U.S.A. – -(Ammoland.com)- “Cheney touts endorsement by Kevin Costner: ‘Real men put country over party,’” The Hill reports. “The Wyoming Republican tweeted a photo on Monday of the ‘Yellowstone’ star sporting a pro-Cheney shirt.”
“Liz Cheney gets desperate, uses famous Hollywood liberal to get people of Wyoming to vote for her,” commentator Warner Todd Huston at The Western Journal observes. “Cheney … is in serious trouble in the polls with the Wyoming primaries two weeks away. Polls have placed her as far as 30 points behind challenger Harriet Hageman in the GOP race…”
The desperation has been evident before this.
“Republican Rep. Liz Cheney has begun sending Democrats in Wyoming instructions on how to change their party affiliation to vote for her in the state’s primary in August,” UPI reported in June. “Wyoming Democrats have received mail from Cheney’s campaign providing specific information on how to vote for her in the Aug. 16 primary…”
“Liz Cheney told The New York Times that she wouldn’t be encouraging Democrats to raid the Republican primary, but I guess the drive to hold onto power is just too strong for her to keep her word,” Cheney challenger Harriet Hagerman’s campaign manager was quoted in Wyoming News Now.
Cheney, of course, doesn’t see it that way, or at least she says she doesn’t as she wraps herself in the flag and presumes some sort of moral high ground, with self-serving bromides like “Republicans cannot both be loyal to Donald Trump and loyal to the Constitution.”
It’s not a question of being loyal to the avatar that is Donald Trump. Supporters of the policies he campaigned on recognize that though the man at times falls short of the rhetoric, what is at stake are existential principles. Despite the establishment (Democrat and “Swamp” Republicans and their loyalists) and the media’s ubiquitous insistence that concerns about the legitimacy of Joe Biden’s election are “baseless,” an Axios-Momentive poll concludes “More than 40% of Americans still do not believe that Joe Biden legitimately won the 2020 presidential election.”
Simply put, many good Americans don’t believe the evidence they’re being told doesn’t exist has been given fair play by the political establishment and the press, let alone conclusively examined in an open forum free of biased presumptions. Dismissiveness and ridicule are hardly compelling arguments to win over hearts and minds, and they see more of the same coming from Cheney and her J6 Committee co-turncoat, Adam Kinzinger:
“Constitutional law expert Alan Dershowitz told Newsmax on Tuesday that the Jan. 6 committee ‘does not want the public to hear the other side’ of the narrative it is presenting in prime time. ‘That’s why it didn’t permit any cross-examination, any confrontation, any due process, anything resembling fairness.’”
This is why none of them are interested in publicly questioning why Capitol Hill Police Lt. Michael Byrd was given a pass for killing Ashli Babbitt, a protestor who posed no immediate threat to him or to anyone else. Is it really unfair to speculate on what the political reaction from the same group defending him would have been had a white officer shot an unarmed black woman and then been “exonerated” in a behind-the-scenes CYA session?
Liz Cheney must want it that way because she has done nothing to use her position, visibility, and platform to question the narrative. Nor has she questioned why certain “suspects,” like the “rioter” filmed with a gun (and an earpiece?), are also getting a pass. Or explained why she coordinated a campaign to prevent National Guard deployment. And all that makes her self-serving excuse about putting the Constitution first all the more offensively unbelievable.
So it’s no surprise that, desperate not to be humiliatingly kicked to the curb by constituents who have cause to feel betrayed, Cheney is turning to “star power” to manipulate those who do not think too deeply about their duty as citizens to make informed choices. And in this case, she could not have picked a more appropriate celebrity to put the exclamation point on totally turning her back on everything she formerly stood for.
That’s because Cheney ran on her NRA endorsement to convince gun owners she had their backs—and it’s curious that the “For Immediate Release” post on her website is talking about Obama and Hillary. So isn’t it even more curious that after turning to RKBA-hating Democrats to support her in the primary, she’s now turning to a famous and longtime gun prohibitionist to do the same?
“Kevin Costner is urging U.S. lawmakers to come up with a series of strict new gun legislation – even if it limits his own shooting time,” reports noted in 2007. “The Dances With Wolves star admits he loves to hunt and often heads out with his dogs and a shotgun passed down through generations of his family, but he’s the first to admit that America’s gun laws are too weak.”
