NYS Jewish Gun Club Taking On NY State Gun Bans Interview With Tzvi Waldman


NYS Jewish Gun Club Article Do Not Stand Idly By While Your Neighbor’s Blood Is Shed
NYS Jewish Gun Club Article Do Not Stand Idly By While Your Neighbor’s Blood Is Shed

Rockland, New York – -(AmmoLand.com)- The hastily signed New York State laws left many NY citizens confused and disarmed; even if they had a license to carry before unelected Governor Kathy Hochul laced up her boots to stomp on the Constitution, they are now making waves.

Between leaving the subjects of New York unable to get firearms training because of a crazy mandate or defenseless because the definition of sensitive places is kin to any place within 1000 feet of a lightbulb or leaf, NYSRPA v. Bruen is being directly ignored.

Governors have ignored the orders of the Supreme Court before in the past. Fellow governors Hochel in New York and Phil Murphy in New Jersey are comfortable aligning themselves with the same values as Governor Wallace had. All Hochel and Murphy need to do is start sending the German Shepherds after gun owners or spray them down with fire hoses. These are tyrants who are complicit in violating the civil rights of the people.

The hatred and blatant crimes against the citizens of states like New York and New Jersey are reminiscent of very ugly parts of humanity’s history. The civil rights violations in the United States during our Post Bellum period through past the 60s. Need we discuss what happened in Germany and surrounding areas that eventually fell to Germany when they went on hunting trips to disarm “those people“? We do need to discuss that because “those people,” along with millions of other patriots across the United States, have issues with the blatant disregard for respecting individual freedoms.

Governors Hochel, Murphy, Newsom, et al. all embrace racist, sexist, anti-American policies, and they seem to enjoy it. The people who disarm the population are always on the wrong side of history. Hochel, there’s a reason people recoil in disgust when they see swastikas, and your thirst for disarmament is the same that the Third Reich had to commit their crimes.

Many groups have spoken out about this, but one in particular that has stepped up to the plate is the NYS Jewish Gun Club. In a release, they quite poignantly state some truth from the Torah (Old Testament to Christians).

We will not be disarmed while criminals run rampant in the streets “Do Not Stand Idly By While Your Neighbor’s Blood Is Shed” (Leviticus 19:16)

The September 5th, 2022, announcement points out the sad reality that Hochel and New York’s completely daft legislature created.

As the Jewish High Holidays approach, we are appalled that we will be unprotected while our families spend many hours in our shuls. The second amendment is not a second class right. Law enforcement does a great job, but they simply can’t be everywhere all the time. We cannot outsource our self-defense to the government. Each individual has the right and responsibility to defend our families.

We are left with no choice but to take this matter to the courts. We are happy to announce that we have retained civil rights attorneys Ameer Benno of Benno & Associates P.C. and Cory Morris of The Law Offices of Cory H. Morris as counsel to lead us through this legal battle. With their combined knowledge and extensive history in fighting for social justice and constitutional rights, we are confident that we will resolve our grievances.

How the laws are still standing is baffling, but to put a stop to them, there needs to be an injury claim from litigants. Seeing another group throw their hat in the ring on the challenge to dismantling of unconstitutional laws is uplifting. Councils on the suit, Cory Morris and Ameer Benno, cut to the core of how these bad policies affect New Yorkers.

“This latest legislative effort eviscerates New Yorkers’ ability to exercise their most basic constitutional rights without fear of harm or arrest, it fosters criminality and forces religious institutions to advertise to criminals that New York demands our churches and synagogues remain vulnerable to hate and violence,: Cory Morris explains. “This legislation not only ensures that the surge in religion- based hate crimes will continue, but turns worshippers into sitting ducks.”

“By designating all houses of worship as “sensitive places” where exercising the fundamental right to self defense will now be punishable by prison time, the government has not only violated the Second Amendment but also the First Amendment’s guarantee of the free exercise of religion,” says Ameer Benno. “No one should have to choose between practicing their faith and defending themselves and their family. We will fight to strike down this blatantly unconstitutional law.”

Tzvi Waldman, the founder of NYS Jewish Gun Club

I chatted with Tzvi Waldman, the founder of NYS Jewish Gun Club, about the organization’s inception and these latest litigation efforts. Waldman told me the group started about five years ago when he moved from the city to the lower Hudson Valley. Since being out of the city meant licensing structure differences, he started to look into firearms and training. He faced a few challenges, and anytime he found someone from his community that was interested, he gathered their information to stay in contact. Eventually, Waldman started hosting private classes with trainers he was able to make contact with.

