Leftists Buying Guns Nothing for 2A Advocates to Crow About

“Michael Ciemnoczolowski, a lifelong Democrat, supports stricter gun laws and contributes to Sandy Hook Promise, a gun-violence-prevention nonprofit,” The Wall Street Journal reported Friday. “But this summer, the liquor store clerk in Iowa City, Iowa, for the first time in his life bought a gun. Apprehension about street crime, armed right-wing extremists, and ‘whatever else the world could possibly throw at us,’ drove his decision.”

Two recent surveys say gun ownership among Democrats is on the rise. A 2023 Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions survey and a 2022 University of Chicago National Opinion Research survey show an uptick in first-time buyers and more guns in Democrat homes.

That’s a good thing, right?

Not really. Without further data to show this will change voting patterns to oppose citizen disarmament, it simply means they’ve got their guns before the (legal) supply is cut off. And based on comments of new gun owners included in the article, they’re still going to keep voting in prohibitionists.

Prove it to yourself. Go to the websites of two groups cited in the WSJ article, Liberal Gun Owners and L.A. Progressive Shooters, or their social media, and find something– anything—informing members of Democrat threats to gun ownership or Republican-led efforts to protect it. The right to keep and bear arms is a lesser priority for them.

It’s all part of a larger narrative being laid out by media handlers for Kamala: “We’re not taking anybody’s guns away” Harris and uberFudd Tim Walz. And they, of course, are both lying through their teeth.

There are no Second Amendment-supporting Democrats. Supporting any infringement negates the claim that there are. And supporting all of the party platform infringements by voting for the politicians bent on enacting them places Democrat gun owners squarely in the enemy camp. That’s because those they elect will come back for more and more, taking whatever increments Republicans will be craven or dumb enough to them until they have it all.

To anyone who says different, of course, they’re talking about taking your guns. They have been in modern times ever since the Gun Control Act of 1968 principal author Thomas Dodd declared, “I would be for abolishing all guns,” and Handgun Control, Inc. (now the Brady Campaign) founder Pete Shields revealed, “The final problem is to make possession of all handguns and all handgun ammunition-except for the military, police, licensed security guards, licensed sporting clubs, and licensed gun collectors-totally illegal.”

Some “gunfluencers,” those with a flaccid grasp of history, come out gushing to their followers every time increased gun sales numbers are announced, mistaking gun ownership and gun skills with fellowship and solidarity. That’s not only shallow and naïve, but it’s also ridiculous. “Diversity” is no guarantee for enhancing Second Amendment recognition.

That doesn’t justify race or gender-based exclusion, by the way, as much as the Democrats want to portray everyone who does not give full-throated support to socialism as a Nazi. A Bill of Rights culture embraces all who embrace it back. It simply acknowledges the truism that armed domestic enemies do not make the Republic a safer place, either the overt “Redneck Revolt” kind or the more dangerous because there are a lot more of them, doctrinaire Democrat kind, who will vote in an administration intent on becoming unchallengeable by opening up Chuck Schumer’s superhighway to citizenship.

Let them remake the courts, and Bruen is history. That’s what these new Democrat gun owners will enable.

And we can see for ourselves that groups like 97percent, that say they can accommodate both sides, are nothing but fraudulent gun-grabber fronts. “Friends across the aisle” is a myth perpetuated by swindlers and by people who aren’t paying attention.

So is “friends across the lane.”

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

David Codrea

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Augusto Pinochet

This article highlights the true nature of the Left. Guns for me, but not for thee! It is Alinsky tactics 101


Brought to you by Satan.


A couple of observations:

  • There aren’t really any Second Amendment-supporting Republicans, either, else there’d be serious progress toward repealing the NFA, GCA, the Hughes Amendment, the FFA, the Brady Bill, etc.
  • Yes, Democrats/progressives/socialists/left-wing wackos are buying more guns. And they have that right. Full stop. At the risk of sounding trite, “I prefer dangerous freedom”.

You are correct.
And I too would prefer taking my chances in Old West, with dangerous freedom, and dealing with hostile Indians, nature, outlaws, and the like, that this third world hell hole we live in now… Oh I mean, “our democracy”… I guess I pulled a Biden.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Jim, read the post I just made.

Roland T. Gunner

Yep, they have the right to pick up a rifle, thereby declaring themselves to be combatants.


Absolutely. The fact that many, in spite of what they want you to believe, are realizing that the Democrats aren’t trying to do anything about the rising crime will eventually vote against them. Until they do though, they’re still to be considered the “enemy” for lack of a better term. They want you to believe they’re worried about”armed right wing extremists” but not a damn one of them can point one out. They live too much in the emotional turmoil that their precious media forces them into

Get Out

Organizations such as The Three Percenters, The Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, Texas Freedom Force, and other self-described Nazis and white supremacists were among the mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol building that trump loves?


gout .. Not True ,,, You miss spelled it . It is atf fbi & cia !!!~
If it were the way you spelled it we would be Damm Proud of Them !

