10mm Ammunition: 7 Things You Need to Know

Tom McHale hurts our brain with more info about 10mm ammunition than you probably need to know.

A family of Sig Sauer V-Crowns, left to right: 9mm 124-grain, .40 S&W 180-grain, 10mm 180-grain, .45 ACP 230-grain.
A family of Sig Sauer V-Crowns, left to right: 9mm 124-grain, .40 S&W 180-grain, 10mm 180-grain, .45 ACP 230-grain.

For the past month or so I’ve been tinkering with a 10mm pistol, the Springfield Armory 1911 Range Officer Elite. It’s a beautiful handgun that’s made special by its caliber choice of 10mm. Roughly equivalent in ballistics to the lower end of .41 Magnum, and more powerful than the tried and true.357, it’s an interesting option for a carry gun.

The 10mm shares case diameter with the .40 Smith & Wesson, so in theory, pistol capacity can be the same in a double-stack design. The 10mm is a bit longer, so grip size circumference has to be bigger than that for other calibers like 9mm and .40.

10 mm Ammo Boom Factor

For carry or home defense use, the most common loading for 10mm ammunition will be a 180-grain projectile. I tested a pile of the excellent Sig Sauer V-Crown from a Springfield Armory 1911 Range Officer Elite and measured average actual velocity of 1,186.3 feet per second. That translates to muzzle energy of an impressive 562.6 foot-pounds – a good 150% more than most 9mm or .45 ACP loads.

Here's an interesting option from Doubletap Ammunition - a 200-grain hardcast load.
Here’s an interesting 10mm ammo option from Doubletap Ammunition – a 200-grain hardcast load.

Of course, if you want to go with different bullet weights, you can find some interesting options too. For example, the Doubletap Ammunition 135-grain Controlled-Expansion bullet left the same Range Officer Elite pistol at near warp speed of 1,494.3 feet per second. That speed cranked up muzzle energy to 669.5 foot-pounds.

If you’re in the more is better crowd, Doubletap also makes 190-grain Equalizer load that fires two projectiles from each case: a 135-grain JHP and a 95-grain lead ball. Ouch.

Combo Carry and Outdoors Caliber

If you are worried about grizzlies, like Dean Weingarten is, I’d choose an MK-19 Automatic Grenade Launcher over any pistol caliber. However, I’ve not yet found a comfortable holster for that beast. If you plan to carry a pistol in town and out in the woods, 10mm isn’t a bad option.

For outdoor use, consider some of the more interesting ammo from Doubletap Ammunition. They make a 10mm round that packs a wallop with a 200-grain hardcast lead bullet; When I tested it, it chronographed at an average of 1,132 feet per second. That’s 569.84 foot-pounds of kinetic energy and serious penetration considering the hardcast bullet ballistics.


Pondering the recoil factor subjectively, I don’t notice much difference between the .45 ACP and the 10mm when fired in similar pistols. Neither are causing temporary PTSD, but then again, I’m shooting both calibers from full-size, all steel pistols. For the .45 ACP, I shoot a Springfield Armory 1911 TRP which weighs in at 2.63 pounds empty. For 10mm, I’ve been testing a Springfield Armory 1911 Range Officer Elite which tips the scales at 2.56 pounds empty. Obviously, these are weighty pistols so perceived recoil is mitigated – a lot.

I've been shooting a variety of 10mm ammo through a full-size and heavy pistol - the Springfield Armory 1911 Range Officer Elite.
I’ve been shooting a variety of 10mm ammo through a full-size and heavy pistol – the Springfield Armory 1911 Range Officer Elite.

