By Larry Elder
The same day Daniel Penny, the retired Marine and architecture student, pleaded not guilty to manslaughter and negligent homicide, a New York grand jury declined to recommend charges against Jordan Williams.
Williams and his girlfriend, who are both black, were on a Brooklyn subway train when Williams, 20 years old, was approached by an aggressive 36-year-old ex-con homeless black man, Devictor Ouedraogo. In a confrontation captured on video, Ouedraogo punched Williams’ girlfriend in the face, and Williams then pulled a knife and fatality stabbed Ouedraogo in the chest.
Williams was later arrested and charged with manslaughter and criminal possession of a weapon.
Williams’ lawyer said, “The victim was menacing people, as all of us have probably seen on the subway, erratic, deranged, crazy and in many people’s faces before he even encounters my client.”
New York Mayor Eric Adams said: “A person with severe mental health illness, what appears to be severe mental health illness, got engaged in a very violent way. The investigation is going to take its course.”
A grand jury, citing self-defense, declined to indict Williams, who worked at FedEx and had no criminal record. The Brooklyn district attorney dropped the charges. Unlike in the case of Penny, no “activists” publicly accused Williams of engaging in “racially motivated vigilantism.”
As to the case of Penny, who is white, Jordan Neely, a black schizophrenic on drugs and a career violent criminal with over 40 arrests, boarded a New York subway train and threatened passengers. Penny took Neely to the floor with the assistance of two other passengers, one named Eric Gonzalez, and applied a chokehold for several minutes until the police arrived. Penny, unaware that Neely had died, spoke to detectives without requesting a lawyer, and was released without charges.
In come the “activists.” CBS News wrote: “Protesters have said they will continue to demonstrate until Penny is arrested. … Authorities say a crowd of about 100 people stormed the (subway) station, with some jumping onto the subway tracks in protest. At least 12 people were arrested during the demonstration, where multiple officers were injured …”
The New York public advocate, an elected position, demanded charges against Penny: “To say anything else is an equivocation that will only further a narrative that devalues the life of a Black homeless man with mental health challenges and encourages an attitude of dehumanization of New Yorkers in greatest need.”
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg got the message and charged Penny.
The jury deadlocked the first charge of manslaughter, and the judge dismissed it. The head of the New York chapter of Black Lives Matter said;
“Today, white supremacy got another victory. Today, the KKK (Ku Klux Klan), the Klansmen, the evil in America got another victory.”
After Penny’s acquittal on the second charge, the BLM head said: “We need some Black vigilantes. People want to jump up and choke us and kill us for being loud? How about we do the same when they attempt to oppress us?”
Meanwhile, nearly half of the nation’s homicide victims are black, almost all killed by other blacks. Of New York’s nondomestic homicides, in a city that is around 25% black, the NYPD statistics show black victims and black perpetrators account for 71% of the total. In Chicago, over the Fourth of July weekend, more than 100 people were shot, 19 fatally, almost all in the mostly black areas of Chicago’s South and West Sides. Where’s Black Lives Matter, if black lives matter?
If Penny were black, there would have been no charges. If Neely were white, there would have been no charges. If both were black, or both were white, there would have been no charges.
So, to summarize, Daniel Penny, a white man, subdued Jordan Neely, a black man, with the help of two other good Samaritans, one named Eric Gonzalez. Neely posed a threat to passengers on the subway, many, if not most, of whom were black. The D.A. who charged Penny is black. The mayor of New York, who praised Penny’s heroism, is black. The jury that found Penny not guilty included four “people of color.”
Yet Penny’s acquittal, according to the head of the N.Y. chapter of Black Lives Matter, means “white supremacy got another victory”?!
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Larry Elder is a bestselling author and nationally syndicated radio talk-show host. To find out more about Larry Elder, or become an “Elderado,” visit www.LarryElder.com. Follow Larry on X @larryelder.
Gee this looks like racism against white people to me. Squeaky wheel.
Plenty of it to go around. Watch tv commercials.
And why is it in commercial, it is a black man married to a white woman? Isn’t that racist? Why doesn’t he have a black wife?
And their mixed kids are well behaved and aren’t in gangs.
And the white neighbors are always goofy and stupid.
