dime to the NRA until all of the directors who shielded Wayne are gone,” or “…until Brewer is gone,” or “..until Cotton and his cabal are gone,” or “…until there are substantial changes…”

Folks, there have been substantial changes.  As noted above, the financial abuse of the past, including “consulting fees” to directors, sweetheart deals with accomplice vendors, and limitless credit cards padding executives’ lifestyles, are all gone.

The judge in New York, who has been absolutely fair, rigorous, and clearly concerned about protecting NRA members, concluded that the financial issues and the accompanying policies and procedures are now in good order.

As a newly elected Board Member who ran on reforming the NRA, I agree.

The Judge, in his decision [embedded below and worth reading in its entirety], expressed concern that many of the same people who were supposed to enforce and abide by the previous policies and procedures and prevent the type of financial chicanery that occurred but failed to do so are still in key roles on key committees tasked with enforcing and abiding by the new policies and procedures. I also agree with that concern.

He addressed this issue in his preliminary decision at the end of July and ordered the parties to get together to work on this concern, along with several others, before he issues his final decision, probably toward the end of this month.  If all goes as expected, the judge’s decision will come out a week or so before the next meeting of the Board of Directors, scheduled for September 7th, 2024, in the Dallas area.

Brewer Attorneys and Counselors, Insanely Overpaid Legal Hacks

Another major area of concern for many NRA members who have followed this case, but which the judge did not address directly, is the issue of the NRA’s outside counsel, Brewer Attorneys and Counselors.

The judge didn’t address this issue because it’s outside of the purview of the litigation.  Nonetheless, Judge Cohen addressed it indirectly with his comments about committee assignments in his preliminary decision.  Right now, one of the most important committees is the Special Litigation Committee, which the Board gave authority to oversee the New York litigation and related matters.  That committee has claimed that only they can decide what attorney to employ. There’s debate about that, but settling that debate could be very complicated.  Dissolving that committee, or at least changing its make-up, should open the door for discussion of seeking different counsel.

Removing all directors who supported, defended, or shielded Wayne LaPierre must be done by you, the Members, not we, the Board.

Every year, you have the opportunity to elect or reject 25 or more members of the Board.  Part of the judge’s preliminary decision addressed that directly, suggesting that the nominating process be opened up to make it much easier for people to get on the ballot.  His guidance was for the Nominating Committee to approve every candidate who meets the basic qualifications simply: Life Member or above for at least five years.  There’s a very high probability that his suggestion will be adopted, meaning there could be 40 or 50 candidates on the ballot next year to fill 25 seats.

For obvious reasons, I strongly oppose the idea of members of the Board kicking off fellow members with whom they disagree, even when the disagreement is very serious.  With the exception of cases of clear criminal activity, I believe that is a decision properly left up to the membership.  With a more open nomination process and less partisan interference in the magazines, I think it will be easier for the members to make their wishes known.

Over the past six years, my attitude toward the NRA has swung from anger and frustration to cautious optimism, to deep despair, to real hope, and all points in between.  Right now, I’m extremely hopeful that we can continue on the road of reform and recovery, restoring the NRA to its former glory and more.  I understand the reticence many still feel about making financial contributions now, but I believe there’s a good chance that most of the rationale for withholding donations or delaying rejoining has already been dealt with or will be dealt with in the September board meeting and subsequent board elections.

If you want to help get the NRA over these last couple of obstacles, your financial support will be appreciated, but your active participation is even more needed.  Directors need to hear from you.  You can write to individual directors or the entire board by including your name and member number (as it appears on the mailing label of your magazine) and address emails to [email protected].

You are the NRA.  Keep reminding your elected representatives on the board of that, and keep offering your suggestions and ideas.  We can’t do it without you.

People of the State of New York v. The National Rifle Association of America, et al. July 29, 2024

About Jeff Knox:

Jeff Knox is a dedicated political activist and the director of The Firearms Coalition, following in the footsteps of his father, Neal Knox. In 2024, Jeff was elected to the NRA Board of Directors, underscoring his lifelong commitment to protecting the Second Amendment. The Knox family has played a pivotal role in the ongoing struggle for gun rights, a legacy documented in the book Neal Knox – The Gun Rights War, authored by Jeff’s brother, Chris Knox.

