ATF’s Arrogant Valentine’s Day Message Could Get People Killed

What would this special day celebrating love be without our favorite jackbooted thugs calling for the moral equivalent of potentially lethal revenge porn?

U.S.A. – -( “Valentine’s Day can still be fun even if you broke up,” the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives declares in identical Facebook and Twitter social media posts that appear to be backfiring. “Do you have information about a former (or current) partner involved in illegal gun activity? Let us know, and we will make sure it’s a Valentine’s Day to remember!”

The “ratioing,” that is, the negative response, is strong.

“Why? If Hallie had called you on Hunter Biden you’d have just buried it,” I replied, linking to my latest AmmoLand piece about ATF asking the federal judge to dismiss my Freedom of Information Act complaint because they say admitting to an investigation is not in the public interest and would violate his privacy rights.

I’m hardly alone, with Zero Hedge presenting a collection of similar reactions:

“Hunter Biden Mocked Over ‘Dumpster Gun’ After ATF Asks People To Snitch On Ex-Lovers”

That’s hardly the only objection, with other responses observing what some snotty ATF functionary describes as “fun” can be highly dangerous, and result in false reporting for revenge, and “swatting.” And that’s hardly hyperbole.

First, it doesn’t need to be a “report” coming in from a jilted, scorned, bipolar ex-squeeze, although that happens, too. There are anti-gunners with wide reach who have openly encouraged the swatting of gun owners and rights advocates.

Take the absurdly self-designated Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, which told its hundreds of thousands of followers to call 911 on any gun carriers they see in public, without any evidence of crimes being committed. These people have been primed to snitch, and based on who they choose to follow, we’re not exactly talking stable, restrained, and rights-respecting citizens here.

We’re also not exactly talking about hate hoaxes being a rare phenomenon in this country. People lying to advance a “cause” is the stuff of headlines, in spite of the usual gang of “progressive” liars trying to gaslight the public that it’s “rare.” As an analysis in The Wall Street Journal noted:

“Hate Crime Hoaxes Are More Common Than You Think A political scientist found that fewer than 1 in 3 of 346 such allegations was genuine.”

Then there are revenge complaints. You don’t have to look too hard to find reports like:

“A California woman surrendered to the FBI Wednesday on charges that she called an airline to report a fake terrorist threat hours before her ex-lover was to board an international flight, authorities said.”

Finding out you have been seeing the wrong person and then finding out your instincts to break up were right based on the way they handled badly is something many reading this have experienced firsthand.

Then there’s the whole “swatting” phenomenon. Enter the term on Google and you’ll see over 7M results. But to get more authoritative and specific here’s just one recent example from the Michigan State Police:

“In the last couple of weeks law enforcement agencies have seen an increase in false reports of terrorism to schools,” MSP Lt. Brian Oleksyk said. “These types of false reports will be investigated thoroughly by law enforcement agencies and sent to a prosecutor for review of charges.”

Let’s not forget snitching could give rival gangs a means to let “law enforcement” do their dirty work for them, or could give fast-and-loose cops a workaround for those pesky warrants. And let’s also not forget that snitching can get a person killed, and the greatest danger appears to be to those who live in communities disproportionately victimized by violence.

In other words, ATF’s assumptions here are privileged and racist.

This is beyond tone-deaf. These are ruthless, small-minded bureaucrats too arrogant and unjustifiably sure of themselves to realize they may not be as “in charge” of us as they think they are.

This is what ATF and its Department of Justice masters want to expend resources on, particularly at a time when Chuck Schumer is out there crying crocodile tears about how the bureau is underfunded and needs more money (so it can continue to compile an illegal database and pass new rules, reverse old ones, and reclassify/ban more guns and devices)?

The arrogance of whoever is behind creating and approving this offensive Valentine’s Day message deserves more than being ratioed and ridiculed. But realistically, don’t look for Congress to call responsible parties on the carpet even if the midterms change majorities, at least with Swamp Republicans at the helm.

Still, there is a “make  lemonade out of lemons” opportunity here, again one that others are observing in their social media replies, but which I first saw as a comment under my The War on Guns post:

“The ATF just handed us excellent source material to use in the fight against red flag laws all over the country.”

Let’s hope our “gun rights leaders” agree and make the most of it.

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

David Codrea

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Son of Waylon

Can I report the clown that gave all our military weapons to our enemy overseas?


you forgot those given to the cartels down south.


Good call. Our worthy correspondent here knows somewhat about that game.

uncle dudley

This ad shows that the ATF is run by a bunch of idiots.