Basically, we’re talking about a famous Fudd who thinks hunting must be what the Founders had in mind—that and making millions pretending to be a gun-toting “action hero” in the movies. And Everytown has exploited that to great effect, with their Facebook cult following using Costner’s stupid opinion as further evidence that “no one wants to take your guns.”
Cheney’s not done though. It’s not enough that she basically called everyone who questions the events of January 6 disloyal to the Constitution. With the Costner tweet, she makes it personal by questioning their manhood:
“Real men put country over party.”
You’re not only disloyal if you don’t side with the Democrats, you’re not a real man. Where have I seen that before? Oh, yeah, check out Tough Guy here.
Don’t feel too bad for Liz, though. She’ll land on her feet. There are plenty of useful idiots out there and the string-pullers are always looking for mouthpieces to manipulate them. They’ll be a home for her on MSNBC or The View or some other leftist venue where they’ll present her as the “conservative” voice, making it easier to smear anyone to the right of her as a dangerous extremist and hater.
About David Codrea:
David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.
To hell with Cheney, our entire government is broken. People we believed in or looked up to or that we paid to see and hear HAVE BEEN AGAINST US the whole time. I’m in my late 70s and what I’m witnessing is truly amazing and very upsetting. In my wildest nightmare I could have never imagined what’s actually happening. Out of the closet communists are in positions of power. It’s no long required to hide that you hate the constitution and those that believe in it. I see dark times ahead no matter which way we go – to Capitulate… Read more »
I hear you brother.. I feel the same way but am only in my early 50’s. It’s amazing how quickly this all happened. Or perhaps it’s been happening for awhile and like you said, they don’t even hide it anymore. I do feel fortunate for having lived in a great time in America. We raised the flag and pledged allegiance every day. If you didn’t stand and say it, you got sent home from school, simple as that. Kids aren’t even required to love this country anymore. It’s very sad watching it happen…
and take as many of them as you can
Costner is just another who lives and works in fantasy, who thinks it somehow qualifies him to tell others how to think and live.
Yeah … most stars think that because they’re “famous”, we’re supposed to believe they know more than the rest of us. Guess what? They’re nothing more than an actor. Look up the term “Actor”. They play people who they hate, as long as the money’s good.
Costner is the ultimate libtard kokksukker. And a complete prick in real life.
I wrote a letter to my brother 4 years ago and told him Liz was going to be a registered Demoncrap by 2024.
Looks like Christmas is coming early.
F@ck her and her entire family of traitors.
Her father couldn’t even practice good firearms safety. What do you expect?
I liked (past tense) the show “Yellowstone.” But, I will never watch it again, or anything else this DOUCHE ever appears in.
Liz Cheney is just another disingenuous, Cant Understand Normal Thinker! Hit the road!B*tch!
Real men don’t equate acting ability with intelligence!
you mean…house…Hugh Laurie is not a great doctor……….as for actors sean connery was more to my liking
Laurie was really good in Chance; and Big D Pringle was the bomb!
Real men have no time for fantasy movies.
We work for a living.
Or masculinity.
Lez Cheney is TOAST !
As far as Liz Cheney’s primary challenger and primary, iirc, this is exactly wat Liz did when she ran for Congress. she ran home to Wyoming and challenged the sitting Republican Congressman.
The Democrat establishment and did as much rhetorically, and now Lizzy is in bed with those same people.
David is right, she’d be right at home on The View.
But Wyoming isn’t her home.. Her dad liked to hunt and fish so they lived there for a little while. She was born in Wisconsin and raised on the east coast.
She was raised in the beltway. Big-Government Girl
“Simply put, many good Americans don’t believe the evidence they’re being told doesn’t exist has been given fair play by the political establishment and the press, let alone conclusively examined in an open forum free of biased presumptions”
I have yet to see any court cases that held evidentiary hearings involving the 2020 election. All were dismissed on technicalities of one sort or another. The claim of “no evidence of voting fraud” is totally based on the courts’ refusal to see or hear the evidence.
fair play you mean when they threaten to arrest people checking addresses on voting rolls to see if they exist? that kind of fair play……….
Y’all seem to have forgotten that this is a Hollywood type not what he portrays in acting. No one should be listening to Hollywood nor sports for direction
The United States has become a country where professional athletes and entertainers are mistaken for people of importance!”
Robert Anson Heinlein The Dean of Science Fiction
Wyoming also has plenty of cows.
This one should be put out to pasture.
Oh look, there she is holding a sign:
Eat Mor Chikin
please leave something with worth out ,cows give milk and meat ,she looks like stalin in drag
Surely she eats at the Y like her sister, marriage of convenience and turkey baster AI notwithstanding.
