McAuliffe Comment Warning For Second Amendment Supporters

How "Safe" Are You? The House of Cards That is Gun Free Zones, iStock-490657417
McAuliffe Comment Warning For Second Amendment Supporters, iStock-490657417

United States – -( Sometimes, a comment on an unrelated issue can be a major warning about a danger to our Second Amendment rights. The recent comments by Terry McAuliffe about parental involvement in schools is one such comment.

Schools have had the attention of Second Amendment supporters in the context of preventing school shootings for a long time. That attention has been rightly focused on efforts to prevent -and mitigate those attacks. Why? Because in the wake of Columbine, Sandy Hook, and other horrific school shootings, Bloomberg’s group gets support from parents so worried about their kids, they end up buying the snake oil from Everytown and Moms Demand Action.

Stopping that is important, to put it mildly. It not only requires legislation like the School Violence Prevention and Mitigation Act of 2019, but Second Amendment supporters, particularly after Sandy Hook, called for armed security at schools. And it is the right call, Cowards of Broward aside.

But McAuliffe’s comments highlight another danger to the Second Amendment from our schools.

This is coming from teachers and administrators who are pushing the agenda of anti-Second Amendment extremists. We covered the double standard before, especially with the trade-offs that Second Amendment supporters who are high school students and college students have to keep in mind, but McAuliffe’s comments make it clear there is another front.

In this case, Second Amendment supporters need to act, but this action starts with taking time to look over the assignments and textbooks their children get from school. In addition, they need to start finding out what else is going on in their students’ classes. Because the first line of battle is not in the halls of power, whether it’s corporate, legal, or political. It’s in our schools.

The good news is that Second Amendment supporters working at the grassroots level have a very good chance to make a difference when it comes to what is taught in schools. Running for school board is not as difficult as running for Congress, and the effect it will have on securing our rights could be far greater than you might think.

There will be one key point to keep in mind – Second Amendment supporters will have to contend with the teachers unions, and they have weighed in against our right already. The American Federation of Teachers threatened Wells Fargo when it refused to go along with corporate gun control, and you can bet the NEA will also fight as well.

The good news is that we have faced foes with “deep pockets” before, and beating the teachers’ unions will be important as well. Second Amendment supporters need to turn back these assaults on our rights by working to defeat anti-Second Amendment extremists at the federal, state, and local level via the ballot box as soon as possible. They also need to support pro-Second Amendment organizations.

About Harold Hutchison

Writer Harold Hutchison has more than a dozen years of experience covering military affairs, international events, U.S. politics and Second Amendment issues. Harold was consulting senior editor at Soldier of Fortune magazine and is the author of the novel Strike Group Reagan. He has also written for the Daily Caller, National Review, Patriot Post,, and other national websites.Harold Hutchison

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Those who would prevent & mitigate massacres must call to abolish the bans on civilian carry (teacher-staff-parent) that make massacres possible & worse, not call for more union officers who can’t stop them all however brave they may be. 131,000 would be needed just to have one officer in every K-12 school. 1000s more for colleges. Even then they couldn’t be everywhere at once. Only one in a class at all times is the teacher. Hiring dedicated officers instead of arming teachers & staff is a stupid expensive dangerous placebo that blocks what really needs to be done to stop/mitigate… Read more »


I don’t understand why you were down voted three times. Perhaps someone would like to rebut his comment so that any defects in his thinking might be known to the rest of us.

Last edited 3 years ago by Grigori

Never happen. Some ‘pro-gun’ ex?-LEO sock pups lurk here trashing those who recognize police power abuse; who think LEOs should pay for violating rights; who see militarization-federalization akin to a standing army; who would bar locals from helping their federal ‘partners’ enforce gun control, asset forfeiture etc; and move back toward a model of armed civilian mutual defense. Can’t bring themselves to say the names of victims like Vicki Weaver, Daniel Shaver, Tony Timpa, Ashli Babbit, Don Scott. Those who don’t Back The Blue Whatever They Do are ‘cop haters’. Can’t honestly discuss it cogently; smart enough to downvote.

Last edited 3 years ago by Russn8r

Few Americans realize that until the 1840s we had no organized Police forces in America. I believe the first was in Philly. Don’t get me wrong. I respect the Police. I just don’t trust them. They are mostly reminiscent of the Dogs in Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm.’ IE: true to their masters.
Also, remember if by some horrid chance the crooked politicians do manage somehow to ban firearms. Just who do you think will be breaking down your door to come for them?! It will be reminiscent of Stalin’s ‘Accursed Organs at your door!


Correct. Politcal theory in a nutshell: A and B get together to decide how C shall live. C resists. A and B hire D to shoot C.


police in new york grew out of criminal enterprise. Tammany Hall and all the other crooks to protect their own


and Tim Sullivan’s gun ban was so played as to ONLY disarm his political/syndicate rivals. Been much the same way ever since in that and quite a few other states. That was in 1911, if memory serves aright.