Glad I don’t watch regular tv. One of my favorite shows called Ghost is turning woke. Bad enough they have two gays but the wokeness is getting to be a bit much and it is probably another show that I will have to quit like I did the Voice, American Idol and many more. I am surprised that the kids aren’t in gangs. I have never known anyone that is half anything and part black that does not claim they are are of the color they are. The white part or Japanese part ect. always gets lost in the darkness.… Read more »
Same thing happened on a TV show” Brillant Mind” Hollywood had to make the doctor gay.More hollywood whores.
I had a trophy wife once, she took third place!
It is plain and simple!!!
Sorry, but I want this message to be clear!!!!! I felt that way years ago after being robbed everyday by a group of black kids for my lunch money, being challenged to a fight and taking up that challenge only to be beaten with a baseball bat that one of the other kids threw to him, that’s how the fight started. I was fool enough to think that it would be a fair fight, law enforcement didn’t do shit to him or the school and I never even had a chance to touch him. Being called a racist at work… Read more »
As an American who happens to be black I find this hateful behavior toward Penny to be disgusting because as I see it the man is a hero!!! This heroic act should have never been before a court!!! Unbelievable but that’s the kooky loony whacked out race baiting and pandering NYC!!!
alvin bragg again
Much appreciate naming him in lower case.
It has the effect of diminishing his stature.
Why does this article perpetuate the false reporting by stating the Penny put the criminal in a choke hold? That is false – Penny put the criminal in a chest hold, not a choke hold. Please report the real facts and don’t perpetuate falsehoods. Thank you.
Thank you. Had it been a true choke hold, the perp would have been unconscious unresponsive in less than 2 min. Once again blm (black l–s matter) and the absent money grubbing POS father crawl out from under their respective rocks.
FYI, video shows Penny had him in a chokehold while on the train.
Defense pathologist says Jordan Neely didn’t die of chokehold on NYC subway
WRONG – the video shows a chest hold. His police interview showed him demonstrating a chest hold. A choke hold would have rendered the perp unconscious within 120-240 seconds.
George Floyd didn’t die from the knee on the neck
A lie repeated often enough
becomes the only known “truth”.
NYC authorities have a long history of siding with the criminal element. Today it’s Daniel Penny and hordes of illegal aliens being provided benefits unavailable to Americans. A couple of years ago it was Jose Alba, an elderly bodega clerk who stabbed to death a younger, stronger, bigger assailant.(Public uproar caused the charges to be dropped.) Way back in 1984, Bernie Goetz was prosecuted for shooting & wounding 4 assailants – and not only did the DA not charge the 4 perps with assault or anything else, but I read that he actually gave them immunity from prosecution if they… Read more »
And didn’t the four gang members sue Bernard Getz for $50 million?
And they had weapons, sharpened screwdrivers ( like ice picks).
News media tried to make the gang members out to be choir boys collecting donations for their church, yeah the church of Crack cocaine .
Is Bernard Getz still around?
Based on the outcome of Daniel Penny’s court case, it seems that most people in this country are not buying the b.s. from scumbags like Rev. Al Sharpton and BLM and all others playing the race card. It is downright amazing to me that he was acquitted in NY, since they embrace making the criminal the victim. Have to commend Penny for taking action; we don’t want a country where bystanders do nothing, while other people are harmed or in grave danger of being harmed. I think this was a Bernhard Goetz moment; crime in NYC and NY in general… Read more »
Huck, you must be an old guy to remember Bernhard Goetz. FWIW, he was convicted of assault and weapons charges. He spent time in the New York slammer after defending himself with a pistol against a gang of young thugs. Bernhard had previously been robbed by similar gangs on the subway and just got sick of the assaults and shake downs that the police could never prevent, nor ever followed up on.
The positive outcome was a drop in crime after he shot the thugs.
Driven by his anger, Goetz applied for a concealed carry permit. He argued that since he routinely carried valuable equipment and large sums of cash for his job, he was a target for robbery. His application was ultimately denied for insufficient need, but that didn’t stop him. A few months later, Bernhard Goetz purchased a 5-shot .38-caliber Smith & Wesson Bodyguard revolver while on a trip to Florida.
It was this unregistered gun that was used in the 1984 subway shooting.
