Brady Campaign Simply Shameless in the Wake of AZ Shooting

Sarah Brady & Her Anti-Gun Cabal Are Simply Shameless in the Wake of AZ Shooting

National Association for Gun Rights
National Association for Gun Rights

Colorado ––( Never one to let a tragedy go un-politicized, the Brady Campaign is once again using the blood of innocents to raise money for their anti-freedom anti-gun agenda.

While our thoughts and prayers were going out the victims of the Tucson shooting, that Brady Campaign machine was shamefully spinning up their fund-raising machine to take advantage of the tragedy.

In an e-mail from the Brady campaign, they used the deaths of a nine-year-old girl, a Federal judge and a Congressional aide to raise money for their group, repeatedly asking for donations in the short e-mail.

It’s simply shocking to me that they would shamelessly try to raise blood-money off of these deaths.

I’ve attached their tasteless fund-raising e-mail below, so you can see exactly what I’m referring to.

For freedom,

Dudley Brown
Executive Director
National Association for Gun Rights
brady campaign fundraiser
Sarah Brady & Her Anti-Gun Cabal Are Simply Shameless in the Wake of AZ Shooting

The National Association for Gun Rights was founded in 2001 to serve as a grassroots gun rights group focusing on building state-level gun rights groups and lobbying for pro-gun federal legislation. Brown has been a gun lobbyist for more than 17 years. Visit:

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