A Baker City woman defended her home with a .22 caliber revolver early on the morning of September 11th, 2024, after an intruder entered the house while she and her partner were sleeping.
The intruder, 36-year-old Brandon Douglas Culbertson, entered through a sliding door and startled the couple by claiming to be looking for someone named “Rebecca.”
The couple, Sidney Luebberke and Luetta Holtz, told police they didn’t know Culbertson, which made them fear for their safety. Holtz quickly retrieved her revolver and ordered Culbertson to sit on the porch while Luebberke called 911.
However, due to a police staffing shortage, no patrols were available between 2 a.m. and 7 a.m., leaving the couple to manage the situation alone. We are truly on our own…
Regarding Police Patrols: Bakercityherald.com Reported:
“The Baker City Police Department ceased 24-hour patrols on Dec. 1, 2023. Police Chief Ty Duby said the department didn’t have enough officers to maintain around-the-clock patrols without incurring excessive overtime and increasing stress on officers.
Duby had hoped to resume 24-hour patrols in June of this year, but with three newly hired officers still needing to finish a training course at the state academy, that wasn’t possible.
However, City Manager Barry Murphy said on Friday, Sept. 13, that the police department will resume 24-hour patrols on Sept. 23. Between now and then, the department will “provide coverage during the early morning hours when there are gaps between scheduled patrols.”
“We know that the safety and security of Baker City residents is central to what the city provides, and regaining 24/7 coverage will enhance those efforts.”
Although police aren’t patrolling during the 5-hour period early in the morning, Duby said a police supervisor is available during that time to answer calls from the 911 dispatch center.
As the minutes passed, Culbertson became agitated and refused Holtz’s commands. When he began walking away from the house, Holtz fired two warning shots in his direction. The shots were not aimed to harm, but served as a deterrent. Culbertson left the property, and later that morning, Baker City Police Officer Josh Chandler located and arrested him at a nearby Maverik gas station.
Culbertson was charged with first-degree criminal trespassing and failing to report as a sex offender. He is scheduled to appear in court on October 1. This was his second arrest in three months, following an earlier incident in which Culbertson resisted arrest and was tased by officers for failing to comply with sex offender reporting laws.
This incident underscores the importance of home defense and preparedness. While warning shots are generally discouraged, Holtz’s quick thinking and resolve helped keep her and her partner safe during a time when immediate police assistance was unavailable.
Where’s anyone getting two women? Did I miss something?
I didn’t know what state this was in until I read Darkman’s comment (Thank You!). I find it ridiculous that 911 didn’t send another agency to deal with this if the primary (BPD) was unavailable. Like, W T F? Surely the Sheriff’s Dept, County Police, State Police, or someone else has jurisdiction in that area and could respond. Someone in 911 and/or the BPD “Supervisor” in the 911 Center should be fired for not generating a call for service to the ladies’ home on a call like that. Thankfully, at least one was armed.
Another example of why we need to be armed 24/7/365. .A s.p. comes through the door in the middle of the night and, when caught red handed, says he is looking for someone? Yup, the sky is green, your check is in the mail, I won’t raise your taxes and I …… Although the woman was right in not shooting him as he escaped, I would warn against warning shots. There is just too much that can, and usually does, go wrong not to mention you can get yourself arrested for discharging a weapon. You can put holes in your… Read more »
Use a .45 or, better yet, a 12 gauge with buckshot. No warning shots. Drop the intruder. If the cops want to wait until after breakfast to come get the corpse, that’s up to them. Do NOT sleep without significant firepower within arms reach. Intruders get no say, no choices, no options except to obey gravity.
ok, let me get this straight. a man who is a sexual predator was released again after he had not complied with previous mandates to report as a sexual predator less than 3 months earlier and then committed a (felony?) b & e?
is the city giving taxpayers a refund because there is no law enforcement between 2 and 7 am? does the town think there is no crime occurring during that time?
laser light on forehead seems appropriate.
two lucky women.
Which Baker City?