Brutal Times Square NY Machete Attack Proves Anti-Gunners Are Clueless ~ VIDEO

The brutal stabbing of a man in New York City’s Times Square Thursday underscores the futility of public disarmament, which affects only law-abiding citizens, and proves the proponents of so-called “sensitive zones” are clueless, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said.

Several news agencies reported the incident, indicating three men were involved, and they apparently used a machete to wound the victim in both legs. Police have detained three suspects, but CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb said the attack should never have happened in a place where honest citizens cannot legally carry firearms for personal protection.

“New York officials have declared Times Square and other public venues to be ‘sensitive places,’ leaving people vulnerable to attack by criminals who don’t follow the rules,” Gottlieb observed. “It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that disarming good citizens creates risk-free environments for dangerous thugs and crazy people to engage in savagery. The people responsible for disarming law-abiding citizens in Times Square are clueless when it comes to dealing with violent crime.

“Somewhere in city hall, or maybe up in Albany, somebody in government is probably working up a way to spin this tragedy so the mayor or governor can argue that at least a gun wasn’t involved,” he added. “Armed private citizens defend themselves or others upwards of a million times each year, often without firing a shot, but apparently in New York, government is on the side of the criminal element.”

Gottlieb questioned how the suspects could be walking around in Times Square with a machete and not be noticed by police.

“Prohibiting legally-carried guns in any public place is an exercise of gross misfeasance,” Gottlieb said. “This incident only proves that criminals will adapt to other weapons, and presuming ‘sensitive zone’ disarmament will prevent violent crime is a monumental failure of common sense.”

Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

With more than 650,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms ( is one of the nation’s premier gun rights organizations. As a non-profit organization, the Citizens Committee is dedicated to preserving firearms freedoms through active lobbying of elected officials and facilitating grass-roots organization of gun rights activists in local communities throughout the United States.

Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

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Look at most of Europe, England and other “gun free” countries for incidents with knives and nightstick-style heavy weapons maiming and killing random and targeted victims. The numbers are no longer shocking. Soon, steak knives will be outlawed as well. Screw them. No 2nd Amendment to keep them safe….and here, those who withhold our rights are treasonous asswipes who need to be subjected to the same crimes as ordinary citizens. Then, we will see that change. If not, then they need to be sued into oblivion! Voters who also vote for these restrictions are not American citizens who do not… Read more »


Machetes are agricultural devices. In concrete jungles like NYC, it’s incredible leftists tolerate machetes even being sold.

Last edited 7 months ago by Ledesma

A man was stabbed with a machete”…

Stabbed with a machete? You don’t stabe with a machete.



there are some that are double ground , they are great to cut down bunches of coconuts ,you stab into the bunch cutting loose what you want to remove , you would remove your own fingers if you slip
but more likely he was slashed ..or chopped

Last edited 7 months ago by swmft

Unfortunately they respond, “You’re wrong! Because shut up! Reasons! And Truuuump!”


But did the offenders falsify business records to obtain the machete?
That’ll get ’em busted.


An example of effective legislation…no guns involved…/sarc…(for those who need it).


Voted have consequences. Enjoy the consequences.


The entire country is corrupted, in part because for 250+ years once they arrive in the US immigrants and their descendants adopt a “vote with their feet” approach to politics. You’re just willfully blind to the corruption of your community and state; including the voter fraud that undermines the statement: “Voted [sic] have consequences.” … Pack your bags, it’s inevitable your eyes will be opened and you’ll be running from another fight; and run, and run, and run – because (as the arrogance of your comment evidences) you lack the actual fortitude to stand firm, and fight what will be… Read more »


Problem is, most in these large urban areas are too befuddled to connect their vote to the consequences. Wife has friends from 50 years ago who live their quiet lives n a religious retirement community; no kids, no pets (never had either). They are liberal, make that very liberal, Democrats who I can never have a conversation with because they are sure I am a monster, and have told my wife so. No fun for them anywhere, just doing “good deeds for good causes”. For some reason I can’t stand them. So no, they don’t understand, or want to understand… Read more »

Wild Bill

Anyone that can not find it in their heart to give even one poor dog a home can not be much of a human being. So much for their good deeds.


Cannot agree more. However I think keeping friendly dogs and happy horses marks you as an even better person.


Goes both ways.