If we do some quick recoil math and run the numbers for each using an “average” load and the weight of each pistol, the 10mm shows a bit more energy. The .45 ACP TRP firing a 230-grain bullet at 880 feet per second generates 5.43 foot-pounds of energy. The 10mm Range Officer Elite firing a 180-grain bullet at 1,181 feet per second delivers 6.28 foot-pounds. It’s more, but not a night and day comparison. To put those numbers in perspective, a lighter pistol like the .45 ACP Springfield Armory XD-S socks you with 8.15 foot-pounds of recoil energy. So, taken in context, if you’re cool with a .45, a 10mm isn’t going to make you run for your safe space.

Just for kicks, I ran the recoil math on a couple of 9mm pistols too. Since the lighter weight polymer pistols increase the felt recoil number, the results are a bit surprising. When firing a Glock 26 Gen 4 with 124-grain 9mm bullets moving at 1,151.5 feet per second, you’ll catch 5.43 foot-pounds of recoil energy. Even the larger and heavier Glock 17 Gen 4 will deliver 5.65 foot-pounds of recoil energy thanks in part to higher velocity generated from its longer barrel.

Invention: A Cartridge and Pistol Pairing

Back in 1979, two guys, Thomas Dornaus and Michael Dixon, wanted to make a bigger semi-auto pistol that exceeded the performance of the .357 Magnum while offering the capacity and fast reload benefits of semi-automatic pistols.

Around the same time, Colonel Jeff Cooper was jonesing for a new pistol and cartridge combination, which he called the .40 Special. A working partnership led to Cooper providing insight and design ideas and Dornaus and Dixon handling engineering and manufacturing. The prototype pistol from this effort, based on a beefed up and redesigned CZ-75 was called the Combat Service Pistol (CSP) 80. One thing led to another, and before long the new pistol was deemed the Bren Ten and the cartridge the 10mm Auto. The pair manufactured the pistols from 1983 to 1986, but rush-to-market quality issues doomed the effort.


After the infamous 1986 Miami Shootout, the FBI embarked on a search for a more powerful handgun alternative that would penetrate more consistently to incapacitation depth.

While the case diameters are identical, the length is dramatically different between the .40 S&W (left) and 10mm (right)
While the case diameters are identical, the length is dramatically different between the .40 S&W (left) and 10mm (right)

After lots of bickering and testing, the agency standardized on the 10mm in 1989. Sort of. The final ammo product was issued to Special Agents carrying the Smith & Wesson 1076 pistol. The 10mm Fed affair didn’t last long as the recoil was a bit stiff and the pistol size too large to meet the agency objective of standardizing on a single handgun for everyone. Oh, and the 10mm ammo was more like a 10mm minus. The FBI wanted the cartridges downloaded to fire a 180-grain bullet at 950 feet per second instead of the full 10mm velocity spec.

Before too long, someone noticed that a downloaded 10mm case had extra interior space for rent and the shorter .40 S&W was born. The rest is history. We should note that the movement to .40 S&W wasn’t entirely because of recoil. The longer 10mm case requires a larger pistol, and those with smaller hands had trouble reaching the trigger with proper leverage to fire in double action mode.


Reloading for the 10mm is easy. Reloading for the 10mm is a royal pain in the @ss. It’s easy because both cases and bullets are large and easy to handle. There are plenty of projectile options in .40 caliber, so it’s easy to find components. Reloading is a royal pain because the brass is so similar to .40 S&W. Actually, it’s virtually identical except for the length. Try sorting through a pile of mixed range pickups and see how much fun it is to find the 10mm cases.


The 10mm shares bullet and case diameter with the .40 S&W. Both use a .400-inch diameter projectile. The case is also nearly identical with the exception of length. The 10mm parent case is a .30 Remington while the .40 S&W parent case is a… 10mm. No big surprise there. Both have diameters that start at .425 inches at the base and narrow to .423 inches at the case mouth. The big difference is that the 10mm case is .992 inches long while the .40 S&W empty case measures .850 inches. When loaded with a projectile, those figures translate to maximum overall cartridge lengths of 1.250 inches for 10mm and 1.135 inches for .40 S&W. It doesn’t sound like much, but when you’re trying to design a pistol grip fits all hand sizes, that extra distance required makes things tricky.

