USA – -(AmmoLand.com)- The “rabble” has officially been roused in the commonwealth of Virginia, and there is serious potential for things to get ugly.
We strongly urge defenders of gun rights to be calm and careful as they stand firm for their rights. The hyperbole has gotten heated and has been fed by extremists from both sides, making exaggerated claims, threats, and pronouncements.
This whole mess could easily get out of hand in short order, but the situation isn’t nearly as precarious as the hype is trying to paint it.
The Virginia Citizens Defense League has been very effective in spreading the idea of Second Amendment Sanctuary zones, mostly in counties, and also in some municipalities.
The movement is primarily symbolic, a loud message to legislators in Richmond that the people are not happy with the direction they are threatening to take the state. Unfortunately, the Democrat leadership has been responding with threats and name-calling. Rather than seriously listening to the concerns of their citizens, and that has resulted in an escalating hyperbole war.
On the first day of the legislative session, Democrats in leadership used their slim majority to ram through a new rule forbidding firearms in the Capitol and adjacent administrative buildings, and they have been exploring ways to restrict legal firearms from the Capitol grounds. They claimed that the move was made at the request of the police who guard the Capitol, but the head of that agency denied this, stating unequivocally that neither he nor his agency had made any such request or suggestion. The latest rumor is that anti-rights Democrat Governor Northam might declare an Emergency to ban guns from the Capitol grounds. It’s just a rumor, but it would be a huge mistake.
The Democrats’ moves are in response to the publicity surrounding this year’s annual VCDL Lobby Day Rally, planned for this coming Monday, January 20, 2020. That is when thousands of gun rights advocates are expected to rally on the Capitol grounds and visit legislators’ offices to insist that the U.S. and State constitutions be respected and obeyed.
For years, there has been no rule requiring duly licensed citizens to disarm before entering the Capitol Building, and as an “open carry” state, Virginia citizens have always been able to carry on the Capitol grounds lawfully. To my knowledge, there has never been any sort of serious problem as a result of this respectful policy. When I attended Lobby Day in 2008, I spoke with several law enforcement officers who were working the event. All expressed their appreciation for the rights activists’ friendly and courteous demeanor, and told me that they had no concerns about our people causing any problems. Several of the officers I spoke with had worked the rally numerous times in the past, and they said that gun rights proponents were among their favorite groups.
As with all gun control efforts, the issue with disarming people at the Capitol isn’t about what actually happens, but rather about what could happen – what someone might do. In other words, irrational fear and mistrust.
I was a guest speaker at the VCDL Lobby Day in 2008, less than a year after the tragic attack at Virginia Tech. As a Virginia Citizen with a concealed carry license, I was able to lawfully carry as I visited my elected servants and spoke with the crowds outside. Everything was very peaceful and comfortable, even though the Brady Bunch was there holding a “counter-rally” and staged a “die-in” on the Capitol lawn. I even had a brief and polite discussion on-camera, with a young man who had been a victim of the Virginia Tech shooting. He related how he had crouched behind a chair, dialing 911 on his cellphone as they heard the attacker moving down the hall to their room. He insisted that he puts his trust in the police (who were, no doubt, on their way to help, while he and his classmates were being shot) and didn’t believe that having a gun would have helped. I responded that having carried a gun on my hip through most of my time in college (even though it was against school policy), I was sure that, rather than anxiously dialing a phone, I would have been crouched behind that chair with my pistol at the ready, and I’m confident that I would have ended the attack the moment the murderer stepped into the doorway. He suggested that he didn’t want to “live in fear” like that, and stuck with his position on mandatory helplessness, but we shook hands and I wished him well. He went on to be a spokesperson for the Brady Campaign for several years.
I expect the rally on the 20th to be just as safe and peaceful as the rally in 2008 and all of the gun rights rallies before and since have been. But I also expect many politicians and their media allies to try to paint the rights activists who attend, in the worst possible light. They will be looking for pictures and videos of people on our side behaving badly, displaying racist or neo-nazi emblems, or those few who will insist on turning out in full camo or battle-rattle, with their “scary-looking rifles” on their shoulders.
I encourage everyone who can, to please attend, but please don’t feed the opposition’s propaganda machine. There will be no large group of Antifa clowns there trying to cause trouble.
