Oregon: Build A Gun, Go To Jail! Bill Banning Privately Made Firearms


Resist the Gun Parts Ban Slippery Slope
Resist the Gun Parts Ban Slippery Slope

This week, United States District Judge Adrienne Nelson, denied Oregon Firearms Federation’s request for a restraining order to delay the implementation of HB 2005, the bill banning the ownership of privately made firearms.

A brief review of her decision will reveal a determined effort to avoid common sense and an understanding of plain English. But it will also reveal the dangers of our side playing their game and accepting limitations the founders never imagined.

The Second Amendment is not complicated, does not prevent Americans from owning firearms appropriate for combat, or bans any item that is misused by criminals. But once again, both sides of Oregon’s legislative aisle have worked together to punish the people they were elected to serve.

HB 2005 will turn thousands of law-abiding Oregonians into criminals and perpetuate the bigoted myth that innovative and talented people have criminal intent because they like to make things themselves. Oregon lawmakers’ incessant urge to subjugate the people is truly insatiable, and Oregon’s judge’s blatant and arrogant disregard for the Supreme Court’s clear dictates is chilling.

It will come as no surprise that Judge Nelson was a Kate Brown appointee elevated to the Federal Court by the soon-to-be-removed Joe Biden.

So, what does this mean for people who own personally manufactured firearms? It’s impossible to say.

While the politicians and their rubber stamp parrots in the media insist that this simply requires that you have a serial number added to a firearm or unfinished part you own, the reality is that it’s not that simple. It is completely unclear how anyone would go about doing this. The serial number cannot be affixed by the person who constructed the firearm.

Only “a federally licensed firearm manufacturer, importer or dealer, or a gunsmith with a federal firearms license, in accordance with federal law.”

While the law is so poorly written that no one really knows how to comply with it, the bigger problem is that people who do choose to obey one more outrageous and unconstitutional attack on their rights (like bumpstock bans and pistol brace bans) really have no  way to comply.

Although the bill allows an authorized person to take these newly illegal items into their possession to apply for a number, it’s still illegal for the owner to have it in the first place. And if a person were to make one now, it would be illegal for them to create it even if they intended to have a number applied to it.

The criminal penalties take effect Sept 1st, 2024. We do not have any information on who is willing to apply serial numbers to firearms they did not make. We do not have any opinions we can trust about what people can do to avoid legal jeopardy. We do know that all of this could have been avoided if the members of the Republican House Caucus under the failed “leadership” of Vikki Iverson had simply done their jobs and said “no.”

The next steps are being discussed. We will keep you posted.

About Oregon Firearms Federation:

The Oregon Firearms Federation has proven itself to be Oregon’s only no-compromise lobbying group; OFF takes the same tough stands and serves as a vehicle for educating gun owners, promoting their rights, and, when necessary, fighting the freedom haters in court. Visit: www.oregonfirearms.org

Oregon Firearms Federation

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i believe that they are talking about un-serialized firearms (80% lowers) if you will. if you purchase a stripped lower it has a serial number on it. you had to fill out a 4473 when you purchased it, correct? this will be struck down as soon as it is challenged, even in the 9th circus, it is so unconstitutional. that these law makers in oregon proposed, much less passed this law baffles the imagination. laws should be clearly written, so that a 5th grader could comprehend it. it is a shame that some law makers/politicians are not as smart as… Read more »

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Well if you have lowers with serial numbers and assemble a rifle using them who the heck would know that unless you told them? It’s the lack of serial numbers that has the psychopathic control freak parasites all in a tizzy. After all, that makes them more dangerous. Why not make murder a crime and quit with all the victimless horse crap they make into crimes? NO VICTIM, NO CRIME. NO CRIME…NOT GUILTY YOUR “HONOR”.

Wild Bill

What is the mechanical difference between an AR 10 and AR 15? I’m looking at that Ruger SFAR.


The mechanics are the same, however you need the proper receiver.
Bolt size and recoil are the major reasons for that.


Both weapons are light hitting “poodle shooters” that allow their targets to remain in the fight.


Take a reasonably placed shot from either a .223 or maybe a .308 or a 6.5 Creedmoor and see how much fight you have left. Your statement just proves you have never been in combat.


Not only never in combat, but just never shot a gun.


The 5.56 has been used to kill since Vietnam… Some people debate it’s merits. But, it’s been used in EVERY war since.
And the 308? You’re the only one outside of Elmer Keith who’d consider a 308, “light hitting”.
Clearly you’re an armchair shooter.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

This story convinced me to use a .308 as my main carbine. How Many More Carl Dregas?

I fail to see anything significant from the article. Being the ’90s, most likely his AR15 didn’t have any type of scope or red dot. Most people can’t make a killing shot at 150 yards without a scope. It did not say what load he was using. There’s much 5.56/223 loads, and imitations of loads which don’t come close to the real thing… Wolf, PMC, etc. It doesn’t say where the cops were hit, bear in mind, they were most likely NOT at a none distance, waving up and down, screaming “Shoot me!” People generally tend to duck when under… Read more »

Firepower is more important than penetration for a the lone, armed citizen.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

.308 is hardly a “poodle shooter” caliber.