The Witch is already gone and I think she now knows it,worthless RINO witch.
Lizard chameleon Cheney is a Democrat in sheep’s clothing . She has had her 15 minutes . Good riddens Lizard !
she is about as conservative as rupaul
I didn’t know Costner was part of that group of Hollywood star, tough guy, gun-toting, he-man, action-star ASSHOLES who talk out of both sides of their mouths. Making their millions in their shows and movies using firearms as a major vehicle! Getting old. Guess I’m slipping. I guess I can’t watch Yellowstone anymore, either. Damn! What these assholes don’t know, or don’t care about, is the fact that it’s not the gun it’s the human being using it. I use the term human being loosely here, too. The problem is, as is mentioned many times by informed folks like us,… Read more »
Neoconservative. Remember this term. I learned this term way back in the mid 1990’s while at a lecture at the Naval War College. Neoconservative means a classical progressive with strong interventionist leanings and strong international corporate ties who believes the United States can cure the ills of the world by brute force and by corporate cooperation on a global level. This is where we get the term ‘Globalist.’ I had just returned from a couple of these adventures when I sat in that room and listened to a gang of pasty faced academics lecture us on how we could ‘restore… Read more »
Reminds me of the famous poem by Thelen Paulk.
“A Visitor From The Past.”
”They send artillery and guns to foreign shores, and send your sons to slaughter fighting other peoples wars!” Yeah! That about covers it and, we get to foot the bill! How sweet it is for the corrupt bureaucracy!
We have an all volunteer Military.
they pick and choose who they want to take that is why the short fall no pro usa or independent thinkers
I’m thinking that all employers pick and choose to ensure a quality work force.
Read the fine print.
The only POTUS that didn’t get US involved in another war was Trump. THEY had to get rid of him. Biden is POTUS and guess what, Joe and Nancy have set the stage for WWIII.
Mostly. Trump went after Assad in Syria because “he’s a really bad guy” and to dispel Russia-Russia-Russia lies (didn’t work of course; appeasing DemComs, neo”cons” & other political enemies never does). But it was low-grade, didn’t turn it into another Afraqistan.
This column needed to be published. Thank you David.
Liz Cheney and her dad Dick are shameful people.
Who would vote for the “lessor of two evils” in this race?
I don’t voter for evil. Period.
Just to change up a bit. During the 2020 election I mailed my ballot in. Later I find out that there were over 300K mail in ballots lost. This is in Michigan and during this mid-term election I was NOT sent a mail in ballot. WHY?
whell if you last ballot was conservative they dont want your opinion
I pay little attention to people who pretend for a living. They too soon begin to believe their pretentions, passing themselves off as experts. The only people more idiotic than these are they who accept their “expertise”. Remember when Dems had several actresses who had pretended to be farm wives, testifying before congress regarding the life of a farm wife. Fools all.
Kostner is under strong delusion. Anyone who sides with a neoconservative in this day and age is simply whistling past grave yards, and in this case, our National Cemeteries and VA Hospitals. It is the neoconservatives like the Cheney Klan who have made it a life’s work to fill both. Semper Fidelis
advice from an actor on life ,is like advise from Amish on what car to buy
That would be like Alec Baldwin testifying as a Firearms expert!
She’s outa here!
He use to be one of my favorite actors, not anymore.
He is a Hollywood dueche bag and that all he will ever be !
I will second that
Most , if not all of my “movie/tv show” heroes….are all dead now. leaving me with few to none. The ones today are all BS wussies.
Just don’t pay for the products they promote.
Enjoy the movie for free.
However you can make that happen.
Don’t buy subway subs because AZLefty and Jared say to. 😉
He’s an ACTOR ! for Gods sake don’t attribute any qualification to him other than his ACTING abilities. A false EXPERT.
Boy! I hope President Reagan didn’t hear you say that?
Kevin Costner; California Hollywood elite, lives in Aspen Colorado on a 160 acre estate, acts on a tv show set and filmed in Montana, and then endorses a Wyoming representative.
Basically a bunch of horse s$%@
donkey asses
And what kind of weak minded fool votes for someone based on the endorsement of a full grown adult that pretends for a living?
there are a lot of people living their lives watching others do stuff on youtube or other channels, people with NO life experience do buy on others recommendations
I suppose you are correct, considering the Kardashians are the most searched topic on the internet. Pretty depressing actually.
