Dingell’s Rant on Trump Internment Camps Highlights Evil of Citizen Disarmament

Say her fevered dream came true and a tyrannical government did come to put Debbie & pals in internment camps: With their insistence on a disarmed populace, what would any of them be able to do about it? (Rep. Debbie Dingell/Facebook)

“Michigan Democratic Rep. Debbie Dingell surprised CNN’s Jake Tapper by insisting that former President Trump has shared plans to put people into internment camps if he’s re-elected,” Fox News reported Tuesday. “”Yes. He has talked internment camps. You know what, Jake, you may have to visit me in one. I get worried enough when he talks about what he’s going to do to his political enemies, but he has talked about them in this with different groups of people.”

Dingell is but another in a long line of prominent Democrats, notably led by Kamala Harris, who out of one side of her mouth preaches insincere “unity” and out of the other compares Trump to Hitler. In light of two recent attempts on the former president’s life, Sen. Mike Lee is correct when he says such comparisons are tantamount to “trolling for assassins.” Noting how Democrats are pursuing Trump with allegations that his rhetoric inspired Jan. 6 Capitol protestors to “insurrection,” it’s fair to wonder how the same does not apply to Harris adopting rhetoric identical to Antifa’s and criminally ginning up the unstable to come after her opponent’s head.

And it’s not just his head. We’ve known for some time that people who hate Trump also hate his followers, and that he is, in fact, an avatar for all who identify as supporters of the MAGA movement. That’s something we’ve just seen reinforced with Dotard in Chief Joe Biden’s “garbage” outburst.

Then again, it only makes sense if Trump IS Hitler. After all, the dictator would have been powerless if he did not have Nazi supporters to carry out his orders. And that leads to a question this correspondent posed to Harris after her Hitler “tweet”:

“Who in their right mind wouldn’t want the citizenry armed to stop Hitler?”

To stop a Hitler, who wouldn’t need not just the semiautomatics Democrats are trying to ban, but real “weapons of war”?  Just like the Founders intended…?

Harris’ position on that is clear, and it’s shared by Dingell, which is curious in itself considering her late husband John,  whose seat she ascended to, was a phony “pro-gun Democrat” (is there any other kind?) and an NRA Board member husband who voted for the Clinton gun ban.  Everybody knows he was the guy Wayne LaPierre stole “jackbooted thugs” from, right?

In a way, it’s good that the left is bringing up fears of real tyranny, something they’ve always ridiculed as paranoia when cited by Second Amendment supporters who promote an armed citizenry as being a powerful deterrent against.

To anyone foolish enough to believe the Second Amendment is outdated and we’re past the danger of real, old-school tyranny, I’m going to borrow from an old essay (feel free to read the whole thing) and ask: What about human nature has changed?

Has humanity truly demonstrated a benevolence and maturity that distinguishes our era from those that preceded us? In a culture that breeds gang warfare, rampant violence, city-crippling riots and national murders measured in the tens of thousands, how can anyone credibly claim that the need for individual defense is a relic of the past?

Where in history is any civilization guaranteed stasis? Has not despotism and mass destruction plagued every civilization that preceded ours? Is it not, in fact, still commonplace throughout the globe? By what suspension of reality, by what denial of the observable and the probable, by what art, device or magic are we sheltered few immune from catastrophe? Are we certain, from our brief and privileged vantage point, that such things will ever remain headline curiosities? Is it not just plain stupid to proclaim that our familiar way of life will forever be the norm, when everything that has gone before us shows we are, instead, the extremely lucky beneficiaries of a rare and fortunate convergence of circumstances; and one, by the way, that has only been preserved under force of arms?

Debbie Dingell worries she’s destined for a concentration camp…? Kamala Harris declares “Donald Trump is out for unchecked power … and given a second term, there would be no one to stop him from pursuing his worst impulses…”?

There is someone to stop a dictator, any dictator, and lots of them. That’s what they’re afraid of. And that’s curious if you compare that attitude to all the Democrats’ phony posturing about “equity.” If they really believed that they wouldn’t be against the most egalitarian power-sharing arrangement ever conceived, the right of the people to keep and bear arms.

They are the ones, with their prior restraints, confiscations, and bans, who are doing a tyrannical end run around due process. It’s almost like all this talk about internment camps is projection…

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

David Codrea

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EVERYTHING Democrat politicians say is a scam. Everything. They don’t actually believe what they are saying, and we shouldn’t pretend that they do. Yes, their moronic, automaton Democrat voters believe the scams, but not the Democrat political puppetmasters. Average people understand what the word “scam” means, and we must repeatedly clearly point out that they are being scammed by Democrats. People naturally adversely react to being scammed, but it is our job to tell them the scam is on.


Once again there’s that disconnect between who the Left says Trump is, and the way they act. If they truly believed Trump is a “danger to our democracy” and akin to Adolf Hitler, would Harris have wished him and Melania a “speedy recovery from COVID?

“Doug and I join Joe Biden and Dr. Biden in wishing President Trump and the First Lady a full and speedy recovery. We’re keeping them and the entire Trump family in our thoughts.”


Last edited 2 months ago by DDS

If she is a treasonous Democrat, she shouldn’t be in an internment camp – she should be hanged at Gitmo.


The Dimocrap excrement is getting deeper and deeper.


The propaganda of victim consciousness and blame, foundations of Marxism.

Dubi Loo

Perfect analysis.

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