Roland T. Gunner



you are correct, and they are as much cowards here as they are in life, or they would qualify their disagreement. I worked for dea in bad old days and saw more criminals on prowl in blue. We heard from many people we arrested about ripoffs drugs and money, perps dressed in blue, we thought fake cops but just in case did not tell local cops, that is the river cops story the worse part. that did not stop the problem there still are more bad cops than indifferent ones and the few good ones get out or transfer to… Read more »

Roland T. Gunner

Now I would disagree that there are more truly bad cops than indifferent cops. The vast majority are not corrupt per se. But they do “follow orders”.

Wild Bill

@Grigori, It is the way he addresses other people. They are down voting him personally. Sometimes his comments are pretty good. Communicating with others is where he goes off the rails.
Well, I have to go feed livestock, now. See you later.


There is more to the story, Wild Bill, and I believe you realize that is true. Most posters on this site are either government employees or ex government employees. Most of the people are in their late 60s to mid-80s. A large percentage of them are from “the south.” Comments that receive approval: Democrats are bad “RINOS” are bad The BATFE is bad Young people are bad Yankees are bad Slavery wasn’t so bad People who didn’t “serve” are cowards and shouldn’t be allowed to vote (except for Trump) “Rich” people are bad (except for Trump) People with MBAs from… Read more »


Wild Bill, in case it changes before you return from tending to the livestock, my post received three immediate downvotes.

Wild Bill

@JSNMGC, How do you analyze that? What is your conclusion from those two facts?


My conclusion is that the downvotes are not just due to how Russn8r sometimes addresses people. People are downvoted here for pointing out that: Many young people today are far more freedom-minded than many people born in the 30s, 40s, and 50s; Totalitarian values are a cancer no matter where the totalitarians were born/live; That enforcers who will obey almost any order to enforce any law against certain people are bad (irrespective of whether they work for the BATFE or the McLennan County sheriff office); That people owning people is objectively a bad practice as most people in what is… Read more »

Wild Bill

From just those two facts that you mentioned, at that time, that is not the conclusion that I came to.


From watching the comments for some time and the voting patterns, that is the conclusion I came to.

Wild Bill

Well, you didn’t mention any additional past experience, but rather focused on three down votes that were immediate. That is why I asked for your conclusion based upon the two facts that seemed to be important to you.


You stated unequivocally:

“It is the way he addresses other people. They are down voting him personally.”

I stated that there is more to the story and attempted to give you an idea of the large block of people that have similar views here who down vote people who have views that differ.

Those people downvote others no matter what they say.

I believe we have a difference of opinion on the matter.


@JSNMGC – Cannot be all that large a block downvoting you. This is one of the most popular online news sites and I’ve rarely seen you down more than 8 votes. Would be nice to see just how many up and down votes you get. If you’ve got 50,008 down and 50,000 up – I’d call you even. If you have 8 down and no up – then a few people are picking on you. In any case 8 down votes are a big fat nothing.


On the bullet point “Yankees are bad,” I should have also written “(except for Trump).”

My apologies.

Last edited 3 years ago by JSNMGC
Country Boy

The Yankees that move South and vote for Democrats & POTUS Biden are bad. Bad for the red Southern states they move to . I know several in my immediate area who moved from NY because of what they voted themselves into in NY. Now they’re next door and in my area voting my state into the same shit they left NY for.. These are “the bad Yankees” .These yankees tried to have me, personally, “SWATed, and told 5 outright bald faced lies to to do it. Luckily th Sheriifs saw through their BS. So you’re right, I don’t have… Read more »


Those people you described are bad people.

What do you think about the “Yankees” who are pro 2nd Amendment, believe in a smaller, better, less expensive government, and who believe birth right citizenship should be ended?

What do you think about Ralph Northam who was born in Virginia (and who’s daddy was born in Virginia)?

Last edited 3 years ago by JSNMGC

We ah e that same problem here in Florida. They came here to get away from there but they want here to be like there! Wha5 unique form of insanity!


how funny is it that demoncrats started in the the south now they are in all the places that union forces were strong, and not in the south

Wild Bill

@swmft, the anarchists, communists, and socialists from a hundred years ago have cleverly infiltrated and taken over that party (amongst other institutions). Funny? Nope terrifying!


no, they were there all along, just low hanging fruit.@Wild Bill there were even some royalists as late as 1980s there are more people that want someone else to do all their thinking than those who demand their freedom.

Wild Bill

@swmft, Royalists? That is a surprise. And yes, I concur, I have had some, occasionally, here on the ranch.

Wild Bill

@Must Have Hammer, I hear that all the time. The ranchers in my AO are buying up every scrap of land (when other farmers and ranchers get old or die) just to keep “those people” away.
The beneficiaries of willed land want to have an easy life in the city so they sell fast and relatively cheap.
I don’t know about the rest of Texas or the residue of the country.


if memory serves aright, those sort were called “carpetbaggers” in the time after the War of Northern Aggression. It was just one more form of continuing the “northern aggression”. It continues today.

