Lufkin Business Owner Saves Family in Self-Defense Shooting, Fatally Terminating Bad Guy ~ VIDEOS

Lufkin, TX –  A local business owner in Lufkin found himself in a life-threatening situation at night when a man attempted to steal his truck with his wife and baby inside. The incident, which occurred around 9 p.m. in the 1800 block of East Lufkin Avenue, ended in the shooting death of the suspect.

Marco Leyva, 25, had stopped at his business, leaving his truck running with his family inside, while he went to attach a trailer. Moments later, Jarvis Houston, 47, approached and entered the truck. Houston had just been released from Angelina County Jail an hour before the incident.

Leyva, noticing the danger his family was in, confronted Houston and pleaded with him to take another vehicle instead.

Jarvis Houston 47 Texas
Jarvis Houston 47 Texas DRT

Despite the victim’s warnings and offers of a different vehicle, Jarvis Houston refused, and a physical altercation ensued. Fearing for his family’s safety, Leyva retrieved a nine-millimeter handgun from the truck. The struggle escalated, resulting in Leyva fatally shooting Houston.

The police were called immediately, and upon their arrival, Houston was found bleeding out on the ground. He was taken to a nearby hospital but was pronounced dead shortly after 9 p.m. The Angelina County Jail confirmed that Houston had been released earlier on charges of assault/family violence.

Surveillance footage from the business corroborated Leyva’s account, showing the tense moments leading up to the shooting. Leyva was briefly detained but released after investigators determined that he acted in self-defense. The case is still under review by the Angelina County District Attorney’s Office, but no charges are expected to be filed against Leyva.

Lufkin Police Lieutenant Mike Shurley stated, “The surveillance footage clearly shows that Mr. Leyva was trying to protect his family. The suspect’s actions posed a real threat to their lives.”

This incident highlights the importance of the right to self-defense and the quick actions of an individual to protect his loved ones. The investigation will continue, and officials expect to receive Houston’s autopsy report in a few weeks.

The community has expressed sympathy for Leyva and his family, recognizing the tragic nature of the event but acknowledging the necessity of his actions to ensure his family’s safety.

Tactical Note: It seems the defender had to retrieve his EDC weapon from the vehicle and did not have it on his person; this could have been a strategic error had he been unable to reach the weapon, or worse, the criminal had gotten to it first. Carry your weapon at all times.

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The business owner should be given a reward of 10% of the potential tax $$$ saved by ending the need to prosecute the attacker for this and the previous crime(s) he committed. Plus 1000 rounds of his favorite self defense ammo and 10 free trips to the gun range of his choice.


Plus another 10% of incarceration costs based on average sentence for whatever crimes Houston would have been charged with.


Kill a felon in the commission of a crime you should get TAX FREE STATUS FOR LIFE and the keys to the city.


city provided gun with unlimited ammo, keys are worthless


America doesn’t have a gun violence problem. America has a black violence society.

He won’t commit violent crimes anymore and saved the taxpayers a fortune.

Black crimes matter.


I don’t understand. Houston must have been 100% rehabilitated or he never would have been released from jail/prison. What could have made him turn bad in less than one hour.

Tom Claycomb

lol, good one


too much methane gas rotted his brain


Seriously? It’s totally obvious! Global warming.

Wild Bill

Now that is good humor.


Kamala Hamas probably bailed him out.


Thank you sir for executing (pun intended) your civic duty by keeping your wife, child, and property safe while ridding your community of an individual who decided he was unfit to participate in a civil society.


I love a happy ending!!!

Our good citizen should get tax free status for life and the keys to the city.

Saved tax slaves millions and stopped future predation…….see above.


Justice was served. Although there is a small hope that Jarvis
was conscious as he melted away.


Another happy ending!


Looks like his rehabilitation worked. Not the one in jail – the one administered by the citizen defending his family. He conclusively will not be a recidivist offender thanks to the “rehab escalation” administered by society.

Any worthless loser who commits a crime an HOUR after being released from jail is NOT NEEDED in our society – and we won’t miss him, it’s no loss, let’s move on, no weeping or demonstrations needed.

Jails only work if the doors stay locked.


Boy, Luftin has many of these pathetic waste!! LPD sure as hell dropped the ball here. Must have clowns as officers. Now tax payers suffered for this white piece of shit!!!


police department does not have officers that can shoot so they leave it up to the citizens


Welp, he got what he deserve a quick trip to room temperature!!!


The moral of this story is: Have the firearm ON YOUR PERSON.


I hope he was thoroughly decarbonized!

Patriot Jim

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Everyone keeps saying blacks make up ~12% of the population of the country. That is true. But it is the criminal black males, ie ~1% of the population who commit more than 50% of the violent crimes in the country. That is just F**king staggering. And most of their crime is black on black. We do not have a gun violence problem in America, we have a black criminal problem in America, that sometimes spills over into the rest of the country’s population.


It’s too bad he cashed out. Can you imagine the diversity celebration liberals could’ve had with a lizard like this?

Last edited 3 months ago by Ledesma

Only have three things to say at this time… #1: My heart goes out to both families. #2: What does his skin color have to do with anything? Race with always be an issue as long as we keep bringing it up. SO STOP BRINGING IT UP! #3: (READ THIS VEEEERY CAREFULLY) At some point, we all make bad choices in life. But we all deserve the opportunity to live. Jarvis did not deserve what he got. BUT… he did get what he asked for… (Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.) There were no winners in this situation. Marco and… Read more »


At least you didn’t call it a “mistake”.

Jarvis Houston very much deserved what he got. He forfeited his opportunity to live when he endangered a woman and her child.


What does color have to do with it, you ask?
Blacks make up 12%of the population and they are responsible for 50%+ of all violent crime in our society! Do you understand statistics or what?


actually, it’s 65% Of the violent crime.

it’s more like, blacks are 12% of the population and young blacks males at +/- 4% of the population are committing 65% of the violent crime.

support 2 strikes your dead….clean out the prisons…….make parking lots safe for your mother, wife and children again.

Go full El Salvador…….cut crime to zero


better we go full Finland, a gun in every non demoncrat house


To make that happen, we’d need to remove every Democrat from every Democrat house.


what color is a polar bear ? , the problem is more what they did to the blacks with their great society bs turn them into the type of animals they are in africa survival of fittest ..


Jamaica, South Africa, Haiti, St. Vincent, Trinidad, Lesotho, St. Lucia, and the Bahamas are all in the top 10 countries with the highest intentional homicide rate – 8 of the top 10. The top 25 countries – all higher than the homicide rate in Iraq (!) are in Africa or Latin America and the Caribbean. You have to get down to 54th on the list before you find the United States – and who dominates homicide in the United States? People from Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Take the Latin-American and African-American drug gang and crime rings out of… Read more »


law abiding blacks are too white


It doesn’t matter WHY. That’s a different conversation, and should have NO bearing on this issue. If a man threatens another man’s family, he should rightfully be landfill. If a definable population of people are disproportionately involved in criminality, then punishment of the criminals in that population should not be arbitrarily reduced because of some phony “extenuating circumstance.” A criminal is a criminal, and it’s the criminality that matters, not the skin color. OF COURSE we should not assume that everyone of that skin color is afflicted with criminality – that would be IDIOTIC. But neither should we single out… Read more »

Wild Bill

Virtue signal much?


jarvis got EXACTLY what he deserved………..and so did society


BIG winner in this situation: society in every location that this worthless scumbag would have passed through. This was a service – a noble and helpful service – provided to the American people by eliminating a feral dog from the population. Think of how many people who WOULD have been harmed by this dirtbag will now have better lives. Yes, there were LOTS of winners in this situation.