Oregon – -(AmmoLand.com)-The Senate Judiciary Committee has released its latest version of legislation to render your self-defense firearms worthless.
Tomorrow at 2PM they will have an “informational hearing” to discuss “Legislative Concept 38.” It is a mash-up of several previous attempts and appears to include the worst provisions of all of them.
This is the latest effort to require you to lock up your firearms and only transfer them with locks engaged. You will be liable, for two years, for anything that happens with a firearm that wasn’t locked. The assumption of course, being, that if you sell, give away, or trade a firearm the recipient won’t be able to remove the lock for two years.
Once again, the Oregon “Health” Authority will decide if a lock is good enough to comply with the latest restrictions. (This is because of the OHA’s proven expertise in lock construction.)
At this time only those opposed to civil rights will be allowed to testify. Supporters of gun rights are currently being silenced. You may still attend the hearing tomorrow at 2PM in Hearing Room F, but in keeping with Democrat policy you may not testify. However, nothing prevents you (yet) from submitting written testimony here: [email protected]
The draft, as it exists now, regulates the circumstances under which you may transfer a firearm to a minor. However Section 6 (1)(b) strictly forbids possession of a firearm by a minor unless they are being supervised by an adult. So if your 17 year old daughter is alone out on your ranch, well tough luck.
Another “legislative concept” to watch is “LC 193” which will be presented in the Joint Transportation Committee today at 2PM. The draft’s “relating clause” says “Relating To Transportation” but section 2 of the draft creates new restrictions for CHL holders at the Portland Airport. We’ll be keeping an eye on that one as well.
About Oregon Firearms Federation:
The Oregon Firearms Federation has proven itself to be Oregon’s only no compromise lobbying group, OFF takes the same tough stands and serves as a vehicle for educating gun owners, promoting their rights and when necessary, fighting the freedom haters in court. Visit: www.oregonfirearms.org
So… as these Predators and Parasites come for Freedom, all in the name of “Global” good of course, don’t let the fact that, Total Disarmament is what they are after. They seem to conveniently forget that the Republics Constitution has rules that elected servants must follow in order to protect the individual rights of the minority from the demands of the majority, (as in a pure democracy). The state is to serve up Freedom, not suppress it. You remember where it goes like this: I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the “REPUBLIC”,… Read more »
Remember this: During the stand down from the Malheur ‘standoff’, Robert LaVoy Finnicum went to speak with state agents about all the Americans coming out. As he was driven to the meeting, their car met a roadblock of Oregon State Police and FBI assassins, all with their guns pointed at Finnicum. LaVoy Finnicum stepped out of the car and slowly opened his jacket to show he was unarmed. From the woods a ‘State Trooper’ opened fire, killing Finnicum. We, later, found two things out: 1. Insane lesbian Governor Kate Brown had issued ‘Kill Orders” for all the ‘protestors’. That explains… Read more »
tete: The Finnicum murder is another committed by Federal paid enforcers being ignored.
“3) …the requirement that any lawful firearm in the home be disassembled or bound by a trigger lock makes it impossible for citizens to use arms for the core lawful purpose of self-defense and is hence unconstitutional.” – D.C. v. Heller (2008)
“[A] statute which, under the pretense of regulating, amounts to a destruction of the right, or which requires arms to be so borne as to render them wholly useless for the purpose of defense [is] clearly unconstitutional.”
The West Coast truly is the Left Coast. My state, WA, is doing the same type of crap.
April 19, 1775, at Concord Bridge. The “Shot heard ’round the World” was fired.
I do so love Paul Harvey.
Uhhh.. that “shot heard round the world” was fired, against orders, at Lexington earlier that morning. What happened at the North Bridge at Concord was not “the shot”, it was a response to the ragged, against orders, volley the three Redcoat companies fired against Isaac Davis and his Acton militia, marching toward Concord and thus across that bridge to put out the fire the Brits had carelessly set in town. Davis’ men returned one volley immediately, reloaded and returned a second volley within half a minute of the first. One third of Smith’s officers fell in that volley, and a… Read more »
I remember back in the early 1990’s Oregon was a nice place to live. I guess all the progressives that moved there from Kalifornia changed the state