Roland T. Gunner

Democrats ARE bad, RINOs ARE bad, BATFE ARE bad, Yankees ARE BAD. No offense, but there you go, off the reservation again.


Trump was a Democrat.

Trump is considered a RINO by many who believe in the Republican platform.

Trump is a Yankee.

Is Trump bad?

Do you really think people are bad because of the state they live in?

Georgia was one of the very few states that voted for Carter instead of Reagan in 1980.


Uh oh, a fact that is inconsistent with deeply held beliefs.



Roland T. Gunner, do you really believe that people are bad because of the state they live in?

When you wrote “Yankees ARE BAD,” do you really believe that?

What do you think about the majority of Georgian voters who voted for the incompetent socialist Jimmy Carter instead of Reagan?

Do you see the point I was making about the BATFE – how incongrous it is to conclude that local law enforcement is good when they enforce even worse laws than the BATFE?

Roland T. Gunner

If I have to listen to one more idiot from New Jersey living in Texas, spewing stupid shit, then waxing poetic about how great New Jersey is. Ditto California. Yes, the state you live in can be a strong indicator of your beliefs and values, which can be described as “bad”.


Of course it’s an indicator because of percentages. There is a greater percentage of people in CA (and TX) who voted for Biden than there is in WY.

However, there are more freedom-loving, pro 2nd Amendment people living in CA than there are in WY.

Why would I not want one of those people to move to WY?


Will (“TEX”) – 10/11/21:
“Another indicator might just be that there are more people in Galveston Texas than the whole damn state of Wyoming.

Response to Will (“TEX”):

A greater percentage of Texas voters voted for Biden.


A greater percentage of Texans voted for Biden than did Wyomingites:

Texas 46.5%
Wyoming 26.6%

Although 63.5% of Californians voted for Biden, in terms of absolute numbers, there are more freedom-loving, pro 2nd Amendment people living in CA than in WY. I welcome those people to move to WY.

There are some people whose families have been in WY for generations, who are “ranchers,” who are ex-LE or ex-military, and who are God fearnin’ Christians, who are in favor of more gun control, more taxes, more spending, and who oppose ending birthright citizenship. I would be happy if they left.


If you know any who could be talked into selling off a chunk of land – I might be willing to help you get rid of some of those.
Not a “good chunk” as my understanding is that in Wyoming land holdings tend to be quite large. My funds are limited and my ranching skills and knowledge are nearly nil. Would be nice to settle somewhere spacious where my wife could keep the horse of her dreams.

Wild Bill

Try UnitedCountryRealty; remember Wyoming is North of Colorado; and good luck.


There are a lot of different real estate markets in Wyoming.

Some land sells for less than $200 per acre.

Some land sells for over $1,000,000 per acre.

Remember though, all of Wyoming has constant 80 mph winds, it is 30 degrees below zero for 8 months out of the year, and grizzly bears run in packs looking to eat people who are not constantly armed.


You know, I believe you may be correct.


trade them for good people from comifornia

Roland T. Gunner

The modern Republican Party has no platform; and Trump did make mistakes, ie the bump stock debacle, but overall he did an excellent job in office.

Wild Bill

@RTR, True, but I think that Trump’s biggest mistake was not purging the bureaucracy at the beginning of his term. One can not have the enemy operating in your rear echelon.

Roland T. Gunner

Absolutely; and you would think he would have surrounded himself with the absolutely best and brightest in his cabinet, his advisors, and his agency heads, but I do not believe he did.

Wild Bill

I hope that the Donald does not make the same mistake twice.

Wild Bill

I wonder if the Donald knows the score regarding LaPew? That 2024 election can not come fast enough!

Hey, was there much storm damage in your neck of the woods?

Last edited 3 years ago by Wild Bill
Wild Bill

We lost a pine tree. The wife was standing on the porch playing with “Winston the Red Nosed Pitbul” (newest member of our pack), heard a loud pop, and turned to see the pine fall parallel between the electric lines and the pasture fence. It could not have been better if I had dropped it myself.

Wild Bill

Yeah, me too! I hate unscheduled, overtime! I’m going to cut it up and stack it. If “the supply chain” precludes re-supply, I have a fireplace. Lots of heat in pine.

Wild Bill

Hmmm, well anything could happen.

Wild Bill

Ahh, yes, a name best left forgotten. Yeah, maybe.

Wild Bill

I’m hoping for a medical demise. So much faster, more surprising, and …. permanent.


reagan was a comifornia republican anti gun all the way , how inconvenient the truth 1986 act stopping new machine gun registrations mas his present to US


swmft, It’s true that Reagan signed FOPA (with the Hughes Amendment) into law when he was president.  When he was governor of California he signed the Mulford Act into law. After he left the white house he signed a letter (along with Carter) urging the banning of large categories of semiautomatic rifles.  It’s unfortunate that the NRA didn’t come out and hammer Reagan for signing FOPA (with the Hughes Amendment) into law rather than encouraging legislators to vote for it and Reagan to sign it into law. That act and all the other capitulations by politicians over many decades have encouraged subsequent politicians… Read more »

Heed the Call-up

The NRA was on-board with the FOPA, that is why they did not got against it. The most egregious “gun control” laws that have passed, starting with the 1934 NFA, have been supported by the NRA, they even helped with the language or advised on what to put into the bills.

