“Seattle is joining the growing list of left wing cities that have decided to turn to illegal aliens to fill the ever-increasing void in the ranks of their police department, following cities such as Los Angeles,” Law Enforcement Today reports. “This is due to severe understaffing that has gutted many large city departments in primarily blue cities.”
AmmoLand Shooting Sports News noted that trend to deploy noncitizens last year, citing an Epoch Times report explaining:
“Foreign nationals who are legally authorized under federal law to work in the United States or any foreign national who ‘is an individual against whom immigration action has been deferred by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services under the federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) process’ but who is authorized to possess a firearm can now apply to become a police officer in Illinois, according to the text of the bill.”
Also cited was a January 2023 Firearms News article about Nevada exploiting its options for outsourcing the enforcement of its laws to foreign labor:
“Foreigners will be empowered to arrest American citizens at gunpoint on U.S. soil. And acting as disarmament edict enforcers should any run afoul of Silver State infringements like registration precursor and private sale-banning ‘universal background checks,’ due process-denying guilty-until-proven innocent ‘extreme risk protection orders,’ and its own ‘bump stock’ ban.”
Ever looking for ways to disarm citizens, Joe Biden’s ATF has ruled that even though illegal aliens are “prohibited persons” unable to legally possess a firearm, DACA recipients can possess duty firearms and possess ammunition as part of their official law enforcement officer duties,” the Law Enforcement Today report continues.
And, in another example, never having met a citizen it felt comfortable being openly armed in public, the Los Angeles Police Department “modified department policy so DACA recipients can possess their firearms while off duty, now classifying off-duty hours as part of the ‘performance of their official duties.’”
How a foreign national can take the oath of office, required by Article. VI. of the Constitution, without any conflict of loyalty is left unaddressed. They have not become citizens and renounced prior allegiances.
It’s not like their families came from a Bill of Rights culture, as opposed to authoritarian ones, where citizens are conditioned to obey enforcers for tyrants – or else. And they’ll be authorized to employ the full continuum of violence against citizens to enforce all laws, including “gun laws.” The nightmare of foreigners on U.S. soil disarming Americans is here, brought to you by the Democrats. It’s fair to ask if there are any orders they will not obey, and with armed illegal aliens set loose on the populace, who needs UN blue helmets?
As an aside, it’s instructive to note that the cities mentioned, Seattle, Chicago, and Los Angeles, are all members of Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns. And they’re all good with arming not just foreigners but lawbreaking “law enforcers.”
Don’t be distracted by counterclaims that DACA somehow makes them “legal.” That’s just a ploy to sweep a problem of government’s creation under the rug and make it look like abetting invasion is consistent with principles “to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.”
It’s not.
This is reminiscent of nothing so much as a precedent in American history when the government employed Hessian mercenaries to fight and kill rebellious subjects. If things get to where Americans once more reach the point with a substantial number of irreconcilably aggrieved citizens heeding the words of the Declaration, “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it,” whose side do you think the armed DACA cops will take?
The Founders began the Constitution with the words “We the People,” boldly written in outsized script for a reason. What do you suppose their reaction to hiring foreign mercenaries to keep order at the command of usurpers deliberately indifferent to its limitations on their power would have been?
About David Codrea:
David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.
A perfect move for tyrants that want a police force that will act against good citizens. Foreigners who have little or no loyalty to the United States. A certain Austrian painter would be proud. Get into those box cars.
“People with ARs don’t climb into cattle cars.” per the PewPewJew.com tee.
they might use them for cover to return fire
OH, I cant express to the fullest extent how much I like that one.
That’s a thanks for sharing moment.
I’d rather have a ’16.
Expect to see more police shooting citizens in these blue cities … which will lead to more democrats rioting.. and more shootings. Arming illegals is yet another treason perpetrated against the citizens of the USA.
