Florida Carry Wins Lawsuit Against Broward County’s Illegal Gun Laws

Florida Carry Wins Lawsuit Against Broward County's Illegal Gun Laws
Florida Carry Wins Lawsuit Against Broward County’s Illegal Gun Laws

Tallahassee, FL – -(AmmoLand.com)- Florida Carry, Inc. has emerged victorious in their lawsuit against Broward County and County Administrator Bertha Henry in which they sought a permanent injunction to protect the rights of law-abiding gun owners from the county’s multiple illegal ordinances that burden nearly all aspects of firearms ownership, use, transfer, and possession.

“Broward County has ignored repeated attempts since 2011 by Florida Carry to gain its compliance with state law and left us with no choice but to file this case,” said Florida Carry Executive Director Sean Caranna. “Let this case serve as proof that when local officials refuse to stop breaking the law in order to deny the rights of Floridians, Florida Carry will act to demand that people’s rights be protected.”

Since 1987 the Florida Legislature has preempted firearms law and issued state-wide licenses to carry for self-defense.

Florida Carry has prompted the repeal of anti-gun ordinances and regulations in over 200 Florida jurisdictions, including municipalities, counties, colleges, and state agencies.

“Usually the jurisdiction is responsive to our notification that there is a problem and no lawsuit is necessary,” noted Caranna. “Unfortunately, that was not the case with Broward County.”

In his ruling, Judge Carlos Rodriguez granted Florida Carry’s request for summary judgment and permanently enjoined Broward County from enforcing their illegal gun laws. Florida Carry was also awarded reimbursement of legal fees.

Florida Carry won a similar case against the University of North Florida (UNF) in 2011. In Florida Carry v. UNF the First District Court of Appeal ruled that “The legislature’s primacy in firearms regulation derives directly from the Florida Constitution… Indeed, the legislature has reserved for itself the whole field of firearms regulation in section 790.33(1)…”

“It is a rare and unfortunate circumstance when local government leaders decide to willfully break state law, despite the personal penalties. When local officials are willing to knowingly violate the law in order to suppress the rights of law-abiding gun owners, they can expect that we’re going to make them pay for it.”

About Florida Carry:

Florida CarryFlorida Carry, Inc. is a non-profit, non-partisan, grassroots organization dedicated to advancing the fundamental rights of all Floridians to keep and bear arms for self-defense as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution and Article I, Sections 2 and 8 of the Florida Constitution. Florida Carry stands to represent our supporters, members, and millions of defensive arms owners of Florida. We are not beholden to any national organization’s agenda that may compromise that mission.

Florida Carry works tirelessly toward striking down ill-conceived gun and weapons control laws that have been proven to provide safe havens to criminals and be deadly to law-abiding citizens. www.floridacarry.org

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A battle won in the larger war against tyranny! Celebrate and press on, these Democratic Autocrats are assaulting the US Constitution and every single citizen inalienable rights by doing so.


The mindset of these obstreperous libs is an annoying presence in an otherwise wise thinking community. The root of this is that many migrants come to Florida, Nevada, Arizona, Virginia and other “conservative” states, mainly for better tax situation, housing availability and weather. The bring with them the same Dem voting habits which helped debilitate the places they left behind. The only solution (if there is one) is to get in their faces to shame them.


Wait, so these public officials were breaking the law and the court orders to stop breaking the law, and, we think they will actually stop breaking the laws? Lol…..Since there are no punishment for these public officials, what makes anyone think they will stop breaking the court order / breaking the law? DC is doing this after the Court ordered them to allow their residents the right to own guns in the city limits. They ignored the court ruling. Don’t y’all get it yet, these public officials are above the law. Until they are actually punished breaking the laws, nothing… Read more »


Marion Hammer was seen desperately looking for a way to steal credit.


Link to legal docs. https://www.floridacarry.org/litigation/21-flcourts/104-florida-carry-v-broward-county

I have lived in Broward County Fla. for 46 years did not know these ordinances existed. Great Work for Florida Carry and they just gained another paying member. Where was Wayne ?

Deplorable Bill

Good win. The next, obvious question is wither or not Mrs.. Henry and any other of the Broward county officials who were actively working in this criminal conspiracy going to be prosecuted? You can bet if you or I discriminated against people like this we’d be facing charges or in jail already. So, if they aren’t, it aint over yet.

Arm up, carry on.