Left to right: Sig Sauer 180-grain FMJ, Sig Sauer 180-grain V-Crown, and Doubletap 200-grain hardcast.
Left to right: Sig Sauer 180-grain FMJ, Sig Sauer 180-grain V-Crown, and Doubletap 200-grain hardcast.

Is it Better Than…?

Guess what? Whether it’s better than 9mm, .40 S&W, 45 ACP, .357 Sig, or .38 Super is irrelevant. It would be a boring world, indeed if we were all limited to the one “best” choice. How utterly miserable life would be if we only had one type of pickup truck, lawn tractor, 80s band, or Chia Pet character? Do you like it? Does it do the job you want it to? If so, go for it.


Tom McHale is the author of the Practical Guides book series that guides new and experienced shooters alike in a fun, approachable, and practical way. His books are available in print and eBook format on Amazon. You can also find him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.

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Field experience note: Last year friend shot huge buck which we had to track, finally located down in deep creek ravine, alive and trying to get up. To end its suffering, shot the deer point blank three times in neck, heart, head using my EDC Kimber loaded with 9mm Critical Defense. No effect…nada, none, nothing…other than a mild flinch each time, like it was a irritation to the deer. Back at the lodge, found all three rounds neatly embedded in the hair, with zero penetration through skin. So much for shooting bad guys wearing leather jackets with Critical Defense.


That’s shocking. I wonder what Hornady would say if you emailed them?
I’ve always been skeptical of these “special” self defense loads.


Dayum! That must have been one hairy deer!

I’m with Nick on this. Not a huge fan of the rubber plug bullets, though some do swear by them. I have abstained from buying Hornady products since they tried forcing their employees to take the Faucian jab or face possible termination. To make matters worse, they lied and said they were “just making employees aware” that the jab was available. Adding insult to injury, Hornady initiated an internal Witch hunt to try and identify the employee(s) who leaked the memos to the gun press.


Oh no, they wanted to give in to Fauci?!!! I didn’t hear that. They probably did because they got that FBI ammo contract, and wanna tow the party line. As a side note, Hornady rifle ammo, their 30-06 deer loads, will not fit in my Weatherby Vanguard. The bolt will go forward, but when you try to turn down the bolt handle, it’s super tight, and I didn’t force it. No idea why. That rifle has it’s favorites of course, but it will not chamber any type of Hornady factory ammo… Which sucks since I bought a two different boxes… Read more »

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

We tested 9mm ARX on a bullet proof vest. IT WENT CLEAN THROUGH. Added the Kevlar trama plate. IT WENT THROUGH THAT TOO and stopped in the back section.

Risk Assessment:
Was this a LIKELY real-world situation? (By that I mean using a
standard 9mm concealed carry pistol with a 3.5-4.5 inch barrel)
Was this using a carbine rifle or a really long-barreled pistol?
What length was the barrel? Any FPS data?


Not to say it is a good choice but Critical Duty has far better penetration than Critical Defense. Critical Defense is suggested to novice shooters more likely to miss and more concerned with over penetration. Problem is that if it won’t pass through a wall and deep into bad guy, it likely won’t perform well even fired directly into the BG. I bought some relatively inexpensive “American Gunner” HP – which is made by Hornady. Guess I need to check out its terminal ballistics or replace with something better. If Critical Defense is as wimpy as you experienced – then… Read more »


I own both. I max 40 cal at about 1,250 but my 10mm i get 1,450 fps. I use the same Hornady 180 gr XTP. H-6 or H-5 in the 40 and Accurate 9 in the 10mm. Bought a compensated barrel for the Glock 10, oh what a joy to shoot now.

Small hands, big gun!!!!


Have a Walther 40, a Kimber 10 and a Tanfoglio 45. All are excellent firearms and will do what you intend for them to do.

