Millions Of America’s Gun Owners Are NOT Registered To Vote. WTF!


The most important U.S. Presidential Election since the founding of our Republic is just a few months away. This isn’t an exaggeration. It is a fact.

The outcome of this Election will determine whether we Americans secure our Nation as a Free Constitutional Republic as the Framers crafted it or we continue down the path Joe Biden and his owners behind the scenes have set for us:

AKA: the Deep State. A Rancid Socialist Dictatorship ruled by Marxist Cultists and Neoliberal Globalist Technocrats.

Yet, millions of America’s gun owners are not registered to vote in the upcoming election to prevent this horror from manifesting.

millions of America’s gun owners are not registered to vote 2024 IMG Women for Gun Rights
Millions of America’s gun owners are not registered to vote 2024. IMG Women for Gun Rights

This is surprising, shocking, and altogether unacceptable. Voting is a Sacred Right and a tremendously important responsibility. The Arbalest Quarrel looked into the failure of millions of gun owners to register to vote. We learned that Ten Million American gun owners have not registered to vote in the 2024 U.S. Presidential election. This is no small number and can have a decisive impact on the outcome of Federal Elections.

In a recent article published on July 9, 2024, the New York Post had this to say,

“More than 10 million hunters and gun owners are not registered to vote in America, according to a new grassroots voter-registration group firing warning shots at the GOP Vote4America data show that if Republicans don’t address political apathy among their gun-owning base in key swing states, they’ll have far fewer voters in their arsenal to score victories this November. . . .

A breakdown of the data reveals a major shortfall in voter registration among gun owners in the states that will decide the 2024 election: 515,277 in Pennsylvania and around 370,000 each in Michigan and North Carolina. Georgia, Wisconsin, Missouri and Virginia all have more than half a million hunters and gun owners unregistered, and Arizona has the smallest shortfall at 133,000.

Audiences have not always responded positively to Vote4America’s voter-registration efforts. Adviser to the group Baker Leavitt told District of Conservation podcast host Gabriella Hoffman in a recent appearance that the most common response in its outreach to gun owners is the sentiment ‘My vote doesn’t count, the system is rigged.’

Despite the pessimism, even marginal wins could pay big dividends come November.

‘If we could convert 2% of all licensed hunters and get them to vote, GOP would win in a landslide,’ Leavitt told Hoffman.

Hoffman noted that ‘a lot of hunters and gun owners, they’re very animated in social media, they have a lot of opinions, but they don’t go out to vote. They talk a great deal, often about preserving your rights, doing this — hunting — but a lot of people don’t follow through with voting.’

Democratic politicians have leaned on influencers in recent years — and before that Hollywood celebrities — to push liberal messaging to their built-in audiences of loyal followers.

Vote4America is hoping to tap into that strategy on the conservative side by partnering with more niche influencers in the hunting, pro-Second Amendment, first-responder and veteran communities.

Stephen Aaron, another of the group’s advisers, he says when it comes to winning over disengaged gun owners, the mission is clear and simple.

‘Our goal is to make sure these people know that voting matters. The issues people worry about — attacks on personal freedoms, our crime problem, skyrocketing inflation — are all impacted by the people we put in office. This is an effort to help voters connect the issues impacting their daily life to decisions made by elected officials so people understand their vote really does matter and they engage. It’s time to make America feel like home again. . . .’”

Well, we know that Joe Biden, for his part, isn’t averse to talking about his intention to ban millions of firearms in common use.

In an article published in the “Independent,”

“President Joe Biden called for AR-15 guns, the type used in the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, to be banned during a fired-up NAACP National Convention speech.

‘It’s time to outlaw them. I did it once, and I will do it again’, Biden said during his speech on Tuesday (16 July).”

There is something decidedly perverse about Joe Biden alluded to caring about Donald Trump’s health and well-being. Plainly, Biden used the assassination attempt as a fortuitous happenstance upon which to make another pitch for banning civilian possession of millions of firearms in common use—a principal policy objective of the Biden Administration and of Progressives and others that despise our Bill of Rights.

And Biden’s speech was likely meant to serve another purpose.

By directing attention to guns, Biden likely hoped to mask the utter failure of the Secret Service, under the leadership of the inept Director, Kimberly Cheatle, a Biden appointee, to protect Donald Trump.

Donald Trump Assassination attempt shot angle close call
Donald Trump Assassination attempt shot angle close call

Trump survived the assassination attempt only due to Divine Intervention and not to any act of the Secret Service, before the fact, to neutralize the target.

After all, the shooter got off several shots, killing one Rally Attendee, seriously injuring two others, and hitting Trump too, (within a few millimeters of killing him), before the Secret Service Counter Assault Team (CAT) got off a shot, killing the shooter.

Attention properly belongs on the Secret Service, not on this or that firearm the shooter used.

Trump cannot make America great again if he isn’t in Office.

Americans who cherish their fundamental Rights, especially the Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms to prevent Tyranny, MUST VOTE.

Trump says,

“We’re gonna turn our country around. We’re going to quite simply make America great again. But one thing I’ll say, and I say it as friends, we’ve gotta get gun owners to vote, because you know what, I don’t know what it is, perhaps it’s a form of rebellion, because you’re rebellious people, aren’t you? But — gun owners don’t vote.

