Hitting Harris with Her Own Words, SAF Short Video Smacks Veep

Kamala Harris, in her own words, reveals she is an anti-gunner to the core.

It’s a video message lasting a scant 15 seconds at four different online locations, but it shows images of Vice President Kamala Harris backed by audio recordings of her most extreme remarks on gun control, and people are reacting.

The video was put together for the Second Amendment Foundation just three weeks before the national presidential election, and its contents literally reveal Harris as either a gun-owning hypocrite or an outright liar when she claims nobody is coming after your guns.

This message, which SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb says will be expanded to run in a 30-second spot on television, may currently be viewed at four locations: “X” (formerly Twitter), Instagram, YouTube and Facebook.

In the video, Harris can be heard stating, “Just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn’t mean that we’re not going to walk into that home and check to see if you’re being responsible and safe in the way you conduct your affairs.”

This occurred during a press event in San Francisco when she was the District Attorney, and the city had unveiled a new gun control measure.

Immediately, Harris’ recorded voice can also be heard saying

“Yeah, I am a radical. We need to get radical about what we are doing.”

“I support a mandatory buyback program.”

SAF, which does not endorse political candidates, said the video was posted simply to “reveal the extent of her extremist anti-gun philosophy.”

“We’re not telling anyone who to vote for,” said Gottlieb. “But we are warning the American public to not allow Harris or anyone like her to take their firearms. What she calls a ‘mandatory buyback’ is actually compensated confiscation, no matter how it is portrayed.”

The short video appeared about the same time that Fox News was interviewing Harris, who seemed intent on using the filibuster in order to frustrate news anchor Brett Baier and eat up as much time as possible. She spent relatively little time trying to answer Baier’s questions, but plenty of time attacking former President Donald Trump.

Pressed by Baier, she acknowledged that her campaign has a slogan: “A new way forward” and “It’s time to turn the page.”

She replied, “First of all, turning the page from the last decade in which we have been burdened with the kind of rhetoric coming from Donald Trump that has been designed and implemented to divide our country and have Americans literally point fingers at each other. Rhetoric and an approach to leadership that suggests that the strength of a leader is based on who you beat down instead of what we all know the strength of leadership is based on who you lift up.”

But Harris is not likely to escape her reputation as a gun grabber, especially now when her own words are raising awareness, if not hackles, among gun owners. Between now and the Nov. 5 election, Second Amendment activists will be urging typically lethargic gun owners to make sure this year sees a “red wave” as the memory of the 2020 election reminds people that voter apathy prevented a conservative juggernaut, allowing Joe Biden to become the 46th president.

“The Second Amendment is sacrosanct,” Gottlieb stated. “The Founders knew exactly what they were doing when they said the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Harris, and far too many people with the same agenda obviously don’t care. From her own words, we can see Harris is willing to unleash demagoguery to accomplish her goals. She may try to sugar-coat her intentions, but we’re not going to let her.”

SAF sued Harris when she was California attorney general, on a Second Amendment-related issue.

When Harris revealed two weeks ago she is a gun owner and that she has a Glock pistol, it seemed an incredulous admission. The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms pounced, demanding to know more about the pistol

The organization wanted to know when and where she purchased the handgun, whether it had an illegal full-capacity magazine, when was the last time she fired it and where she stores the pistol.

Harris has insisted she does not wish to take anyone’s guns, but her quotes in the SAF advertisement belie that claim.

About Dave Workman

Dave Workman

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gout … There is an article about commieLa back tracking and contradicting her self and you don’t have to go very far it’s right here just click on this OR
open it your self it’s called Hitting Harris With Her Own Words, SAF Short Video Smacks Veep by Dave Workman
Dave Good Work Very Timely .

Last edited 6 hours ago by Oldvet