Neither is 7.62 X39, I’m willing to bet there have been more deaths attributed to a .30 caliber AK or AR derivative than anything else since WW2.


Be VERY VERY careful about the Ruger SFAR. It’s NOT an AR15 and it’s NOT an AR10, and has been probably the worst rifle put out by a major manufacturer since Remington’s Jam-O-Matic series. There are many forums, many videos, where people document their problems. It seems sometimes theres a pattern to their problems, and sometimes, just gremlins, from muzzle to butt. I’ve never owned one. But wanted one, and when I looked at the forums and videos, I was shocked that a major gun company, depending on who you ask Ruger is the BIGGEST American gun company could put… Read more »

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Once you work through a couple of the bugs that are a real problem it’s a great lightweight .308 carbine. I’m sure Ruger will get it figured out. The use of an AR 15 buffer is a stupid mistake. The heavier H series buffers slow the timing down to where it needs to be. It wasn’t a major PITA to get running properly but yes, you would expect it to do so out of the box.

Ok so you got yours working. There were many who weren’t able to.
For a tactical rifle, such as an AR15, or if I ever decide to try another AR10, it will be for the protection, not mere plinking. I practice with my AR15’s regularly. They are tools, I pray I’ll never need. Failure is unacceptable as they are potential life saving tools, not range toys. Failure from range toys is acceptable. Failure from an AR15, or some other black rifle is NOT acceptable.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Purchased an SFAR. Unless they have gotten the bugs out it had a few issues. I totally did away with the adjustable gas block as it was a PITA to get to work properly. I also had to do away with the 3 oz AR 15 buffer because the timing was off enough to cause malfunctions. I’d have to look but I think I ended up with the 4.5 oz one and it works fine. It was moving too fast and would have FTF issues.

And what did it cost you?


It’s not a “poorly” written law, when one considers the goals of those who wrote it. The goal is banning guns. Since one out right ban, is not possible at the moment, they do things like this, making laws, deliberately so convoluted, no one can comply.
Again, it’s not “poorly” written from their angle. Plus, just another case of Republicans proving why automatically voting (R) on your ballot, isn’t always such a good idea.


It’s all about citizen dis-armament, CHAOS, and entrenching citizen compliance with government tyranny.


I said they want to ban guns…


if you, the fools, let even one of your constitutional rights be taken from you then you will get all your constitutional right taken from you. you kids and grandkids will never know what freedom is. is that what you want for them? if so you are not much of a parent, grandparent.

Wild Bill

It is more subtle than out right taking. The power player elites in government have changed the definition and character of what a Right is. The founders understood that a Right is a shield that the government can not get over, around, under, or through. That understanding of what a Right is, makes each individual the equal of government with the ability to stop government in its tracks! Over the years, certain S. Ct. judges and egotistical politicians that could not stand the thought of the common people being the equal of government introduced the concept that individual Rights must… Read more »


You’re correct. And yes, originialist judges would be a big help. But to get originalist judges, we must win the culture/education wars.

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

They’ve done such a good job of boiling the frogs that I bet you don’t even realize it. How can I tell? By some of your comments on here. How are WE going to stop it Bill? We need to have a couple of major changes BACK to the way it was. How are we going to do that?

Fair points.


It’s not as simple as them being “fools”. It’s easy to call people names, but we have to put our current culture in a historical context. For the last century plus, our society has sent kids to government indoctrination centers… Some call them public K-12 schools. Then, first the father, was sent to work away from home. Then mom was left to tend to the kids, when they weren’t at those indoctrination camps, leaving the kids unruly, because they never got the firm hand of their old man when they got out of line, nor had a positive male role… Read more »

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor


Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

LOL! So do you have all of YOUR rights? I BET NOT!!!

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

People need to learn and understand the power of the Jury. This is such a blatant violation of SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED that it will gag a maggot. The results of the 10th plank communist manifesto school system is that the gradjits don’t know how to critically think and that’s why we need some major viral instruction given as to how to stand up for our rights in as many ways as possible. Fully Informed Jury Association


Maybe liberals will have had enough one day. And disarm this country themselves. Vigilante style!

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor



I don’t know any of the specifics of the Oregon law, but “privately made/manufactured firearm” generally means the gun is based on an unserialized frame or lower receiver that you completed or fabricated yourself. They have(for now) outlawed 80%, 3D printed or milled from blocks of raw metal frames/lowers. I assume the builds you mentioned were based on stripped lowers that you bought through an FFL. Unless the new law has language stating otherwise, the only part of a gun legally considered a firearm is the frame or receiver.


In my in box today

Cultural Marxism is destroying American society. It has led to the rise of racial tensions, radical feminism, transgender ideology, open borders, fiscal irresponsibility, the unequal protection of the laws, and the loss of our basic rights. 

We had big plans for the course launch, but our Facebook account was unexpectedly shut down last night. We aren’t sure why our page was taken down, so while we work to have it restored, would you help me spread the word?


Warm Regards,

Jeremiah Regan, Ph.D.
Executive Director of Online Learning
Hillsdale College

Courageous Lion - Hear Me Roar - Jus Meum Tuebor

Start a Substack page. Screw Facistbook. Jus Meum Tuebor!