Alan in NH

+I have a Glock 10mm long slide model 40. Sure it’s got the plastic [adjustable] sights but a 3.5# trigger. I saw a guy on YouTube shooting .40 S&W ammo through his, so I thought about it for a while and when I thought about it long enough, I loaded the magazine with 15 rounds. I figured it would either work or it wouldn’t. They all fired and ejected normally like it was made that way no problems. It’s good to know that is an option Glocks are amazing. try that with your Kimber.

Alan in NH

5 year follow up. Still have the Glock put a red dot on it still great. But 10 mm has gone crazy since the and I got a Tisas 1911 Stainless beauty since then. Only holds half as many rounds but way more accurate because of the super 1911 trigger. and more sweeter to look at than any Glock. Also empty brass is much more available than before. 10mm is better than ever.


Is your Tisas reliable? I’ve heard people say they’re great, and others say they’re total junk. I’ve never shot one, let alone held one, so I have no idea.

Wild Bill

Lack of knowledge on any other topic never stopped you, before.

Roland T. Gunner

I missed a stainless Tisas 1911 10mm on a blem sale for $400 a couple of weeks ago; I kept looking for a few minutes, and when I went back. It was gone. Still kicking myself.

Alan in NH

I’m a sucker for nice 1911’s, and the Tisas has features usually only found on high end guns. Ambi safety, cut checkering on the front strap and mainspring housing, great adjustable sight and a trigger second to none. Shoots as well as any other 1911 I’ve ever had. The only problem for me is the very strong spring it’s tough racking the slide because of an injury to my left hand but that’s just me and it’s getting better over time. Try one, you won’t regret it.

Wild Bill

Good report!


.45 Super gives similar ballistics and doesn’t take a new and expensive gun, just different springs and extractor tuning! Underwood .45 Super
255 gr hardcast 654 ft/lbs
230 gr hollowpt 616 ft/lbs
200 gr penetrator 517 ft/lbs
185 gr hollowpt 694 ft/lbs
170 controlled fracture 590 ft/lbs
120 gr defender 682 ft/ibs

What’s not to like- no new gun, hunting or defense too

Deplorable Bill

Yup, 45 Super 185g @ 1,255 f.p.s. out of a 4 1/4″ 1911 (verified with a chronograph) will handle anything on the American continent. Have not measured it out of a 5″ or a 6″ yet but would expect about 150 f.p.s. more out of the 6″. Not quite 44 magnum power but very controllable and 9 rounds instead of 6 and 15 if you have a double stack.

Arm up and carry on

Desert Rat

Get a .460 Rowland conversion for a .45 ACP gun and get the big power you’re trying to get from all of these others. Now you’re up to .44 Mag territory.

Deplorable Bill

Yup, 460 Rowland is in 44 mag territory all right

Arm up and carry on


When WE retired from South Florida to East Tennessee last winter, I was looking forward to perhaps partaking in some hiking the Appalachian Trail and other outdoor activities. I discovered however, that I’m no longer in “Infantry shape” and thus I have taken up Trout fishing. Regardless, I now live in Bear country. Within the first 5 weeks we were in our new home we sighted a very healthy coyote and a juvenile mountain lion within 30 meters of our backyard but just outside the fence. So being the NRA INSTRUCTOR that I am, I wanted a good caliber that… Read more »


The FBI is still using the 10mm, but only in the MP5 (we collected their empties at the local range for years). We refer to the .40 S&W (short & weak) as the FBI Pussy round as they couldn’t handle the recoil as it “hurt their widdle wists” so went to something less manly.


Does anyone expect accountants and lawyers to be able to shoot?

Roland T. Gunner

We don’t expect them to go into law enforcement.


It’s not “law enforcement”, it’s the Federal Bureau of Intimidation.

Wild Bill

Have a lot of experience with the FBI’s firearms training program, do you?

