Pro-Gun Legal Powerhouse Declares ‘We Will Defend Donald Trump’s Gun Rights!’

Donald Trump Wins
Donald Trump

The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) has announced it will defend former President Donald Trump’s gun rights in the wake of his conviction in a New York courtroom, which could result in the confiscation of his firearms.

“If Donald Trump is further prosecuted for owning firearms,” said Second Amendment Foundation founder & Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb, “we will offer to defend him and challenge the law.”

The veteran gun rights advocate noted it has always been SAF’s position that “Someone should not lose his or her gun rights due to a conviction of a non-violent crime.”

“Donald Trump has no history of violent crime,” Gottlieb explained. “Under the Supreme Court’s 2022 Bruen ruling, which requires gun laws to have some analogous connection to historical regulation at the time the Founders wrote the Constitution and Bill of Rights, Mr. Trump should not lose his Second Amendment rights. There is no historical nexus to deny someone, including Trump, of their gun rights over such a conviction.”

“SAF has litigated challenges in the past to restore gun rights for people convicted of non-violent crimes,” SAF Executive Director Adam Kraut recalled, “and we will do so again. In fact, we are currently litigating a challenge to the denial of carry permits for some former plaintiffs whose rights were restored due to prior SAF lawsuits.”

“The attack on Trump’s gun rights emphasizes the need to revisit existing gun control laws and change them to protect an individual’s gun rights,” Gottlieb observed. “Until that happens, we will be more than happy to meet New York State or the federal government in court.”

Gottlieb and Kraut noted Second Amendment Foundation’s growing legal footprint in the gun rights legal arena. The foundation has nearly 60 cases currently in progress, and has won decisions all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court.

“Our motto is ‘Winning Gun Rights One Lawsuit at a Time,” Gottlieb stated. “That will include protecting and winning Donald Trump’s gun rights.”

Second Amendment Foundation

The Second Amendment Foundation ( is the nation’s oldest and largest tax-exempt education, research, publishing and legal action group focusing on the Constitutional right and heritage to privately own and possess firearms. Founded in 1974, The Foundation has grown to more than 720,000 members and supporters and conducts many programs designed to better inform the public about the consequences of gun control.

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The term “felony” has no meaning, when the criminal charge for which it’s applied, not only wasn’t violent, it was a stretch for credulity.


Correct. NFA needs to be overturned. Should Martha Stewart be a prohibited person? Bill Clinton? Enumerated Natural Rights such as those found in the Bill of Rights may only be infringed upon when a strict scrutiny logic test is met. That means the restrictions must be based upon a compelling public interested based upon the best evidence available. There are two cases pending today which will illustrate the proper distinction. President Trump has no history of violent behavior and people convicted of (fantasy) fiduciary crimes have no higher propensity to commit violent crimes than the general public. Hence no compelling… Read more »


Thank you, nrringlee


In he Founding era, a violen felon would be sentenced for a lng enough sratch in the CrowBar Hotel he’d have plenty of time to assess his former ways. He would ony be released if it seemed likely he’d put his violence behind him. Once one’s court adjdicated sentence was served, he’d be back out and life would resume just as if the crime had never been committed. If his right to walk up and down the street unatended was restored, his right to arms, vote, hold public office, etc, came back as well. In or more “enlightened” times it… Read more »


I will call on GOA, Adam Kraut and Alan Beck if I get busted for having a gun in a Oregoneistan gun free zone. They are now felonies and I want to challenge it constitutionally in a supreme court not the court of clowns in Oregoneistan or the ninth circus court of seals. I don’t think that legally a business can say that they are gun free and hold me too it because they are creating a death zone and will not take responsibility for their actions if I get hurt because of them. What they are doing is breaking… Read more »


I applaud 2AF’s use of my hard earned donations these past years to legally support the rights of ALL citizens of the United States of America IAW the Second Amendment!!!! Keep up the pressure on these assholes who keep trying to rip them from our souls!!!!!!!!


He has already “surrendered” two pistols REGISTERED in New York. The third has been “transferred” to Florida, according to written reports. He’ll never see those two again.


With his money, do you think he cares about the cost? Nope, but I bet he cares about the loss of them to a crackpot judge and jury. Lets hope the new information that was leaked via facebook about him being judged guilty before the end of the trial is true so they can call mistrial.


