Thug Life in NYC Is Looking Up, the Rest of Us Can Hurry Up & Wait



With major crime in NYC up more than thirty percent since 2020, and while the mayor and much of the city’s political hierarchy are under federal investigation for corruption (the chief of police just resigned), it was recently announced that the average time for police response to major-crime 911 calls in NYC is now up to fifteen minutes and twenty-three seconds, much longer for “non-critical” felonies.

In view of the foregoing, a beleaguered friend who lives there just received this from NYPD with regard to his application to own a pistol within the city limits and keep it in his home. This is not a concealed-carry application (Heaven forbid!), just a “permit” to actually own and keep a pistol :

Your application is in the investigation portion of your renewal

We have a minimum of an eight to twenty week delay, once you reach this point of the renewal process.

When further documentation is needed, it will be requested via email

Be sure to keep track”

In addition, fingerprints must be included with the application and taken at NYPD’s one facility that does that. However, there is currently a three-month (and growing) wait to schedule such a session!

Thus, it will take my friend at least six months for his application to be approved so that he can legally shoot at commercial ranges within the city and keep his pistol in his home.

If history is any guide, the process will take more than a year, assuming everything goes smoothly!

Otherwise, the NYPD comes to my friend’s door and seizes/impounds his pistol(s), which he will probably never see again.

Priorities of the city’s political hierarchy are pretty obvious!

While violent crime is escalating off the chart, and the city’s defunded police are hopelessly overwhelmed, the city’s politicians (all Democrats) can only think of new ways to make legitimate self-defense on the part of good and decent, tax-paying New Yorkers impossible!

New Yorkers are conspicuously expendable.

To Marxists, we’re all expendable!

“Never allow someone to be your priority, while allowing yourself to be their option.” ~ Mark Twain.


About John Farnam & Defense Training International, Inc

As a defensive weapons and tactics instructor, John Farnam will urge you, based on your beliefs, to make up your mind about what you would do when faced with an imminent lethal threat. You should, of course, also decide what preparations you should make in advance if any. Defense Training International wants to ensure that its students fully understand the physical, legal, psychological, and societal consequences of their actions or in-actions.

It is our duty to make you aware of certain unpleasant physical realities intrinsic to Planet Earth. Mr. Farnam is happy to be your counselor and advisor. Visit:

John Farnam
John Farnam
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How can it be that crime is up in NYC? CommieLa just told us crime is down all over the nation. Would she lie? /sarc off


gosh, someone doesn’t like your posts fellows (i hope i’m not misgendering anyone), so i gave you all a thumbs up to even out the troll.

Get Out

IMOA, get an appointment with a pro-gun organization to discuss suing the city agency that is responsible for the delay. IMOA, I’d consider concealed and keep it concealed unless needed.


Yep, any infringement any way they can is what their goal is because bottom line is they really do not want you to have a gun. They want all of New Dork to be a gun free zone including your home.


No wonder it takes the NYPD 15 minutes or more to respond to a major crime. Precious time is wasted while the cops are kept busy seizing and impounding the guns of law-abiding citizens. Keep voting for Democrats and STFU about the crime wave in your crappy city. You got what you voted for and deserve every bit of misery Democrats have caused. Remember, when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. That’s exactly how the city and state of New York want it.

Last edited 2 months ago by Bob

Your beleaguered friend should consider moving to Pennsylvania, about an hour drive from Manhattan. There, the law-abiding have gun rights equal to Texans and better than Floridans. Stay, or even visit, NYC at one’s own risk.


The politicians in Pennsylvania are working feverishly to change that perception. Per, TX ranks #8 and FL #18, PA (where I once considered moving to) does not make the top 25. (MO is #6 but OH where I also considered moving to doesn’t make the top 25 either). Looking through the telescope in the other direction, everytown ranks PA#17, FL#22, TX#32, OH#33, and sadly MO#38 🙁 or only 13th best from our perspective). Of course they rank NY#2 over CA#1. With NJ#7, a move to PA would be a huge improvement but not as good as FL or TX… Read more »

Last edited 2 months ago by DIYinSTL

Not to worry. If they can cheat her into office, Kamala Hamas will buy back all of the illegal weapons and we’ll all be safe.

That is, of course, satire.