North Carolina –-( On Friday, the 19th of September 2014, anti-self-defense group North Carolinians Against Gun Violence will hosted a “Memorial Service” for Nigel Scarlett, who was killed by gunfire on December 11th of 2011.
They will undoubtedly once again call for bans on firearms, firearms registration disguised as “Universal Background Checks,” and further restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms.
Conspicuously absent will be any mention of the fact that Nigel Scarlett was a convicted felon. Previously convicted of Assault with a Deadly Weapon Inflicting Serious Injury, plus a wide assortment of misdemeanors including illegally carrying a concealed firearm, Mr. Scarlett is sadly typical of homicide victims.
Grass Roots North Carolina takes no position on the current self-defense case of the person accused of murdering Mr. Scarlett. We express our confidence that once all the facts are before a jury, a fair and just verdict will be reached. We do, however, object to a violent criminal’s death being used to attack our civil rights.
Said Paul Valone, President of Grass Roots North Carolina:
“The cynical misclassification of felons, gang members and drug dealers as ‘victims of gun violence’ is a typical trick employed by gun ban groups. If they were truly interested in victims, they would attack the root causes of violence rather than exploiting victims to push a pre-ordained political agenda.”
Grass Roots North Carolina would also like to point out that the new Executive Director of NCGV, Becky Ceartas, came directly from a Michael Bloomberg anti-gun front group here in North Carolina, Moms Demand Action – NC.
We would remind you that Mayors Against Illegal Guns, another of Bloomberg’s anti-gun front groups, declared a Boston Marathon bomber and Los Angeles cop killer Christopher Dorner “victims” of gun violence during their “No More Names” bus tour.
Notice a pattern: Former Mayor Bloomberg and his paid staffers are spending tens of millions of dollars and exploiting the names of dead criminals to attack our civil rights.
About:Grass Roots North Carolina is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to preserving the freedoms guaranteed us by the Bill of Rights. Our main focus is the right to keep and bear arms. GRNC was central to drafting and passing North Carolina’s concealed handgun law and since that time has continued to push for improvements to gun laws.
Even more reason, every Liberal Democrat gets kicked out of Washington for good. We the People have a duty to own guns for our protection and to stop crime. Why is it hate mongers like Sharpton and Jackson glorify black gangs, who are killed when they fire on the police? But it’s okay for a black thug to murder a white police officer, shoot an innocent white baby while its mother looks in horror, they encourage looting, rioting and murder. They make heroes out of murderers, thieves, criminals. When a thug gets shot, Sharpton calls it racist. A black street… Read more »
Free Mumia redux?
Gun grabber will use anything they can take away our 2nd Amendment rights. Lies are just one. Hysteria works well too.
Seems right to me. A gang-banger winds up a victim of ‘gun violence’ Who could have guessed that could ever happen?
They are trying to say that the likes of dorner and this nigel thugs were just people on the street that got themselves shot by people carrying guns that they should not have had, well if you look at the FACTS that Chris Dorner idiot was a cop that went bad in a very big way. When dorner was on the loose he went through my area and tried to hide out for a bit, but remember that he did go and shoot how many cops and other people before he was finally taken down by the police in a… Read more »