“What is purportedly ‘allowed’” vs “What is ‘reasonably necessary’”
My friend and colleague, Andrew Branca [Law of Self Defense on YT], in his instruction on the subject of lethal force used in legitimate self-defense, makes liberal use of the term “reasonableness”.
We should all listen to him carefully!
Many students, and practicing instructors, in our Art spend a great deal of time quoting state and federal statutes, as well as Supreme Court rulings, and then add their own personal interpretation.
I routinely hear from the lips of the naive, “The law says I can do this…,” as if the personal decision to apply lethal force to another human being hinges upon a mathematical calculation.
When asked how recent case law might impact their self-assured point of view, they usually wax a little less surefooted!
In our civilization, any application of lethal force upon another human being is a fantastically high-stakes affair!
Either you get seriously injured/murdered at the hands of the VCA, or you get harmed/bankrupted at the hands of what we all laughingly call our “criminal/justice system,” not to mention our civil court system.
Either way, you are going to get hurt, and there is no way it will be a pleasant, nor an inexpensive, experience!
It is thus in our best interest (particularly for those of us who go armed) to adopt a personal philosophy where any use of force, particularly lethal force, be reserved only for those times when it is absolutely necessary in order to prevent harm to our persons, or to our loved ones.
In addition, we need to adopt of personal lifestyle that makes these kinds of circumstances/contacts unlikely.
When your gun becomes displayed, you are in “felony territory,” whether it actually discharges or not. Our System regards the public display of weapons a very serious matter!
So, be skeptical when you hear glib phrases on this subject, particularly where human life is trivialized.
The naive may be amused. Our Court System is not!
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About John Farnam & Defense Training International, Inc
As a defensive weapons and tactics instructor, John Farnam will urge you, based on your beliefs, to make up your mind about what you would do when faced with an imminent lethal threat. You should, of course, also decide what preparations you should make in advance if any. Defense Training International wants to ensure that its students fully understand the physical, legal, psychological, and societal consequences of their actions or in-actions.
It is our duty to make you aware of certain unpleasant physical realities intrinsic to Planet Earth. Mr. Farnam is happy to be your counselor and advisor. Visit: www.defense-training.com

Question should never be “can I shoot?” Questions you need to ask yourself are first if you have threat indicators “how do I avoid having to shoot” and “do I have to shoot?”
I’m beginning to actually LIKE seeing the down votes on my comments here, it means that I am getting to the Libtards who troll here!! I just wish that I could see their faces, all red and seething with anger, teeth clenched and steam coming out of the ears and bloodshot eyes popping out of the head!
Here’s the bottom line, kids. The legal system is totally corrupted, it is a planetary crime syndicate, and despite what anyone thinks about that statement, no one can prove it to be wrong in any way! For many years now I have been begging for someone to prove me to be wrong, but nobody has even tried to do so yet! Certainly no one who makes a profit off of a crime, or even just an alleged crime, can be counted upon to let that that fact be exposed. Once that Genie is out of the bottle, there’s no putting… Read more »
It depends upon where in the country you’re forced to use your personal protection, but I’ve always said that if you pull your weapon, you better be ready to use it, and if someone isn’t already harming you, it’s a crapshoot. Even if someone IS already harming you, it will cost dearly in legal fees in our upside down world. My father carried a derringer in his pocket his entire adult life and had to pull it a few times and use it a few times, but that was then.
John Farnam: Even with a SCOTUS that leans heavily toward the 2A and a significant, a President Elect who is very supportive of the 2A, the fact that the 2A (according to recent SCOTUS decisions) is a durable RIGHT, using it must be done with BOTH wisdom and over arching NEED! I Could NOT agree more!!! on every point you’ve made. I especially agree with your statement that “…we need to adopt of personal lifestyle that makes these kinds of circumstances/contacts unlikely…” So where, in your spectrum of force, post force legalities and risk do you place insurance? IMHO, anyone… Read more »