‘Looters Meeting Shooters’ Could Spread Hurricane Milton’s Destruction

Hurricane Milton threatens to bring with it more than killer winds and flooding. (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)/Facebook)

“Gov. DeSantis warns Milton looters could meet shooters in ‘Second Amendment state’,” Florida Politics reported Tuesday. The governor issued the warning while issuing preparedness updates for the approaching hurricane at the State Emergency Operations Center.

“If you go into somebody’s house after the storm passes, think that you’re going to be able to commit crimes, you’re going to get in really serious trouble,” DeSantis cautioned. “And quite frankly, you don’t know what’s behind that door in a Second Amendment state.”

That’s a continuation of “You loot, we Shoot” warnings DeSantis had issued for hurricanes Ian and Idalia in 2022 and 2023, the report reminds readers:

“At the end of the day, we are not going to allow lawlessness to take advantage of this situation. We are a law-and-order state, and this is a law-and-order community, so do not think that you’re going to go take advantage of people who’ve suffered misfortune.”

Property owners protecting themselves, their homes, and their businesses would do well to remind themselves that, because it is a “law-and-order” state, any shooting they do had better be in compliance with the law. Florida’s “stand your ground” provisions won’t give them a pass from prosecution if there’s a question of legality, or if a Democrat DA decides there’s ginned-up anger they can exploit.

Defenders can find the legal system takes more from them than the hurricane did, especially if found guilty and sentenced to prison. Either way, they could lose everything they own. On top of that, even if criminal charges don’t stick, civil lawsuits by surviving rioters, or by family members of those who didn’t, can wipe out the rest of a defender’s property, especially if jurors are sympathetic to the pillagers and hostile to those they deem “privileged.”

Such views have been encouraged by prominent anti-gun Democrat politicians like Maxine Waters, who defended the Los Angeles riots as a “rebellion.”  And they’ve been amplified in the years since by collectivist “thought leaders” as exemplified by “In Defense of Looting,” equating it with “anti-racism” and “not merely a manifestation of collective anger but a demonstration of resistance to a political-economic status quo that has failed most people.”

If any looters are shot, recent history may be the best guide for what to expect. If riots following the deaths of Michael Brown and George Floyd are any indicators, violent protests could erupt nationwide, and the objects of anger this will not just be police, but home and business owners.

There’s a saying among gun owners about concealed carry in jurisdictions where it’s banned that could apply here:

“I’d rather be judged by 12 than carried by six.”

That’s a choice no one should be forced to make. Here’s hoping those who think they’re forced to know what is legally justifiable use good sense and are able to weather another furious storm.

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

David Codrea

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Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

If there are no witnesses…I’d take the body out afterwards and dig a hole somewhere and toss the piece of crap into it. ANYONE who would loot after a disaster like that, deserves that kind of ending. And remember…if they are UNDOCUMENTED ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS…no one will be looking for them.

right on CL

this is florida baby, we got lots of alligators all over the place.

They deserve a hemp necklace in full display of fellow looters. Perhaps a tire fire

Seems to me that a looter in the aftermath of a hurricane is applying for a job as alligator food. Who’s going to find a bullet hole in alligator crap?


I’ve just gone through two major hurricanes, I’m exhausted, frightened,and I’m a senior citizen unable to physically fight off a trespasser. In a moment of sheer terror I shot the offender. That;s my story and I’m sticking with it!


Many of Florida’s LEO people encourage their citizens to “take out the trash” so to speak. Sheriff Grady Judd of Polk County being only one example.



“Take out the trash”….patriot rendition. Wearing gloves… stop, hold, bind, stuff in big blue rolling trash can placing rocks into nooks and crannies therein….not linked to your property – DUH…. cross double ratchet closed, add numerous “air holes”, take on a float trip at remote deep body of water. Be takin’ out da trash….husband’s chore. Just experienced LEO “serve’n’protect” costing me well north of $50,000….still inventorying. Caught crackhead B&E pro wearing mechanic (so no fingerprints) in one of my garages. Came at me with a crowbar in hand. Lost interest in crowbar when red dot dropped through his eyes stopping… Read more »

Last edited 11 days ago by StLPro2A

so why didn’t you take out the trash, i guess no balls

Luis Valdes

Darkman, the video you posted of Polk County Sheriff, Grady Judd is hilarious since he has enforced more red flag gun confiscations than even Democrat controlled Palm Beach and Broward combined.