The opposition protesters from the Brady Bunch, Everytown for Gun Prohibition, and Mad Mommies Demanding Bubble-Wrap will be obnoxious, but not dangerous. So there’s no need to arm-up for safety, and we’re not there to intimidate anyone. The objective is to let politicians know that they will pay a severe price in the next election if they keep running after Mike Bloomberg’s money, and that’s all. Speculation about a second Civil War is not productive, nor are Confederate battle flags, or anything else that the media can use to paint our group as racist or violent.
We are the good guys. The prohibitionists have already started backing away from the worst of their proposals, but they’ll use any negative imagery from the rally to revive those proposals, so don’t give it to them, and don’t let anyone think that their minor concessions are a victory for us. We demand that they back away from all of their nonsense, not just the worst of it and that demand won’t succeed if we scare the soccer moms. So best foot forward on the road to victory.
About Jeff Knox:
Jeff Knox is a second-generation political activist and director of The Firearms Coalition. His father Neal Knox led many of the early gun rights battles for your right to keep and bear arms. Read Neal Knox – The Gun Rights War.
The Firearms Coalition is a loose-knit coalition of individual Second Amendment activists, clubs and civil rights organizations. Founded by Neal Knox in 1984, the organization provides support to grassroots activists in the form of education, analysis of current issues, and with a historical perspective of the gun rights movement. The Firearms Coalition has offices in Buckeye, Arizona and Manassas, VA. Visit: www.FirearmsCoalition.
I hope the dems who got elected on Bloombergs dime enjoy their brief stay in the legislature. History has shown that they will be swept out of office in the next election or hopefully recalled.
“Let them eat cake” politicians will not be moved by “overwhelming kindness”.
The same “kindness” in the halls of congress has not worked well at all, has it? If anything, the Democrats respond to kindness like Islamic extremists–they sense weakness and pounce.
For people going I hope there are lots of dedicated people video everything and everyone.
I expect antifa and paid troublemakers to cause a problem
Will, you got that right. We could also use John Bell Hood and Mosby and a few others!
We are here in spirit, just waiting for THEM to start it. And when they do their pretty uniforms, shiny badges and fancy suits will not save them from the WRATH of we the people descending on them in full force. It will make the Concord Bridge incident look like a walk in the park.
I hope you’re right, Lion. I fear, though, that we’ll have a mass of 124 million gun owners all waiting for someone else to go first.
There is a way to recall the VA Governor, but it is way too early for that! Not a single bill has been passed, enacted and challenged in court! Other than your FEELINGS, there is nothing to recall him on! Understand that the VA law specifies only certain reasons for a recall and a recall petition goes to court.
At this point, it is up to the American gun owner to show up or shut up! Peaceful protests and legal challenges of whatever gun control the VA legislature passes are in order.
No, it’s not to early and there is a recall petition currently. You can go online and sign it. It’s doing miserably because, as I stated above, gun owners won’t get off their asses and do anything but talk.
There is an online recall petition, but you fail to post the link and complain about other gun owners. LOL. Let’s start right there. Post the link or shut up!
Join and support the Second Amendment Foundation. Our best friend if bad laws are passed.
I am already a member.
Article I. Bill of Rights
Section 2. People the source of power
That all power is vested in, and consequently derived from, the people, that magistrates are their trustees and servants, and at all times amenable to them.
Here is the actual EO49: “https://www.governor.virginia.gov/media/governorvirginiagov/executive-actions/EO-49-Declaration-of-a-State-Of-Emergency-Due-to-Potential-Civil-Unrest-at-the-Virginia-State-Capitol.pdf” He cites as authority the Commonwealth of Virginia Emergency Services and Disaster Law of 2000. See the whole Chapter here: “https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacodefull/title44/chapter3.2/” ***HOWEVER*** he does NOT have authority to strip Virginians of their right to keep and bear arms, because of this: ” https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title44/chapter3.2/section44-146.15/” “Nothing in this chapter is to be construed to: … (3) Empower the Governor, any political subdivision, or any other governmental authority to in any way limit or prohibit the rights of the people to keep and bear arms as guaranteed by Article I, Section 13 of the Constitution of Virginia… Read more »
Good job, Mack!
@Mack – Governor would probably claim capital ground are being used as emergency shelter for protesters – thus qualified under last clause. Fits with twisted logic they apply to everything.
Look, it’s simple.
Ralph is a pathological liar. He is the new Orval Faubus.
What we desperately need right now is a Stonewall Jackson.
Nope; 100% incorrect. What we desperately need right now is an Abraham Lincoln.
