Wind and the Assassination Attempt on President Trump

Satellite view of the assassination attempt location at Butler Farm Show in Pennsylvania, Google maps, with lines and text added by Dean Weingarten

There has been speculation about the effect of wind on the trajectory of the bullets fired at Presidential Candidate, former President Donald Trump. According to media reports, the would-be assassin fired from a position North of Donald Trump, about 130 meters away.

Measurement on Google Maps puts the distance at about 441 feet, 147 yards, or 134 meters. This is close to the BBC estimate of 130 meters for the shot. The direction of the shot was from North to South, at about 20 degrees East of North toward 20 degrees West of South. Meridian Rd, on the right side of the image, runs North/South.

Fortunately, there is a weather station in Butler, less than five miles away, almost due East. Station KPABUTLE38 recorded wind direction and speed on July 13, 2024. The assassination attempt happened about 6:12 P.M. Here are the wind speeds and directions recorded five miles away during that period:

Meteorological measurements were taken about five miles East of Butler Farm Show on July 13, 2024.

The winds were mostly light and variable. Consider the directions shown for the winds from 5:59 P.M. to 6:29 P.M. The varied considerably from SE, WSW, South, North, SSW, SW, and WSW.  WNW or ESE would be the closest cardinal directions to be direct crosswinds to the line of fire. Because the wind was so variable, it is possible there was a direct cross wind, but the odds favor a wind about 45 degrees or less to the line of fire. Gusts were recorded of up to 8.9 mph.

A direct crosswind of 5 mph would result in a standard 5.56 round being moved by the wind about 1.15 inches cross to the line of fire at 150 yards.

Ballistic calculations done at, showing windage at 150 yards for a standard 55 grain 5.56 bullet.

An examination of flags flying near the Butler Farm venue, taken from a video time-stamped at the event, might give us a more accurate picture of the direction of the wind when the shot was fired. It seems unlikely wind was a strong contributor to the would-be assassin missing the shots taken.

With wind as variable as it was that day, a wind effect can not be ruled out. It is possible a gust of wind from the WNW at about 9 mph could have occurred at the moment of the shot. Such a gust would have moved the bullet 2.06 inches to the left of the person firing the shot or to the right of Donald Trump.  That could have been the difference between a wound to the ear or death for the former president and presidential candidate.

Combine a possible wind effect with the turning of Donald Trump’s head and the inherent variation in ammunition and rifles, and the would-be assassin could have held dead on and still only scored an ear for their efforts if the variables combined to move the bullet to the right of Donald Trump as his head moved to the left. It is well known in the hunting fields that game can move just as a shot is fired, resulting in a missed shot.

Variable wind, such as occurred on the day of the attempted assassination, can make precise shots difficult for expert shooters. On such a small scale, trees and buildings create eddies in the wind, further complicating the picture. When the wind can come from many directions, judging windage is mostly an educated guess.

About Dean Weingarten:

Dean Weingarten has been a peace officer, a military officer, was on the University of Wisconsin Pistol Team for four years, and was first certified to teach firearms safety in 1973. He taught the Arizona concealed carry course for fifteen years until the goal of Constitutional Carry was attained. He has degrees in meteorology and mining engineering, and retired from the Department of Defense after a 30 year career in Army Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation.

Dean Weingarten

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Isn’t it amusing how the people who preach peace, love, tolerance, have a pagan like fetish for death?
Even out modern obsession with abortion just simply child sacrifice.
The deep state trying to kill Trump, being that paranoid about him, makes you wonder what they know about his plans that makes them so bold.


Some idiot was saying that there was no sonic boom from the bullet that went by his head, because subsonic ammunition was used. WHY would anyone risk wind drift throwing off such an important shot with a bullet that is moving at a slower than normal rate? You want that bullet moving as fast as possible for two reasons; 1) more energy is delivered to the target, and 2) it gets there quicker so wind drift is kept out of the equation as much as possible!