The NRA president, at the time of the NFA was enacted, publically stated he did not believe private citizens should be allowed to possess handguns.


The FOPA was good, it was the Hughes Amendment that was tacked on at the last minute that sucks.

Heed the Call-up

FOPA was bad, it only lessened the issues of the GCA, and in so doing, with passage, and that amendment, furthered erosion of our rights.



Reply on hold due to length.

Short version:

Reagan was bad, Carter was worse, government employees can’t help themselves from abusing power given to them.

The GCA of 1968 was created because of people born in the late 1800s through the late 1940s. Government employees abused the powers granted from the GCA. They should have been fired and brought up on charges and the GCA repealed. Instead, FOPA was written as a band aid and the Hughes Amendment was included.

Where was Lyndon Johnson from? Where was Jimmy Carter from?

Roland T. Gunner

We should have been able to scuttle that from the get-go, based on Chuck Rangel’s fraudulent machinations; and I do not understand why we still tolerate it.

Last edited 3 years ago by Roland T. Gunner

No offense, but (for the third or fourth time), you missed the point.

Roland T. Gunner

No, I did not. By and large, the “Yankee” descriptor applies to large regions of the northeast continental United States, and the large majority inhabiting the region. Certsinly. There sre infivifuals there who do not fit their norm, but I will not give a pass to all those who are diametrically opposed to the values, culture and way of life based on freedom and liberty we all claim to fight for. And I make absolutely no apologies for local police, sheriffs deputies or constables depuyies infringing citizens rights; and that infringement is institutionalized and systemic. Wjile very few cops today… Read more »


I don’t give a pass to people who vote for totalitarianism – I don’t care if they are born in NY, GA, or VA (like Ralph Northam was). A long time ago, some people from Texas moved into our neighborhood and were huge supporters of both Clintons. I didn’t make a judgement on Texans or “Rebels.” I merely concluded that those two people continued to vote for totalitarian policies after they left Texas. I don’t like to see totalitarians moving to Wyoming – I don’t care what state they come from. I welcome people who move here and are pro… Read more »


I don’t judge people by where the live, where they were born, where there daddy was born, or where there granddaddy was born.

I evaluate the policies they support.

It’s just as hard to determine the difference between Democrat “Yankees” and Republican “Yankees” as it is to determine the difference between Democrat “Rebels” and Republican “Rebels.”

Furthermore, being a Republican certainly doesn’t mean someone is in favor of smaller, better, less expensive government, firearm rights, and ending birthright citizenship.

Last edited 3 years ago by JSNMGC
Wild Bill

Hey OV,
Long time no hear from! You been long hauling or just playing with Sammy?!

Roland T. Gunner

No, Yankees ARE bad; and you say “Rebels” like its a bad thing.

Heed the Call-up

Just remeember that when you travel abroad, you are a Yankee.

Heed the Call-up

I grew-up in a rural area and have stupidly been called a “red neck”, too. I am quite certain my visage and character do not espouse what one would consider one to be a “red neck”, though I do like Blue Grass music.

Wild Bill

@JSNMGC, Come on, brother, there is no need for those barriers to communication.


Which barriers?

Wild Bill

Your response to Roland T. Gunner included “… but (for the third or fourth time), you missed the point.”
Insults large and small are barriers to communication.


Ok, I’ve been cordial with you, but does your hyprocrisy have no bounds? I have not seen any reprimand from you to your ex-enforcer friend who is always snipping away, scared to death to actually engage in a meaningful converstation. You even joined-in (to a lesser extent) by accusing me of using dual user names. BTW, I was responding to Roland’s comment: “No offense, but there you go, off the reservation again.” Get what you give. What reservation am I supposed to be on and when have I gone off it? I believe I’m fairly moderate – you may not… Read more »

Wild Bill

With all due respect, it is not my job to review and reprimand everyone that posts here. Nor is it hypocrisy because I am not the one doing the insulting.

Others have changed their handles here. And you write like him. Others referred to you as Rev, so … I …. jumped to a conclusion. My bad! Why do you presume that it was an “accusation”.

I applaud your attempt at being moderate.


With all due respect, take your reprimand to me and stick it up your ass.

Last edited 3 years ago by JSNMGC
Wild Bill

@JSNMGC, What reprimand? There was no reprimand. Perhaps, my explanation was not clear. Which part do you see as a reprimand?