Awesome news! I sure hope they remind him to do a better job at defending our rights his second time around.


Why does the term “fool’s errand” keep going through my mind?

Last edited 3 months ago by Grigori
Dindunuffins Shekelstein

“An inconvenient truth.”


Gun rights? Unless, or better yet, until overturned on appeal, Old Turkey Waddles is a convicted felon. Right? Besides that is the least of his problems as it is obvious he suffers from chronic constipation as evidenced by the constant sour puss pouting expressions. Oh well, perhaps the Trumpbots will learn their lesson in 2024 after Trump is beaten by whoever the Pedocrats replace Biden with, come to their senses and nominate DeSantis in 2028.


I will gladly pay for your one way plane ticket to North Korea.


Spoken like a true Trumpbot festering from a severe case of TAD (Trump Addiction Disorder). Common symptoms include raging about deporting any one who disagree with Hims-lordship. Notwithstanding since my wife was from S. Korea and I have many in-laws there I would be happy to accept your offer if I could first have a layover connection in Seoul. It looks like you have a number of fellow sufferers willing to help defray the expenses. 😉 When November rolls around and all you Trumpbots are scratching your rear ends (as compared to what normal people would be scratching) and wondering… Read more »


Ya, New Venezuela is to good for him, we need his like out of the country because they are the kind that messed it up in the first place.

Wild Bill

None of what you mention sizes up the height of a dime against the threat posed by the Chinese, Russian, NKorean, Iranian, and Venezuelan alliance that is forming up against us. We need to pick someone that can deal with this threat.


Hmmm, wonder what Trumps military experience is? Oh that’s right…none. LOL. Now DeSantis or Cotton is a different story. Forget about WEF’s Crenshaw. Actually the only “what I mentioned” is the law, i.e. felons currently are not legal gun owners. But most Trumpbots go unhinged when their god (tiny g) gets cross ways with the law. Personally, I doubt if the current felonies will stand appeal. But I understand that the law is merely a height of a dime when it comes to Trumpbots worshipping their god (tinsy winsy “g”). What I am suggesting is all you unfortunate clowns are… Read more »

Wild Bill

Trump needs no military experience. He knows how to use economics, trade, and tariffs as powerful weapons. Everyone agrees that Iran was so near bankruptcy that the mullahs could not subsidize their terror groups. And Trump has enough common sense to get rid of the green energy and woke foolishness that pervades the Pentagon, today.
And finally, misuse of the legal process is not law.

Last edited 3 months ago by Wild Bill

Yes, he used tariffs to motivate Mexico to put military on the border and China to drop the prices of their crap.


No need for you to bare the burden by yourself, we will all pitch in.


Let me know when the GiveSendGo is set up. ;-).

Wild Bill

That sour expressing is exactly what qualifies Trump for dealing with Putin, XI (eleven), Little Fat Rocket Boy, and I ran crowd.
Biden’s marxist handlers have us on the verge of WWIII, and to weak, divided, and politically correct to win. Only a New York property developing , egotistical, tough guy, AH … can save us.


No one can “save us” unless/until we WANT to be saved out of this tar pit. BUT… The Donald is a good Point Man to lead the charge against the corruptocrats and manstealers running the show now. With a good lead, enough might get n board and “fundamentally transform” America, restoring at least in part what has been commiefied away, sold down the river for a mess of pottage, etc.

Wild Bill

You are more right than you know. The CCP is hiring retired military pilots from the west to train their combat pilots.


Me thinks I’ll trust in Jesus to do the saving bit. 😉 But spoken like a true acolyte of the Church of Trumpism.


Why don’t you go the way of the doo doo bird.

Wild Bill

Jesus will save your soul, but your future prayers might well be in Chinese. War is coming.


Wow, Took a nap! All of a sudden I see OTD, a name well known here, but no so much lately. Same OlTrailDog, pos, communist, Veteran?


POS way to often ;-). Wrote in Cruz in 2016, voted Trump in 2020, and will be writing in DeSantis in 2024. Just can’t stand all the megalomaniacal BS that pours out of that man’s mouth. Plus he was too much a pussy to show up for the debates. Guess he wasn’t interested in my vote. So that goes to Ron DeSantis. Veteran? No: during VN I was 1A with a draft number of 37. They choose not to draft in 72 and consequently skipped over the first 90 or so including me. I was in the Army Reserves as… Read more »