Founded by Neal Knox in 1984, The Firearms Coalition is a network of individual Second Amendment activists, clubs, and civil rights organizations. The Coalition supports grassroots efforts by providing education, analysis of current issues, and a historical perspective on the gun rights movement. For more information, visit

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F Riehl, Editor in Chief

Here are some sample comments that NRA members can use to email the board about dissolving the Special Litigation Committee: Subject: Urgent: Dissolve the Special Litigation Committee Dear Members of the NRA Board of Directors, I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the continued existence of the Special Litigation Committee. Given the recent legal challenges and the significant reforms already undertaken, it is crucial that we ensure transparency and accountability in our legal representation. The current structure of the Special Litigation Committee has been a point of contention for many members, including myself. Its authority over our legal… Read more »

Wild Bill

Good leadership, brother! I’m getting right on this.

Last edited 1 month ago by Wild Bill
Dave “Eagle” Dell’Aquila

There are several issues being addressed so let’s address some of them. What F. Riehl, Editor in Chief, suggests is fine in writing to the NRA. To that cause we can provide Doug Hamlin’s work email address: [email protected] What we disagree with Jeff is providing donations to the NRA until tangible reforms are realized starting with firing Brewer, bringing the NRA in compliance in which Doug and Barr have not done as we speak, and addressing the financials. Jeff’s statement “sweeping changes to our financial control systems, contracting practices, and compliance processes, all to ensure that nothing like what was… Read more »

Wild Bill

Oh, I am not sending the NRA any money, just a piece of my mind. Sorry about the confusion. And thanks for Hamlin’s email.

Last edited 1 month ago by Wild Bill
Dave “Eagle” Dell’Aquila

Buddy – You are welcome!


I forwarded something to Mr Lifer. I got a reply from DH, and asked for his opinion and for him to forward to you, to ask for your opinion as well on how to respond.

Last edited 1 month ago by Nick

Has Hamlin written back?


I am one of many who are in the wait and see camp. BUT I am also man of my word. I told the NRA they would not see one red cent more until Wayne is gone. Wayne is gone and we could go on forever demanding more and more, step by step, and whatever the NRA BoD does, it’s not enough. So I will send a small check, maybe a hundred bucks, via Jeff for him to deliver at the next board meeting along with a letter to the directors. He can tell them I say thank you for… Read more »

Dave “Eagle” Dell’Aquila

I can assure you that I am NOT one that said “no more money until Wayne is gone!”

That is evidenced simply by reading my class action lawsuit 6 years ago.

My messages on these websites have been “Please do not donate money until tangible reformS are realized” or “Please do not donate money to the NRA until tangible reforms are realized starting with firing the Brewer, bringing the NRA into full compliance and addressing on going financial malfeasance!”

We can agree to disagree about donating money to the NRA, but I respect your opinion.


And I respect your opinion too though did not think to associate you with the lawsuit which I read about quite some time ago. Not many use their real names here. I’ve given this a lot of consideration and I’m not risking that much. As I said, I am one of the ones who said not until Wayne … . Also, it’s not until the dog is trained that you can make it do a series of tricks before it gets a treat. In the beginning, one trick, one treat. Now is the time to see if we can teach… Read more »


Chivalry’s nice, but it only works if both sides agree to abide by it. The NRA is still full of crooks. Yes, Wayne’s gone. But, he was not the only crook, just one of many and the most famous. The biggest crook at the NRA isn’t even an employee or BoD, it’s Brewer. $200million so far, zero victories. And roughly $3million per week he’s being paid by the NRA. They’ll take your money, and spend it real fast! I agree with Mr. Dell’Aquila, and his strategy, regarding the lawsuit, and bankruptcy, and RICO. I further agree, no money to the… Read more »


Knox lies. There’s been ZERO reform. Don’t give the NRA money until there is REAL reform.


I just do not forsee, in what time I have left on this Earth, my joining or contributing to NRA again. Contrary to what many of us grew up hearing, and believing, the NRA truly did mostly Negotiate our Rights Away. There were good aspects to the organization such as safety, training, certification of instructors, and the like; but my expectation was on them defending our gun rights. This was a task they not only often failed miserably at, they also betrayed us badly about, going back at least to NFA 1934. It would not surprise me to learn one… Read more »


The NFA is the earliest instance I know of, of the NRA negotiating our rights away. I think the biggest issue at hand isn’t government interference as you suggest, though, I wouldn’t rule it out, but as I see it looking now, you’ve got a pile of crooks, LaPierre being the biggest, and I suspect Brewer weaseled his way in using blackmail. Brewer is a known anti gun ideologue, who for at least the past two decades has donated to every anti gun candidate you’ve ever heard of and plenty more you haven’t. I think the most likely scenario for… Read more »


Jeff Knox lies. There’s been ZERO reform. No money until real reform!

