Santa Monica Police Officer Stabbing Suspect Details MIA, Follow the Silence!


“When people in the media cannot decide whether they are in the business of reporting news or manufacturing propaganda, it is all the more important that the public understand that difference, and choose their news-sources accordingly” ~ Thomas Sowell.

What the media doesn’t tell you:

Last week, an Islamic domestic terrorist forcibly stole a knife from a local Target store in Santa Monica, CA, and then promptly used it to murderously attack a uniformed LEO at the doorway of the local police station.

The officer was injured but managed to break away from the attacker and then fatally engage him with gunfire (from his duty pistol) as the suspect attempted to resume his deadly attack.

I counted seven shots (from the age-restricted and graphic video) before the suspect decided he didn’t want to fight anymore.

We can hear the attacker muttering a Muslim prayer as he is dying. This indicates to me that this attack had a religious motivation. Yet, no mention of the above can be found in any news report.

The media did say this attacker was twenty-eight years old and “a resident of New York State.”

“Resident of New York State” is so general as to be laughable!

No discussion of motive, nor immigration status, of this would-be murderer. I suspect they know both only too well, but to honestly report the truth violates their woke agenda!

The Target Store where this suspect stole the knife employed at least one uniformed but unarmed “security guard.”

The presence of that security guard obviously did nothing to deter this suspect from attacking a store employee minutes after entering the store. He violently rips a package of knives from her hand, knocking her down in the process. He then calmly walks out of the store without any interference.

Curious that Target’s published “store policy” is summarized by:

“We respectfully request that guests not bring firearms to Target, even in communities where it’s permitted.”

So, even “security guards” are unarmed.

Like leftist politicians, woke executives up the food chain at Target obviously don’t trust “ordinary citizens,” even their own employees, with guns (nor, for that matter, with any species of individual freedom).

Even now, the injured (nearly murdered) officer is being accused of “over-reacting!”

“One of the most important reasons for studying history is that virtually every stupid idea that is in vogue today has been tried before, and proved disastrous before, time and again.” ~ Thomas Sowell, again.


About John Farnam & Defense Training International, Inc

As a defensive weapons and tactics instructor, John Farnam will urge you, based on your beliefs, to make up your mind about what you would do when faced with an imminent lethal threat. You should, of course, also decide what preparations you should make in advance if any. Defense Training International wants to ensure that its students fully understand the physical, legal, psychological, and societal consequences of their actions or in-actions.

It is our duty to make you aware of certain unpleasant physical realities intrinsic to Planet Earth. Mr. Farnam is happy to be your counselor and advisor. Visit:

John Farnam
John Farnam
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John, thank you for the excellent reporting on this incident. I am mindful of the fact that just a few short weeks ago the owner of the Los Angeles Times fired his entire editorial board. He did so in order to get the LA Times back to the standards of the Chandler family and objective, fact based journalism. More need to follow in the Progressive Worker’s Republic of California. Far too many newsrooms are filled with ‘journalism’ majors who entered that field in order to ‘change the world.’ I remember those lines from the 1970’s when everyone wanted to be… Read more »


Very astute comment. There are a lot of minds here that, if only they could understand, could learn a lot of from your words.


I once had the opportunity to attend a meeting of the Society of Professional Journalists. Over one hundred print, radio and TV reporters were present. The featured speaker was a newspaper editor talking about gun violence and gun control. His most memorable line, which received a thunderous round of applause, was him shouting “TO HELL WITH THE TRUTH.”
If you want a laugh, read this:


Don’t patronize Target. When a business doesn’t respect your right to defend your life, they don’t deserve any of your money.


The bride and I respect their wishes. We do not cross their threshold with our cash or cards. We simply move-on-dot-org to the store down the street and spend where we and our values are welcome.

Wild Bill

No stress, no mess!!


Years ago Target decided to let men with mental defects into little girls dressing rooms…and announced it publically. My shadow had NEVER crossed their doorstep since, and never will.


I currently live in the very gun friendly state of Wyoming, and there are businesses that are “gun free” by their choice and by my choice they’ll never receive my patronage.


I haven’t been in a Target since it was built a very few times (2 to 5). It was something about a feeling of being in the store.


look up targets earnings report.
could their wokeism be the cause?


I might be wierd… but it makes me feel good when a violent perpetrator goes down, regardless of his color, gender, nationality, religion, or ANYTHING! Good riddance.


not weird to me, love leo protection!




May be that is just the way those practitioners of the Religion of Peace Celebrate Thanksgiving.


Satan can appear as an angel of light. In the case of Mohammad he did so and we are living with the consequences today.


And I’m giving thanks there is one less… and the cop survived.


When Target stops arming terrorists with knives then and only then can we discuss my not carrying a firearm in thier store .. Target can go Strait to hell with thier Muslim knife yielding buddy as far as I am concerned .


Did you even read the article? The knife was STOLEN!!! Target policy is “We respectfully request that guests not bring firearms to Target, even in communities where it’s permitted.” Sounds like you espouse “Ready-Fire-Aim.”


Ya I read the article and did you read the part about an ” unarmed security guard” ?????????


This is apparently an update from a previously published Ammoland article. I’m not sure who I have the most animosity against the perp or the bastards in the police department. Why hide the info…cowards?


Metro PD’s in progressive utopias are run by chiefs and senior leadership appointed by the freaks elected to their city councils. Watch a video of a City of Santa Monica City Council meeting for a good example of a bar scene from a Star Wars movie coming to life before your very eyes. That is how.


Figures. Sounds like the dystopian Seattle City Council & Mayor. I’m so glad I moved away from there in 1983.


Reply awaiting moderation. Come on, man!


It’s weird that a decadent culture of cuss words, liquor stores and massage parlors would be so attractive to all the new Mohammeds. Or even the regular Mohammeds. Of the religion of sheets.

Last edited 1 month ago by Ledesma
Roland T. Gunner

Dumbass. If you are going to kill the officer, you had better kill the officer.


It’s a woke state, and a woke corporation… Why is any of this surprising?