NJ2AS Video Police Denying All Gun-Permitting Rights to Citizens

U.S.A.-(Ammoland.com)- Almost two months into the Covid-19 pandemic, the government of NJ is showing their true colors on how they really feel about the Second Amendment. Gun owners are seeing little relief in the abuse of their rights.

Gun stores are heavily restricted on visitation from the public. Gun safety training schools and ranges are still closed. This makes it impossible for new gun owners to learn proper safety procedures. It’s ironic that the same people calling for “gun safety” are the first to exploit Governor Murphy’s executive orders to actually make firearm use potentially more dangerous.

Recently, we’ve had several tips from our members about the Sayreville police department outright refusing to process gun permits. Their Facebook page, phone messages, and police department lobby all have messaging declaring the firearm department is closed until further notice. Watch to find out the full story.


About New Jersey Second Amendment Society:

New Jersey Second Amendment Society

New Jersey Second Amendment Society – The NJ2AS uses innovative and bold direct-action tactics to expose, document, and take results-oriented action to confront anti-Second Amendment policies and legislators.

By Defending, Protecting, and Preserving the Second Amendment within New Jersey, the NJ2AS works to ensure that our civil rights are restored, no longer degraded, and to prevent NJ from being used as a laboratory to destroy the Second Amendment nationwide. Visit: www.nj2as.com

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Not surprising. NJ is literally a police state.


My wife asked me to kiss her where it stinks. So I took her to New Jersey.


Why don’t you organize during your next election and try to vote for all Republicans….


The state government and many municiapal governments are pieces of shot. Useless Murphy and his cohorts take the attitude that NJ citizens exist for their pleasure. These idiots need to go and the chief of police of Sayreville is totally useless as well. He’s just waiting to collect his pension and then he’s gone from NJ.

Red Falcon 1325

DemoKKKrats. ‘Nuff said.

Deplorable Bill

The RIGHT of the people to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. Those looking for a good reason to revolt need not look further than N.J. Did anyone notice that almost EVERY BLUE, DEMONCRAPICLY RUN STATE, has done the same thing? It’s not going to take much more to force a start on the next revolutionary war.

Arm up, carry on.

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