The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms says California Gov. Gavin Newsom is a hypocrite for signing a law barring local governments from requiring voter identification while still expecting gun buyers to provide ID before exercising their Second Amendment rights.
Democrat Newsom is a career anti-gunner who has supported every gun control measure to come along in Sacramento. He proposed an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would gut the Second Amendment.
His end game is to make gun laws as personally invasive as possible simply to deter Californians from exercising their right to keep and bear arms.
On the other hand, the bill he signed bars local governments from enacting local ordinances requiring residents to provide valid identification in order to vote in municipal elections. The new state law was aimed at Huntington Beach, but affects all other California cities.
“Gavin Newsom’s hypocrisy evidently knows no limits,” said CCRKBA Managing Director Andrew Gottlieb. “Demanding background checks and positive identification to buy a gun, but not requiring ID to vote essentially treats the Second Amendment as a second-class right, and the U.S. Supreme Court has already made it clear that sort of double standard is off the table.
“The notion that requiring voter ID somehow places obstacles in the path of certain groups is ludicrous,” he observed, “because Newsom hasn’t protested about obstacles placed in the way of gun buyers, regardless their age, race or economic status. Indeed, he’s all for making it as tough as possible for law-abiding Golden State residents, no matter who they are, to legally purchase or own firearms.
“If identification is required to exercise one fundamental right,” Gottlieb said, “it should be required for all rights, and vice versa. There should be no double standards, which is now the case in California. Andi-gunners like Newsom invariably say things are different when it comes to guns, but we’re not talking about guns, we’re talking about rights.”
Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
With more than 650,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms ( is one of the nation’s premier gun rights organizations. As a non-profit organization, the Citizens Committee is dedicated to preserving firearms freedoms through active lobbying of elected officials and facilitating grass-roots organization of gun rights activists in local communities throughout the United States.
I’ve been saying for some time that everything you have to do to exercise your right buy a gun from an FFL, you should have to do to exercise your right to vote. If it’s OK to burden one fundamental right in our Constitutional Republic, it’s OK to burden the rest of them. Yep, fill out a 4473 and have a background check to vote. And, since the 4473 records the description and serial number of the firearm(s) you’re buying, the 4473 for voting will also include who or what you vote for. Every restriction or condition they want to… Read more »
Remember, Gavin is Nancy’s nephew. Like Auntie like dog shit, in the democrat class it’s the same thing. I hope Trump wins and we can get voter ID laws passed that are federal that the state must comply with. The comply part is the problem so I have been told but at least it will be on the books and then it might do as good as our federal laws regarding illegals coming into our country without passports and breaking in. We need to change the laws. I know people on here are against it but they seem to always… Read more »
Kali will probably produce MORE Votes than it has People this time.
Now that it is clear that all of Newsollini’s Biden ass kissing isn’t going to get him near his presidential aspirations he’s back inflicting harm on Commiefornia. So now any illegal alien can vote?
Wait until the next census Commiefornia will get back the seat it lost from legal residents fleeing the state.
Hypocrite? He’s just trying to protect the proud people of color from Jin Crow activity at the DMV. And that’s pretty righteous.
Gotlieb does have a suspicious past.
And Cam Edwards who’s also on their board worked for the NRA for a long time…