Connecticut Citizens Defense League Says NO On Mark Boughton’s Gubernatorial Announcement

Connecticut Citizens Defense League
Connecticut Citizens Defense League

Groton, CT – -( The Connecticut Citizens Defense League (The state’s largest grass roots 2nd Amendment rights group) Is speaking out against Mark Boughton’s official bid for governor.

CCDL President Scott Wilson stated the following: “Gun owners in Connecticut are not going to accept or vote for candidates that support gun control; especially ones seeking the highest of State offices”.

Wilson went on to say: “Mayor Boughton is a coalition member of an active anti-2nd Amendment organization (MAIG) that claims to support sensible gun reforms.

In reality the group, ‘Mayors Against Illegal Guns’ continually works to infringe on the rights of law abiding gun owners.

The Mayor’s statements about the recently passed gun laws, are also very troubling to gun owners in Connecticut”.

About the CCDL: The Connecticut Citizens Defense League was formed in 2009 by a small group of concerned citizens as a non-partisan organization to advocate second amendment rights in the state of Connecticut. Since their founding, the group has grown to nearly 11,000 members. Thanks to this large supportive base across the state the CCDL has become a fixture of the capitol, and well recognized by committees that see firearms related bills. CCDL is also actively involved at the state Board of Firearms Permit Examiners. As the go-to organization in the state they are consulted regularly by lawmakers who have questions and concerns about pending legislation or existing laws. For more information on the CCDL please visit

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We don’t need no stinkin’ RINOs.
Esp. RINOs opposing the 2nd.
Boughton is dead meat.
You can bank on it.