Editors Note: This event is 2A FlashMob Approved, anyone attending will automatically qualify for their own FREE 2A Mob Patch.
Illinois – -(Ammoland.com)- Renegade priest Father Pfleger will highlight a panel on gun control the evening of Saturday, February 27th 2016 at St. Barnabas Church.
Pfleger is certain to once again exploit his position as a clergyman to call for the abolishment of your 2nd Amendment rights.
It’s important to keep in mind that Pfleger has called for anti-gun activists to drag gun shop owners into the streets like dogs and “snuff” them. Pfleger has also called on his supporters to “snuff” elected officials who support gun rights. It’s important for all pro-gun people to look Pfleger in the eye and stand up for their rights.
1. Whether you can make the event or not, be sure to call St. Barnabas’ Church and ask if the event is still scheduled. Also politely tell the person who answers that you are a law-abiding Illinois gun owner and that you do not support Pfleger’s attacks on the 2nd Amendment. The number for the church is (773) 779-1166.
2. Attend the anti-gun meeting. It will be held on Saturday, February 27th at St. Barnabas Church, 10134 S. Longwood, Chicago. The event begins at 6:00 PM, so try to be there at 5:30 to get a good seat.
3. Dress “undercover” so nobody knows your position on guns until after the meeting begins.
4. Vigorously defend your right to keep and bear arms! Enthusiastically challenge any proposal that would diminish your rights.
5. If you see the media there, approach them and tell them that you are a law-abiding Illinois gun owner and that you oppose Pfleger’s attempts to destroy our Constitution.
6. Pass this alert on to all your gun-owning friends and family and tell them to call the church and attend the meeting.
7. Post this alert to any and all Internet blogs, bulletin boards, and social media sites to which you may belong.
About Illinois State Rifle Association:
The Illinois State Rifle Association is the state’s leading advocate of safe, lawful and responsible firearms ownership. Since 1903, the ISRA has represented the interests of over 1.5 million law-abiding Illinois firearm owners Visit: www.isra.org
About 2A Flashmob:
In an effort to motivate gun owners and Second Amendment Supporters to show up in person at important events and rallies AmmoLand Shooting Sports News is giving away FREE 2A Flashmob Patches to anyone who attends a protest, rally, open carry event, committee hearing at your state capital or a Moveon.org counter protest. (You may already be eligible)
Spread the word, get out, get active! https://www.ammoland.com/2a-flashmob-patches/
Anyone who gives a a dime to Richard Pearson & the ISRA is crazy, not Father Pfleger. Pearson & ISRA did NOTHING to promote concealed carry for 20 years. Then Pearson conned Otis McDonald to sign on the the lawsuit against the City of Chicago, and now he thinks concealed carry was his idea all along. A black man from the south side of Chicago made a good front man for all the aging racist hicks at ISRA. When the U.S. Federal Appeals Court in Chicago struck down IL’s concealed weapons law in 2012, Pearson and NRA lobbyist Todd Vandermyde… Read more »
These people are the enemy within. All of their protests year after year have created more illegal gun violence, just look at the statistics in their local region of Chicago Cook County. They are Anti-Constitutionalists that do not have a clue, except to undermine the foundations that were designed to protect US all, how foolish. Backwards thinking. Mental corruption, a serious problem.
I was raised in the rcc, confirmed, was a lay minister, and a lector. I asked alot of “Why is that” and how come?” Questions and the anseer was either ” because the popes have said so” or “Because it is tradition, that’s why.” I am now a Right Wing Evangelical Christian that is told ,”let’s look at this in depth and study so we can KNOW and UNDERSTAND.” That is how Iook at the issue of “gun violence.” The firearms are inanimate objects incapable of acting on their own. It takes a sentient being to pick up said firearm… Read more »
Anyone else notice a fundamental flaw in the reasoning behind this article/ Not the points made, but the approach is faulty. The approach is that our right to arms arises from and is depenedent upon that Second Article of Ammendment to ou Constitution. Since the meme these days is that that document is antiquated, archaic, “living”, fluid, etc, if our right to arms arises from and is dependent upon that document, than said right is also vulnerable, and can be changed at will. We need to end supporting this position. The TRUTH is our right to arms is given by… Read more »
I know a Catholic priest who carries.
I read about a Church goer that has two new members in the congregation. Smith and Wesson.
Be careful, militant style protests work against a movement . Be obvious but not disruptive. We are judged not so much for what we say as what we do.
I believe that foaming-at-the-mouth crazies like Pfleger( I won’t call him ” Father “) are not only abetted but encouraged by a poisonous element in the Church. This problem has been there long before the current Pope, who I vehemently disagree with on many things; but believe to merely be a ” decent guy with wron ideas “.
Pfleger is like that whackjob professor in Mizzou who thought she could ” call for some muscle” to assault and eject a journalist.
Might I suggest Catholics a different approach. If you are a regular giver, withhold your money until a church official asks why. Then, let them know that you will not support an organization that allows “loose cannons” in their midst. If they answer that he has a right to his opinion, let them know that you can also by not giving monetary support. Use the money saved to buy yourself a few “toys”. Believe me when I say, this works. The saying still holds, “Money talks.” If this “Father” had to work hard for his living and it would cost… Read more »
Anyone listening to this crackpot has already slugged down a full pitcher of left wing Kool-Aid. What bothers me is that the catholic church does nothing to sanction an out of control unhinged priest who has openly called for violence.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”- Sir Edmund Burke
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”- Sir Edmund Burke
This is a lie….. no “good man”, when looking evil in the face, will tand by and do nothing. Only an evil man will do nothing. GOOD MEN WILL ACT against evil.
You’d be surprised how many good men will stand by and do nothing, when they consider the possible ramifications of their actions.
Something how peace loving gun hating liberal scumbags are so ready to freely use violence
We are at war and should be with liberal scum… a real war
The unholy pagan catholic great harlot church…. while Jesus told believers to Arm themselves, the rcc and pope work towards a different cause…. the pope is the Prince of the people (Dan 9:26-27)
the mitre hat makes him the dagon priest of babylon…
No wonder this…….man is so at odds with Christ….. enemy to be sure…….
Catholics are an easy fooled lot when it comes to scripture and follow and fall for anything said or done.
the devil has sifted this man……
This pope has already surrendered to Islam and the REFUJIHADI invaders. He is truly the LAST pope as in that Malikai prediction..
He will be dealt with accordingly.
I heard on the Alex Jones show that the NWO has “penetrated” or “bought out” many church leaders, as recently evidenced by the socialiest/communist remarks and attacks upon Free Enterprise by the not-so-holy Pope. This Pfleger is just another corrupt(ed) Lib hiding behind his collar.