Last edited 11 days ago by Oldvet
Roland T. Gunner

I dont believe any of those groups “self describe” as Nazis, so piss off.

Get Out

Note to Enrique Tarrio, the former leader of the far-right Proud Boys, and Stewart Rhodes, the leader of the anti-government Oath Keepers militia, don’t have a documentary film crew follow your group around prior to attacking US Capitol.

Footage played in Thursday’s hearing showed a meeting between Enrique Tarrio, the former leader of the far-right Proud Boys, and Stewart Rhodes, the leader of the anti-government Oath Keepers militia, on the eve of Jan 6, 2021. The footage was recorded by a documentary team that had been embedded with the Proud Boys in the lead-up to Jan. 6.


gout … Not True you keep miss naming your alphabet boys . the camera would have been atf / fbi they don’t do anything with out a camera . Ruby Ridge , Waco . and the boys that shot the Bundy rancher !! How does your Cowardly Deserting Valor Stealing Far Left Socialist Muslime Loving Child Molesting Granny Killing Antisemitist Bigoted Chicom Comrade tampon tim awalz and commiela treat their employees obviously you don’t get fringe benefits or you wouldn’t bee so bummed out !

Last edited 10 days ago by Oldvet
Get Out

This truth is going to make your BP pop, here goes. Guffaw.

The documentarian captured footage of Tarrio meeting with Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes in an underground garage the night before Jan. 6, as well as footage of Proud Boys on the front lines of the Capitol attack.
Filmmaker who followed Proud Boys during Capitol siege wants Jan. 6 committee to ‘find the truth’ (nbcnews.com)


gout … Not True It too was staged just like jo mamma’s restaurant campaign stop .BTW Hows Your Family you know Your Cowardly Deserting Valor Steeling Far Left Socialist Muslime Loving Child Molesting Granny Killing Antisemitist Bigoted Chicom Comrade tampon tim awalz /commie hairyass employers today ?
Too bad they don’t share . I know your Bummed .

Last edited 10 days ago by Oldvet
Get Out

Prove it was staged, I’ll wait while you struggle to find the truth…


gout … Not True Don’t have to prove anything we all know those left wing propaganda outlets are fake . Prove it is . You see it’s just your word which no one believes .

Get Out

Fake news, is that why those two pleaded guilty and are in prison?

Get Out

Guffaw, I’m still waiting while you struggle to find the truth…


gout … Shall we take an opinion pole to see if you are full of shit ?


gout …You got to stop believing that left wing propaganda stuff . nbc right Why is it that is one of the three commie la will do interviews or debates on ? BTW How is Your Cowardly Deserting Valor Stealing Far Left Socialist Muslime Loving Child Molesting Granny Killing Antisemitist Bigoted Chicom Comrade Hero tampon tim awalz employer today ? If you whine a little more he may share , no on second thought don’t count on it .

Augusto Pinochet

Ah, a communist shows himself! HAVE I GOT AN OFFER FOR YOU!!

Rebel VA

Bull Feces!


I actually disagree.

If you vote in any way against a right.
You loose that right instantly. Full Stop!

Augusto Pinochet

Right after a very speedy trial. Like opinions, everyone is entitled to a vote; provided you don’t abuse it. This is why we lock up those who vote more than once….
But what we need is hard time for people who rig elections wholesale, not just voter fraud. That of course would mean EVERY Commiecrat politician, every party hack, every high-$$$ donor would all need to be locked up. Preferably in Gitmo.

J Gibbons

While most Republicans are not die-hard 2A absolutists, they are at least more likely to uphold the rule of law and defer to the Constitution in some critical matters (filibuster and SCOTUS composition/term limits/court packing), so they are still the preferable choice in a 2 party system.


Probably not true. This is anecdotal/opinion, so neither of us have proof. However, as a libertarian I’d question the thought that members of either party are more (or less) supportive of civil rights than the other, be they 1A, 2A, 4A, etc. A Republican may support more 2A freedoms but then drugs need to be outlawed. A Democrat could favor the reverse. In the end, both are only cool with the civil rights they like, which means they’re both authoritarian. So, the good ol’ two-party system just continues to perpetuate authoritarianism. A pox on them both.


“…Democrats want to portray everyone who does not give full-throated support to socialism as a Nazi.”

Is “projection” the correct word here? As we have said many times before, the Nazis were socialists with all the trappings of present day Democrats including a large controlling government.