Last edited 1 month ago by Wild Bill

Someone needs a new calculator. More than 150% ???? Really? Maybe compared to 22LR. The ft-lbs that you are showing are maybe 20% greater than a .40S&W of the same bullet weight. Seriously. Such an outlandish calculation error is beyond believable, even by the liberal MSM. . . . . Uh, well, depends on who is making the outlandish calculation I guess. . . . . . . .


Here we go again, boasting that the 10mm can be or is equal to the .41 Magnum. That dog just don’t hunt. As any handloader of the .41 Magnum can tell you, you’d have to load the .41 Mag “down” to get to 10mm Ballistics. If you load the 10mm and the .357 Magnum to their full potential you’ll find they are pretty similar in terms of energy while same weight .357 Magnum bullets have higher sectional density; a key component in penetration. Why don’t we advocate for the 10mm for what it can do, not what it can’t. The… Read more »

Wild Bill

@57K, You sound like a reloader, so I am going to ask you if I can use a .380 caliber (.355 diameter) bullet in a .357 case. Will the crimp take care of that .002 difference? I want to use a .355 bullet with a .357 load to obtain a flatter trajectory. What are your thoughts?


I have done it – it works. But you will probably be happier with the 110gr 357 bullets cuz you will need the crimp grove.

Wild Bill

@Cat, I want to use Ramshot Enforcer for powder, and a .380 caliber, 65 grain (no lead, all copper projectile that I found at Midway), .355 diameter for the projectile. If I full size the .357 cartridge case, can I get away with not crimping the .355 bullet?


I would expect that +/- 0.002 is within the manufacturing tolerance for these bullets, and the tolerances are probably even a bit higher, esp if we’re talking about simple cast lead bullets.
Does someone have a specification for the bullet that shows the min/max parameters for the various dimensions? It should definitively answer this question.
(yes…I know how old the question is, but it remains a valid concern)

Last edited 1 month ago by Exigent
Roland T. Gunner

.357 magnum may have higher sectionsl demsity, but the 10mm, .40 cal bullet is larger and can be heavier.


Love it! The article and the 10MM. Now get one!!!


I would like to see a S&W M&P 2.0 10mm to give the Springfield XDM 10mm some competition. I think S&W took a good step with the 610 again, but falls short with a lighter weight auto package.

Will Flatt

I want one just because I think 10mm has that cool factor that – for the indefinite future – won’t go away. I already love .40, so I guess my next pistol is going to be the 10mm. Now all I have to do is figure out which brand and model; that will be a challenge now that so many outfits are offering it!!


The 40 Short and Weak is the answer to the question nobody asked. It has been a huge flop in law enforcement circles. Witness the fact that the seminal law enforcement agency leading the pack that is the FBI has dropped it and huge numbers of state and local agencies followed suit. I’ve owned three forties, two Glocks and one Kel Tec folding carbine. Sold them all. They generate significant muzzle jump, even in the Glock which has one of the lowest bore axis ratios in the industry. The only way to compensate for that is to… well, COMPENSATE the… Read more »


Jim_K: I’ll play nice and not write what I’m thinking. So I’ll leave it at: LOL!

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

I just purchased 1000 Norma brass two days ago. It’s on the way here. I have been messing with ARX bullets in the cartridge and have passed 2000 feet per second with a 122 grain bullet. ARX bullets are amazing IF you can find any. My 10’s are both Glocks. A 29 and a 20. I’ve thought about another pistol in it but haven’t bit the bullet. Pun intended. My ammo records show a Nosler 135 JHP coming out doing 1554 FPS with 764 pounds of muzzle energy. Fact is during my years of study on high velocity and killing… Read more »

Matt in Oklahoma

I love the 10mm especially when it’s loaded like 10mm with Underwood, Buffalo Bore etc.
180-200gr moving 1200 fps.
It is not a 41mag though. It is right there with 357 and in some areas beats it but it is not a 41 mag. Just another barber shop talk article.