Ain’t nothing in Wyoming but steers and queers, and Kevin Costner does not have horns.
That may be a “saying” about the queers, but it simply isn’t completely true. Queers are still a minoity nationwide. Let’s be fair here. OK?
Glad I don’t watch Yellowstone anymore. I always knew he was a liberal, but opening his big mouth was a huge mistake. Most stars should remember to keep their mouths shut. We don’t CARE about their OPINION. And that’s all it is… opinion, not fact.
According to a Gallup poll only 23,000,000 people in the United states identify as LGBTQ xyz123. Which equates to 7% of the population. Insignificant in terms of numbers, yet they scream the loudest and get the most attention. Perhaps being the silent majority isn’t the best way to go for the majority of Americans.
That’s how many claim to identify with it, to show solidarity. How many actually do the nasty is surely a different story.
shout them back into closet might be the answer, or at least make them see how they would be better off being pleasant catch more fly s with sugar and all that,
More people that that came across the border illegally, last month!
you cant fix stupid, opening his mouth shows he is stupid
“The good people of Wyoming…” -OpeTEX
You’ll disagree with yourself to suck up to someone. Sad.
It is just banter taking part in humor. Not intended to be serious.
Uh huh. You read minds.
That is just the way that it struck me.
Of course no one can read minds or know what is in another person’s heart. That is why putting words in another’s mouth and ascribing motives is such an unconvincing debate technique.
But that’s what you did.
I am sure that we, both, have done that on occasion. I try to avoid it in printed debate.
True. I’ve seen ex(?)-cop Ope-TEX-Bruce-Will-FordWill et ilk enough to suspect he never acts in good faith. Also seen him trash Wyo dozens of times. And of course he always shills for TEXAS and his hero (boss?) ABBOTT.
Then Lez will be reelected? Why trash everyone in Wyo? Do you trash all TEXANS because of the 47% who voted for a-holes like Beta & Cornyn?
kind of like the old vermont saying 50,000 cows cant be wrong
He also doesn’t reside in Wyoming.
Isn’t this the guy who is an expert on steers and queers? He’s got credentials and sounds as though he is convinced he is right:
“Texas? Only steers and queers come from Texas . . .”
I’ve got no problem with “real men put country above party.” Not sure Cheney would agree as any honest evaluation would determine that she’s not good for the country. So step up and be a “real man” (or “real woman” if appropriate) and vote against L.C.
Say bye fat ass
Sesame street was woke before woke was a thing. I hated that socialist crap when I was a kid.
Most observers don’t realize the mortal damage the trendy new “caravan” style immigration blitz is inflicting on the GOP. Let it be known that “caravans” are quite distinct in the open borders racket. Immigrants go everywhere. Caravans go to the United States. Entire populations of poor people from the police states of the world. But to the GOP, they will be another solid leftist voting bloc they must defeat every year. And the GOP barely outvotes anybody now. So, until this extraordinary number of unidentified people arrive at impact points virtually anywhere, GOP personnel should be confident of nothing.
Those busses should be headed south, not to NYC or DC but to Mexico City.
The problem with that is Mexico doesn’t give you free shite if you’re not a Mexican citizen.
Oh and here is her Dad:
Trump blasted by Dick Cheney as former vice president stars in his daughter’s latest ad
“Cheney, a conservative” -FauxNews
Gotta love Costner & Dick flushing “liberal” & neo”con” $millions trying to save Lez
How Grumman Studios Went From Building Bombers to Making Hollywood Blockbusters/ The federal government and hollywood a match made in hell./
Thanks Dick Cheney as defence secretary and ceo of haliburton you and Liz should be ashamed of all those who are now dying.
The most violent show on television “Very Nice Endorsement” Murder mayhem can you say double standard Liz & Kevin The Hollywood elite every new movie is more violent than the next even the cartoons are full of violence. The Cheney family elitist Dick CEO of Halliburton criminal behavior while contracted to clean up Grumman / Navy in Bethpage NY. Today more folks are dying of cancer due to Dick and his elite friends, Today it is the largest payout in us history to any state for failure by all parties involved. The federal government continues to lie for their actions… Read more »
No different than the 1953-1986 U.S. Marine Corps Base Camp LeJune and the contaminated water due to leaking diesel fuel yanks into their aquifer. That was common knowledge when I was in back in the late 70’s and nothing was done about it. WE, The People are far too complacent to get involved.
I hope you filed your claim. All I see are TV ads for this.
