More Support for Wyoming’s Stand-Your-Ground Law

Stand Your Ground Law
Stand Your Ground Law

Wyoming – -(  As word gets out about Wyoming Gun Owners’ plan to push Stand-Your-Ground law in the 2018 session, gun owners are getting excited!

Thursday night, for example, the Park Co. Republican Party proposed and unanimously passed a resolution calling on the legislature and Gov. Mead to pass Stand-You-Ground law this year.

A big ‘shout-out’ to Chairman Martin Kimmett and the other members of the committee, who passed this unanimously!

Already we have heard from other counties who are in the process of trying to pass a similar resolution.

If you are involved with Republican party politics at the county or state level and would like to pass a resolution in support of this bill, feel free to use this one.

This just tells us what we already know — gun owners in Wyoming are extremely excited about Stand-Your-Ground law and expect action in Cheyenne this session!

The question is, will the legislature fight for gun owners and get this done this year, or will they stall and delay, as they have done for so many years in a row?

One thing is certain, the status quo is over in Cheyenne, and WyGo members are demanding action!

In the coming days, we’ll be unveiling a brand-new ‘Action Center’ on our website, that will allow you to send a PRE-WRITTEN email to your elected officials -– all with just a few clicks of your mouse.

More, if you use Facebook and Twitter, you’ll be able to message your officials right away, using PRE-WRITTEN messages that will automatically go to your legislators!

We will have much more on that in the days ahead.

For now, you can help us in the following ways:

  • First, make sure you’ve signed your petition for Stand-Your-Ground law here in Wyoming!
  • Second, make sure that you are a member of Wyoming Gun Owners or that you’ve renewed your membership for 2018!
  • Third, help us spread the word about this fight by sharing this email with every gun owner you know so they can join us in this fight.

Wyoming Gun Owners

We’re less than a month away from the start of a very short 2018 session, so enjoy your weekend, and get ready to help us with our pre-session cosponsor push next week!

For Freedom,

David Ball
Wyoming Gun Owners

P.S. Thursday night, the Park Co. Republican Party passed a resolution calling on the legislature and Governor Mead to pass Stand-Your-Ground legislation during the upcoming legislative session!

Clearly, gun owners all over Wyoming are excited about this chance to expand Second Amendment freedom.

If you want a copy of the Park Co. resolution to use in your own county, it’s here.

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James Russell Bailey

I’ve given up on the Wyoming legislature!

My state senators Charles Scott, a low life scum sucking Rino from the word go!

He hates gun owners, and he hates those of us who want our rights! Unfortunately he has far too many friends who think just as he does.

We are screwed this year just as we have always been screwed, Mead is another Rino and he won’t do anything to rock the boat.