“Your response to Roland T. Gunner included ‘… but (for the third or fourth time), you missed the point.’ Insults large and small are barriers to communication.” Lecturing me that insults large and small are barriers to communication is what I see as a reprimand. What you saw as an insult from me was a response to Roland’s comment about me going off the reservation again. Roland has misunderstood my comments before. There are a number of people here who are very literal and cannot detect blatant sarcasm. You are attempting to assign different rules to different people and then defend… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by JSNMGC
Wild Bill

@JSNMGC, You choose to see those sorts of things as insulting, when none was intended.
Now, don’t take this wrong, but if someone misinterprets what we write, then, perhaps, follow-up is needed.
Regarding 1 and two, I have never questioned your being pro Second Amendment.
As for the rest of it, well … OK.


I even put your comment in italics and made it bold and you still try to turn it around.

You were the one who called my comment an insult. That is the word you used.

I saw your comment as a reprimand because it was.

Good grief, man.

As for the rest of it . . . what?

Wild Bill

@JSNMGC, How would italics prevent me from making an explanation?
Which of all of your comments are you referring to, please add a little context.
You saw my comment as an insult because you expected an insult, not because it was one. That is a common trick that the human mind plays on each of us.
As to the rest of it, specifically everything after 1 and 2, all about Trump etc. : Well … ok.


I saw your comment as a reprimand.

You saw my comment to Roland as an insult (because you expected an insult?).

This is what you wrote:

“Your response to Roland T. Gunner included ‘… but (for the third or fourth time), you missed the point.’ Insults large and small are barriers to communication.”

Are you sure my comments after 1 and 2 are ok? Because your ok is really important to me.

Last edited 3 years ago by JSNMGC
Wild Bill

@JSNMGC, Well those words certainly seem insulting. Perhaps, I misinterpreted. Could you, please, explain what you meant, if you did not mean to insult RTG?
Yeah, everything after 1 and 2 are Nixta Banhoff.


You accuse me of interpreting things as being insulting. Then, when I show you it was you who used the word, you come back with a comment that you believe you were right in using the word that you said I incorrectly used.

After Roland told me I was “off the reservation again,” I was merely informing him that, once again, he was mininterpreting what I wrote.

You seem fixated on something you perceived as a minor slight towards RTG.

What is Nixta Banhoff?

Wild Bill

What makes you think that it is an accusation? The connotation is so insidious in a pervasive way.
Nope, not fixated. Seems like another unprepossessing implication.
You know … next trainstation!


I’ll wait until you answer my question before answering yours.

Wild Bill

“What is Nixa Banhoff?” you ask. It is Next Trainstation.
Your turn. Why would you think that my asking your interpretation of things is an accusation. I merely asked a question. Accusations do not come in the form of a question.


You wrote:

“You saw my comment as an insult because you expected an insult, not because it was one. That is a common trick that the human mind plays on each of us.”

I wrote:

“You accuse me of interpreting things as being insulting.”

Do you see why I said that? Could I have said that better? Maybe I should have written “You indicated I saw your comment as an insult because I expected an insult.”

How’s that?

Wild Bill





Do you ever stop nancing around? If so, do you get dizzy, like getting off a boat onto terra firma?


Patriot Solutions called the situation awhile ago. He was right.


Damn, they have their crew out 24 hours a day and watching every second.

Hello authoritarian statists!

Last edited 3 years ago by JSNMGC
Heed the Call-up

I rebutted your non-sense, yet you post it again. Claiming, against reality, that things are the way you imagine them, is why you get thumbs down. If my experience with you is like the rest, I understand fully why few respond to you. How many times does one shoot the broadside of a barn before seeing how easy and pointless it is? The other side of that is, how many more times are you going to post the same long-winded tripe? However, at least one of us needs to rebut your non-sense to show that the rest of us do… Read more »


Be specific.


Now now @JSNMGC. Having a bad day? This post strikes me as out of character for you. @WB has been polite and has not been insulting towards you at all. He just pointed out where you seemed to be insulting someone. You know he’s not seen your entire strings with @wjd (aka blue-noser) – so probably does not recognize how many insults you’ve been being served. So he offered up a deserved reprimand. Take it as friendly advice and move on. Some do deserve insults – but sniping at everyone is actually counter productive. Just look at how well respected… Read more »

Roland T. Gunner

For what it’s worth, my personal opinion is “moderates” are a huge part of our problem, which I have actually studied a bit. Rarely is a person who describes himself as a “Moderate” truthfully “moderate”. The vast majority of self proclaimed “Moderates” actually are simply avoiding picking a side, because the side they would emotionally like to pick they know, logically, to be the wrong side. Or else they chose to be a “Moderate” simply to not be seen as “one of those extremists”.

Last edited 3 years ago by Roland T. Gunner
Heed the Call-up

Yes, I agree, most “moderates” use that veil to shield their Leftist ideology, trying to convince themselves that they are not as bad as the other Leftists with whom they agree.

Roland T. Gunner

Also, I really do enjoy and appreciate your posts, and I agree with 99% of them; and I dont see us at odds over the other 1%.


“Insults large & small are barriers to communication”

Except by Wild Bill & his ex?enforcer sock pals. Then, no problemo!