Phillip Journey

You are mistaken about Jeff you say the same thing as NRA President Barr


Ok, then show me, who of the crooks has been fired? What reform? Point to it? I’m not “against” the NRA. I’m “against” corruption. If the NRA comes back around, I’ll support them. If they don’t, then no. I’m not a… For lack of a better term, “brand loyalist.” Just show me me, where this reform is. Whittington? Brewer? The Foundation? Show me! Change my mind. I will not donate, until tangible reforms have been realized. And the Brewer firm has been terminated. And the NRA has been brought into full compliance with all the laws, and the financial malfeasance… Read more »

Wild Bill

I’m not sure if Jeff Knox and the other three patriot board members are enough to get anyone fired or make any changes, but at least we have someone on the inside. That is a big step.
Given more time and more patriot board members, people could get fired and the NRA revamped from cash cow to effective gun Rights organization.


But that still doesn’t answer the question. Where is the “reform” Knox is talking about? Show me! How is the NRA on a good path? Show me!


Ever read NRA In Danger blog? Oh he really blew up at me there, when I dared ask him to point out the reforms. He hates my guts. Then has his pals get hysterical in the comment section saying I’m hurting the movement. I asked “How is asking a BoD where the reforms are, hurting the movement?” More hysterics.
Reading their comments, it’s like high school girls having a cat fight.


Hamlin, has the legal authority to fire Brewer under NY law.


Still no comment Judge?


Still no comment?


Ok, four “dislikes”. Show me, where are the reforms?


Five thumbs down so far, and yet no one can say where I’m wrong…


Notice not even “Judge” Journey could answer my question above? You’d think a “Judge” could prove explain, but no. Even on NRA In Danger blog, I catch hell from the people who have blind faith in these “reformers” when I ask simple questions.


Sometimes an organization just oulives it’s usefulness. I’m a member, but I see plenty of other orgs out there that are doing good things, sometimes more good things, than the NRA has been and is now probably capable of doing.


The NRA has excellent name recognition (sometimes for the good stuff, more often for the fraud perpetrated by former leadership). IMHO, new leadership suggested by Jeff Knox is the future for the organization. Riehl’s thoughtful suggestions for pushing BOD members in toward making the necessary changes make for a good jumping point. Of course, tracking the BOD and top leadership’s actions would be even better. I’m not at all ready to give up on the NRA. I want to see it, as well as the Second Amendment Foundation, and all of the other organizations that work on behalf of the… Read more »

Dave “Eagle” Dell’Aquila

We are also not giving up on the NRA because of it historic past and former prominence, but the NRA, specifically CEO, NRA President Barr and the majority of the current board who to this day are in violation of NY’s nonprofit regulations of fiduciary responsibility, oversight, etc. have not come clean and we have indisputably proof stating with the Chief Compliance Officer and others. We recommend do not donate money to the NRA until Brewer is fired, they come into total compliance (by the way Jeff agreed with me several weeks ago that the NRA was not in compliance),… Read more »

Dave “Eagle” Dell’Aquila

Jeff knows about several of these issues because I have personally discussed them with him, but Jeff chooses to ignore them and states to everyone that the NRA is compliant so just send us the money!


Your take is 100% accurate, there are other great 2A orgs I support. However, losing the NRA will take away something from the 2A community no other organization is even on a track to step in and offer us. Even today, I do not believe any of those other orgs have the broad impact and presence of the NRA. More uniquely, think of the intake. No other large 2A organization is structured to be as member driven as the NRA. The great tragedy in this NRA chapter, separate from the crimes, was the voice of NRA membership being so cut… Read more »


Knox lied countless times in that article.


Where’s the reform that Knox and Journey say has happened?

No donations until tangible reform happens, like firing Brewer. Purging all the crooks. Coming in 100percent compliance with the non-profit laws. And totally ending the financial corruption.


My thoughts exactly, Ope. Even in the supposed “good times”, Negotiating Rights Away was selling us out.


You are correct, Ope! I was one of those people until a few years ago when my eyes opened and I saw they were not what my grandfather, my father, and myself, had thought them to be.


The Joe Foss days are long, long gone!



Dave “Eagle” Dell’Aquila

You make an excellent point and we respect your opinion.


All my coins going to GOA and TSRA


Hi OldVet! That is exactly the kind of garbage NRA-ILA was pulling that woke me up to the scam they are, years ago. Endorse and support our enemies. Methinks Mr Knox and the other apologists need to pound sand.