That’s from the Saul Alinsky play book, accuse the other side of what you yourself are doing.
Though, in some ways the Nazi’s seem more rational than today’s Democrats. The Nazi’s acknowledged biological sex, and didn’t try to “change” children’s genders. They didn’t put fake breasts on men and let them parade around in public nude either.
The Nazi’s even believed in protecting their own country! When have you seen a Democrat or a Republican(besides Trump or Massie) want to protect America? Never.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Most gun owners aren’t really 2nd amendment adherents either. Otherwise they would all be breaking our backs to get the first 13 words back in force and effect. Think about it… Referred to in modern times as an individual’s right to carry and use arms for self-defense, the Second Amendment was envisioned by the framers of the Constitution, according to College of William and Mary law professor and future U.S. District Court judge St. George Tucker in 1803 in his great work Blackstone’s Commentaries: With Notes of Reference to the Constitution and Laws of the Federal Government of the United… Read more »


OK, first, let’s get our terminology straight. The Once-Democratic Party is a Progressive party of the New Left, Frankfurt School flavor. Calling them ‘Democrats’ is a misnomer and allows them to fly under a false flag. These folks are lock-step progressives who deny the Natural Law foundation of our Republic. Understanding that one truth should clarify why these folks act like Pagans. That is because they are. They deny Creation and all of the blessings of a Divine Creator. Natural Law is one such creation not subject to man’s feeble attempts at law. Progressives are capable of being double minded… Read more »


Democrats don’t have the discipline required for commanding firearms. Like absolute restraint when conversation becomes heated and insulting. Or when a simple food order is incorrect. If guns require strict control, it’s due to their criminal behavior and nobody else’s.

Last edited 12 days ago by Ledesma

These leftos should name their gun club after Lee Harvey Oswald, who embodied the spirit of violent revolutionary activism.


Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA agent.

Roland T. Gunner

And a patsy; just like Thomas Vallee and others.


So was Jack Ruby. You know his first hearing he was sane and coherent? But he wanted to talk. So after going back to jail, a “psychiatrist”, who worked for a certain three letter agency turned him into Joe Biden.
The second hearing the judge said, to the court, something along the lines of, “What happened to him? Earlier in the week he was sane, alert, and coherent!”


Oh no!! More demokkkrats are buying guns? We need to track how much accidental shootings go up. I know the left will show an increase because that is what they always do.

What we need to do is tie it to new democrap ownership to prove that when the majority of gun owners were republicans that there were less accidental shootings and with the addition of more democrap owners, shootings have gone up!!!!!

Get Out

Stats from 2022, includes Independant’s too…

How Gun Ownership Compares Between Republicans and Democrats (msn.com)


road rage shootings, and brandishing it has been going up


Ya, and where does that happen? The big city. What lives in big cities, DemonRATS. Who are the crazy Fers that try and kill presidents. The DemonRATS that live in big cities.

Friends don’t let demorats have guns for a safer America. Do it for the children, theirs not mine.

Last edited 12 days ago by musicman44mag
Roland T. Gunner

Candy-ass yankee Marxist lives in fear of “armed right-wing extremists”? Got a lot of those, free-ranging his neighborhood? As opposed to his own troglodyte extremist, violent leftist brethren who actually are a problem? Friendly warning to yankee Marxosts: carefull some unarmed right-wing extremist doesn’t take that .38 special away from you and shove it up your ass…literally.

Last edited 11 days ago by Roland T. Gunner

He bought a 1911. Probably too much gun.

Roland T. Gunner

Mr. Codrea, I really did not understand your “Redneck Rebellion” comment, but it sounded offensive to me.

Last edited 11 days ago by Roland T. Gunner

The fact that irrational leftists are buying guns should concern all rational people that live in a realistic world unlike Democrats that are completely delusional .


Codrea is right. I see the arming of my mortal enemies as a net negative however I must defend their right to do so with the same enthusiasm as I defend my own rights. Isn’t that the essence if you value your principles? What I will not do, however, is offer any aid, advice, or training to these leftists and neither should any of you.


What about the new “extra-extra extended” background check? It was never designed for liberals. Just others.


I’m cool when anyone exercises their civil rights. It doesn’t matter if I disagree with their politics; if it’s a civil right it’s a civil right. Now, do I think an authoritarian Leftist is going to suddenly believe in 2A just because they bought a Glock? No, of course not, just as I don’t believe a Rightist who practices their 2A freedoms also necessarily believes in the 4A when it comes to the police. Most folks in both parties are just closet authoritarians: they believe in civil rights only when it’s the rights they agree with.


^^^^ This is the way.


The fact is, to prevent ‘Gun Crime’, don’t selling guns to Democrats!


Buying or Stealing ?

California Uber Alles

More dems will end up with AR’s and glocks, which will lead to more internal strife as they become the enemy of their party. It’s not all bad, man.


How many of those Dems will start shooting “MAGA White Christian Nationalists”? How many of those Dems will shoot up Christian schools? How many of those Dems will take pot shots at Trump, because the Secret Service and CIA asked them to? How much more terror will they cause in our society? Imagine if the Dems that burned down Murderapolis-I mean Minneapolis had those guns?

Yeah, it is all bad, man.