Sheriff Judd does a good act in front of the camera, but behind the scenes, he’s fine stripping people of their rights. He’s even against open carry/

“America’s sheriff” Grady Judd opposes open carry. Will he publicly confront DeSantis? Or cave to him? (substack.com)


Substack…Really. Ha hahahahahaha.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor
Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

If that is true, which it appears is the case, he’s just a typical HYPOCRITE. I’m shocked. No I’m not.


DeSantis said last night on the news that Florida is a second amendment state and that people have the right to kill looters in their homes trying to steal stuff.

I understand the being judged by leftists in a trail and that the mommy or daddy can sue for their jerk child breaking the law but I don’t give a shit. We all have a right to protect ourselves, anywhere, anytime.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Codrea’s point is that you may loose everything you have including your freedom if you come up against a bunch of communist sympathizers in court.


That’s true. I had three different people that were all friends that went up against me in court about how my tenant let her dog crap in the house and I had to replace the carpet and they lied and said it was not true and I had to give her the deposit back. Should have taken pictures but I think they would have accused me of putting it there. 1991 Sacramento Kommiefornia


Friends? With each other – not with you. Two ways to read your sentence (;-).

That’s called amphiboly – ‘Prostitutes Appeal to Pope’ — ‘Farmer Bill Dies in House’ — ‘Dr. Ruth to Talk About Sex With Newspaper Editors’ — ‘Burglar Gets Nine Months in Violin Case’ — ‘Juvenile Court to Try Shooting Defendant’ — ‘Red Tape Holds Up New Bridge’ — ‘Marijuana Issues Sent to a Joint Committee’ — ‘Two Convicts Evade Noose: Jury Hung.’

One of my favorites: “I’m giving up drinking until Christmas. Oops – sorry; bad punctuation. I’m giving up. Drinking until Christmas.”


Well, you got me. I played at one next door neighbors wedding, the girl I rented the house to was a cousin of an X girl friend and the neighbor across the street fixed up his house and I added a story to mine, dressed it all up and used the extra money to purchase 5 acres to make a horse ranch.

I think they were all jealous and they probably never liked the fact that I rented to mexicans and black men with white girl friends. that had their babies before I rented to her.

Last edited 10 days ago by musicman44mag
Wild Bill

That is almost right. Generally the law of self defense is that you can reasonably use deadly force to meet deadly force. There must be a threat to your life or health and your reaction reasonable. If looters present no deadly threat to you, then shooting may not be deemed reasonable. Proceed with caution.


It all depends what state you are in. In Texas if someone at night is on your property stealing your stuff like your car or your BBQ which is outside you can shoot them. Kommieforna=NO. Equitable force applies. Bat for a bat, chain for a chain, knife for a knife. Stupid law for any state.


always have a supply of throwdown weapons readily available in case of emergency. make sure their prints are on it too.


Maxine Waters’ protestations are transparently racist. Is there anyone who believes she would make one of her endlessly empty fusses if the person shot was white? Not a chance. Implicitly, then, she protests under the assumption that the shot looter would be black – illustrating her intrinsic racism about her own race, as well as her concurrent assumption that the shooter would be white – the implication intrinsic to her protest. Would she care if a black looter were shot by a black homeowner? Again – not a chance; just another day in Chicago or Baltimore. No fodder for the… Read more »


An unwritten tradition of American hurricane culture now is when the footage starts rolling in of all the local soul brothers swiping everything. Now do these brothers know how to compound misery or what? And can I appeal to your sense of irony? Irrespective of where these powerful hurricanes hit, it’s always liquor stores and Air Jordan dealerships that take the worst of it.

Last edited 11 days ago by Ledesma

I’d like to share a hurricane story since your comment prompted an experience memory. I was going to college in 1974 at Tulane University, in New Orleans, Go Green Wave, and working in the hospitality sector on Bourbon Street and at a Braniff Hotel on Canal Street. Hurricane Carmen was thought to make a direct hit on the city, it missed, still was a big mess though. I helped both places install the plywood sheets and other hurricane defenses with several krewes (if you know, you know), of employees. Almost entirely Caucasian. The topic du jour was to raid a… Read more »

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Of course crime pays. It’s the way government works!

