New Jersey –-( That is the day when we will BURN UP THE FAX MACHINES at the New Jersey Statehouse.
The vote on your right to keep and bear arms in the State of New Jersey occurs this week. Regardless of how much you have done in the past, we need to call ALL freedom-loving patriots to action again.
We ask that EVERYONE WHO RECEIVES THIS MESSAGE SEND A FAX TOMORROW to Gov. Christie, your local senator, and your two assembly persons. You can call, email, or do anything else too, but please send a fax. Our fundamental God-given and constitutional rights depend upon Your action now.
If you do not already know who your local elected officials are you can find them by going to the NRA ILA website at At this website you can easily create and print out multiple letters to all of your officials in one easy step.
Once you have your letters, locate the fax number of your local representatives by going to: . Gov. Christie’s fax number is 609-292-5212.
Help the cause further by preparing letters for your family, friends, and neighbors for them to sign. You can volunteer to fax them too. Please take some time tomorrow and make yourself a part of this important battle.
If you need more proof of how broad the attacks on your rights are and desperate this fight is, review the 2013 NJ Firearms Legislation List on the New Jersey Second Amendment Society website at
Our goal is to make our message heard loud and clear in Trenton. No new gun laws! Any politician who votes in favor of gun laws must know that he or she will taste our wrath in the primary and general elections.
Let us burn up some toner and paper in Trenton getting that message across!
Don’t own a Fax Machine? Try this free service where you can send up to 5 free faxes a day. [Note: some signup required]
New Jersey Second Amendment Society – Our mission is to promote the free exercise of Second Amendment rights within the community and Legislature of New Jersey, to educate the community regarding the enjoyable, safe, and responsible use of firearms, and to engender a sense of camaraderie and fellowship among the members and their families. Visit:
34 days and counting for my nics to come back wtf