Now, Clark, you are pretty much by yourself so you can not claim we. Second, everyone has a right to form and express an opinion, so Q’s opinion can not be 100 percent incorrect. Third, Jackson could not gave been Jackson without Lincoln, just as Lincoln could not have been Lincoln without Davis, Lee, Jackson, and Longstreet and many others.
Will, 10 4 to that.
Governor Northam has declared a state of emergency and banned the carrying & possession of weapons on Capitol Square in Richmond from 5:00 pm Friday, January 17 to 5:00 pm on Tuesday, January 21.
VCDL is looking at a legal challenge. Stay tuned. The state of emergency is on shaky legal grounds, so is the banning of firearms. Even if the challenge is unsuccessful, thousands of people will come to Richmond, armed!
Note that there are safety concerns regarding the entry/exits to Capitol Square. The current plan of closing the area almost completely off, except for 1 entry/exit and 3 additional exits that are in the same area is contrary to any countermeasures against a mass panic.
I may be wrong, but it sounds to me like the governor is already running scared.
Apparently you’ve been reading Mad Magazines historical view of Lincoln rather then Thomas DiLorenzo’s excellent summary.
Q, right on!
Look Jeff, how about an update with your review of the Governor’s Emergency Order?
Precisely why I ditched NRA for GOA years ago. We are at least a quarter past kindness…
https://youtu.be/BsUAvh_PCWA The link above is to Project Veritas hidden camera interview with Bernie Sanders field organizer Kyle Jurek. According to him they are coming for America, violently if need be and those that don’t follow should be “pulled from their homes by their hair, murdered and burned in the streets” Says “America will burn” believes in gulags and reprogramming for those they don’t outright murder. Heck, take the time to watch it. It is shocking. After watching ask yourself if you are being served by Florida Republican senators and there ilk across America. Personally, I think Jurek is worthy of… Read more »
Duncan v. Becerra The reason for the adoption of the Second Amendment was to protect the citizens of the new nation from the power of an oppressive state. The anti-federalists were worried about the risk of oppression by a standing army. The colonies had witnessed the standing army of England marching through Lexington to Concord, Massachusetts, on a mission to seize the arms and gunpowder of the militia and the Minutemen—an attack that ignited the Revolutionary war. With Colonists still hurting from the wounds of war, the Second Amendment guaranteed the rights of new American citizens to protect themselves from… Read more »
Not to mention General Lee.
The CSA flag of rebellion has the Saltire – the cross of Saint Andrew.
Andrew was the ultimate in I Will Not Comply.
It appears that once elected, these politicians no longer need to represent, rather they rule with name calling and threats.
Posted previously in response to an Ammoland article: The Virginia Dummocrat assault on our rights has nothing to do with the crime rate or lack thereof; it has everything to do with the unrelenting and vicious hatred of the Left for liberty, the rule of law, and the people who live it, practice it, and are prepared to defend it. We are rapidly approaching Crunch Time represented by the re-election of President Trump and the kicking of the communist insurgents of the Democratic Party finally and utterly into the ashheap of history, and they are not going quietly into the… Read more »
“ The Government’s proposed prophylaxis – to protect against the violations of the few, we must burden the constitutional rights of the many – turns the Second Amendment on its head. Our Founders crafted a Constitution to promote the liberty of the individual, not the convenience of the Government.” Mance v. Sessions, 896 F.3d 390, 405 (5th Cir. 2018)
Yea, whatever the lying POS says MUST be true.
There you go. Governor Blackface is following the Democrat playbook. You can say anything you want to support your position. It need not have any bit of truth, but the press will jump on it…and then it becomes “fact.”
Will, “the South is gonna rattle again”, Hank Jr..
you are an idiot…..
we did not put grow or out develop our ability for violence against tyrants. It isn’t an antiquated idea. everyone should show up armed, and then protest politely.
“Overwhelming Kindness” ….
“Yessa massa”
No Masters for us. We are sovereign, not slaves.