Is there even such a thing as sub sonic 5.56? The velocity is what makes that relatively small bullet so effective.
Don’t you just love when armchair ballistics experts start talking out their ass?


you are so right about that but read my other post


Do we actually know that he was shooting 5.56? All I’ve seen is media reports that it was an AR style rifle. For media to say that it could have been anything from a KelTec Sub 2000 to an AR10 or heavier. If it was indeed subsonic, could he have been shooting 300 blackout? Could he have been shooting 9mm and would it go subsonic at that range? 147 grain 9mm is supposed to be subsonic at muzzle, though I suspect longer barrel would bump it enough to be supersonic initially. Transitioning enroute goes a long ways to explain inaccurate… Read more »


the question is was anyone really paying attention enough to hear the report, on the video you did hear the shots, he was not trained enough to know that stuff and Atomic and a few specific reloading companies do sell sub sonic 223/5.56 ammo, they are right at 1000 FPS. here is a funny one, most know 200 to 230gr 45 ACPs are maybe 950 FPS or less and 185 maybe 1000 or less and 165 about 1100 so why would a manufacturer sell sub sonic 45s when most of them are already sub sonic


So those that don’t know better will pay more for “ premium” ammo.


Because the shots were aimed at the snipers…not at Trump.
And because the ‘plan’ was formulated by an idiot, who was also psychotic.
Meanwhile, they are audible, at least to me.
And why did the snipers turn to face the trees?


that just shows how sick they are


That guy should have never had the opportunity to get a single shot off. Total failure by our government and the secret service. I personally consider this failure to be criminally negligent. Heads should roll! (Figuratively speaking)


Absolutely correct, Ope!

Our Government failed us by planning and executing a plan to kill Donald Trump. They stole his money, they tried to impeach him twice, and charged him with 94 counts of bogus felony charges.

When is America gonna wake up? They knew he would win and the only thing they had left was murder. What will they try next? Iran? My f**k#g ass!


Ope and all youse guys out there………Today’s Dan Bongino show on Rumble, Ep.2301 is so very lucid about all of this crap that has been going on since Jan. 6. That was when the coup started and it was not the rioters that did it. It was the DNC and they have been going strong since then. Did anyone here know that according to the acting SS Director that the SS has not EVER used drone technology? EVER!! They even refused the offer from the locals to lend them one. You know why? I do/ They did not want an… Read more »

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

It did. The shooter that hit Trumps ear was in the 2nd floor room with the open window. It was DEFINITELY an inside job attempt.

So, where did you get this info? Were you there? Another question. How did all three shooters coordinate the start and the stopping of their fire, all at once and in sync?


simple, and done before. One is designated the cue shot. Once that round goes off, the others do their bit in sync.
Kennedy’s assassinationwas almost certainly done this way. Oswald’s few useless rounds were the cue, rounds from at least two other locations, suppressed, were then fired on cue.


So, IYO, Crooks really was a complete and total Patsy? Again, IYO, he did not fire a round and knew that he would be shot? So he decided to be part of a conspiracy in which he knew he was committing suicide, but for an honorable and worthy loss of his own life?

I think you give the kid way too much credit, and I personally don’t think Oswald fired any shots in Dallas that day.

The word on Oswald was that he was not that great a shot.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Yes, Crooks was a complete and total patsy. He did fire some rounds and didn’t realize that he was a patsy. He thought he was working WITH someone not expecting to be killed. . Seriously…Crooks fired the 5.56 sounding shots from a 16″ carbine with a red dot. He obviously was a well trained sniper since that’s the kind of weapons they always use. And I hope you know what SACASM is! The shot that winged Trump as a larger caliber. And I bet that they wouldn’t have caught the bullet with that high speed camera if it was a… Read more »

Simply put…. Balderdash!


The next thing you are gonna tell us is: that you are not only a forensics expert, but that you also have a doctorate in Physics, Mathematics, and Engineering, plus all the camera knowledge to be able to tell us the size of a bullet by looking at a picture.