I respectfully disagree. Idiots have no clue about much of anyting. THIS is coldly calculated to bring about destruction and death. Beyond the capability of “idiots”. this takes perverted communist/tyrannicaloperatives to put this stuff together. Yu undersell them by a wide margin. THAT is why the shold Dog and ony SHow needs tobe scrapped, and anyone above about a three rating needs to never be involved in gummit again,anywher. Nope Not even dog catcher out in Flatbush.

Deplorable Bill

The atfe is an illegal, treasonous, tyrannical, murderous, unconstitutional entity that glories in disavowing the people, the nation and the constitution they swore to defend. This is being done with purpose, to destroy the free American society. They are not idiots, they are communists and traitors.

Arm up and carry on


More like a bunch of evil, amoral, unethical, scheming, fanatical, sociopathic bureaucrats, deviates and criminals.

Deplorable Bill

What kind of LEGITIMATE law enforcement branch would do this? None. Legitimate leo’s would see the bias involved and would righteously worry about things like murder for hire by cop, swating, red flagging etc. Things of this nature are proof the atfe is criminal and criminally against the constitution which they swore allegiance to and swore to defend. The fact is, under the constitution, every free American citizen has the right and obligation to be armed no matter if they are a dirt bag or a righteous citizen. READ the 2A for yourselves. The fact is that any law that… Read more »

Wild Bill

Yeah, long past time for BATFE to go! All it would take is a memo because the ATF was created by a memo.


The kind that would stage a swat raid — public relations event to maybe convince Congress to up their budget, get their asses shot up, call in a more legitimate agency (not legitimate, just more in that direction) to save their bacon, clean up their mess, then dance on the ashes of 80+ Americans, their home, and their church.

That kind.


Don’t forget atf showed up for that party after being called in by the local sheriff. Doubt sheriff understood what kind of circus he called for – but he did get the ball rolling on that one.

aft still bears full responsibility – just remember that if not for the sheriff, nothing would have happened.


Damn right and thank you for showing the law

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

No “law” should exist for a crime unless there is a victim involved. If you are willing to cage or kill me for keeping the fruits of my labor, YOU are the criminal, not me. If you are willing to cage or kill me enforcing a law telling me that I cannot smoke, eat or drink what I want, YOU are the criminal not me. If you are willing to cage me or kill me while enforcing a law that says that I can’t own a certain type of gun or because I decide to put a AR pistol to my shoulder,… Read more »

You know WildBill’s sock puppet posse is downvoting you too, don’t you? Way to go on the friendly fire, genius.


they should be called selective enforcement officers instead of law enforcement because they only enforce select laws on select people and only when they want to do so.
whomever proposed this campaign has a very twisted and sick sense of humor.
this has a propensity to become the next social media craze. let’s see if we can get our friend swatted.
just another reason that this unconstitutional agency should be disolved.

Wild Bill

Yes, and Obama was a big fan of selective enforcement. Now, prosecutors and police, nation wide, follow that lead.


Right you are… they learned this fro wtching TimSullivan, the former mayor of NYC who encted the first gun prohibitioin laws in that city. Heused themas tools to persecute/prosecute his rivals and to arm and protect his own goonsquads. I will leve unnamed the two “ethinc groups” involved. Now it does not matter, it is the pattern that does, and BATF have it down pat.


The whole point of the ATF is to get people killed.

Wild Bill

Oh, I thought that the point of ATF is to keep hard-core-unemployables and political hacks on a payroll.


That too


Too bad I can only give you one thumbs up!


If this works for Hunter it will work for all the rest of us also as the BATF has set a precident now ” An investigation is not in the public interest and would violate my privacy rights ” . All lawyers need to keep this response available for all future cases the BATF opens up now and in the future . This statement alone removes all credibility from the alphabet soup agency the BATF !

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

BATF…Bureau of Assholes and Tyrannical Freaks.


If someone was deranged enough to want to snitch on a former lover, couldn’t they potentially be prosecuted as an accessory? When John realizes Jane ratted him out, he’ll gladly tell the AFT that Jane new full well what he was doing. This is a great way for a lazy agent to get a two- for.

Wild Bill

If the deranged snitcher were charged, then the snitcher could refuse to testify and both cases would be lost. I am sure that the snitcher would have an agreement with the prosecutor that could concieveably even include some form of payment.


