Brownells – Frank Talk About Guns March 2009

Brownells – Frank Talk About Guns March 2009
Semi-Automatic Pistols And Semi-Automatic Rifles Are Sizzling Hot…

Frank B -
Frank B - – -( Right now, the semi-automatic pistols and semi-automatic rifles are sizzling hot in the industry and in the minds of our customers. The good news about the condition of the marketplace is that some of the manufacturers are catching up to their backlog. While they are not really “current” in the sense we all think of, the backorder lists are starting to have some delivery dates in them. If you’re concerned about the availability of AR-15 parts or 1911 parts or the other semi-automatic pistol parts, now is the time to get your order in and “get in line”. It appears that the manufacturers have ramped up production – cautiously – and most, though not all, are performing better. None of us know when this “bubble” will burst or whether there may be a premature popping due to restrictive legislation which may or may not get into the pipeline. The trial balloon from the administration on the AR-15 ban went up in an interview within the last couple of days. Don’t know if it got any traction yet or not.

In times like these, where our firearms industry is outperforming the economy, we all have to be wondering when we will slow down just like everybody around us has done. But slow down it will – sometime – which means now is the time to start laying the groundwork for the continued success of your business or your passion. We’ve got three really simple recommendations to get you ready for this slowdown when it happens:

  1. Invest in your future through your personal education. Take the time to learn a new skill today to broaden your product and service offering in the future. My Daddy always said, “They can’t take away what you’ve got stored in your brain.” He told me this more than 50 years ago when I was still in high school. And, that admonition still holds true.
  2. Develop a much broader network of people than you have right now. There is a direct correlation between the number of people you know and your future success. This “pool” of contacts is the group from which you’re going to draw ideas, potential business opportunities, and links to other people who can be resourses or just plain helpful.
  3. Be consistent with your service levels and pricing. Never let your attention to customer relationships drop no matter how large the workload on your bench. And review your pricing policies to make sure they reflect genuine customer service. In other words, never gouge your customers because a product is hard to get and you have some in stock. Believe me, they will always remember. And, frankly, they should!

As a way for you to jump-start list items 1 and 2 above, we are conducting our “Brownells Career Fair” on April 17th & 18th, 2009. When we started these events 3 years ago, we called them “Job Fairs”, but they have grown into a much broader project to the extent that we’ve enhanced the education component, and we’ve invited more attendees so you can broaden your networking. This year I’m personally delighted to announce that we have renowned gunsmith and stock maker Jerry Fisher coming. He’s here to visit with you both one-on-one and in round-tables to pass along to you the enormous experience he’s gained over a life-time of making some of the world’s most beautiful guns. We’ll also have seminars on how-to grow your business, how to improve yourself and to get to the success you want. Plus, there will be new and seasoned gunsmiths in attendance looking for employment possibilities. This is a great time and place to take a deep breath and focus on your business.

In our time of success right now, we should also consider how we can further strengthen our Gunsmithing Industry. One way to do this is to tell your stories of success or to pass on those “pearls of wisdom” that you as a shop owner or gunsmith have lived by. We really would like you to send us your stories of successes and advice. We’ll post them on, in future WebBenchs, and our printed Newsletters.

Brownells is the world’s largest supplier of firearm parts, gunsmithing tools, equipment and accessories. Stocking more than 30,000 items, the company supplies armorers, gunsmiths, and shooters worldwide. All of their products are backed by a 100% satisfaction, unconditional, lifetime guarantee. To order, or for more information, call 800-741-0015 or visit