
Congratulations. Thanks to you and millions like you, it is a new day in America.
Donald Trump’s sweeping victory represents nothing less than a repudiation of the leftist agenda by a majority of Americans, suggesting that “Mainstream America” is not yet dead.
Thanks to your efforts, we have set back neo-Marxism by at least four years and hopefully twelve. As you probably know, not only did “The Indomitable Donald Trump” resoundingly win both North Carolina and 312 electoral votes, but Republicans took control of the US Senate.
Likewise, you have probably heard that although control of the US House also hangs in the balance, it is widely expected that Republicans will prevail, giving Trump the mandate you voted for.
Is Now The Time To Rest?
I’ve seen some conservatives call this a “time for healing” and that we should now “come together” to “mend.” Well-intentioned though such conservatives may be, however, they fail to consider that the left never sleeps.
When conservatives win an election, we go back to tending families, mowing lawns, and watching football. After all, we’ve elected Donald Trump to enact our values as policy, have we not?
Alas, not so the left. Win, lose or draw, they continue plotting and scheming to increase control. Science fiction author Robert Heinlein said it best:
“Political tags — such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth — are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire.”
The goal of conservatives is not to control others, but instead not to be controlled: to fly American flags in our yards; to have our daughters play volleyball without getting crushed by 6-foot bearded “girls”; and to live free of rape and murder by migrant sociopaths purged from South American prisons.
By contrast, the left seeks open borders to eradicate the nation-state in the name of (authoritarian) globalism; systemic repression of those deemed “imperialist,” “racist,” or “misogynist”; incentivized crime in order to disarm the lawful; and censored speech in the name of “democracy.”
And what underpins all of that? Control.
Lampooning The Lovably Loony Left
I laugh at late night’s ostensible “comedians” like Jimmy Kimmel, who shed tears as they melt down on stage, or a despondent Stephen Colbert shaming voters who “don’t care that much about democracy.” Fox News even compiled the “…top 10 media meltdowns following Trump’s election win…”
Distraught leftists are being coddled everywhere. College classes at MSU and elsewhere are canceled to “grieve,” while Georgetown University offers not only “self-care suites” but even milk and cookies, Legos, and coloring books to console its adult children.
The University of Oregon offers not only therapy dogs and baby therapy goats but even “Quacktavious the Therapy Duck.”
Last Laugh For That Loony Left?
But don’t laugh too hard, because the joke might be on you. When the tantrums finally end, all of these coddled, indoctrinated adult children will take up “The Resistance.”
If you thought the leftist backlash during Trump’s first term was bad, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Presuming Trump follows through with his oft-promised mass deportation (he does follow through on promises), you can expect the media, which have learned nothing from being rejected, to shriek about “concentration camps” and dead children.
Expect more “Nazi” comparisons. Expect an Inauguration Day dogged by riots. Expect Articles of Impeachment on day one of Congress. Expect whining pundits to lament the “death of democracy endlessly.”
Consider this op-ed from Gene Nichols in the Raleigh News & Observer:
“…like millions of others, I’ll work to challenge the cold acceptance of government-imposed death sentences for women who can’t obtain lifesaving health care because of someone else’s religious conviction; the mass deportation of millions of courageous and selfless parents from distraught nations risking their lives to better the plight of their children; the blatantly unconstitutional use of the U.S. military and department of justice to crush the once and future president’s ‘enemies from within;’ the malicious targeting of marginalized transgender folks, especially teens, to prove that their outcast status is permanent and debilitating; and so much more.”
As a measure of what the left deems acceptable in their “resistance,” consider deep state bureaucrats who actually denied FEMA assistance to disaster victims who had the audacity to display Trump campaign signs.
One can’t declare a truce with a faction still at war, and I assure you the left is still very much at war with your country, your culture, and your freedom. You’ve won only one skirmish in a multi-generational struggle.
The fight is far from over.
About Paul Valone
Author F. Paul Valone has been kicking leftist tail for twenty-eight years. Alarmed by the U.S. House passage of the “assault weapon” ban in 1994, he decided to take action. Finding no suitable organization, he organized a rally leading to the creation of a 501(c)(4) organization, Grass Roots North Carolina (GRNC), which remains North Carolina’s primary and most successful gun rights group to this day.

A very well thought out dissertation.
I can assure the author it has been well received.
Understanding the depth of the threat against liberty,
must be stated, and then repeated. Too many only
function in the moment, not realizing the near immortal
designs against them, and their progeny.
This Gene Nichols sounds like he- she is having some type of mental health issues and should be placed immediately into a mental health institution for study and observation!
President Trump doesn’t need to spend billions of dollars to deport people. As former radio talk show host, Phil Valentine, used to say, all that needs to be done is to DEMAGNETIZE their reason for coming here. Turn off ALL incentives for illegals being here. Eliminate ANY ability for jobs, NO free healthcare, NO social security, NO SCHOOLS, NO medicare, NO home purchases, NO voting, NO free housing, NO welcome package at the border (no cell phone, no debit cards, no cash, NOTHING), NO Citizenship Birthright, etc. Turn ALL of this OFF, and they will self-deport. After 90% have self-deported,… Read more »
Dear Paul. I don’t know when you wrote your article but it was released today and we took the house yesterday on 11/11/24 and I don’t think articles of impeachment if brought to the floor will go far because of that. Yes, you are right and that democraps are ruthless and persistent and will never stop fighting the Christian Right or Conservative Constitutionalists for those that don’t believe in God. Just because we won it is not time to put our shoulders down and relax, in fact it is time for us to get our last requisitions acquired and to… Read more »
So funny to see all the fugly women who voted against Trump over abortion rights, going on a sex strike. Most of them a man wouldn’t poke with a stick. But no sex, no abortions, no problem. What poor kid wants a mother like that?
Spot on, Paul. There’s no room for reconciliation, anyone suggesting that is indeed “the enemy within!”