This is communism pure, and simple. I don’t understand why ya/all don’t call it what it is. Are you afraid? Are you complicit, or what? About the only one I’ve heard call it for what it is was Mark Levin! We’ve been fighting these CRBs since the late 40s, and now our fed government, judiciary, and local government is full of them. Not to mention even the RINOs, and some Repubs.will not call em out for what they are. The Dems (AKA) CRBS are trying to convince us to have faith, and trust in the ideals of the state. Bull… Read more »

Wild Bill

Amen, brother, oh, and … we all around here call it communism fairly regularly.


“Bro”. What a suckup.

Wild Bill

I’m sure that you are an expert on sucking, bro.


I’m not judging, but I told you I don’t swing your way, big boy. You’re wasting your time. Try Media Matters. David Brock likes your kind of action.

Wild Bill

So you admit that you are a fag!


Really? That’s just sad, big boy.

Wild Bill

You are possessed of a perverse and wicked mind. You live an unsat existence and will continue to live a no go life until you find Jesus or die.


I believe he already found Jesus, but it was a landscaper from South of the border who was deported. This is why he is now so bitter, having lost the love of his life.



Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

What next? Stop stooping to his level.

Wild Bill

That is funny!

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Just ignore the idiot. He isn’t worth your keyboard strikes.

You are right, of course. I’m trying.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

And talk about an immature dolt. Go back to Russia.

Not from Russia, Moron

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Which chapter and verse of the Bible did you come up with language like this? Really? I’d expect more out of you Bill. I’ve read lots of your posts and for you to stoop to name calling like this is really below you. How did sexual orientation end up in the conversation?

I apologize.

Apparently you have not been paying too much attention in the last 2 or three days. The Russian has been using the term homosexual fellatio to anyone he does not like, doesn’t agree with him or shows him his place. You said why don’t you go back to Russia. I don’t think he has ever been in Russia. He would not get out of there alive.
Just my two cents worth.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

How Christian. NOT!

Mea culpa.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor
Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Thumbs down don’t prove me wrong. It just proves you’re an idiot.


I WILL TRY TO HOLD BACK MY TRUE FEELINGS / WORDS FOR THIS BRANCH OF THE EVIL! Even Though ALL Of this federal Gov. it ROGUE / CRIMINAL / UNJUST/ ILLEGAL ! Has been Since 1871 ACT! go see – But if your over 60 As I / You will agree that Our so called Gov.. Has Slowly Destroyed ALL OUR BILL OF RIGHTS – 1st = None Of the AMENDMENTS should ever have been MODIFIED / Amended ! NONE ! Man has ALWAYS ( the wealthy disgusting perverted greedy ones) Changed Words / laws / definitions / Rules JUST… Read more »

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

“Turning into COMMUNISM (soon)” Really? Read this and prove me wrong…

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor



I’m so sick of the sick snitch mentality the ATF likes to promote, People need to mind their own business and the ATF needs to be put out of business as it’s run by Jack booted thugs and idiots that couldn’t get a job in any other industry so they pick the bully industry.

Wild Bill

And ATF is not the only agency that depends upon snitches. Every agency from IRS to the Yantis PD use snitches. Lots of lies being told.


classic Alinksy behaviour, and da gummit promotes it brazenly. I refer to the ‘”divide into factions on any basis, set any faction agasint any other faction stir the pot, sit back until chaos rules, then setp up and declare “I have the final solutioin, just trust us, and everything will be alright soon”.

Yeppers. And I gots me a pet chikkin can fly to the moon and back in a seek…. all by herself.

Wild Bill

Yep, and I’m thinking that our various governments are not supposed to be applying Alinsky’s rules against us. I could be wrong.


But you’re fine with local cops helping them.

Pa John

If we assume there is some intelligent “method to their madness” in doing this obvious complaint call generating scam, then much like with the infamous gunwalking scandal “Fast and Furious”, where they allowed thousands of guns to be “walked” into Mexico simply so they could then run an anti-gun publicity campaign to crackdown on gun dealers and further infringe on our 2nd Amendment rights, then I would suspect that this would be much the same and for much the same reasons: They want to be able to show ominous statistics that indicate much larger numbers of criminal activity regarding gun… Read more »


Are you retired BATF or just one of their apologists?


Let us not forget that Tamir Rice was shot and killed by police because 911 was called to report a child with a BB gun.