Last edited 3 years ago by Russn8r
Wild Bill

We are at a standoff. I stopped her cold with “If you do, it will help the Biden economy.”
There is so much not to like about the current administration that we split up the aversion duties.

Wild Bill

Be careful out there!

Wild Bill

Excellent tactics!

Roland T. Gunner

Times like that, I like to show a display of potential excessive force; nothing subtle about it.

Wild Bill

From your second sentence on down: what makes you think so?
Regarding comments that receive approval, I think that both sides of the debate are well represented.
As to video evidence that conflicts, we must not make decisions on anecdotal evidence, even if true. Please not that there is a lot of fakery in videos.
Your attribution of what another realizes, knows, or believes is troubling because we can not really know what is in another mind or heart, unless they make a detailed explanation.
Beautiful day here, hope that you are having the same.


The video recording of the testimonies to the WY state senate judiciary committee was not faked.

Wild Bill

@JSNMGC, So the WY state senate judiciary committee debate is still anecdotal evidence on the national stage.


The WY Highway Patrol, every sheriff in WY, and every police chief in every tiny town in WY is indicative of what many law enforcement personnel in other rural areas believes (even if they are not so bold to say it in such a public forum). Will (“TEX”) argued that the testimony did not happen because it was posted on youtube. Maybe you can give him a hand with that argument. The many hundreds of videos of enforcers abusing people’s rights (in most cases without any good apples present) is indicative of what a large percentage of enforcers do while… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by JSNMGC
Wild Bill

Just Wyoming? What about the rest of the jurisdictions? Sounds like adductive logic, to me.

Heed the Call-up

Having just read through this entire thread, I will now post my disagreement with your comments. Democrats are not “bad”, but their elected politicians certainly are. RINOs definitely are bad, they are wolves (Leftists) in sheep’s clothing. Young people are not bad. Yankees are not bad, but Leftist Yankees fleeing their state and trying to turn their new state into the sh*thole they left are bad. Slavery is bad, the vast majority of people living in slave states did not own slaves, wanted them, nor could even afford them. The Civil War, contrary to current Leftist mantra, was not about… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Heed the Call-up

You also missed the point of my post – to point out the incongruity of the positions held by many posters. Puttting that aside, can you please provide a more thorough explaination of this part of what you wrote: “People that are cowards and did not serve do not understand the values that veterans have and how important the RKBA is; therefore, their vote against an inalienable right is based on ignorance and fear (usually instilled in them by teachers, the media and politicians, not reality).” Do you believe there are people who never worked for the DOD who understand… Read more »


Will (“TEX”) – 10/11/21

“Everyone misses your point? No.The point is that you don’t have one.”

Response to Will (“TEX”):

No Will, not everyone.

What specific item do you disagree with me about? Normally, you say “everything” because you are incapable of actually discussing an issue.


Heed the Call-up

Re-read my post. Not worth trying to explain what is clear and concise that you claim not to understand.

Heed the Call-up

Forgot to add that I am a “Yankee” living in the South, but I am not a Democrat and believe strongly in our inalienable rights, our Constitution, and our Constitutional Republic.


I believe in all those things as well.

It’s difficult to understand why someone who was born in “the south” would not want you to move there.

Heed the Call-up

It’s difficult to understand why someone who was born in “the south” would not want you to move there.

I did not state that.


There are many comments about “Yankees” moving to “the south” and ruining everything. The comments are tyically unequivocal.

You stated your values and I indicated it is difficult to understand why someone in the south would not want you to move there (referring back to the many comments about “Yankees” moving to the south).


Same here. I fled Illinois to get away from the BS there. I live in Southwest Florida and like it just the way it is! Word to wise for all you ‘Carpet Baggers. Leave your BS where you came from!

Heed the Call-up

Leave your BS where you came from

Not likely that one will change their views as they do their scenery. Everytime I come back from a vacation, I am always thankful I was born an American. Even when I come back from visiting other states, I frequently find I am also grateful to not live there, too.

Last edited 3 years ago by Heed the Call-up
Wild Bill

@Heed, Speaking of being glad to have been born an American, this just in: “A group of retired vets and contractors exfiltrated Afghanistan in the early morning hours of Thursday, September 23rd with the aid of a French special forces unit stationed in Mali. The American group of men who had caused multiple headaches for the Taliban, and the Biden administration as they came to the rescue of U.S. citizens left behind by the Biden administration to fend for themselves against Taliban hunting teams, who mercilessly went door to door killing anyone with any involvement to the U.S. troops prior… Read more »


What an example of true bravery on the part of those heroes.

I for one am also grateful to the French team who came to their rescue. Particularly after the recent submarine bruha amongs top officials of both countries. Makes me wonder whether the American team was also extracting French citizens – I’d assume they helped whichever innocents they encountered, while focused on finding Americans.

Roland T. Gunner

Damn. We should work harder to maintain cordial ties with France; lots of common ideology there.