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Seems like some of the Karen’s on here don’t like you. Good for you. Down votes show you are pissing off some moron. And there are PLENTY of them here on AmmoLand. Ignorant as a turnip.

What do you have against turnips? Seems like an affront to a vegetable that never did anything to you . . .


You weren’t a Marine like you often claim.


Nick … He wouldn’t even tell me which country he “served” .
He is a devout Tampon tim Awalz (who claimed to be in tiananmen square at the time of the massacre )employee and devout comrade .
Since he is so close to tta I figured he “might” have been in the Minnesota N G Maybe . only deployment would have been summer camp .


Ledesma’s said he was in Vietnam and Panama. When I said he wasn’t a soldier, he said no soldiers served in Quang-Tri, the Army was down south. Guess he forgot the Green Berets had outposts and were all over Vietnam, even in the northern part, and made cross border raids into North Vietnam. Oh no, you think MN National Guard? Shit… That means he could live in my neighborhood… But… He now hates cops so that’s mighty woke of him. Which would be rather fitting for my neighborhood, easily 3/4 are woke. He’s accused me of having sex with animals… Read more »


Nick …He does live in Minnesota .


One more California style nut job in my state… Great.


Nick … What no GAFAW ? just a -1 .

Last edited 8 days ago by Oldvet

He probably frequents the restaurants with drag shows.


Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law doesn’t always stand for much. I believe a judge has to decide whether or not you get to claim it as a defense in your particular case. Take the Curtis Reeves case. Mr Reeves, an elderly retired cop, was forced to shoot a bully in self-defense in a theater. He attempted to claim SYG as a defense but a judge refused to let him do so. After about seven years, Mr Reeves was rightfully acquitted of charges but during that time, I believe, was forced to pay for and wear an ankle monitor while on… Read more »


And the government should pay all the fees and then some, I don’t GAS if it is tax payer dollars.


I fully agree, Musicman!

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Or at least refund them after the charges were dropped. Tax payer dollars are stolen dollars, so giving them back to the victims is more than fair.


Prosecutors tend to drop cases if there’s even a whiff of the possibility the victim might claim a “stand your ground” defense. They don’t have to claim it. The DA walks away if they even think they might.

There’s some speculation that they do so to raise public objection to the law.


Exactly. Stand your ground is just a trap. The law will be honored in some courts and then stiffly rejected in others. But 91% of attackers now are muscle attackers not gunslingers. Just the old fashion strong against the weak platform. But shooting them means shooting unarmed people. A simple stroll downtown anywhere now is like navigating Folsom prison yard.

Last edited 11 days ago by Ledesma
Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Ever look at how many people were sent to the grave with a crashing blow from a big right hand? That should be enough for someone to shoot someone for. I had some big ape threaten me one day over his view of me passing on a double yellow line with plenty of room and view because he was driving 10 mph under the speed limit. I told him I was NOT going to fight him and showed him I was carrying and he got back in his truck and drove off. He was smart.

Yes, Disparity of Force!

Wild Bill

Don’t forget the Disparity of Force element of the law of self defense.


especially if the other person is younger, stronger or in greater numbers. use it to your advantage.


That’s where the armed protection comes in. I would not live if not for being armed so that gives me all the reason I need to be armed.


This from a alleged “Marine”, who thinks a .308 is a “poodle shooter”, who thinks he fought in Vietnam and Panama. Who thinks cops are “pigs”…


florida is anaffrimative defense state.
Deadly Force Under Florida law, individuals can use or threaten to use deadly force to prevent the imminent commission of “forcible felonies” (such as assault, burglary, or kidnapping) if they have a reasonable belief that such force is necessary to protect themselves.
Conclusion In summary, Florida is an affirmative defense state for self-defense cases, with a specific framework outlined in the Stand Your Ground Law and applicable to both non-deadly and deadly force situations.


