Oregon: Beware of the RINO “We Care About the 2nd Amendment” Hustle

Second Amendment But Liars Democrats Fake Lies

It’s campaign season, the time when politicians make new promises they have no plans to keep and pretend the ones they made last time never happened.  And it’s a time when everyone running for office will be asking you to send them money so they can continue to do the amazing work they have done so far.

We get it. Campaigns are expensive, and there is no way around the need to raise funds. But sometimes things just get…shameless.

We receive, as many of you do, an endless stream of mass emails from legislators boasting about accomplishments they never had, ignoring their repeated sellouts, and now suggesting that you be part of one fight or another by “adding your name” to some pointless and phony “petition” which takes you immediately to a page to send them money. It’s a gimmick, of course, but some are just downright insulting.

Yesterday we received an email fundraiser from Republican House Rep Cyrus Javadi.

The email opened with bold type, some in alarming red.

“Last month while we were caught up in session, the Oregon Department of Justice filed a motion to stay for Measure 114, which threatens our Second Amendment rights. M114 would be the most extreme anti-firearm law in the country, which is why it has lost at every stage of this case thus far.”

Gun owners in Oregon, and in fact nationwide, are well acquainted with Measure 114, because they have been generously funding the two lawsuits to stop it. They are, to be sure, a lot better acquainted with it than Javadi seems to be and know damn well it has not “lost at every stage of this case so far.”

While a state judge has placed an injunction on the measure, it’s well known that a Federal Judge in Portland, Karin Immergut, has declared this demented measure fully constitutional. If she has her way, and Measure 114 takes effect, gun sales in Oregon will end, and countless Oregon gun owners will become instant criminals. As you know, we are currently in the process of appealing this absurd federal decision and will be fighting the Department of “Justice” in the Oregon Appeals Court.

Javadi’s email goes on:

“Friend, despite the fact that this measure has been deemed unconstitutional every step of the way, the Oregon DOJ is still working tirelessly to get it implemented. We must stop the Attorney General and the progressive left from stripping away our Second Amendment rights in our state.” Take action by signing the petition and voicing your opposition for the Oregon Department of Justice to hear. “

Of course, the hyperlink in Javadi’s email takes you to… a petition. A petition no judge will ever see or give a damn about. But that petition takes you to the real point of Javadi’s email. His donation page.

Javadi concludes his email with “Friend, let’s stop this measure once and for all.”

Apparently Republican House Rep Cyrus Javadi. thinks Oregon’s gun owners are idiots.

Oregon House Republicans posed on the Capitol Steps with a giant fake check. Where did the money go?
Oregon House Republicans posed on the Capitol Steps with a giant fake check. Where did the money go?

He, and the other House Republicans have done nothing to “stop this measure” and are powerless to do anything about it. But the steps they could have taken to protect gun owners, at no risk to their precious political futures, were never taken. Let’s not forget the disgraceful bait and switch they pulled in the 2023 session when they helped pass HB 2005 by providing the quorum the Democrats needed to ban personally made firearms.

All the House Republicans had to do to kill that bill, and other awful legislation was stay home. And they would not even have risked the “unexcused absences” that have cost a number of brave Oregon Senators their seats. But they didn’t. Javadi and his fellow Republican House Reps did the bidding of the Democrats and dutifully showed up to grease the skids for another outrageous and unconstitutional attack on your rights.

But then, to complete the charade, the House Republicans posed on the Capitol Steps with a giant fake check and posted a photo on social media with the text;

“Today, despite House Republicans raising significant constitutional issues against House Bill 2005 B, House Democrats passed their omnibus gun control bill. In response House Republicans have pledged $25,000.00 towards the inevitable litigation.”

As you know, $25,000.00 dollars would barely be a downpayment on a lawsuit of this kind. But it doesn’t matter. No one has ever seen a dime of it, and now Republican House Reps run for cover when you ask them what happened to their photo-op lawsuit.

You are the reason there are court battles to stop Measure 114. Javadi and the Republican House Reps have done nothing to help in this battle and it’s disgraceful that they would try to use this vicious attack on your rights to hustle you.

About Oregon Firearms Federation:

The Oregon Firearms Federation has proven itself to be Oregon’s only no-compromise lobbying group; OFF takes the same tough stands and serves as a vehicle for educating gun owners, promoting their rights, and, when necessary, fighting the freedom haters in court. Visit: www.oregonfirearms.org

Oregon Firearms Federation

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it would almost be better to have them be demoncrats instead of rino’s because with demoncrats at least you know how they will vote and you won’t get stabbed in the back while they are pissing on your leg and tell you it is raining.