I have been down this road before, with you, and I know you don’t have a degree in Psychiatry. And I have never bothered to read any of your papers, because I believe you are full of Merde.


OV, I agree with you 100%


He also showed his ignorance when he said that Crooks used a 5.56 because that’s what all good snipers always use. What a Putz.


You are correct, OV. I missed that. I will retract that, but I will have to add that he can’t proof read for Shit.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Hey…KMA. YOU’RE the know it all know nothing that frequents here. I’ve forgotten more than you’ve learned in your whole pitiful life.

Nice….I see you are more mature than anyone else here, too.

I did reply that I erred in my post about your sarcasm. sorry


Hey Ope! I just got this………….my computer and e-mail have been pretty much messed up for the last coupla weeks, especially with Ammoland. I had McAfee do some things last night while I was sleeping and I THINK it might be working better.

I know you are right, especially with F&F, and appreciate your reminder. My wife is doing better most every day and gaining back a lot of strength. She is eating good and trying to gain back some of the 35lbs. she lost after the surgery.

Praying you are good, my friend.


Glad to hear that Oldman. Take care!


Simple question, can you play the 0.5 seconds before and after 2:54 of this video
and tell me if you can hear a (possible) suppressed gunshot?
(And that’s 7 whole seconds before Trump’s ear is hit).

Last edited 2 months ago by Echo

Echo……I tried it about a half dozen times from 2:48 to 2:59. I think I heard one possible suppressed shot a couple of times at about 2:50. However, I am quite hard of hearing because of years of unprotected ordnance going off around me. My hearing aids have new batteries and I had my audio up high on my computer. I cannot be sure, because the pop almost sounded like it could have been coming from the recording device which is most probaby a cell phone. May I ask you what is your point of asking me?



I’m sorry I missed your answer! I can’t believe the FBI let this guy have his phone back! That audio, to me, suggests at least 3 lone gunmen! Those last 2 seconds before Trump says “UHH!” sound like rapid fire from longer distance. It sounds as if the 3 or 4 lone gunmen panicked. One ‘investigator’ slowed it down and used software to show the graphical representation of the shots, which I can hear at normal speed, and without audio-to-graph software. A retired CIA agent also said 15 July, “the snipers thought they were under fire”. Another video you may… Read more »


An interesting concept and I am amazed that none of the ‘live’ attendees have not said more of what they heard and saw leading up to Trump’s ear shot. I understand that the crowd was quite loud and may have drowned out a lot of the noise heard at the spot where this was recorded. As I have said, my hearing is worse than bad, but the original “suppressed’ shots seem to me to be from a distance quite aways from where this video was recorded. I am also a little dubious of the timeline from the video stated on… Read more »


You’re welcome and, regarding the timeline, I can hear Trump’s words, ‘of people in our country’ when I hear the shot at 1:37….and then Trump’s words, ‘lowest amount in history’ when I hear a more subtle sound, like finger snap, at 2:34, and then clear POP at 2:37 and POP at 2:39. A woman was running east into the trees soon after, but she could have been frightened by all the yelling, or maybe she did hear suspicious pops. Why, apparently, no one there, ~250 meters northeast of the stage: maybe it was such a nice, warm innocent afternoon, and… Read more »



Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

If you want to call it in sync, that’s an opinion not fact. I wasn’t there, but using reason, logic and common sense, especially after seeing Chris Martenson’s presentation about the 2nd floor room with the open window and the FACT that is where it lines up to where Trump was at…I guess my four years of college in forensic science don’t count either. Mike Adams did an excellent job of breaking down the shots and analyzing them. All someone needs to do is look at where Trumps EAR was at the time it was hit and draw a straight… Read more »

Chris may be an audio expert, but can you hear gunshots in this video
I hear at least 10 shots starting at 1:37, which is 85 seconds before Trump’s ear shot, and 85 seconds before Chris began “listening”.