Yes – it’s important to separate the two issues: one relates to the use of force in response to aggression; the other relates to whether or not you need to flee the aggression first before you are authorized to use the force. Not fleeing the aggression gives you no dispensation to use force against the aggressor that is not required to ensure personal safety.


I love it, especially the comment “and shoot a lot”. Even the cops know we need to bring back the old wild west. If citizens would have been armed at the Trump assassination attempt, I am sure the shooter would have been dead before firing a shot.

Get Out

IMOA, the LEO that was boosted up and saw the shooter on the roof should have been boosted up a second time with weapon in hand and fired at the shooter until slide lock. Instead, he ran to his patrol car for some unknown reason.


LOL, like you think we really care about YOUR opinion.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

If he’s like me, he could give a shit less what you think about his opinion. Which is the way EVERONE should be but most people are just mediocre minded cowardly conformists because it’s
comfortable and simple. I’m not one of those people. I look at down votes as badges of honor because I’m pissing off some asshole.


It’s all in the mind of the individual. Too bad some feel that if your opinion is different than theirs than you are lost because they are full of themselves and don’t realize it and don’t have any other perspective other than their own. A down vote could be a badge of honor if you are pissing someone off because they have a different opinion than yours or it can also be a vote of disapproval because they don’t agree with what you said. It can also be a mark that they agree with what you said but don’t like… Read more »


maybe, but someone has to be right and the other wrong and if you can not understand that than you have frontal lobe damage


LOL, yes but who is the one determining which is right or wrong? The left thinks it should be against the law to argue with what the government says yet the right says that you should be able to say what ever you want and prefer it be the truth. The left says it’s ok to kill a baby in the womb but the right says it’s not. The right says we should be able to have guns to protect ourselves yet the left thinks that only government should be allowed to have them. So, the question remains, who has… Read more »

Get Out

Had you said what I said, I would have agreed with you, instead you utter brainless stupidity. What is your opinion concerning the LEO not engaging the shooter which allowed him time to fire on trump?
BTW citizens weren’t armed, but police were and should have engaged him.

Last edited 11 days ago by Get Out

Donuts’n’coffee getting cold…..


gout … Did you even stop to think what would have been down range of coats had that particular cop started firing at him from the angle he was located ?


He would have been shooting up as target was on top of a sloped roof – steep enough SS claimed it would have been unsafe to station someone there. Misses would have flown up over the stage and crowd. I do not know what is outside the grounds – though images I’ve seen suggest it is pretty rural. As ASP says – big world, itty bitty bullets. If you don’t know your backstop you are gambling – but in case like this your odds are great. Such shoots are reason for “qualified” immunity. Sometimes it is best for cops to… Read more »


Finnky … You trying to start something ? You saw the pictures , after he was shot people standing all around coats . You could dam near play ping pong (table tennis) on that roof . The cop had a pistol . In 130 yds how much is a pistol round going to drop . reddit calculates that at 100 yds it has already dropped 14.3 inches . The farther it goes the slower it goes and the more it drops . So at 130 yds would you shoot over a crowd of people . 130 yds. was to Trump… Read more »

Last edited 7 days ago by Oldvet

Finnky … Yes the SS claimed it was too steep to cover their ass because they did not secure the area . The sniper behind trump was on a roof just as if not steeper than coats was .


click here This comment approved

Last edited 6 days ago by Oldvet

Fred hates me… LOL


You need help, and not the kind you can get from CNN or a bottle.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

What we need to bring back is the first 13 words of the second amendment into force and effect. Then there would be MILLIONS of armed militia (YOU are the militia) 24/7/365 walking around armed and knowing how to carry, what to carry and how to use what they are carrying. When BLM came to Harrison Arkansas threatening to burn the town down an UNORGANIZED militia formed. I stopped counting armed men AND women in down town Harrison at 200. It’s the answer the founding fathers had and the one that works in places like Switzerland. My camo would be… Read more »


I would love that but here in Oregoneistan if you talk of forming a militia, have documentation on how to make a bomb, have a group of friends that train or converse about it, teach people how to defend themselves tear down or repair guns, they can give you a 250 thousand dollar fine and 10 years in jail.