What is that all about? I’ve heard that, I heard it a few weeks ago. That if the gun owners voted, we would swamp them at levels that nobody’s ever seen before. So, I think you’re a rebellious bunch. But let’s be rebellious and vote this time, okay? If you go out and vote, I understand exactly why you don’t. But we have to win this election, it’s the most important election in the history of our country.”

(Taken from Trump’s Speech to NRA, delivered on May 18, 2024, as obtained from the website “Roll Call.” See Trump’s Full Speech to NRA.)

Trump’s mild admonishment to Gun owners is well-taken.

Sure, a lot of us Americans who cherish our most sacred right to armed self-defense do vote and have voted for Trump in the last two elections and will do so again in the upcoming election.

A freedom-loving people, fiercely independent, obdurately resistant to Tyranny, insistent on bearing arms to maintain its sovereignty over Government and over attempts to subjugate them, will not meekly surrender their arms.

A 2021 National Firearms Survey estimated that 81.4 million Americans owned firearms. Two years later, that number increased. “Estimates show that 82,880,000 people own at least one firearm in 2023.” See the article in “”

81.4 million Americans own firearms.
81.4 million Americans owned firearms

Americans who cherish their fundamental Rights, especially the Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms to prevent Tyranny must vote, but why do so many Americans resist?

What accounts for the apathy among so many Americans who love their Country and who cherish their sacred rights but who do not vote?

If one is reluctant to let his views be heard around the family kitchen table or among his co-workers at the office, they don’t need to speak their mind. What does that have to do with refraining from voting? When a person casts his ballot, that is a private affair. Nothing needs to be said to anyone. And voting is such an easy thing to do. There is no suffering in the act of casting one’s vote.

No other American has suffered the kinds of incessant vicious, vile assaults as Donald Trump. He has accepted this because he truly loves his Country. That cannot be reasonably denied.

For the four years he served his Country as President, despite the barbs, the sabotage, the scathing attacks—and for the four years since—none of that has stopped. His enemies are many, powerful, and ruthless, and they constantly craft new ways and refine old ways to torment Trump.

The only thing that would stop Trump—that those who hate and fear his formidable fortitude, stamina, desire, and ability to truly Make America Great Again, have come to understand—would be a bullet to the head. That almost happened.

If the assassin had succeeded, our Country, a Free Constitutional Republic, would have died at that moment, along with him.

Fortunately for us, and by the grace of GOD, Trump survived. He will not stand down despite the toll on him and his family: financially, personally, professionally, and emotionally.

Register to Vote Today

Every American must vote. Trump has given and continues to give so much, including risking his very life for his Country and his fellow Countrymen. He asks so little from each of us in return.

And it is for our benefit and our Country, after all, that America’s gun owners register to vote if they haven’t already done so and that all of us cast our vote for Trump so that he can serve our Country and us.

Every American should vote with the idea that his vote determines the outcome of the Election. That vote for Trump—1 + 1 + 1 +1 +1. . . = 100 million—will become a wave that no amount of illegal and unethical machinating by the ruthless forces that would dare to crush Trump, our Country, and our People, can withstand.

It is your vote that will make the difference! And it is such an easy thing to do. You have no excuse for not doing so.

Register as a Republican if you have not already done so. Make sure that you cast your vote in the upcoming election and that you cast it for Donald Trump.

Our Republic is on the Line. This is our Last Chance, our Final Battle. Do your small but vital part to Make America Great Again, and to Keep America Great for decades and centuries to come.

About The Arbalest Quarrel:

Arbalest Group created `The Arbalest Quarrel’ website for a special purpose. That purpose is to educate the American public about recent Federal and State firearms control legislation. No other website, to our knowledge, provides as deep an analysis or as thorough an analysis. Arbalest Group offers this information free.

For more information, visit:

Arbalest Quarrel

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Maybe if the gop platform supported 2A more gun owners would vote.

The removal of 2A from the platform is pure uniparty screwing of Americans. The gop can not be trusted w 2A any more than the demoncraps……..and maybe less

”take the guns now, due process later………F’ em!!!!!

I will vote on election day for Trump to save America, but I won’t give a penny to these self serving luke warm on 2A ukranian flag waving corruptocrats


I received my primary ballot yesterday for the August 6th primary. I immediately filled it out and today I will take it and the little Mrs’s ballot to the county seat where the election office is and will make sure my ballot watching credentials are still valid. I think it’s wrong to allow such an extended period to vote, and they wait a week past Election Day for other ballots to come in that had the August 6th postmark. We are all bombarded here with pop up ads pimping cheap Chinese Kershaw knives, clothing and other items. Perhaps from now… Read more »


The fear of becoming burdened by the government federal and local keeps some folks from registering to vote. That is a same as if you have social social security number as all Americans do than you are already somewhere in the system. Every American who is legally able to vote must do so as not to vote moves this country closer to a banana republic .


And millions of Christians do not vote because they believe the government is corrupt and they are right, but they will not cooperate or be a part of a corrupt government per Acts in the Holy Bible. The bible also says you should pray for your leaders and be responsible. Voting is both.

My comment to them is, if you don’t want to be a part of voting then you are letting the bad guy win because they always vote, sometimes more than once. Do your duty and vote!

Trump/Vance 2024

Dubi Loo

Don’t expect, nor rely on, others to protect your sacred right to Bear Arms.


How many of these gun owners are teenagers, and thus not eligible to vote?

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