Part of the problem is the are really democraps that lie and have no history that we are told of that shows their true self. They talk about how they support the 2nd amendment and don’t say (BUT) and they lie just like O’bidum did and we don’t find out until later. That is one of the ways they keep a stronghold of democraps in our state. Keeping the people dumbed down and getting that low information voter helps too. The other way is not clearing voter rolls, allowing anyone getting a license to sign up to vote and those… Read more »


Because commiefornians moved here and messed it up, just like Colorado, Washington and they are working on it in your state. Beware! Listen to the lessons learned from someone in the shit hole and make sure it doesn’t happen to you rather than burying your head in the sand and saying, not in my state. That’s what the others said too before it happened to them. You yourself has said the commiefornians are moving in and you don’t appreciate them voting their leftist ways. I look at not having some sort of fuel to back up the system that failed… Read more »


Yep, the same happened to us in Connecticut when I sound the alarm back in the 90’s!!! Folks said the same “Not in our state” and here we are also!!!


Amen!!! At least the Demonrats have cojones unlike the sneaky slimy smarmy gutless turncoats RINOS!!!


Republicans use gun owners like Democrats use minorities. We are a voting block to be pandered to during election cycles. Stop falling for it. You are losing your rights BECAUSE of these politicians. If it weren’t for these treacherous Butters and Fudds willing to “compromise” with the anti-gun Democrats, there would be almost no anti-2A legislation on the books.


Amen!!! You spoke the gospel truth!!!


This is a State issue, the Federal Judge has no business sticking her left wing nose in it.. Matter of Fact, Judge Raschio said the same thing. He’s the one who put a permanent injunction on the measure, its over, stick a fork in it. We want to thank Oregon Firearms Federation, Gun Owners of America and others that I am forgetting for their efforts here to squash this. Oregon’s constitution reads alot like the second amendment… and says that the government is subject to the people… not the other way around. Then, lets not be Captain Obvious about the… Read more »


Why is Oregoneistan in the mess it’s in? This is happening in your state too! Beware!!! Don’t turn your head and say not in my state. The government schools your kids now, not the people. They said they wanted to standardize education so no states excelled while others didn’t and having a great education would keep America on top. Democrats took advantage of it and made it a lie and destroyed it just like they do everything and democrats exist in all states, blue and red. Creating useless Americans hasn’t always been easy.   After all, for most of America’s… Read more »


RINO — Republican In Name Only Where does it say that Republicans are pro-gun and/or pro-RKBA? Assume — makes an ‘ass’ of ‘u’ and ‘me’ When America’s real RKBA supporters consistently recruit, fund, and vote for real RKBA supporting politicians who will primary existing Republicans from the right, those ‘soft on RKBA issues’ Republicans that get called RINOs might just perk up and vote the way some assume they should based on the R on their campaign fund raising handouts. When my R wearing representative turned to Chuck Schumer and said that she’d be happy to compare her NRA F… Read more »


Politicians’ lips are like the diversion hand of David Copperfieldish magicians…..to distract the audience from what the other hand is actually doing. Never read a politician’s lips, watch closely BOTH of their hands.


Just another bullshit politician. Dr. Javadi is of Iranian descent. He is also a government employee. It’s time we get ordinary people to run foe every legislative position. City Council, County Commission, State Representative and Congress. They don’t need to know anything about anything but they must ask a question about each bill being proposed. That question is :::: “If this bill passes will it INCREASE the size, cost, reach and power of government?” Then VOTE NO because we have too much government now. I feel sorry for the citizens in Oregon. PS It’s all about raising money for the… Read more »

Last edited 5 months ago by TNJEWBOY
Roland T. Gunner

I am sick and tired of being expected to play the politicians’ game, abiding by the rules they made and continue to make up. It’s past time we took off the gloves, sharpened our steel, hoisted the black flag and commenced to slitting throats.

And, why do we still need legislators? I seriously doubt there has been a law passed in the U.S. in the last hundred years that we could not live without. But “legislators” see it as their job, their duty, to pass more legislation, more laws, as an end in and of itself.


Today, right now there is a 65 year old Christian woman that could go to jail for 3 years, face a 250,000.00 fine for praying in the capital because a DC court found her guilty of all kinds of charges. She was there 10 minuets. Who that went to the rotunda and protested Israel is facing the same thing. Who was found guilty of doing the same thing without prayer as she did? No one except the Christian. her name is Rebecca Lavrenz a J6er.

Its a holy war in America today! O’bidum is Satan’s leader and follower.

