“George Clooney voices ad encouraging men to hide their Harris vote from friends: ‘No one will ever know’,” Fox News reported Thursday. “Actor George Clooney voiced an ad ‘aimed at Christian men, urging them to vote for Vice President Harris’.”
“It’s time to put your love of your family over your love of Trump,” an X post introducing the ad by Vote Common Good urges. “No one has to know what you do in the voting booth.” In the unlikely scenario presented, a man has managed to conceal his true political sentiments to what we presume is his best friend, as if the topic has never come up, and his decision to vote for Kamala Harris is cemented by looking at his daughter.
It’s time to put your love of your family over your love of Trump. No one has to know what you do in the voting booth. #liberal #progressive #progessivechristianity #voteblue #HarrisForPotus2024 pic.twitter.com/LFdyho2nTQ
— Vote Common Good (@VoteCommon) October 30, 2024
Evidently, he considers his paternal and patriotic duties to her mean ensuring she can compete in school sports against biological males and abort his grandchildren. If he’d had a son, voting for Tim Walz along with Harris would ensure he’d be “Woken in the Boys Room” with tampon dispensers. And by voting the citizen disarmament ticket he’s forsaking his ability to defend his family.
This man who calls another “brother” has no ethical compunctions about maintaining a close friendship under false pretenses. Or enabling edicts that will disarm his friend, and ruin or end his life if he doesn’t obey. This is the depth of their friendship…? All these meatheads talk about is sports…?
A second Vote Common Good ad, this one narrated by sometime Clooney co-star Julia Roberts, not only takes betrayal to the next level by encouraging women to deceive their spouses, but unsurprisingly starts out with a total lie.
In the voting booth, women still have the right to choose.
Thank you to Julia Roberts for helping us make the choice clear – November 5th, let’s all choose a new path forward.#progressive #progressivechristianity #voteblue #harris2024 #prowomen #evangelicalsforharris pic.twitter.com/fchO3yj1na
— Vote Common Good (@VoteCommon) October 28, 2024
“In the one place in America where women still have a right to choose” presupposes there are no other choices or places in America where they do. It’s curious that the side constantly wailing about “our democracy” and “home rule” when it comes to overturning state preemption laws on guns, is so threatened by voters having a choice in areas Democrats don’t yet control.
And it also speaks to the shallowness with which the marriage bond is being treated, especially considering Vote Common Good represents itself to be an evangelical movement. She’s been hiding existential differences from her husband…? And exchanging knowing glances with another woman…? What else has she been lying about? And he’s so much of a tool he grins like an unsuspecting cuck oblivious to a marriage based on her lies, and then calls her “Honey” …?
That Vote Common Good has to use secular celebrities to voice a message they want to appeal to Christians with tells us much, especially since Clooney is on record telling Parade Magazine “I don’t know if I believe in heaven or even God.” And Roberts is reportedly “a practicing Hindu … particularly drawn to the religion’s notion of reincarnation.”
What all three are is against the right of the people to keep and bear arms, so expectedly, they’re all supporters of the anti-gun Harris/Walz/Democrat ticket.
Clooney and his (foreign national) wife donated #500,000 to March for Our lives. “It takes a monster to kill children,” Roberts wrote on Instagram following Uvalde. “But to watch monsters kill children again and again and do nothing isn’t just insanity – it’s inhumanity.” That both massacres occurred in “gun-free zones” while the “Only Ones” armed dithered and avoided engagement is left unaddressed. Still, it’s fair to wonder if that’s the type of response Clooney and Roberts expect from their elite bodyguard details.
Curiously, Vote Common Good, through its endorsement of the Democrat agenda, supports common people, the ones more likely to be victimized, being mandated defenseless. While they’re promoting not just voting, but the entire Democrat “woke” agenda under the presumption that they’re speaking for Jesus, they’re deliberately ignoring one defining tenet that you don’t have to be either Christian or particularly religious to see: If you believe in the New Testament, then there is no DEI path to the everlasting life it promises. There are no quotas, and admission is not gained because of race or gender preferences. “Getting in” is not a collective entitlement, and is solely individual based. And lying is a disqualifier.
You get the feeling these guys are at the wrong rally.
About David Codrea:
David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.
George is right about being able to be deceptive about how I vote. But the reality is I know how I get to practice my privilege to vote. And there’s only one way to maintain my integrity. And that path is not by voting for someone who is deceptive and without integrity
The Commie’s entire ideology is based on lies. Is anyone suprised?
eorge Clooney is a looney tooney.
Once again Dims attack the nuclear family.
a true christian could never vote for a party that wants to abort children, Matt 19:14. how can the children come to Jesus unless they are born? that any real man would let this clown clooney influence their vote indicates that they have a small mind and weak will. he might get all the trannies to vote for commie-la but that would only be a handful. can we use the “our body, our choice” when it comes to carrying firearms to defend ourselves? not according to the progs. we are not smart enough to decide what is best for ourselves.… Read more »
Who would’ve thought actors who clearly work for the state, would produce a dishonest political commercial to favor the state’s preferred choice in the democratic selection, I mean election process.
Gee whiz.