Conn. Man Sentenced to Prison for Illegally Manufacturing & Dealing AR15-Style Rifles

Editors Note: The following press release is directly from ATF. Regular readers of AmmoLand News know our stance on the unaccountable Federal Agency: No comment. We invite our readers to leave their hard-hitting insights in the comments below.

Polymer 80 PFC9 Serialized Glock 19 Compact Frame
File Photo

NEW HAVEN, Conn. — Vanessa Roberts Avery, U.S. Attorney for the District of Connecticut, announced that Gregory Leary, 35, of Wolcott, was sentenced today by U.S. District Judge Stefan R. Underhill in Bridgeport to 30 months of imprisonment, followed by 2 years of supervised release, for manufacturing and dealing AR-15-style firearms without a license. Judge Underhill also ordered Leary to pay a $2,000 fine.

According to court documents and statements made in court, between January and March 2022, Leary received Polymer80 firearms kits from another individual and assembled them in the basement of his Wolcott residence. On three occasions during that period, Leary provided to that individual eight AR-15-style assault rifles with collapsible stocks and 30-round magazines; a “P80” 9mm semi-automatic handgun with a fully loaded, 10-round magazine; 190 rounds of .223 ammunition; one “Magtec” box containing 50 rounds of .40 caliber ammunition; and one “Independence” box containing 50 rounds of 9mm ammunition. The assault rifles and 9mm handgun contained no serial numbers.

Leary pleaded guilty on June 13 and admitted that he manufactured and dealt a total of more than 25 firearms to the same individual, knowing that the individual was selling the firearms to others.

This matter is being investigated by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the Connecticut State Police Statewide Firearms Trafficking Task Force and Statewide Urban Violence Cooperative Crime Control Task Force (Gangs Unit), assisted by the Statewide Narcotics Task Force Southwest and North Central Offices, and the Bridgeport, Shelton, Orange, Waterbury, and Hartford Police Departments.

This case is being prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorneys Tara E. Levens and Rahul Kale through Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN), the centerpiece of the Department of Justice’s violent crime reduction efforts. PSN is an evidence-based program proven to be effective at reducing violent crime. Through PSN, a broad spectrum of stakeholders work together to identify the most pressing violent crime problems in the community and develop comprehensive solutions to address them. As part of this strategy, PSN focuses enforcement efforts on the most violent offenders and partners with locally based prevention and reentry programs for lasting reductions in crime.

Boston Field Division

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives

ATF is the federal law enforcement agency responsible for investigating violations of the federal firearms and explosives laws and regulations. More information about ATF and its programs can be found at

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives ( ATF )

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Thanks for doing the heavy lifting, AFT! We all know that a firearm with no serial number holds a 30 magazine clip and fires bullets that are 50 times faster than a normal, serialized pistol, and that they can blow a lung clean out. It’s amazing that when a person is shot with a serialized gun, the authorities instantly know where to find the culprit gun and the person it talked into misusing it, but when a person is shot with a “ghost gun”, it becomes an unsolvable crime, like the baggie of cocaine found in the most secure environment… Read more »

Last edited 10 months ago by TGP389

correct the secrete service ,just like their ww2 German equivalent ,the brown shirts are atf


Lol, man would I like to sit down and chew the fat with you. My thoughts are identical to yours so I thought of something the other day that I would like to share about serial numbers.

The other day I was watching a cop show and the kid who stole the car got away. The car had a VIN number on it but it didn’t help one bit trying to find out who the person was that stole the car.



You just KNOW something is wrong when they start eating their own… Go figure?

Last edited 10 months ago by USMC0351Grunt

I see the government thugs are bragging about armed robbery, aggravated kidnapping, and violation of rights again.


I would not have a problem with the state hitting him for sales tax, but the rest is bs under constitution and historic president


This press release has so much wrong with it and raises so many questions it boggles the mind. Since Leary was convicted of “manufacturing and dealing” firearms without a license, I imagine you can set up a garage machine shop and manufacture by the thousands if you did not deal with them. Does giving away count as dealing? “AR-15-style assault rifles”. Good grief. It’s a select fire assault rifle or it is not. What does AR-15-style even mean? And the rifles had collapsible stocks. Clutch your pearls everyone. Repose yourself on a fainting couch until “the vapors” pass. I’d guess… Read more »


I have close to that amount on me every day, not close to enough for a range trip, now the fun part the “buyer” had to be government for them to have a complete list

American Cynic

Guys and Gals, The political winds in places like Connecticut, are not in favor of the gun owner. Assembling guns and selling them to someone else requires some sort of licensing. So, you really can’t make excuses for this person. He himself plead guilty. Can the ATF be doing more important things with it’s time? Sure. But they only chase after people who seem to be an existential threat to their authority, not after threats to you and me. The only real solution is by hook or by crook, the right needs to elect a non-RINO majority into Congress and… Read more »


my like did noit register in x5 posts what gives!


Fusk atf, every agent and their families!
shame on Ammoland for dignifying their BS propaganda and providing them a forum.

disband atf, prosecute the employees, revoke their paychecks and pensions. No employee asshole of the atf should be able to hold a position of honor in the USA


atf scamming american people out of their rights


All of which is an Infringement of the Second Amendment. Where in the US Constitution does it say that the ATF has a “right” to exist? All of “law enforcement” that “enforce” this BS are nothing but Traitors and Tyrants to We The People. Enough said.


And all that he had to do to release himself from the clutches of tyranny, was to demand to see a copy of his written guarantee of actually getting a fair trial! How can we be forced into making bets we don’t want to make, or to participate in a known scam?

Wild Bill

I see a Vortex advertisement is attached to this article. Is Vortex a Chinese product?


And as much as I hate to admit it, their Vortex ll Red Dots have a spot on 2 of our ARs and have held up and and held zero for over five years. Really was a good deal to buy 2 for $200.


I see that the poster I originally answered deleted his post so I was transferred to your post in my last reply. Vortex is an American company that seems to me to have excellent products at very good prices.


i guess PSN doesn’t work in neighborhoods like chiraq, l.a., baltimore, d.c., minneapolis, right batfe?


Lol. I wonder how many people are going to design codes to talk so they cannot figure out what is being talked about. Oh wait, there are people already doing it and they speak in a foreign language at the same time. They are called terrorists that are welcomed to Merica by the O’biden administration.


Yes I have.


Yes, I have listened to MARS and know of it. To be honest, I am not sure if I am smart enough to be a MARS operator. I definitely don’t want to spend the money on the equipment and learn how to operate it.

Last edited 10 months ago by musicman44mag