Wild Bill

@OV, We had quite the storm last night. How about you?

Last edited 3 years ago by Wild Bill

Tis not easy to change one’s stripes, but it is possible.

Like Heed, I find am grateful returning to Texas any time I have to visit the occupied states. Seeing tyranny in California, Maryland, DC or NY just reinforces the need for us to keep up the fight to keep Texas free – to point of dissolving the union if it is the only way.

Roland T. Gunner

I believe the recognized legal term for your status is “reformed Yankee”.

Heed the Call-up

LOL, no, my values have not changed with my geography. However, I will state my understanding of the Democrats, Republicans, our history, and our rights has improved over time, how much of that has to due with my current address, I am not entirely sure, but a least a part of it does.


That list is a weird mixture of Democrat and Republican attitudes.


Your coy hypocrisy-projection leftist M.O. is showing again. Whatever-however I write, you troll in. E.g. slavery topic. You trolled with evasive sketchy generalities, I replied, you evaded again, called me “amateur” etc. Ad hominem, snark & smarm are great when you, your ex?enforcer pals & their socks do it, but you complain if I give back a taste of what you do. e.g. WillTEX’s foul-mouth thuggy attacks, which you never whine about. JSNMGCP pointed one out to you on another page, you coyly pretended you never saw it. WillTEX did it repeatedly today, e.g. Will, 1 hour ago, Reply to JSNMGCP:… Read more »

Wild Bill

Yep, the typo was mine.

It is no insult to be confused with Rev.

Tag teams take coordination. I have not coordinated with any commentor on this site.

If I write that “You are jumping to conclusions with no credible evidence.” that is merely an observation not an insult.

How would you know if I have a strait face? That is a thing that you could not know either way. I is just another thing that you have made up. People can tell when you make things up.


How would you know if I have a strait (sic) face?”

It’s so precious how you dance around! Good deflection!

Wild Bill

People can tell when you make things up. That is no deflection from anything.
I think that “strait” rather than “straight” was the spell check’s fault, but I understand that all spelling and grammar is my responsibility, ultimately.

Last edited 3 years ago by Wild Bill

Aren’t they coming out with a sequel to Dirty Dancing? You should try out.


cuz he is Russn8r, and there are a few unsavoury types here that are etermined to cancel him, for reasins vague and/or unknown. Yeah, he says soe strange stuff, but he’s not the only one here who does. Blow b past it. Aint right that the “cancel culture” invades this space. Maybe the mods can monitor who is doing all the downvotes and confront them…. WHY?
Some little boys like to get in P matches.


In real life, those people would handcuff Russn8r. They are emotional and can’t stand to have their authority questioned. This is how they operate in real life (put this in your serach engine):

Cop Gets Petty Over Free Speech — Rights vs Authority
Unfortunately, because people like TStheDeplorable don’t understand how not-so-qualified immunity works, rights will continue to be abused.


Here’s the link (will probably go on hold for awhile):

Heed the Call-up

Or overt racism, maybe? Yes, we have seen a many examples where officers overstep their authority. I do not believe the departments are overtly racist, nor do I believe they are trained to be abusive. Your posts lead one to believe you believe that to be true. Would you rather not have law enforcement? I would prefer the bad officers be held personally liable, and whatever employment or legal actions be used against them. Certain departments have more issues than others. Some of that is due to the areas they serve. When one is constantly attacked, spit on, cursed at,… Read more »


The actual offense: failure to respect the enforce’s authority Fabricated offense: “Walking around aimlessly” It’s comforting to know that the police investigated themselves. In an act of transparency, they refused to indicate whether the enforcer was disciplined. Notice how the enforcer used Will (“TEX”) tactics to attempt to escalate “you can resist if you want to.” There are many sides to politics: Socialists/Communists Violent criminals with no real policy positions People who support a police state where enforcers can stop anyone they want and demand to see their papers and handcuff them for not respecting their authority or forceably enter… Read more »


when I was in school about half of the kids came armed ,never had a shooting. even the kids that got in fist fights it never degraded to revenge shooting, there were some fight rematches that went on for years but most became friendships. There is one coward in my life sucker punched me almost 60 years later he still avoids me ,think if i could get behind him and holler he would drop dead

Capn Dad

Always remember that when a citizen is arrested for speaking out against government tyranny he or she is arrested by a cop who says “I’m just doing my job.” There will always be despots….will there always be the thuggish goons who will enforce the will of despots and say “I am just doing my job.” That didn’t work for the Nazis at Nuremburg will that argument work here? Has so far. Who is the real enemy? The despot or the goon that enforces the will of the despot for a paycheck.


OK folks, lets boil it all down. Terry McAuliffe is a dedicated member of the Progressive New Left. As such he rejects your rights, all of them and rejects the basis of your rights, God, and rejects any document or philosophy that advocates for your individual rights. He believes that a select elite should govern unrestrained by quaint concepts such as natural law and constitutions. No, the Kewl Kids, the People We have been waiting for are the ones who should call the shots. This is why he rejects your right to direct the education of your own kids. Heck,… Read more »


lets call the Nazis what they are socialists , and animal farm is a good analogy

WI Patriot

They are either nazis or socialists, they can’t be both, opposing philosophies…


I fail to see your point. Both are authoritarian and totalitarian.