“The opposition protesters from the Brady Bunch, Everytown for Gun Prohibition, and Mad Mommies Demanding Bubble-Wrap will be obnoxious, but not dangerous. So there’s no need to arm-up for safety, and we’re not there to intimidate anyone.”? Are you serious? You can’t guarantee that and irresponsible to tell people that.. And you will have ANTIFA and NAZIS showing up again is some form to cause havoc. Are you willing to take that chance and telling people they WILL be safe?. The 2A advocates will not be the violent ones but they STILL HAVE A NATURAL RIGHT TO DEFEND THEMSELVES, but… Read more »
The sorry excuse for a governor is weaseling away from the Democrats who want him impeached for his “black face” stunt by appealing to their gun control whims. An idiot is and idiot. He is knowingly violating Article VI within the US Constitution. I would say given his “paramilitary” rhetoric and attacking right to assembly, and freedom of expression, this pathetic governor has accrued plenty of high crime to be impeached. If the rest of the leadership support him, get rid of them too. The time for killing with kindness is long past with the autocratic Democrats that refuse to… Read more »
I can think of excellent grounds for impeachment: Perjury of his oath of office. Perjury is a “high crime,” and is full-on grounds for impeachment. A call should go out to all opposed to this jerk and point out his perjury of his oath of office, and call for his impeachment and prosecution.
Jeff, are you Harold’s cousin?
Good luck. They are using two entry points that are like a funnel and metal detectors. You will be asked to enter the crime spree zone free of protection.
How about Louiville Sluggers. All wood, set for a game after the rally.
400,000 required and you’d think it would be easy…..nope, yet once again gun owners have shown that they are lazy and won’t work to keep their freedoms.
Serial posting makes no sense! Have something to complain about, be specific and understand the topic! So, you are circulating a recall petition in VA that will hold up to court scrutiny, right? May I see it?
No, I think a lot of gun owners have simply given up on a corrupt, immoral, ungodly system that has stripped us of our dignity, stolen our labor, killed our children for no reason and that by not participating in the system they are refusing to give consent of it’s legitimacy. And many are waiting for that first shot to be fired so that they can storm the castle with good conscience and KILL Dr. Frankenstein and his monsters.
That sums it up nicely in my opinion. Beating your head against a wall for any period of time is a poor investment.
@CL, Giving up on a corrupt system is no way to win.
Sooooo what is your brilliant strategy? The FOUNDING FATHERS gave up on a corrupt system. The Declaration Of Independence was the document that was drafted to let the psychopath control freak in England know why. So shall we sit down and write one of those with current complaints? Or shall we just keep in practice and when the day comes shoot the modern day king George redcoats “law enforcement” in the face? I opt for the latter. I’m too old to keep banging my head against the wall. You can stay at it. Come to think of it, I think… Read more »
I’m afraid you may be right, Vanns. After all, it was the poor voter turnout by conservatives that created the current situation in the first place. And if 124 million gun owners nationwide don’t stop making excuses and vote, Virginia will just be the first state to fall, followed by the nation if any of the Democrat presidential front runners get elected.
So if 330 million people “vote” to take away my “right” to keep and bear arms, somehow I’m supposed to give it up? Naaaa….I’ll just have to load 330 million rounds of ammo and start eliminating a nation of rats. He who attempts to get another man into his absolute power does thereby put himself into a state of war with him, it being to be understood as a declaration of a design upon his life; for I have reason to conclude that he who would get me into his power without my consent would use me as he pleased… Read more »
Just a few snipers equals term limits for these dummycrates!
As Billy Joe’s Mom said,
Please, don’t take your guns to town, son, don’t take your guns to town.
If I can leave mine home so can you. Listen to Mom.
Ready Moon Rise 12,234 6 25
@USA, Yes, he is so superior that he communicates in code that NO ONE else can understand. Kinda like those people at the Union Mission that talk to themselves.
@WB – He deserves the same level of attention. Just step around without breaking stride or interrupting conversation with your compatriots.
You don’t understand that? You’re kidding right?
@CL, It is not in my CEOI. Perhaps you could explain it.
I was being sarcastic and earned myself four down votes!!!! YEAH!!! That proves how stupid a number of people are that come here.
@CL, Perhaps your sarcasm is too subtle.
Only trailer trash have tattoos, period.
@"MCCLOUD!", Well, that is your opinion.
Gee, Clark. I didn’t know that JFK and Dishonest Abe were ‘Trailer Trash.’ You see, you ignorant Fuck Head, They both had Tattoos and so do a lot of other people, like my sister in law who is a Nurse Practitioner and myself!
I guess you’re just jealous because you don’t have the balls to get one!
@hippy, I got, the very popular, Death Before Dishonor. Ft Leonard Wood. 1975.
And only a sissy with a computer in his Mom’s basement would call himself Superman.