So Kevin, Now it’s Dances With Cougars, Hey? Funny, you made money on movies with firearms, but you don’t like them? Think of the millions you wouldn’t have if you hadn’t used them. You can’t vote for the RINO but your willing to do what you can to keep the traitor in power. Power corrupts, don’t it….
As with McConaughey in his recent post-Uvalde rant, now Costner…..Never believe what a make believer wants you to believe. When we want shit out of MakeBelieveWood….escape reality, we’ll squeeze their heads or turn on the little screen…..no longer pay to fund their hypocrisy on big screen.
Looks like she picked up the despicable gene from her war monger father.
beta male
Cheney Mccain all the rest of the political misfits, take a long walk of a shot pear Cuomo NYS Chuck Schumer the DEC all lied they divided up the money for other projects can you say criminal behavior on a scale that only democrats are capable of. Northrop Grumman, U.S. Navy agree to $406M cleanup of Grumman plume Northrop Grumman to pay federal government $35M for plume cleanup Northrop Grumman and the U.S. Navy have come to a $406 million agreement to conduct a full aquifer protection clean up project to eliminate groundwater pollution at the former Grumman Aerospace site… Read more »
It’s a rigged Masonic Zionist system. Meritocracy/Mob rules using the ignorant & Trojan Horse traitor’s from within who corrupt American Culture by attacking it’s moral backbone.
Perversion, corruption & dissolution of family unit are the three states of Conf-USA championed by the Fascist Corporate Military Industrial Medical Banking Complex, it’s ignorant Barking Moonbat government servants and its banking controllers.
End of story.
Looks like tough-guy Kevin Costner needs a manssière. LOL
Yeah, he may want to consider hitting the weight room before posing like that – getting paid to pretend he is a Montana rancher-gangster doesn’t make him tough.
[Also, I wish the real Montana rancher-gangsters would find a new train station – that ravine is getting full.]
She will lose in less than two weeks, but a few things to think about: Hageman was a big Liz fan up until fairly recently; Hageman is a smart lawyer (so is Liz); Hageman has taken on the administrative state as a lawyer – a big positive; Liz represents the Bush/Cheney statist agenda – she is pure establishment Republican; Unfortunately, many Republican voters still support that agenda – they are just mad at Liz because of what she did to Trump; Hageman supported Cruz in the 2016 primary – nothing wrong with that IMO (I did the same thing), but… Read more »
At least she woke up. Did you notice OpeTEX referring to “the good people of Wyo” recently, after trashing them?
He’s back to trashing Wyo again, lickin’ up to some dude:
“Ain’t nothing in Wyoming but steers & queers”
-RT Gunner
“You got that right!” -OpeTEXBruceFordWill etc (Roland?)
we have a lot of people here that dont understand trump is a moderate democrat ,party attacked him he switched he is not conservative but he is open minded something I cant say for usles cheney ,father should have gone to jail for his gun handling skills
I voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020. I have never voted for Cheney. I am disappointed with Trump’s flip flopping on the issue of firearm rights (flip flopping from what he said when he campaigned). I believe Trump did a lot of good things in other areas. Trump could have done more. The Republicans in the legislature in 2016 and 2017 could have worked with Trump much better. Trump hired/surrounded himself with a lot of swamp creatures and people with totalitarian ideas. Trump bragged that he was really good at hiring “the best” people. Trump caused some of his… Read more »
he is like a used car salesman , never sure where he stands but he talks a lot and fast
Gotta love how he takes 3 sides of at least 2 positions in every breath. Usually doesn’t finish a sentence without changing the subject and contradicting himself.
I disagree with you on the issue of Cruz for President. He was born in Canada, has a Canadian Birth Certificate and his father was Cuba National. Therefore, according to the Constitution, he is ineligible to be President! Don’t get me wrong I like the guy and he’s a good conservative!
Yes, we know. So you’re going to stop trashing DeSantis?
Absolutely Wow! Just Wow! It’s no longer the CPAC poll, it’s the TEXAS (!) poll!
DeSantis was 2nd. Your boss CUCK ABBOTT didn’t make the list!
David Codrea is no better than Alex Jones.
Whasssup, SuckFed?
No, I’d like to sit down in a Mexican bar with David Codrea and shoot the shit over a bottle of mezcal; can’t say that about you or Alex Jones.
No she did not turn to Trump
You are like a Pedophile.
You can’t help yourself.
It’s ok though. “We the people” will put you down when the time is right.