A Dim Future Is Just Weeks Away


“Totalitarianism is feudalism in the twelfth-century sense of the word” ~ Barbara Amiel.

Is this our future?

The ultimate goal of domestic leftists/socialists/Communists/Democrats in dissolving our national borders is not just to manufacture a source of illegal votes[for Uniparty & Democrats]. It is the same reason they de-fund local police, empty prisons, apologize for violent criminals, make any species of legitimate self-defense a crime, and refuse to prosecute actual violent felons.

They intend to make our lives so terrifying that we will blindly accept their long-advocated Marxist agenda, which includes obliterating our First, Second, and Fourth Amendment Rights as Americans.

The rest will fall quickly!

“Elections” become mere cynical formalities.

Mouthing “misinformation” becomes a felony. In fact, some Democrats are even now openly suggesting penalizing all who “spread misinformation” (i.e., any speech unflattering of them).

De-funded/demoralized local police and Sheriff’s departments are swept away, replaced by heavily armed “federal police,” endowed with all kinds of extra-constitutional powers, and who answer only to their Communist masters.

Indeed, FEMA personifies that right now!

All “citizens” (not just Jews, Christians, men, property-owners, business people, capitalists, whom they hate already), become frightened, disenfranchised, impotent slaves, mere “property,” with no rights.

“Capitalism” is just another term for “economic freedom,” which is why Democrats hate it so viciously!

We thus descend into a frightening, tightly-controlled, feudal police-state, with them in permanent possession of absolute power, and all (now “serfs”) who express concern precipitously thrown into gulags and never seen again, just as is currently the case in North Korea, Venezuela, and other Communist shit-holes!

“The historian of the world will see that it was the Principle of Liberty; that settled America, and destroyed feudalism, and made peace, and keeps peace; and that abolishes slavery” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson.


About John Farnam & Defense Training International, Inc

As a defensive weapons and tactics instructor, John Farnam will urge you, based on your beliefs, to make up your mind about what you would do when faced with an imminent lethal threat. You should, of course, also decide what preparations you should make in advance, if any. Defense Training International wants to ensure that its students fully understand the physical, legal, psychological, and societal consequences of their actions or in-actions.

It is our duty to make you aware of certain unpleasant physical realities intrinsic to Planet Earth. Mr. Farnam is happy to be your counselor and advisor. Visit: www.defense-training.com

John Farnam
John Farnam
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FKH and all Democrats and anyone who votes for a Democrat . Democrats are evil POS .
Trump / Vance 2024


John, preach the Tenth Amendment and secession. We can form a new republic. It would be far preferable than being under the Marxocrat boot. If they invade, it’s Civil War, a replay of Lincoln’s invasion of the South. A decentralized republic like our Framers left us would be bliss compared to what we have now.

Wild Bill

We have not the organization, secure comms, logistics, leaders or even a plan. The revolution is on RIGHT NOW! Lets all go vote and overthrow the marxist yoke. DT, and a supportive House and Senate are the tools of our victory!


Hi John. I wish you would have added Hitler to that list because I think the left seems to think that he has the most precedence in our world today always referring to President Trump as Hitler and his threat to their democracy. You are right about the left always using scare tactics to motivate others to do what they want. Some leftists I know are going to vote for kamalatoe because they don’t want a civil war and that is the only justification why the would not vote for Trump. Others are going to vote for kamalatoe because they… Read more »


Yes, I am not surprised by his remark at all. No concern for someone that was hurt accidently because it is all about him. Typical democrat. I always wondered about ricochets. I had a bb gun and shot a tin can and it came back and hit me in the finger. Dad threw it away and bought me a 22lr. I have heard of the guy holding the timer off to the side of the professional shooter getting hit by a ricochet in the hand. When I shoot steel at 300 yards I always see the dirt splash back towards… Read more »


You’ll shoot your eye out…..or finger off….

Dindunuffins Shekelstein

Hitler was a great man… change my mind… https://odysee.com/@goyguny:3/LIVING-IN-ADOLF-HITLERS-GERMANY:f


With all the death and destruction he caused I would not consider him to be a great man of good qualities but a great man of death, destruction and one of Satan’s best friends right along with ObDUMB.


F’ YOU, you POS!

Dindunuffins Shekelstein

Boomers dying off can’t happen soon enough. The goyim are awakening.


This shit for brains sadly understands the danger of INCREMENTALISM in defending all rights, including the 2A. It is the waiting game. As real freedom loving Americans of WWII fame…The Greatest Generation… and their offspring Boomers die off, via Jimmie Carter’s Dept of Indoctrination…er, my bad…Education….the left has indoctrinated the following generations away from pro-America values to be America haters. Once The Greatest Generation and Boomers are gone, America will follow Khrushchev’s prediction by… “…falling into Communism’s hand like over ripe fruit…” The clock is ticking….. Lilicloth tee…”America is a country so great, even its haters won’t leave.” They’re just… Read more »

Last edited 2 months ago by StLPro2A

Hitler was a very intelligent man, but history will never refer to him as a great man. As for the “goyim”, whatever that is, sounds like it needs put down….


refers to being non jew, according to some definitions. goyim is the plural for goy

Maybe he secretly supports hamas and iranian agendas. hilter had some collaboration with the iranians and shared an ideology toward the jewish people.

Maybe ds indulged in one too many pharmaceuticals as a youth

Last edited 2 months ago by macdog

We need to start describing these communists a$$holes as mao or stalin. hitler was a piker by comparison and these rats always alluding to hitler are supporters of the worst mass murderers in modern history.

and I do not just want capitalism and freedom to win for the safety, security and future of my children……….I WANT RETRIBUTION from the rats that have destroyed freedom in my country


Gee, retribution? I would settle for putting America back on track and them having to live with it. The pain of having to suffer with capitalism, freedom of choice, laws that are fully enforced, the death penalty being used and all of us having and keeping our guns with infringements removed will be so bad for them, maybe they might finally keep their word and move to another country!!! One can only pray!!!

Trump 2024


How does one sign that non-expiring dotted line, go into harm’s way, then, come home and side with anti-freedom Leftists??? Proving stupid is the Left’s DNA.

Dubi Loo

Beware of Feds baiting you into saying something they can use against you.


So, explain again why we aren’t hunting these people?


History repeating itself could be just weeks away. As with our Founders era….all power and Freedom come from the barrel of a gun. Hence, the anti-2A armed citizen Liberal fetish. The only laws that are meningful are the laws citizens choose to abide by. Should WordSaladCumala become President, go for anti-2a gun control, it will be free citizens that determine America’s future. Could end up circling back to 1776 events. As per Lilicloth tee…”In 1776, we had to clean house. The house is filthy again.” Election dependent, Spring Cleaning may take on new purpose.


Police states have been the driving force behind nearly every war in history. Wars occur almost exclusively between either police states and free nations. Or between 2 police states. Without the police states of the world, war becomes near impossible.

Dindunuffins Shekelstein

“It’s da democrats I tell ya… DA DEMOCRATS!!!” LOL… not shocked that your mention “jews” first… being a “jew” and all. Hey John, spoiler alert… SHE’S MARRIED TO A JEW! Open borders for Israel… Diversity is our strength.