Mr. Knox, and Mr. Journey have both been challenged by me to point out a single tangible reform, and neither have done so.

No money to the NRA until there is tangible reform, the termination of the Brewer law firm, compliance with all laws, and no financial misconduct. Then, and only then, should anyone even consider giving money.


Even the NRA is swamp infested.


Yes, and people like Mr. Knox and Mr. Journey aren’t helping. Both have been challenged by me to point to tangible reform, and neither have done so.

No donations unless tangible reform happens, such as the firing the Brewer law firm, total compliance with the law, a total end to the financial abuse.


Dump the NRA for the GOA!


Knox lied countless times in that article.


Question following this: “For obvious reasons, I strongly oppose the idea of members of the Board kicking off fellow members with whom they disagree, even when the disagreement is very serious. With the exception of cases of clear criminal activity, I believe that is a decision properly left up to the membership. With a more open nomination process and less partisan interference in the magazines, I think it will be easier for the members to make their wishes known.” How are we the members to KNOW WHO has committed SERIOUS Criminal actions or those who “strongly disagree” with the members? We LIFE… Read more »

Dave “Eagle” Dell’Aquila

Unfortunately, the NRA still operates under Wayne’s paradigm of absolute secrecy and the idea they do not have to report to anyone, especially the members who pay for everything. The NRA is a black hole and for the very few directors, namely Colonel Brown, who almost weekly sent emails to Wayne and Frazer requesting financials, reports, etc. he was almost always rebuffed or told he must fly from Colorado to headquarters and then be in a secure room without a phone, pencil, pen, paper, etc.. Colonel Brown’s exercising his fiduciary duty and oversight only got him removed via the nominating… Read more »


It’s a simple question like “how are the members to know?” that blows Knox out of the water. Knox’s pie in the sky ideas prove he’s not the one to be leading the charge for reforming the NRA.


Knox is dangerous. He’s feeding the uninformed lies, as they will be giving money to thieves. And the ones who are in the know, he’s cranking up their hate and rage even higher, making all the harder to get enough people on board to fight the crooks. I don’t know if Knox is scared, or compromised in some way, but he’s just pouring kerosene on the fire, and it must stop.


Here’s another simple question. Above, Journey commented at me, not very clearly, but angry I criticized his pal Knox. I said show the the reform. He hasn’t.

Dave “Eagle” Dell’Aquila

RON SCHMEITS 2000 – Present: • On or around the year 2000, Schmeits was elected to the NRA board. By 2005, Schcmeits is also listed on the Board at NRAWC. At the same time, he is also, CEO, president, and Director, of the International Bank in Raton, NM. Using his position on the NRAWC board, he transfers the NRAWC financial accounts from their existing bank to the International Bank. This allows Schmeits to oversee all financial accounts of the NRAWC. • This information can be substantiated by reviewing the NRAWC’s form 990 for the year 2005, in which it states… Read more »


I’m pleased to see you’re branching out Mr. Dell’Aquila!


So, where is that list of “all directors who supported, defended, or shielded Wayne LaPierre”? Where is the NRA’s plan to deal with the judges other concerns? In leu of membership in the NRA I am now a member of a number of gun rights organizations and affiliations. I’m not sure that keeping such a tainted organization around is good for gun rights, in long or short run. I see nothing in your article that sways me to feel any differently about this. THE NRA IS DEAD TO ME!

Dave “Eagle” Dell’Aquila

We respect your opinion!

Finally, we are making our message more precise by stating the following:

Please do not donate money to the NRA until tangible reforms are realized starting with firing the Brewer, bringing the NRA into full compliance and addressing on going financial malfeasance!


I agree with Mr. Dell’Aquila, on not donating until there is real reforms, such as firing Brewer, actual compliance with non profit law, and not just legal, but ethical financial management.

But I do think it’s worth some effort to see the crooks at the NRA punished, or at the very least thrown out, and make some attempt to save it, if that’s possible. There is much, in terms of facilities the NRA has, which is worth saving and not seeing pillaged by the crooks. It might be too late to save it. But I think it’s worth a try.


My advice to the NRA: You can sell sh!t for chocolate once, but you can’t go back to that town.


Well put, Cappy! You win the internet for today! 😀

Roland T. Gunner

Dismiss the entire 268 member BoD and hand over the reins of power and the purse strings to Alan Gottlieb.


In proportion to its size, and maybe just across the board, Mr Gottlieb’s SAF seems like they are the most active of all national gun rights groups, and have been for decades.


GOA’s been making all the right enemies lately.