Trump 2024

Last edited 5 months ago by musicman44mag
Get Out

FYI, she could be sentenced to up to a year in prison and ordered to pay fines of more than $200,000, which excludes legal fees. She will be sentenced Aug. 12.
Rebecca Lavrenz convicted on all Jan. 6 protest charges | Crime & Justice | gazette.com


Today I read she is 71 great grandma, 250 thousand and 3 years. No matter how this works out, I pray she gets no time and I pray the idiots that gave her a guilty verdict find God in their lives.

Get Out

I hope they throw the book at her.


Boo! Hissss!!!!

Get Out

Not true, 300 hundred were arrested, the only difference is they didn’t commit insurrection and smash their way in based on a lie.

A U.S. Capitol Police spokesperson told NBC News that officials believe everyone went through security and entered the Cannon House Office Building according to guidelines. Hundreds of people who entered a U.S. House office building Wednesday afternoon have been arrested after demonstrating to demand a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war.
Nearly 300 arrested at Israel-Hamas protest in House office building – NBC New York


From the sheeple who watches fake news and swallows the cool aid.

I feel sorry for you. Again, there was no insurrection. Get it?

Get Out

Do you or anyone you know have any proof to the contrary?


My proof is equivalent to yours.


LOL, I consider FOX to be a turncoat trash fake news agency ran by the democrats. Who was the first news agency to proclaim the lie that O’biden won before the west coast had counted it’s votes.

Sorry, please try again!

Get Out

Umm, Trump loved Fox until they called Biden winner, its projection of the electoral votes.
Please provide any site with your proof if you can find one, maybe truth (Liars) social will help out.

Fox News declares Joe Biden winner of the 2020 presidential election (VIDEO). (slate.com)


Duh, you haven’t figured out that since the father and founder of the company passed the business onto his children that the company has gone left/woke yet? I think your statement about Faux reporting an Obidum win before anyone else or even all the states were beginning to be counted says it all.

Need I say more.

Get Out

Hmm, ever wonder why loser Trump started calling state election officials asking for them to find him a couple thousand votes. Even he knew he’d lost the 2020 election and resorted to attempt to steal it.


Lol, I don’t know why you waste your time on this board when you aren’t convincing anyone to not vote for Trump. If it’s not Trump than who else? Let me share my thoughts with you. They want Sota Mayor to retire. Why, because they are going to put kamalatoe on the supreme court. Then that leaves an opening to Obidum to select whomever he wants at the last minute. They will poll and see who polls best for VP and how that person will do for President. Then he makes his pick, Newsome or mikey obummer. Who ever it… Read more »


Hey, with RINOS like this who needs Demonrats???

Dr. Strangelove

A whole bunch of senators and representatives who are supposedly gun-friendly (including mine in Iowa) voted for the last spending boondoggle, which was full of anti-gun spending.


Ope, why did you delete your comment about USCCA saying that TEXAS doesn’t require a background check? Up to your school kid games again? Democrap ways takin over again? Ok, where is the link? How come you don’t provide that? Back your statement. The link I provided was for concealed carry, IN YOUR STATE!!! Not a site that sells coverage to people that might get involved in a shooting that want legal help. An approved site for sales of guns and CCW vs USCCA? Come on girlfriend, you can do better than that, can’t you! USCCA cant sell you a… Read more »

Last edited 5 months ago by musicman44mag

Ope said: I noticed you like to delete your comments when the downvotes hit 6,7,8+. Whatever flops your mop. LMFAO! Now I will call you a liar. I deleted a group in the very beginning when you started your games. Since then I have sent two messages to you and deleted them like you do me so no one else got to see them and I go back and delete my awaiting comments, and that’s it. I am not a gamer like you. Only one time did I receive more than 3 real down votes before you started your game… Read more »


Ope, you said I always have to get the last word like a little child. I am making sure you are telling the truth tonight and not lying again.
Did you go for the milk and cookies and go night nite like I suggested?


Ope said: This M114 sure don’t sound good for Oregon.The article says it would become the most extreme anti-firearm law in the country? The critical question is what, if anything ,will the citizens of Oregon do if this bullshit becomes law? I said: You are talking about my state again. I told you. If I cannot talk about yours asking a simple question like you just did, then you cannot talk about mine per your rules. What will we do? Fight it in court like we have been and it has been found unconstitutional by a judge and held up… Read more »


Ope said I can understand you being jealous of TEXAS. Many pilgrims are. I can also understand you being bitter about living in Oregon. Shit who wouldn’t be? I just heard a Duke quote and you immediate come to mind. It fits you like a greased glove. It goes like this here,…”Life is tough, but it tougher if you’re stupid” Think on that! It’s 11:28 PM in TEXAS! I’m outta here! I don’t need to think on it because I have you as an example so I don’t have to waste my time. BURN!!!! I will be waiting in the… Read more »

Last edited 5 months ago by musicman44mag