Virginia – -( Sorry for the short notice. Governor Northam wants to allocation millions to take away our guns and we need to ask legislators face-to-face if they are going to support that budget item. There are four hearings tomorrow, January 2: NoVA, Blacksburg, Hampton Roads, and Richmond.
To get this out quickly, I am using an alert that GOA put together – VCDL thanks them:
Please Make Plans to Attend a Meeting and Show Your Support for 2A-Protected Rights!
The state’s Democratic legislature will be holding hearings on Gov. “Blackface” Northam’s anti-gun budget in four locations around the state tomorrow (on Thursday).
We understand that this is short notice. But it would have a significant impact if many of our members could show up and make a 3-minute statement and ask questions of the legislators in attendance
We have to speak out, because your rights are under attack by the Governor of Virginia. Consider:
Governor “Blackface” is supporting SB 16, which would ban commonly-owned firearms in more than one million Virginia households — a ban that would even outlaw sporting weapons such as the Mossberg 930 Snow Goose.
The Governor has requested $4 million and 18 law-enforcement positions to enforce his gun ban — a request that could be the preparatory steps for confiscating the guns which would be banned by SB 16.
Moreover, the Governor is requesting another $3.5 million to enforce gun control that has NOT been passed by the legislature and is NOT even current law in Virginia: universal background checks, one gun a month limitations, so-called “red flag” gun confiscation orders, and more.
We need to get as many pro-gun Virginians as possible to attend these meetings and demand to know if the Delegates and Senators plan to allocate money — as delineated in the budget — to confiscate common, household firearms from Virginia citizens.
You can have up to three minutes to speak to the Delegates and Senators who will be in attendance. And because they sit on the appropriations committee, you might want to consider the following types of questions for them to consider:
- 1) The Governor is requesting $7.5 million to enforce a gun ban, Universal Background Checks, a one-gun a month limitation, “red flag” gun confiscation orders and more. Do you support this appropriation of money even though NONE of these provisions are currently the law in Virginia?
- 2) Given that NONE of these gun control restrictions are currently the law in Virginia, would you support a budget amendment preventing the governor from using any funds to implement these anti-rights restrictions via executive order?
- 3) Would you support a budget amendment that would prohibit any funds from being used to implement the provisions of any new Northam gun laws until a final judgment is received from the Supreme Court that they are constitutional?
- 4) Would you support or oppose a budget amendment prohibiting the governor from using the National Guard or police to implement any confiscation or registration of firearms pursuant to legislation passed by the General Assembly?
- 5) Would you support or oppose a budget amendment prohibiting a locality from using any funds made available to such locality to implement any confiscation or registration of firearms pursuant to legislation passed by the General Assembly?
- 6) Would you support or oppose any budget amendment attempting to penalize Second Amendment localities by reducing funds otherwise available to those localities because of their Second Amendment Sanctuary status?
- 7) Would you support legislation to immediately outlaw and confiscate guns, without compensation, when the gun can currently be legally owned in Virginia and all 49 other states? Moreover, if that provision was challenged and overturned, would it be okay with you if the costs of such a lawsuit were placed on those legislators who voted for it?
These are just a sampling of the types of questions that could be asked of legislators on Thursday.
You will notice that all the questions above have a money slant to them. Again, that’s important because these meetings are being run by the Delegates and Senators who sit on the appropriations committee.
The official announcement from the General Assembly states that the purpose of these four meetings is to “receive comments on the Governor’s proposed 2020-22 biennial state budget.”
If you wish to speak, you may “register at each hearing site no earlier than one hour prior to the start of the hearing [and] speakers are asked to limit their comments to three minutes or less.”
Here are the locations of the meetings:
(Hearings begin at 10:00 a.m.)
• Northern Virginia
George Mason University, Hylton Performing Arts Center, Gregory Family Theatre, 10960 George Mason Circle, Manassas, VA 20109
• Blacksburg
Virginia Tech, Classroom Building, Room 260, 1455 Perry Street, Blacksburg, VA 24060
(Hearings begin at 12:00 noon)
• Hampton Roads
Old Dominion University, Virginia Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Center, 1030 University Blvd., Suffolk, VA 23435
• Richmond
J. Sargeant Reynolds Parham Road Campus, Workforce and Conference Center, 1651 E Parham Rd., Richmond, VA 23228
About Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL):
Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL). VCDL is an all-volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to defending the human rights of all Virginians. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a fundamental human right.
For more information, visit:
Those of us not in Virginia can do our part right now. Make a donation to the Second Amendment Foundation. They can stop this in the courts, but it costs money. We all need to help stop this in Virginia, or we’ll be seeing it in our state as well.
Any state law cannot override our Constitution/Bill of Rights. Any attempt to do so would amount to a sedition conspiracy to overthrow the federal government. This is federal crime punishable by up to 20 years in a federal penitentiary with no parole. Any participants, politicians, law enforcement, National Guard are subject to arrest.
The first duty of ANY President (or any elected official) is to protect our Constitution, including the 1st and 2nd amendments. The President has the authority and may declare martial law using our combined armed forces in Virginia pending new elections if they try.
The DemocRAT RED-COATS are COMING!!! The RED-COATS are coming!!!!!!!
I’d love to see JPFO photo shop blackface guys face on their “raise your right hand for gun control” target
Any ‘law’ not in 100% harmony with the Constitution is null & void.
Therefore, all ‘gun control laws’ are null & void.
’nuff said.
Now, if Americans would just act like Americans.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
– Edmund Burke