Wow 1984. That brings back memories. And yes I was forty in 1984. I’m a “boomer” that the younger generation wants to blame all their ills on. I say go back generations to the civil war when “father” Abraham crapped all over the Constitution. Was The Civil War a War To Save The Union or to Destroy It’s Very Foundations?
Daniel is a GUARDIAN of our society. We need more like him. I was in a place the other day and asked, how many of you guys, in a state where it is “legal” to carry concealed or in the open are guardians? There were at least 30 men in the room and not ONE of them besides myself was carrying. It makes no sense to me. You would think that more would train and be willing to run TOWARDS the gunfire from some maniac than run away from it. We’ve become a country of COWARDS in many respects. Courage… Read more »
Sad but true, most would rather grab a camera to film the crime than carry a weapon to stop that same crime
BLM says that this death was a result of “white supremacy.” To them being hardworking, honest, and concerned with wellbeing of society is “white culture.” Thus any who ascribe to these values is a “white supremacist.” Doesn’t matter the color of their skin.
As usual those claiming racism are the real racists. Even in their assault of “white culture” they ignore huge numbers (I’d say vast majority) of people of every race who live the life.
And Jordan newly father, according to article, who hadn’t seen him in years, is now calling fir blm to help him against Penny. Is this threats?
Also article said he was sueing Penny for
$10 million dollars.
And why is NYC more. interested in helping mentally unstable, psychotic, drug addicts, than helping victims and their families?
Do the officials think that these people will suddenly get a job working on Wall Street?
this will stop when the respective govt. refuse to entertain these suits!
will name calling to back to being indicative of childrens’ actions under TRUMP?
Black Lies Matter
Just in case anyone needs a reminder of how re****ed woke leftists are, Larry Elder was repeatedly called “the black face of white supremacy” when he threw his hat in the ring during the failed attempt to recall CA Governor Gavin Nuisance(AKA American Psycho).
This is only possible in a world where logic, reason and discipline are not present and where political ideology is driven by envy and rage. Larry Elder grew up in East LA. I know his American History teacher from high school. Many young people make it out of those neighborhoods and excel in life in spite of the loud call of hood culture.
Speaking of psychos…Problem: Psychopathic Control Freak PARASITES Rule Us
This is not a black and white issue. It is a left and right issue, better said a right and wrong issue. First of all, Penny was disarmed. He used his hands. Was Williams deadly weapon, a knife, possessed and possessed concealed in accordance with NY Sullivan laws? Probably not. But that is not the real point. Penny’s only crime was choosing to live in a Progressive Utopia. When you live in a land governed not by law and reason but by magical thinking and emotion you are willfully exposing yourself to the arbitrary and irrational actions of politicians and… Read more »
“ Of New York’s nondomestic homicides, in a city that is around 25% black, the NYPD statistics show black victims and black perpetrators account for 71% of the total. In Chicago, over the Fourth of July weekend, more than 100 people were shot, 19 fatally, almost all in the mostly black areas of Chicago’s South and West Sides. Where’s Black Lives Matter, if black lives matter?” Stop posting the facts Larry. That must makes you an Oreo. Where is BLM? De be helping da brudas buy million dollar homs, whatcha kiddin? This country is going to stay divided FOREVER when this… Read more »
Yes, I have said it many times already, I will GLADLY trade in ALL of my “White Privilege Cards” for just one Black Privilege Card! What a deal that would be!! It would be like trading in 5 Yugos to get a Rolls Royce!!
Liberals like to blame everyone for being racist because they like to deflect from the fact that they are the racists .
thanks larry, we now have a black man and a white man to compare cases.
everyone in AMERICA knows about PENNEY, no one knows about WILLIAMS.
Mr. Elders,
Very happy to see your column on this page.
My best good wishes for your endeavors.- Ram
Unless you’re Albino, you are a “Person of color”, it just depends upon how much color, or melanin your skin has in it.
I’ve heard them say that white is a freak of nature just like a white buffalo, white deer or anything albino.
Of course this was during black history month when the white man stole all the inventions from the black man like when Thomas Edison’s black janitor dropped the filament material into some carbon and then hooked it up and made the first artificial light. circa 1990’s sacramento kommiefornia on the radio.
I guess it’s true because black people believe it.
So long as it favors them.
That is really a story about a black janitor? Geezzz…I guess the Write Brothers stole the first flight from, who I wonder? Must have been “Falcon”. Who else?