Why John Cornyn is the Wrong Choice to Lead the Senate


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Senator John Cornyn’s bid for Senate Majority Leader has sparked debate among Republicans, and for good reason.

When it comes to leadership, we need someone who genuinely respects the values that brought the GOP to power, particularly the principles championed by President Trump. Cornyn’s track record, however, shows a troubling pattern of siding with establishment agendas over the rights of gun owners and the will of the Republican base. If we’re serious about defending our rights and preserving the America First agenda, Cornyn is not the leader we need.

A Pattern of Betrayal of Gun Rights

Cornyn’s record on gun rights speaks volumes about his willingness to compromise on one of our core freedoms. In 2018, he sponsored the so-called “FIX-NICS” Act, which added tens of thousands of veterans to the national background check system without due process. Forcing veterans who fought for our freedom into a system that restricts their Second Amendment rights isn’t just wrong—it’s un-American. Cornyn further deepened his betrayal by pushing the “Bipartisan Safer Communities Act,” a bill that funneled millions of dollars into “red flag” gun confiscation programs. These programs allow the government to take guns away from people who haven’t committed a crime based on subjective “warnings.” That’s a serious threat to due process, and Cornyn helped make it a reality.

This “bipartisanship” might look good in headlines, but to gun owners, it’s a betrayal. His actions have helped fuel an ever-growing assault on our right to bear arms, putting more people at risk of having their firearms confiscated based on flimsy accusations. When the chips are down, Cornyn has shown he’s more interested in placating anti-gun voices than defending the rights of law-abiding Americans.

Weak Support for Trump’s Vision

Cornyn’s stance on President Trump is another cause for concern. While he’s made recent moves to align himself with Trump, let’s not forget his past skepticism. Just last year, he was questioning Trump’s ability to win a general election, suggesting Republicans needed an “alternative.” Trump has demonstrated his ability to connect with the American people and lead with strength, securing major conservative wins in the courts, tax reform, and energy independence. Cornyn’s hesitation signals a lack of loyalty to the movement and to the voters who made it possible.

It’s clear that many in the MAGA movement want Senator Rick Scott, a true ally of Trump, to lead. Scott has stood firmly by the President, understanding that Trump’s vision resonates with millions who feel sidelined by Washington elites. Cornyn’s flip-flopping does not inspire confidence in his dedication to this cause.

A Weak Record on Fighting the ATF Overreach

While Cornyn has recently joined calls to block ATF overreach, this attempt appears to be too little, too late. He supported legislation in the past that granted more leeway to the very agencies now encroaching on our freedoms. After empowering these agencies, he’s now trying to act as though he’s on our side by introducing “resolutions” that have little chance of passing. This is classic political maneuvering: creating the appearance of action without real results.

Conclusion: We Need a Leader Who Won’t Sell Us Out

The Republican Party is at a crossroads. We need leaders who genuinely support the America First agenda and who won’t sell out our rights under pressure. John Cornyn has proven, time and again, that he’s willing to compromise on our core principles to appeal to the “moderate” establishment. Instead of standing by the Second Amendment, he has pushed for laws that undermine it. Instead of supporting Trump’s proven vision, he’s questioned it.

If we’re serious about defending gun rights, restoring American values, and standing by the will of the people, we need a leader who will go all in—not just someone who changes his stance when it’s politically convenient.

About Tred Law

Tred Law is your everyday patriot with a deep love for this country and a no-compromise approach to the Second Amendment. He does not write articles for Ammoland every week, but when he does write, it is usually about liberals Fing with his right to keep and bear arms.

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Cornhole is the biggest disappointment to Texans since George ‘W’ Bush. Our state could do so much better without either of the A$$holes living here…


We have 100 Senators and they want to give us only 3 choices while all three are anti-2A, neocon warmongers and oathbreakers. We could have had Rand Paul but the uniparty prevails yet again.


Cornyn’s rightful place is to go home and hide in his basement.
And Rick Scott screwed over the gun owners in Florida when he was their gov.


Cornyn is no doubt the worst of the bunch. Senator Rick “I can’t wait to sign the Red Flag Law” Scott is no prize either. None of these RINOs care about the Bill of Rights or their constituents, only about themselves. The senator who wants it the least would probably be the best choice.


The swamp runs deep. If the election is to be silent like McConnell wants, then who is going to count the votes? If it McConnell, we know it will be the pick that would be the worst for President Trump because McConnell is a RINO and wants to keep the swamp which is his power alive. He is really a traitor that supports the tyrannist cause and is a threat to our republic. Remember, we could have had a vote on reciprocity after the PSYOP in Las Vegas but HE decided that it would not pass the legislature so HE… Read more »


Agree with every word. Cornyn gives Texas a black eye. He should be retired when his term expires.

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