National Shooting Sports Foundation Releases Firearms Production Figures for 2019

More than 17.7 million Modern Sporting Rifles in Private Ownership

Pile of Guns Firearms Stack Bench
National Shooting Sports Foundation Releases Firearms Production Figures for 2019

USA – -( The National Shooting Sports Foundation® (NSSF®), the firearms industry trade association, released the 2017 Firearms Production Report to members. The report compiles the most up to date information based on data sourced from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ (ATF’s) Annual Firearms Manufacturing and Export Reports (AFMER).

Key findings for public release showed:

The estimated total number of firearms in civilian possession from 1986-2018 is 422.9 million, [with an estimated U.S. population 329.2 million] according to data reported in the ATF’s Firearms Commerce Report in the United States 2019 report and including the preliminary 2018 Annual Firearms Manufacturing and Exportation Report (AFMER) figures.

  • 17,740,000 Modern Sporting Rifles are in private ownership today.
  • More than half (54%) of all rifles produced in 2017 were modern sporting rifles.
  • In 2017, 7,901,218 total firearms were produced and imported. Of those, 4,411,923 were pistols and revolvers, 2,821,945 were rifles and 667,350 were shotguns.
  • An interim 2018 estimate showed a total 7,660,772 total firearms were produced and imported. Of those 4,277,971 were pistols and revolvers, 2,846,757 were rifles and 535,994 were shotguns. Those are interim reports and will be updated as complete information becomes available.
  • Firearms-ammunition manufacturing accounted for nearly 12,000 employees producing over $4.1 billion in goods shipped in 2017. An estimated 8.1 billion rounds, of all calibers and gauges, were produced in 2018 for the U.S. market.

“These figures show the industry that America has a strong desire to continue to purchase firearms for lawful purposes,” said Joe Bartozzi, President of the National Shooting Sports Foundation.

“The Modern Sporting Rifle continues to be the most popular centerfire rifle sold in America today and is clearly a commonly-owned firearm with more than 17 million in legal private ownership today. The continued popularity of handguns demonstrates a strong interest by Americans to protect themselves and their homes, and to participate in the recreational shooting sports.”

The report also shows that as lawful firearms ownership in America continues to grow, criminal and unintentional misuse of firearms is falling. During the 25-year period covered in this report (1993–2017) the violent crime rate has decreased by 48.6 percent and unintentional firearm-related fatalities have declined by 68 percent.

National Shooting Sports FoundationAbout National Shooting Sports Foundation

The National Shooting Sports Foundation is the trade association for the firearms, ammunition, hunting and shooting sports industry. Its mission is to promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports. Formed in 1961, NSSF has a membership of more than 10,000 manufacturers, distributors, firearms retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen’s organizations and publishers.

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1986 is the start date?, double that 423 million figure easily.Also the amount of ammunition is easily in the trillions of rounds stocked up for rainy day scenario’s.


@DZ – Hey – I must not have my share. Your post suggests 2+ boxes (1k rds/box) of ammo per firearm (2T rounds / 1B guns). While most enthusiasts stockpile, I suspect a huge fraction of gun owners have a revolver in the sock drawer and/or a shotgun in the closet – storing just a small box or two (50-100), or even less. Those of you with 10-20k rounds stashed are definitely in the minority. Shouldn’t be – but it is what it is. Just look at the apathy of gun-owners when it comes to voting! Anyone with 10k rounds… Read more »


The Dems and MSM still push the “epidemic” lie.
That is why all this will be ignored.


@Geary – We wish… However if we don’t push to let everyone know how much of a lie the “epidemic” is, people will continue to believe it – and continue to vote their fears. Discussing with someone over thanksgiving, when I pointed out how rare and limited school shootings are – he pushed back about how many kids get PTSD. OMG! Didn’t know what to do with that…. Now I’d respond along the lines of PTSD due to car accidents and speculation of emotional impact of child seeing Mom stab Dad to death with a kitchen knife! One young man… Read more »

Autsin Miller III

All great trends, but you won’t see that in the MSM. The way they tell it, just the existence of firearms presents a deadly threat.
I better go give mine a stern talking to right now!


Zackley !


@Autsin Miller II, — If the liberal media can create fear of a toy gun, and shape the public’s thinking to join the hysteria, then you know we 2nd Amendment supporters have a real problem on our hands. The anti-2nd Amendment movement has been in play for many decades and will continue to use every warfare method and technique to remove it. We must continue to do our part to educate everyone in the safe use of firearms, and not let the anti-gunners take away our rights and freedoms.


I’m trying to help out. Two new pieces in the last sixty days!


12,000 employees seems very low. S&W, Ruger, Sig, and Remington alone have over 9,000 employees. I would bet the number is over twice that.


@Intrceptor – I read “firearms-ammunition” manufacturing to mean manufacturing ammunition for firearms rather than manufacturing firearms and ammunition. Would that reading mesh with your existing knowledge better?


I considered that after my post and you are probably right.