We are not the only ones with that law now but I think we were the ones that started it.


we are smarter than that, apparently you are not


Like your opinion matters. LMAO

Get Out

Note to potential looters, you’ve been warned…

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

What is a “potential” looter? A thought criminal?

It is anyone contemplating taking part. @Get Out is suggesting they reconsider looting – as it could well be a fatal endeavor. He was not saying that we should shoot potential looters.

Thoughts in their head are their business. Becomes our business when those thoughts turn into actions.


i guess in your mind a fatal endeavor means they might be hit by a car or something

I believe a criminal has decided they’re going to go out and loot or make it a possibility. Should you (The potential looter) encounter a sign in front of a residence that reads “no looting” would you rethink your course of action to loot or ignore the warning?


If they encounter “a sign”, much like the pos who encounters a gun free zone. I am not thinking the looter would rethink their course of action. POS knows full well they will be kicked from incarceration same day by the current court system and goes ahead with their threatening behavior be it armed with a weapon or not.

They get one warning one half of a second before seeing the final flash from a 10mm and delivered to their maker for judgement

I recall similar steps during an earthquake years prior in Guatemala City

Last edited 11 days ago by macdog

Anyone else catch the video on Federalist Wire of …
2nd gxxxxeman and cowardly deserter valor thief tampon tim awalz….
ordering food in the Otro Cafe in Phoenix Arizona
Then walking away with out paying for it ????
Federalistwire.com may work
Trump War Room @TrumpWarRoom

Last edited 9 days ago by Oldvet
Get Out

Do you know if the staffer came up and paid for the food?
Emhoff, Tim Walz Walk Away from Cafe Counter Without Paying (breitbart.com)


You’re the staffer with multiple personalies, aka Ledesma, and AZLEFTY.
You were claim you were at Camp Pendleton, 1975 qualifying with your M14…
Look about four up from the bottom,


You’re the staffer with multiple personalities. AKA Ledesma, and AZLefty.
You claim you were at Pendleton qualifying with an M14 in 1975.

Get Out

I would think ammo land admin would be able to determine if someone has multiple login accounts. ping them and ask.


I think more importantly, you weren’t in the Marines. You didn’t shoot an M14. You never were on sea duty.

Get Out

Your psychiatrist called and confirmed your delusional disorder is a type of mental health condition in which a person can’t tell what’s real from what’s imagined. There are many types, including persecutory, jealous and grandiose types. It’s treatable with psychotherapy, electric shock and medication.

Appears you may be in need of electric shock therapy.


Is that the best you can do? Say my psychiatrist called?
You need to come up with something better.

Get Out

Taser works too, or maybe a dog shock collar.


You know this from personal experience?

Get Out

Yes, when training for riot control, we were hit with tasers, batons, water cannons and CS gas.

Use the dog shock collar and let us know how it works on a mooncalf such as yourself.


Now you were a cop?!!!!!

Get Out

Surprised you can remember to breath on a regular basis. Where did you get “Now you were a cop” from my post oaf? Stand by for another blast to your empty skull, Amazingly, the military practices riot control training too.

Get Out

Ok, mommy says come out of the basement now, lunch is ready and she’s not bringing it to you.


Are you hearing voices now? Or are you pretending to be my mom?

Get Out

Yeah, hearing voices now, they give the best answers and advice too.

No, I’m not pretending to be your mom… wait, does she sound like a man speaking now? Check the Adam’s apple, were you adopted? Snickering….


The doctor forgot to catch you when you popped into this world.

Get Out

Bet, you still believe a stork brings babies too, guffaws and belly laughing here.

Bet you sneaked a peek for an Adam’s apple too?


Persucutory, jealous and grandiose seems to describe you… Marine allegedly… Can’t figure out what rifle you used. Don’t know anything about guns, but talk about them anyway.
Yup, you’re hard core jealous of real Marines.
We do have something in common, like you, I was never a Marine. But unlike you, never claimed to have been one either.
You steal valor worse than Tampon Tim Walz.

Get Out



Is that your version of “no comment”?

Get Out

I could use something vulgar if you want, but why waste my good stuff on a dolt.


gout … His daughter told the help some one would pay … But no conformation in the article that it happened . Article did say they were acting like they were privileged

Get Out

Vice-presidential nominee Tim Walz and second gentleman Douglas Emhoff paid their orders via phone at an Arizona cafe. No, that’s not true: A cafe manager told Lead Stories that the group’s tab was “paid by phone.”