He thinks it was an inside job just like I do..

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

It hasn’t been “our” government for my lifetime and my fathers and my grandfathers. 1913 was the last year it was the people’s government. 1916 sealed the coffin with the ignoring the first 13 words. Read THERE IS A REASON

Last edited 2 months ago by Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor
Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Apparently three brain dead idiots think it is “our” government. Give me a break.


It’s hard to say how many shots were fired. I’ve seen audio analyse videos done, and the guy who did it, (not sure of the name, it was a video Candace Owens showed a clip of), there were three guns fired that day. Not two.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Planted. So easily done.

or just carrried about in someon’es pants pocket to be “produced” as having been taken up from that location.

WHEN will we see the ballistics anaisis of ALL eight of those?


Fair point. But if you don’t trust them to be actual evidence, would you trust the Feds to do a REAL analyses? I wouldn’t.


eight casings REPORTED as found. Has anyone seen the pattern teting matching the casings to THAT rifle barrel? I have not.
If using the old trick of some suppressed fire, cued by the patsy’s shots, there could be quite a few more.

SO many questions unasked, and even if asked, unanswered beyi=ond reasonable doubt.


The CIA and FBI failed in their attempt to do to Trump what they successfully did to JFK.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Mike Adams

Suspicious case, but, I don’t see the connection you’re making.


Are you sure? I’m rather reluctant to believe anything the Feds say. Do you believe Oswald acted alone in Dallas in ’63, like the Feds say?

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

No way he got off 8 shots. If you listen to the recordings of the shots that Mike Adams does an analysis on there are at least TWO groups of shots. Maybe three. One sounds like a 308 the other sounds like a 5.56. Crooks was using a 16″ carbine with a freaking red dot! This was an inside job and you can read my comment above (or below) Not sure about that.

You must have some really good audio equipment to come up with all of this off the actual recording. I cannot believe you are in the CIA and posting this as misdirection, but I gotta hand it to you for the best conspiracy theory so far. Don’t get me wrong, i concur that it was an inside job, and botched horribly, but neither the SS or the FBI have what it takes to make this happen and not botch it up as they did.


the ONE clear advantage of the whole DEI folly is that incompetence is a significant by product of its functioning. This time it played in our favour.

Last edited 2 months ago by Tionico

Doesnt take much. Accurate amolifiers that are clean, wave form visual capability, watch the sound level pattern and connect it with the audio shots… the clear patttern of a gunshot WILL stand out as its own tings, as nothing else sounds like that. Te visual shape of the wave form will confirm it IS gunfire and ot a backfire from an old clunker, or a firecracker or door slamming.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

I guess you haven’t seen Mike Adams analysis This one has a lot of information about it. I can’t believe that any one here could believe they couldn’t plant shell casings. Seriously? Or are my detractors who live in la la land back..

Chris Martensen’s live video, minutes ago(~8 pm EasternDaylight Time 12/08/24, had an audio clip confirming to him, his audience, and even to me that only 8 shots were fired in those confusing 5 seconds! Why, do you think, I can hear 2 shots in between the THREE and the FIVE?

Three ‘groups’? CORRECT!

Group A: 3 rhythmical pops from 3:02 to 3:04.
Group B: 2 snaps from 3:05 to 3:06
Group C: 5 pops, clearly quicker, from 3:06 to 3:07
If Chris M. was counting up to 8, I hear 10 during those 5 seconds

Last edited 2 months ago by Echo
Roland T. Gunner

That haa been my position, even if you discount actual government involvement.