“So whenever I found someone else in my community, I’d say ‘Hey, you might give me your number. So, maybe I’ll arrange a class for a couple of people.’ I also started looking into going to one of those national classes, you know schools. I realized most of the classes are held over the Sabbath, which is a problem for us to go train then. So I figured if we’re a group of people, I can hire instructors with our own classes. So that’s what I did. I took down people’s numbers and email addresses…I just put out an email blast, ‘I want to do a private class’. I got together eight guys, we trained together, and then it just grew. One friend said, ‘hey, I have a different friend, he wants to join’, [and they joined]…then we started doing seminars and we started doing different types of events.”

The hot-button issues that are on everyone’s minds are also on Waldman’s. But further, Waldman notes the more sinister issues that are at hand that he and those of his faith need to deal with. When I asked him why he decided the group should get involved, he expressed to me his worries about said issues.

“So I started doing it because I’m deeply concerned for our safety. The Jewish population has been targeted and have had a lot of anti-Semitic attacks in New York City. And of course, New York State. Especially with the new bail reform laws, where it’s like a revolving door where criminals go in and go out. A report has been issued by some organization…from 2018. I think the number was 180 something people. I don’t have it in front of me. Let me pull it up. They reference, of the 180 adults who were arrested for anti-Jewish hate crime in New York City since 2018, only one of them has been convicted and sent to prison.”

Waldman discussed with me the different grants that New York has made available for synagogues and shuls to utilize for hiring security. He mentions that such programs are fine and dandy when you’re dealing with a big synagogue with 100’s, if not thousands, of members in Brooklyn. Still, to smaller shuls and synagogues, private security is not practical. The larger properties can easily be fortified and security placed where needed, checking congregants as they enter. Waldman embraces the rugged American individualism that’s not being pushed or taught today in the United States. Individualism and self-sufficiency are looked at pejoratively in states and jurisdictions like New York.

“[The government grants are] very nice, but there’s no need for me to outsource my to my security to the government. Rather, ‘No thanks. I’m gonna take care of myself. There’s no need.’ I mean…but to be honest, show me a government program that the government implemented properly. That actually works. For me to say ‘What? I should render my security to the hands of the government?’ I’m sorry, no, I’ll just do it myself.’

It’s hard to speak out and to be the voice when it comes to these things, especially in a community where guns still have a very negative connotation to them due to the Holocaust, and understandably so. But at the end of the day, the way I see it is, we are past that…that generation already. And us having a healthy moral Second Amendment culture is going to prevent that from happening again.”

The NYS Jewish Gun Club is not discriminatory in whom they align with that also have an injury claim. Besides gun control laws that Governor Hochel supports affecting the Jewish community, traditional minorities will be further disenfranchised. This has turned into a war on religion, the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, and the Fourth Amendment, and leaves many defenseless who wish to exercise free expression. Governor Hochel’s soulless ways are rebuked by the NYS Jewish Gun Club in their invitations to any other parties that wish to join in on the litigation.

We are also looking for houses of worship from other denominations that are willing to stand hand in hand with us through this fight. “While this matter affects us more than others, the constitution guarantees this right for all Americans,” Tzvi Waldman says. I call out to all religious leaders from across the state that are worried for the safety of their congregants to reach out to me. We need to do this together.

Additionally, we are looking for store owners, people waiting for their pistol permits to be processed and anyone that is adversely affected by the CCIA law. If you are interested in joining as a plaintiff please fill out the online questionnaire. www.nysjgc.com/join or email [email protected]

This monumental task of taking the Empire State behind the woodshed for a spanking takes resources. Those interested in supporting the NYS Jewish Gun Club in their fight, visit their crowdfunding efforts and offer your support at: www.nysjgc.com/donate. As the NYS Jewish Gun Club moves forward in their battle, I wish nothing but the best for them.


John Petrolino is a US Merchant Marine Officer, writer, author of Decoding Firearms: An Easy to Read Guide on General Gun Safety & Use, and NRA-certified pistol, rifle, and shotgun instructor living under and working to change New Jersey’s draconian and unconstitutional gun laws. You can find him on the web at www.johnpetrolino.com on twitter at @johnpetrolino, facebook at @thepenpatriot and on instagram @jpetrolinoiii .

John Petrolino
John Petrolino
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This is a killer article… I think this is best work I’ve seen of yours, Mr. Petrolino… You’ve done a bang-up job here… An instant Ammoland classic.


Love the picture of Nurse Ratchet (Hochel) holding her favorite vibrator !


She looks an awful lot like that clown in Michagan


The aura / vibes emanating from her picture(s) appear more & more wicked everyday…


there are right in a way.. when is the last time republicans defended the republic? give you a clue joe mc….y that is how long and demoncrats had the fbi watching their back…corrupt then corrupt now

Ansel Hazen

Tzvi needs to call counsel and have them demand that Hochul be taken into custody for her violation.