Get Out

You should google the Lead Stories article and become better informed of the facts. The cafe manager will set you on the right path.

What are you asking for the mountain chateau?


gout … Again with the extreme far left communist socialist sources . FAKE NEWS

Get Out

Snickering, you’re a “The sky is falling, the sky is falling” person. Everything else is continuous bleating, It’s all fake, It’s all fake. guffaw.

Get Out

Where is the mountain chateau located?

Get Out

Can’t find an answer if someone paid either. They need to hit the ATM on the way in.

Get Out

IMOA, no one is special.


gout … Except for

Your Cowardly Deserting Valor Stealing Far Left Socialist Musilime Loving Child Molesting Granny Killing Chicom Comrade and Friend of School Shooters tampon tim awolz That you are always sticking up for !

Last edited 6 days ago by Oldvet
Get Out

Where is the mountain chateau located you’re selling?

Get Out

Wait, isn’t that how trump became a convicted 34 count felon because of lies and fraud? Better change who your hero is, ov.


gout … As your other good little buddy says that’s non sequitur (doesn’t follow ) Every one on here has told you you don’t know your ass from the stain in your panties

Last edited 5 days ago by Oldvet

gout … There is new info out Lizzard cheney is in big trouble for conspiring with witness during her Trump kangaroo court , what is that going to do with all of your jollies .
Have a Miserable Terrible Day I got better things to do

Get Out

Which dress would you never mind repeating thrice a week?

Wild Bill

No, because the conviction is not final. The appeal is based upon a trial replete with constitutional errors.

Get Out

Here’s a Dilemma then, why did trumps lawyers petition to have his 34-count felony conviction overturned if he’s not a 34-count convicted felon? Why did they take trumps guns away if he’s not a 34-count convicted felon? A predicament for sure.


Does anyone else have light grey wording such as “Site Map”, “Subscribe”, “Privacy Policy”, etc, appearing within the text of comments on here?


I don’t right now but I did earlier today.


Thank You, MusicMan! I wondered if it was my phone or a site issue.


No prob. I have had problems and asked and people helped me. One good turn deserves another.

Get Out

I do, seems to depend on the article. Not all articles show it.


Thank You! Glad to know it wasn’t just me!


Yes Sir! That is kinda how I perceived what has been on my phone for much of the day!


I am noticing when I make a comment is when it happens.


music … Yep


Yep! Same here, Musicman!


Might depend on the length of the article + comments. Tends to block out the Home / Recent Posts buttons. It’s not just your phone. I’ve seen it on my browsers in Windows and Linux. Somebody made an OOPS when editing the site’s HTML.


Good to know, DDS! At least now I know it is not just my phone.


its probably an error in the site’s .html code


D C Daily Journal has several good reads about hairyass . The latest ..
Biden Kneecaps Harris Campaign !

Last edited 8 days ago by Oldvet
Get Out

Supposedly an armed militia is threatening FEMA workers in North Carolina. They don’t need this if the reports are true, because it caused a disruption in recovery efforts.

Last edited 8 days ago by Get Out

One man militia (CNN ) armed with a pistol .

Get Out

Yep, William Parsons, 44, faces a criminal charge of “going armed to the terror of the public.” Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office said it received a call Saturday about a man with an assault rifle threatening to harm FEMA employees in the Lake Lure and Chimney Rock area. The threat was reportedly made at a gas station in town and relayed to soldiers in the area who then called the sheriff’s office to report the threat. Deputies responded to the report and ultimately gathered enough evidence to arrest Parsons for making the threat. Parsons was booked but later released on a… Read more »

Get Out

Rumors that a militia was out hunting FEMA workers providing aid in North Carolina after Hurricane Helene are false, according to police departments in the area and a FEMA spokesperson. VERIFY was unable to find any credible reports of a militia hunting FEMA workers in the state and the video sent in by a reader is of a group in Lynchburg, Virginia.
While FEMA changed its operational procedure in North Carolina as a result of the threat, there was no official report of a militia.