I’ve seen some analisis of he audio recordings that clearly show t least two separate origins for a total of eight or possibly nine shots, some of them suppressed. Also, bear in mind the trajectory from the punk’s “slowping” rooftop lair was downward, while the trajectory to the gen that was murdered and the two who were hurt was upward. I’ve also read repors of two guys in a window in a building near the roofop lair, that window being considerably lower than the Trump shot origins. It is an old trick to use suppressed fire from a different location… Read more »


Would you mind sharing these ‘reports’ that you have read? You know, give us a link, or where you found this info?
And if you are one of these Jack Reacher guys, why would you be sharing this with all of us not in the know?
If you ARE a Spook, and if what you are telling us is true, why are you signing your own death warrant?

Unenlightened minds want to know.

Last edited 2 months ago by Oldman

what about his fucked up parent buying him the rifle or maybe the father knew how fucked up his son was


he only got 3 shots off, the rest were the SS snipers


Thank God he didn’t know how to shoot. I’m former Special Forces and I would not have missed in eight shots @ 150yds (I thought it was only 6?)


Probably a firing pin match. But chambers leave a fingerprint too. Given the high profile they probably checked both.


Or Not! I believe this will end up just like Las Vegas………..You cannot trust this edition of the FBI, at all.


True. Vegas is more opaque than Dealey Plaza in ’63.


If you listen to the audio there were 8 shots, including a pause between first and second as the shooter was trying to reacquire the target that was starting to move big league. (Sorry, couldn’t resist that adverb.) By the 3rd shot Trump was already down behind the protective barrier so I don’t know what the shooter was going after besides body count. Trying to model the JFK assassination, he was going for head shots on Trump. As @Ope pointed out, no bullets have been reported as being recovered. The one deceased, Cory, should have either provided one or slowed… Read more »


The F-er Crooks does massive background intel gathering on many things, including studying Oswald (who used a bolt action and real scope), yet Crooks tries to pop a watermelon at 150 yards away using a basic AR15 and a 1x RDS? And now the Eff B Eye says they have a pakistan dude who was involved with the assassination attempt? I can smell this dead fish from 50 miles away! It’s a full-blown Govt cover-up, CIA style.


The hand of God trumps all!
Men with evil intent may have precipitated a situation with an easily influenced individual.


The same three letter agencies that shot Kennedy and covered it up, did this.
This is a good example, I emphasize good here, since Trump isn’t dead, as to why if you actually NEED to shoot, never aim for the head.


Well, we’re not CERTAIN JFK;s assainS were aiming for his head, but at least two manged to hit it, from two radically different directions, and at almost the same time.


But in JFK’s case he was in a moving car, with most of his body in the car. Trump was standing, what is he? 6’4″ tall, in the open, on a podium. That bullet proof window thing, only goes up, thigh high.


Guess I am not as into conspiracies as others. I think that the SS team provided to Trump was definitely second string, and they screwed up badly. That part I think was intentional on the administration’s part. Let’s reduce his security team, give him the also-rans, and see what happens.


Here’s an idea for you, why give a man a detail full of women? Did you notice the women didn’t even come up to Trump’s shoulders? How’s a 5’5″ woman going to stop a bullet being shot at a man who’s well over 6′? Men are fighters. Men should be sent to protect men.


Not only men. Men, women and children who need protection should all be protected by men with guns. Preferably large, fit, and well trained men. My kids and wife are forced to make due with me, large belly does not count for large and fit, I train sporadically and insufficiently and for only a small subset of necessary skills. Even so, I believe they are infinitely safer with the modest protection I can provide.


I agree. My comment was just about Trump specifically. I think women should be limited in the military to being nurses, doctors, and clerks, like they were pre-feminist era. We can’t have beat cops be women either, constant video’s of them panicing and being roughed up like a rag doll by just averaged sized men. I can see a place for women as detectives and things, tending to rape victims and child crime victims, things like that. But as beat cops, wearing blue, wearing the gun belt? No. Men have a natural instinct to be rough, aggressive and fighters. Women… Read more »

Get Out

IMOA, shooter was an inexperienced rifle shot and was looking to get his name in the history books, which he has accomplished in doing. Shooter left a note on a gaming site he frequented indicating he’d be famous soon and it’s the same notes and examples left by most school shooters prior to their shooting rampage.

