‘Progressives’ Guarantee More Violence with Support for Criminals and Infringements on Guns

Who is the more dangerous threat to the community? (Lloyd Nolan/Facebook and U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia)

“A ‘woke’ Washington, DC, judge is facing backlash after he opted to cut loose an 18-year-old accused of firing more than two dozen rounds from an AR-15 into a car full of people,” the New York Post reported Tuesday. “Lloyd U. Nolan Jr., a judge on the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, last week ordered Amonte Moody to be released on house arrest ahead of his trial — despite acknowledging that the teen’s alleged actions could have killed someone.”

Online protests criticizing his decision and pointing out Nolan’s self-identifying as “woke,” along with his ties to Black Lives Matter and a George Soros-funded “criminal justice reform” organization, prompted Nolan to turn his Facebook page to “private,” presumably to shield himself from scathing comments.

It’s all consistent with a wider movement among Democrats and urban minorities to shift responsibility away from perpetrators and blame violent crime on guns. As AmmoLand observed last week in an article about New York State Senator Zellnor Myrie’s attempt to ban semi-automatics capable of being “converted” by adding devices (in other words, all semiautos), the emphasis is on mandating gun bans that only the “law-abiding” will obey. As for those who won’t?

He equated jailing criminals with slavery:

“On 3/31/1817, the NYS legislature abolished slavery in this state,” he declared in a pinned tweet. “On 3/31/2019, we voted to reform the state’s criminal justice system. It was a vote to begin the journey of freeing my people from mass incarceration and the honor of my life to be a part of this historic time.”

His Democrat constituents are “overrepresented in the criminal justice system,” we are told. They’re “overtargeted” and victims of “institutional racism,” the “woke” narrative goes.

There’s one huge problem with such politically-motivated excuse-making:

“Murder isn’t a nationwide problem. It’s a problem in a small set of urban areas, and even in those counties, murders are concentrated in small areas inside them,” economist, author and President of the Crime Prevention Research Center John Lott has demonstrated.

The gun prohibitionists and race hustlers would evidently prefer that society undertargeted violent criminals. And guess whose communities would then suffer the most. But that’s their formula: Disarm those with self-control and leave them to the “mercy” of known victimizers who couldn’t (or wouldn’t) control themselves.

It’s insane. And it’s part of a greater plan to divide the country along racial lines, fuel hatreds, and create “entitlement” demands for more wealth transfers, like so-called “reparations” that, like “gun control,” punish the people who didn’t cause the problem.

And here’s the thing, a paradox, if you will, but really just a simple truth: Second Amendment advocates, the ones dismissed by the left as extremists and haters, are the ones who have long reminded minority communities of “The Racist Roots of Gun Control,” recalled the armed civil rights champions called the Deacons for Defense, and pointed out how the real racists are the ones who continue to use discriminatory disarmament laws (Set aside 20 minutes total to watch Part One and Part Two of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership’s outstanding wake-up documentary, “No Guns for Negroes).

There’s a lot of social engineering to be undone to reverse discriminatory Democrat policies that have resulted in dangerous urban communities. Two things that can’t be ignored: Those who can’t be trusted not to hurt people need to be separated from the victim pool; and fully enfranchised citizens can’t be separated from their right to keep and bear arms.

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

David Codrea

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The Soros backed insane progressives running the plantation asylum.


democrats wanted to continue slavery, democrats were against segretation,democrats want to keep everyone disarmed, democrats are destroying this Republic nation, Constitution says Republic, nothing about democrat, period

Last edited 4 months ago by oldasdirt

As long as it’s 13%ers killing 13%ers, who cares!


Dr Connor is speaking the obvious truths. If you, I, our friends or family are unable to defend ourselves we are not ‘free’. It is incredible that the 1968 gun control act was based on the 3rd Reich’s translated text written by the pre-WW2 Nazi party. It’s even more incredible that the Nazi based law intended to disarm Americans was passed into Federal law by Democrat majorities in the Senate and House. And mind boggling that Democrat LBJ (POTUS) signed the plagarized work of Hitler into Law in the US. I guess the party of Jackasses hasn’t changed much since… Read more »


Actually, much of National Socialist public policy in the arena of gun control was written by American progressives in the 1920s. The same is true for their eugenics program and ethnic purification programs. The American Progressive Movement was the source of these grand ideas. Many of them have come full circle back on us. Abortion, forced sterilization, lobotomization are all but a few examples.




There’s an old story about a peasant farmer, his uncooperative donkey, and a helpful priest. I won’t bore you with it again.

But it centers around the concept that people cannot be reasoned with if you do not have their attention. We do not have the attention of the Left or of their base in the depths of the sh!tholes in the big blue cities the Left’s policies have created.

When, if ever, will they begin to listen? Don’t know. Maybe in November. Maybe not.


Lol, I know that story told to me by a Lutheran preacher.


But no one was killed and after all, he aint white.


Democrats play the long game… “repeal the second amendment”
They don’t care how it gets done because they hide behind their gated communities with armed security paid with tax dollars and political donations.

I just keep writing checks… I’m a Life GOA member, NAGR member, FPC member. My long game has to be the Courts, educating and encouraging people to come to the range with me and keep buying more guns. I even like a little open carry… its not scary, I’m not a lunatic.