Thank you and that all stems from them being in our country illegally according to laws prior to ObiDUMB who changed the rules of entry to make it legal when he was shipping them in on planes using our tax dollars. Now they can be hired legally to shoot us with impunity. ObiDUMB is destroying the republic and our democracy as it exists to make America a 3rd world country led by the NWO. Thank God obiDUMB and Obummer will not be leaders of squat like they think they will. They will be put in their place or the NWO… Read more »
The Founders would have been shooting by now.
I guess you’ll see more incidents like the Somali cop in Minnesota who shot a woman in her backyard from inside his cruiser.
Might this be our next Lexington and Concord? Instead of multiple combatants facing off in one or two places, perhaps multiple small “skirmishes” taking place over a very wide area, with some involving as few as two combatants. Things that most law-abiding citizens might once have considered unthinkable, might have the potential to become commonplace.
Well, the unthinkable is already happening when armed illegal foreign invaders are wielding deadly force over normal law abiding citizens with full approval and incitement from “government”.
And our forbearers throught General Gage was out of line attempting to seize their powder and shot for the fourth time. But SEE WHAT they DID about it that time?
A good lesson to take to heart.
It’s an amazing time to be alive. Yet another reason to declare the dimocRAT party as a subversive and terroristic organization. Your headline photo caught my eye. Adrian Diaz has been a regular staple in the gossip news in Seattle for awhile now. The latest being his self admitted statement that he’s “a gay Latino man!” Never mind he’s been married with children for decades. What must his children think…his wife? Could you imagine? He’s not long for Seattle. He’s one of the 32 candidates for the chief of police for…wait for it…Austin, Texas. You couldn’t make this stuff up.… Read more »
The headline photo caught my eye too. What utter B.S. for him to mention traumatized first responders in Uvalde where well over 100 cops stood around with their thumbs up their rectum while children were being murdered.
and while qualified capable citizens were eager to “go in” and end the massacre, but were forcibly denied entry by CWTIA (cops with thumb in ass) already refusing to deal with the reailoity in front of them.
Thus not only did the public SERVANTS tasked with taking care of this situation refuse to do so they denied non-cops who were eager, willing,capable, to deal with it.
line them up and shoot them, and their bosses
START with their bosses. Our Colonial forbearers took up the practice they referred to as “cut off the head of the snake”. The Brit model was that regular Foot could not make any decisions on their own, so they trained them well to ONLY do what they were told. If they weere not told to do anything, then they did exactly that.. nothing.
Cut off the head of this snake by going after their corrupt leaders straightaway.
What A bunch of BS!!! Demwits will do what ever it takes to try and control WE THE PEOPLE!!!
No words…
This should not be allowed to stand.
I’m not a lawyer and I don’t make enough to hire one, but can’t somebody file a lawsuit against this? This should be enough, “How a foreign national can take the oath of office, required by Article. VI. of the Constitution, without any conflict of loyalty is left unaddressed. They have not become citizens and renounced prior allegiances.”
There comes a time…….
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to… Read more »
That’s when he said:
“We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”
The problem is NOT that there are not enough Seatle City Cops. Nope. the problem is the city government have tied tboth their hands behind their backs, then commanded them to “FIX IT”. Seattle cops can arrest and jail criminals, but the prosecutors and judges moot that, and the criminals know they will. So they “take a ride” downtown, then get sprung OF and are right back where they were in a few hours, likely with a decent meal down the hatch. Adding armed illegal foreign invaders will change nothing except to bring in an aditional element of violence tht… Read more »
So we now have Illegal Democrat Nazi Storm Troopers to Jail Americans?
or to play “target of the day”.
The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government. Thomas Jefferson
Hopefully it will mostly be aliens vs predators. I’m buying popcorn and different calibers of fruity pebbles, as my friend calls them.
P.S. Do they need steenking badges or not? Need to know now.
Marxocrats are employing mercenaries. Apparently too many Cops
might still be loyal to the constitution, over the whims of the latest
drug infused, pederast politician.