There’s no evidence of multiple shooters or a conspiracy based on actual unedited video or audio at the time of the shooting. There was, however, severe lack of planning to secure rooftops or line of site precautions.


Do you believe Oswald acted alone too? Ever here of the CIA and MK Ultra, their brainwashing program? Did you ever hear of Operation Mockingbird, which the CIA put in place, to pay the media to tow the line? Don’t you find it odd, that all those school/mass shooters all act the same? Don’t you find it odd that Trump’s, would be “assassin” had appeared in a commercial for Blackrock, and both his parents are psychologists? Don’t you find it odd that Trump’s would be “assassin” was known to be on that roof for ATLEAST 26 minutes, prior to shots… Read more »

Get Out

No, I still don’t see where the conspiracy comes into play nor believe there is one. LE failed to secure rooftops or line of site near the stage.


Well you didn’t answer any of my questions. So, then we don’t have anything to talk about.


No surprise there, Nick. Answering questions is not his strong point. I am not sure any of his opinions are strong, I mean valid.

Last edited 2 months ago by Oldman

Oh so you know him then?
It’s easier to be mentally lazy. To not be curious or listen or read other points of view.
I think for many, particularly when it involves people on the right(presumably since he’s here he’s on the right), I think it’s often more a comforting thing. They don’t want to admit that the people who swear an oath to the Constitution, who wear badges or uniforms, the supposed patriots who love the red, white, and blue are sometimes, or depending on which agency or area of government more often than not… Traitors.


I’m cynical and curious. I think that’s benefited me over the years.


come on, we all know the Most High was at work and everything you mentioned probably a factor, his amateur experience and choice of ammo


How many gunshots during 8 seconds?

Every popular web investigator seems to insist on
3 + 5 + 1


Well, it all fits the scenario that the FBI and USSS are asking us to believe. I ain’t buying any of it, myself. Been watching Bogino lately and too much doesn’t add up. Why did the only shooter, so they say, get cremated after three days? Why did his father hire one of the most expensive lawyers in the state and where did he get the money? My opinion is: This was not only an inside job, but it was provocated to eliminate Trump. When some of the whistleblowers told Bongino that the explosive devices they ‘found’ in the twenty… Read more »


I made a 4.1 second version of the first shots at the stage,
Shots 4,5,6 apparently are never mentioned by Bongino or by
4 other popular youtube investigators.
John Cullen knows about them. Cullen’s mate JG BLOCKED me on for asking about the audio!
Sound editor Audacity, first tried yesterday, saved clips as .ogg files.
And also displayed the 4.1 seconds graphically, as in this screenshot
comment image
and I’m not sure why shots 4,5,6 ‘look’ louder on Right Channel, compared to Left.
Some phones may be able to record in stereo, and the bigger lines in the lower window pane(Right Channel) maybe indicate a direction East of the camera.
I don’t much about phones.


…forgot to say: Fox News had a 13 July video of a white GMC van, towed away from Laurance Ave at twilight. Dozens of police and FBI were in the street, and the bomb squad dealt with the van first. FOX reported, ‘the van, believed to be used by the shooter’…and the van had Arizona license plates.
Crooks’ car, according to NY Times, was a Hyundai Sonata sedan…with just a couple of explosive devices, and a drone. Has Bongino or any congressman mentioned the GMC van?