Wild Bill

Yes, and Nazi is short for National Socialist!


the wrd nazi is an acronym derived from the two german words “national”: and “socialist”

Roland T. Gunner

National SOCIALIST Party…?


What parts are opposing? They’re both collectivist, have government controlled economies, are authoritarian, have ‘cradle to grave’ social programs, are anti-capitalist, and anti-big bank. The Nazis had the first ‘green’ movement, were big into organic farming, pro-animal rights, anti-smoking, and their leadership was hostile to religion. They were just like AOC and ‘the squad.’


the tyrants like Mc Auliffe will cntinue to “own” the schools, and through them all the children that attend them. There is only one way to end that theft. TAKE YER KIDS OUT. The schools get a set amount of money each year for each kid attending that school. If that total dropped to half because parents who really care about their own offspring take theirs out, the school system will no longer be the insanely huge money machine it is. And money, like dung to flies, attracts vermin. Pull the plug on the money stream and they who seek… Read more »


Guess Harold agrees that AFT is one of our biggest obstacles. Whether you use Biden’s version or the other one.

BATFE or American Federation of Teachers. Both have too much influence and power, both need to be reminded of limits on their roles.


A bad choice made by a freeman is a mistake, a choice made bad by government is crime


I moved to Virginia in 1972, not to flee my birth state, Massachusetts, but because my wife at the time was a Virginia native.  I was delighted to find it to be a moderate red state that matched nicely with my values and political viewpoints.  Jumping to today, Virginia has been converted to a rabid blue state controlled by a few urban concentrations of low/no information people, many of whom fled from northern or west coast states in which they were unhappy.  Much has been written to extol these migrations but the sad fact of the matter is that these… Read more »


Well as im one of these so called Migrants ill be looking for land in West Virginia rather then Virginia proper. I have done my research and see that some Virginian counties even flipped to W.V. to keep their 2A rights and thats where i want to be if i buy property in the north eastern part of the country? As of now i live in the worst state in the country……N.J. and it sux anymore! Nothing like when i was a kid! Im not planning to move right away permanently but as a spot from which to vacation from.… Read more »


Although this is a bit off topic, I’ll be the first to welcome you to West Virginia. We need to grow our population of patriots! You’ll have plenty of ex-New Jersians to keep you company here. A few things to keep in mind though: The grass is always greener on the other side is one – don’t reject the idea of staying and fighting the good fight there. Someone needs to do it. Another is, our state motto is Montani Semper Liberi which roughly translates to Mountaineers are always free. You’ll find that’s quite bittersweet as West Virginians have always… Read more »


Oh believe me i will get involved! The whole reason i am getting out of Dodge as it were. I am now 57yrs old and have been fighting that good fight my entire adult life here in N.J. No matter what we do, since Christie retired the Dems have seized power and with Commrad Murphy openly says on National T.V. and gets away with it i know its time to go. None of the media or other platforms had even mentioned the Fact that Murphy feels Americans in his state should be disarmed! You cant fight for Truth and Justice… Read more »


My entire family MOVED out of Virginia for the same rabid blue reason. There was no hope in staying and so glad we made that decision. 3 households of taxes gone!!

Wild Bill

Yes, it is so. You have your work cut out for you. Oh, and welcome to the site.


I feel the same way here in Commierado. Our once beautiful Red State is now Blue and firmly held by the DemoCommieNazis.
Denver, and it’s surrounding communes hold the State Legislature, and with Mail In Elections the Law, Conservatives have been silenced. Rural Coloradoans have no voice in our State Government.


How do they do it ? By moving the Overton Window Goal Posts. One Masonic power structure fashioned after Rome. McAliffe is a Knight’s of Malta who’s swears his oath to try e UK Queen Hierarchy. Do your research before you engage the ego & cognitive dissonance. Been written about by lots emphasis on “lots” of insiders/writers who warned humanity. Puppets all playing roles wearing Masks. There is no legit two party system but, there is/are secret societies masquerading as if there were two parties. Roman Fasces hang in US’s Halls of Congress. I’d call that a clue. Read &… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Tank
Heed the Call-up

Where do you get that JSNMGC is The Revelator (I haven’t seen his id here in quite a while), as the writing style is totally different as well as the point of view.


What have you concluded my point of view is?

Heed the Call-up

His was an intelligent voice of reason, morality, and belief in our rights and freedoms as protected by our Constitution.


What have you concluded my point of view is?

Wild Bill

Well said.

Wild Bill

I stand corrected!


Will (“TEX”) – 10/11/21:
“Their [sic] one in the same.”

Response to Will (“TEX”):

Wrong again, Will (“TEX”)