It’s time for the NRA to finally go completely away. You can’t reform a dinosaur. There are too many gun rights groups as it is and it’s just splitting resources. The GOA and SAF already do a great job. The NRA had lost all credibility and it’s just a waste of resources to try to bring it back.


I think more is better, and here’s why… I think the NRA got corrupt because it was the only party in town and was huge. I think with more 2A groups, there’s less chance for their to be ONE HUGE 2A group that is led by crooks.
Just like how our government should be, a republic, checks and balances, co-equal branches of government. Diversify power, don’t centralize it. Centralized power is always easier to pervert.


Not a penny.

NRA should die as an example to traitors that take us for granted

(ashamed) life member


No. The thieves should be put in prison. And real reform, tangible reform, and compliance with all laws be in place. Along with the permanent termination of the Brewer law firm.


What size hat does RON SCHMEITSenheimer wear?
Size smol.


First step to easing the financial woes is to get rid of Brewer. The Brewer group is part of the problem, not the solution. The mantra of “no more money until WLP is gone” was before the trial revealed how deep and wide the mismanagement/corruption is within the NRA. As the evidence was revealed, it became apparent that there were those who were aiding and abetting the mismanagement/corruption and continue to blow smoke up the member’s butts about the trial results. All those people must go, a clean sweep with new management and a smaller board that takes full responsibility… Read more »

Dave “Eagle” Dell’Aquila

We agree 100% with your analysis and if Brewer remains on board the NRA will be in bankruptcy!
Finally, we are making our message more precise by stating the following:

Please do not donate money to the NRA until tangible reforms are realized starting with firing the Brewer, bringing the NRA into full compliance and addressing on going financial malfeasance!


Do you know how to search the NY Courts site? I wonder if Brewer’s filed any appeals.

Dave “Eagle” Dell’Aquila

ROBERT MENSINGER- NRA COMPLIANCE • The compliance website ( Compliance and Ethics Reporting) is NOT anonymous, because several individuals have utilized it to report issues that they believe are non-compliant and/or illegal. One anonymous individual filed a complaint on the compliance website detailing several allegations of corruption, mismanagement of funds, non-compliance, and illegal activities and two weeks later when the individual logged in to see the status of the complaint it could not be accessed. This individual has proof of the date the complaint was created as well as documented proof, two weeks later, that the complaint could not be… Read more »




Letter sent. Thanks!


Let us know if Hamlin replies.


Hey Jeff! You are so right, but I have my own BIG issue. As a LIFE member I am excluded from voting because I am a non-USA resident.
Why is the NRA so afraid of non-resident voters? I sent the NRA NBOD’s my comments but got no reply.

Dave “Eagle” Dell’Aquila

Unfortunately, the NRA still operates under Wayne’s paradigm of absolute secrecy and the idea they do not have to report to anyone, especially the members who pay for everything.


Brewer Needs To Go! I’m taking a break from my “fancy banker’s-hours lifestyle” on the NRA BoD to weigh in further on the situation regarding Lawyer Brewer and his Law Firm – Brewer Attorneys and Counselors or the BAC group – as I understand it and the yet unresolved litigation pending in New York. As reported to me by others, Lawyer Brewer and his BAC group is the major source of the NRA’s pending financial demise.   After listening carefully during the “double top-secret portion” of the Legal Affairs Committee meeting at NRA HQ on Saturday, August 10th and seeing and… Read more »


Knox is a liar and a coward. Hamlin has the legal authority under NY non profit law, to fire Brewer immediately. Knox claims the corruption is over. NO! Brewer’s raping the NRA, that we know of for AT LEAST $200 MILLION, and ZERO wins! What about all of the firearms in the museum which have been left un-cared for and sold off? And what about the NRA Foundation funding NRA HQ? That’s ILLEGAL under non profit law. Then there’s Whittington, and the biggest crook that we know of is past president, and current board member Ron Schmeits, who owned the… Read more »


No donations until there in tangible reform, and the Brewer firm is terminated, and the NRA is brought into full compliance with all applicable laws, and that the financial abuse has FINALLY ended.

To those of you who dislike my comments, such as Journey and Knox, and whoever else, it’s simple, point to some sign of reform.

Get Out

IMOA, the NRA needs to show me they’re fighting for our 2A and not the backdoor gun laws that take our firearms. They should be out there now taking on those states and cities that pass bogus gun laws and gun bans. We know that criminals won’t adhere to any gun law anyway. I’ll give my cash to the organizations that are currently fighting for the 2A.