I, personally, have not heard any congressman or Bongino talk much about the van. On the day of the shooting, Fox news reported that there was a white van that the authorities had surrounded which was .7 mile away from the venue. Then they came out with the shooters car and the waters became quite muddied. I also heard that he had a motorcycle at the venue, too. All of this would suggest to me, anyway, that there was someone else involved. The FBI is handling the investigation and like always, they are suppressing the truth to fit their scenario,… Read more »


If you counted 11, you may almost be correct.
But I count 3 shots from 2 seconds to 3 seconds.
The 1st of those 3 is lower pitch, from longer range, and from a different shooter than the next 2…which precede the well publicized ‘5’ and the following ‘1’


This video from Dark Horse podcasts is too long to watch but, starting about 1:07:24, the incidents in Row 10 of the Southwest bleachers may suggest a shot or shots from Northeast to Southwest, in line with the North roof sniper pair, but not in line with any of the ‘lone gunmen’ on AGR Building 6. The guy in white at left looks hit, as does the purse or sweater flying from NE to SW out of the lady’s left arm, near the middle of that row. And if those are very late gunshots at 5:10, 5:14, and 5:20… Read more »


Shots at 2:37 and 2:42 should be added to my post, and the 4 shots between 2:57 and 2:59 seem further from the phone microphone, more rhythmical, like quarter notes in 4/4 time.
And is all this suppressed gunfire consistent with 300 Blackout subsonic ammo?

Last edited 2 months ago by Echo

n this video
gunshots can be heard at 1:37, 2:34, 2:39, 2:44, 2:54, and then
5 or 6 more before 3:01, when Trump goes down.
(That’s 10 shots during the 83 seconds before Trump’s ear shot).
The 2:34 shot coincides with sudden phone camera rotation, from east to north, toward trees slightly west of the water tower. Did I miss any shots in the 57 seconds between 1:37 and 2:34, or were the assassins having feed/mechanical problems, or did the missed 1st shot at the rooftop sniper teams cause them to doubt their plan?


…and yet, he was taken out from 400 yards with a head shot because that’s all there was. seems to me having the shooter taken out was all part of the plan, a self cleanup, things take care of themselves. looking at that aerial photograph, if any of the favored protected class speaking there that roof would have been lined with spec ops men in full gear with weapons out. if this was an actual covert ops and coverup by rogue or rank and file agents in the bureaucracy, how would the government act any differently than they are? we… Read more »

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

They lied. He wasn’t taken out from 400 yards. He was taken out from about 25. They shooter that was in that room killed him.

that is more likely


Why did Ruby shoot Oswald in a police garage filled with cops and camera men?… Cleanup.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

If the shooter shot from that position and was any bit of a good shot he would have hit Trump in the head. Trumps position would not have changed enough by turning his head exposing his ear instead of his head. I have a corrected graphic that shows the direction the bullet that hit his ear came from. Think about it. There were at LEAST two rifles involved. And why can’t you hear an “echo” from the first three shots? BECAUSE THE EXPLOSION of the round in the chamber was absorbed by the room that the shooter was in. You… Read more »

Now, you have just exposed yourself as talking bullshit. There are too many cell phone videos of that area before and after the shooting and the guy that died had a birdseye video on his cell that showed Crooks moving back and forth on the roof just moments before the shooting started. As far as why they would have people ‘in’ the same building as Crooks was on, ‘IS’ the question.

Last edited 2 months ago by Oldman

The FOX video showing ‘someone’ running west to east along the AGR Building 6 roof, I think , belonged to James Copenhaver, who was in Row 9 of 10 rows in the southwest bleacher, and able to walk away, gunshot. David Duch, also gunshot, was carried away, and Dutch was in Row 10 of the southwest bleacher.
Corey Comparatore, the firechief, was in the northwest bleacher, and I don’t know of any videos made by him.


You may be correct……The first time I heard about that video was on Fox News, and they never retracted it. Fog of lots of info coming in thru many different sources and none of it from the FBI or the SS.


Did you watch this video?

Sounds at 1:37, 2:34, 2:44, 2:54, 2:57, 2:58.
Even at about 5:14 and 5:20, as Trump is put into his car.


Yes, I did….I answered you on a post way up this page on a previous post by you. I did not connect your name because I was not looking for it up there. I watched the whole thing again as I didn’t watch anymore than what you asked and it posted way up there. Again, why are you asking me and what is the point you are trying to make?