A new report at Fox News brings front-and-center the monumental hypocrisy of the Democratic Party—also known as the “Party of Gun Prohibition”—as they prepare the city of Chicago for the August Democratic National Convention.
“Street and walkway upgrades are already underway,” the report says. “And according to a law enforcement source, the plan is to isolate the convention area from the rest of the city entirely, with access only for the media, law enforcement and DNC designees.”
Fences, controlled entry and lots of security. It’s required for Democrats in the Windy City but no good for the southern border.
“Authorities are imposing strict measures on people who live and work inside the secure zone as well, including vehicle checks, FOX 32 Chicago reported Wednesday,” the report added.
This is the party which tells us bump stocks must be banned and permitless carry, now the law in 29 states, will produce blood in the streets despite mounting evidence neither position is accurate, or even credible.
A report at GB News quotes political commentator Tim Young observing, “Maybe better health care, more mental institutions. There’s more work to be done on people personally. But banning a weapon or not banning a weapon, ultimately a killer is going to find a way to kill.”
Bump stocks were arbitrarily banned by decree of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, a move struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court last week. The 6-3 ruling held that ATF exceeded its authority when it banned bump stocks during the Trump administration. This was in response to the mass shooting in Las Vegas, Nevada Oct. 1, 2017. Killer Stephen Paddock used rifles fitted with bump stocks to murder 60 people and wound “at least 413,” according to an account at Wikipedia.
Underscoring Young’s remark that killers “will find a way to kill,” one needs only to examine the terrorist attack in Nice, France on July 14, 2016 when Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel used a stolen truck to mow down and kill 86 people and injure 434 others during a Bastille Day celebration, according to another Wikipedia report.
It should be noted that Lahouaiej-Bouhlel was stopped by a police officer who shot him dead. France doesn’t have a Second Amendment, so there were no legally-armed private citizens who could have legally drawn a gun and at least limited the tragedy.
Kevin Dixie, founder of Aiming for the Truth, who wrote recently in the Carolina Journal, “Guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens create safer communities. But you don’t have to take my word for it — the data prove it.”
Unlike anti-gunners, who habitually refer to themselves as “gun safety advocates,” Dixie provided links to the source of the data. A report from the University of Wyoming College of Law’s Firearms Research Center looked at the adoption of so-called “constitutional carry” laws in recent years by Republican/red states. The conclusion reached by senior fellow K. Alexander Adams was that “constitutional carry does not lead to large-scale change in homicides or in firearm suicides.”
“The doomsday scenarios of constitutional-carry opponents are not supported by social science,” Adams stated.
For those who require numbers, Adams went into detail: “The relationship between constitutional-carry laws and homicide is negative, which is the opposite of what gun-control activists have predicted. Constitutional-carry laws were associated with about 6% lower homicide rates; but, again, the result was not statistically significant. In other words, we cannot be 99%, 95% or 90% sure that this happy result was not due to chance.”
Adams also wrote, “Other academic studies have come to the same conclusion. Hamill et al. (2019) found no significant shifts in homicide when states liberalized their concealed carry laws, including the adoption of permitless carry, and neither did Smith and Petrocelli (2018) find an effect of permitless carry when studying handgun-related crime in Tucson, Arizona.”
Democrats, who seem more concerned with disarming law-abiding citizens than in locking up criminals and securing the border, stubbornly refuse to look beyond their “guns-are-bad” doctrine, which treats the Second Amendment like a government-regulated privilege. It appears Democrats close their eyes and ears to anything going against their narrative.
So, when Adams writes, “The research on liberalized carry laws is not without controversy in the academic world. However, since 1997, when research on the impact of right-to-carry laws on crime began, 40 of the 52 studies revealed that this legislation did not – as many predicted – lead to an increase in violent crime,” Democrats either discount it or ignore it altogether.
This raises a critical question which will be facing U.S. voters over the next four months and come to a head on Nov. 5.
Does a party which only gives lip service to the right of the people to keep and bear arms, a party which pushes increasingly restrictive gun control laws while turning a blind eye to a porous southern border and a broken justice system, really deserve another shot at governing?
About Dave Workman
Dave Workman is a senior editor at TheGunMag.com and Liberty Park Press, author of multiple books on the Right to Keep & Bear Arms, and formerly an NRA-certified firearms instructor.
In addition to media, law enforcement and DNC members, they should let in Hollywood to film from both sides of the fencing. The producers would save millions in set costs for the next dystopian movie.
Everybody should hang in there. Soon, liberals will be passing away from global warming.
Hi Dave. This is what you wrote. Underscoring Young’s remark that killers “will find a way to kill,” one needs only to examine the terrorist attack in Nice, France on July 14, 2016 when Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel used a stolen truck to mow down and kill 86 people and injure 434 others during a Bastille Day celebration, according to another Wikipedia report. I consider any kind of murder, bad. I would like to add to your article that thousands of people were killed in America. It started with box cutters and graduated to airplanes. No one was armed to shoot the Muslim… Read more »
The irony of an administration lecturing US Citizens about guns on the streets when they armed the Taliban with $7.1B in arms they abandoned in Afghanistan. (currently showing up in armed conflicts around the world)
my answer to your last question is, NOT A CHANCE! but there are way too many people who vote with their feelings and emotions and for the party instead of using their intellect. as humans, we are supposed to use our higher intellect, logic and reasoning to make decisions. otherwise, we are nothing but animals.
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” – William J. Casey, CIA Director (1981)