This alone, ignoring Waco, Ruby Ridge and Fast & Furious, is reason enough for the agency to be shut down and disbanded and anyone associated with it to be horsewhipped and branded.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Proof beyond a shadow of a doubt that the ATF is run by PSYCHOPATHIC CONTROL FREAKS! It needs to be disbanded. PERIOD. The only reason that the ATF brings 20 SOLDIERS to your home at 3 AM is to strike FEAR into the minds of the people. It is a TYRANNICAL act because maybe someone didn’t “buy” a $150 license or pay a $200 tax on some innocuous object. The family at Ruby Ridge was worth killing over $200 tax according to the ATF. The people at Waco were worth killing over $200 according to the ATF.  The 8th amendment… Read more »

Deplorable Bill

The atfe is an illegal, unconstitutional, treasonous, tyrannical, murderous government entity that daily disavows their oath to the people, the nation and the constitution. The atfe has no moral, or ethical or constitutional line they won’t and have not crossed. Most of the country is familiar with what they did at Waco, Ruby Ridge etc. Life is cheap at the atfe; $200.00 for an unconstitutional fee (tax) is all the excuse they need to kill innocent men, women, children and infants. What country are they working for? Russia? China? North Korea? Iran? Irak? Lebanon? Maybe it’s not a country, maybe… Read more »


Another Moral: Careful who you ‘do’ & who you blab to about guns. If you made the mistake of moving in with someone who may be unstable & vindictive, move out without telling her before it’s too late. A former gun rights leader, now ‘felon’, is a cautionary tale here.

Last edited 2 years ago by Russn8r
AZ Lefty

Nice to know you support those who sell the illegal guns to felons


Nice to know you only want violent criminals to be armed.

Last edited 2 years ago by Russn8r
Wild Bill

What is an illegal gun?


That’s an easy one Bill. It’s one of those with a bumpstick attached!

Wild Bill

Most humorous!


Yet, it is still “legal” to “bump” fire using one’s finger. I’d love to see the rule written to make that “illegal”.

Wild Bill

Yes, and scary to think that BATFE pencil necked career builders will try. BATFE hq types, must be un-hired.


or a Pelosi ttachment.. you know, “the shoulder thing that goes up” (or was that the OTHER braindead congresscritter from California DieFie?)


ask a felon where they get their guns from, majority of times from another felon. and a majority of times they are stolen. yes, there are some people who conduct straw purchases, but that number is small, otherwise batfe in conjunction with local law enforcement would be publishing all of them.
nice to see you jump to the wrong conclusion. doesn’t seem like you didn’t get good grades in reading comprehension in school.


Nice to know you support infringement.


The problem is it’s not only felons on the NICS deny list now days. It’s anyone these gov agencies think should be. And fighting them over it is just about impossible. Most people are unaware they’re even on a deny list but let them come kicking your door in and suddenly now you ARE a felon.


Reviewing candidates primarying for governor of Texas. One says he supports 2A – and he wants to add anyone on ‘no fly list’ to prohibited persons. So many things wrong with that – he was instantly dropped from consideration. ‘No fly’ is a secret list with no limits on reasons to add people, no explanation provided, and no recourse to get removed. Put this together with recent push to investigate and criminalize denials and you are setting up a shit-show. Only way to find out you are on the list is to fly or to buy a gun – they… Read more »


That’s why if someone ever comes my way, they will have to pry my cold dead fingers from my weapons. I’ll be loaded and ready to give lead to anyone that wants it.


Having a felony shouldn’t precloude a person from having a firearm if the sentence has been served all restitution paid and the felony wasn’t one of violence ie..murder, armed robbery, kidnapping ect.


Yep. Operating a motor vehicle at a speed in excess of twenty miles per hour above the (artificially low) posted speed limit is NOT a felony act, but is prosecuted as a felony crime, thus disarming the said operator for life. THISis an abuse of gummit power. I can name a dozen other nonviolent activities listed as felonies tht should not be.


come ON mods, what is in thie post that triggered a hold?

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Felons are in a cage. How can you sell a gun to a felon? An EX felon has been let back into society because “they” feel he is no longer a threat. If he is still a threat why has he been let back into society? Use some reason, logic and common sense…Oh wait, sorry, I see you’re a lefty which shows you are DEVOID of those three elements.


guns are neutral inanimate objects. Thus NO GUN can be “illegal”.

Laws (moslty rightly so) prohibit certain persons from possessiong them, but the reality is those who now cannot lawfully possess them should be locked up. As someone we all know and love has often said” if a man cannot be trusted in public with a gun, why is he tristed in publicwithout a qualified custodian?” That means they SHOUD stillbe behind bars, or in a work camp, or perhaps an insittution for the “less mentally competent” ones.

Wild Bill
